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Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:43 am
by Zefz
One of the major advantages of using simple text as opposed to binary datafiles is that anyone can modify the game using a simple text editor.

Many of the contributors to this community were attracted to Egoboo's simplicity in modding and editing the game content. Sacrificing this simplicity for optimization reasons can create a barrier for new contributors.

Anyways, I agree with you on script files, I was mainly concerned about the data.txt files each object in the game has.

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:11 pm
by bitnapper
I'm some kind of 'Tool-Builder'.

So if you find a better way for scripting and all the other definitions, then I'm ready to write tools for converting the given text-file-format(s) into the new text format(s). I just need the definitions. I always thought of some kind of a simple BASIC for the scripts. I also think, the whole game should have a 'data-driven' approach, which would make it easy to expand and to understand for modders how this expansions work.
For tests, it would be great to have an interpreter of some kind for the scripts.

Also, instead of running the scripts at every loop they should only be started if needed. And the rendering of the game should be held apart from the games logic itself.

How about using Code-Blocks as IDE ? It's platform independent, so it should be easier to work cross-platform. What do you think ?
Also, IMHO it would be easier to check out, if the 'data' would be held apart from the SVN Or at least not in the 'game' directory. It's directory could easily be given by a basic configuration file which is loaded at the very start of the program.

I agree, that it should be easy to create/modify some levels. E.g. the models for display of items as well as the icons could be merged in a global directory to reduce the amout of data (especially redundant models / textures). The multiple particle definitions could be merged into one file, if simplified.

@zefz: It seems to be that the SVN on SF is now locked (I cant work in the 'bitnapper'-branch anymore).

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:49 pm
by Zefz
With CMake the individual developer preference of IDE or text editor doesn't really matter. I personally prefer Sublime Text and just Makefile for compiling (plus GDB for debugging). Using TDM-GCC on Windows, this allows all three platforms to use the same compiler which is a great bonus to ensure portability.

I'll take a look to why your SVN is locked. Would you not prefer it was transferred to GitHub or something similar? (emphasis on git)

[EDIT]: Try now bitnapper. I have given the Developer group Update premission.

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:17 am
by egofoo
So hand's up. Who will be working on the GitHub version? If there are more people than just pf and
me, then I delay further refactorings and work on CMake build files first. I provide a basic CMake
file that works for Visual Studio and Code::Blocks systems and then the other devs add the
necessary extensions for their preferred toolchains (if needed; most likely Windows requires
most work) until all systems of used by developers are covered. For the SVN vs. GitHub; doesn't
SF provide a Git repo? We could then just sync with the GitHub repo from time to time, for instance,
to make releases? Also, if more people fork on GitHub this looks good.

P.S.: Can I make a sticky post with a roadmap as a reference for discussions?

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:24 am
by Zefz
I doubt I want to spend time developing Egoboo as I had before, but I will follow with interest to see where this goes. Maybe I can find some time to submit pull requests in the future, once a proper build system is setup. I do not plan to take as active role in development as I had before though.

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:26 am
by penguinflyer5234
egofoo wrote:P.S.: Can I make a sticky post with a roadmap as a reference for discussions?
You can make a post; I'll sticky it.

(I guess I really need to learn CMake)

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:56 am
by egofoo
The note that development is going on on GitHub is still missing! There is a link but it is confusing to people what and where they should work on. Please get that done asap, we need more developers and/or attention as soon as possible without confusing potential developers.
Basically do something like that:

Code: Select all

<Usual project description>

ATTENTION ALL DEVELOPERS (or something alike):
<Explain that new commits should be done on GitHub and repeat the Link>.
And still no info on who is in charge of the website :(

I still think we should somehow use for instance the Git repository that SF provides as a mirror for the GitHub repo.
If zezf agrees then we could erase the Git repository of SF and start mirroring as of today. That would also ensure
that the source is always available (I neither trust SF nor GH w.r.t. data security).

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:15 am
by Zefz
There is a link on the Egoboo project page to GitHub:

I've added a GIT repository to SourceForge here:

It is currently empty...

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:29 am
by egofoo
Zefz wrote:There is a link on the Egoboo project page to GitHub:

I've added a GIT repository to SourceForge here:

It is currently empty...
Excellent solution. Basically we display the GitHub repo from SF? However, this is odd. The link basically shows the GitHub repo link but does not display its content? The URL displayed in the box looks odd, too. It should be a standard clone url like "" (cfg. the clone URL box on GitHub). Somehow you have entered the URL to the repo? Did you use or some other URL?

Sorry, I can't really help you with that just from looking at the SF site.

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:59 am
by penguinflyer5234
There's nothing in the SourceForge git repo, it looks like we're have to push it by hand.
The clone URL's description is "Override the checkout URL with an external one. This is useful if this repository is a mirror of another, canonical repository."

Also I don't see a link to GitHub on our project page...?

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:03 pm
by egofoo
penguinflyer5234 wrote:There's nothing in the SourceForge git repo, it looks like we're have to push it by hand.
The clone URL's description is "Override the checkout URL with an external one. This is useful if this repository is a mirror of another, canonical repository."

Also I don't see a link to GitHub on our project page...?
Ok; so can someone set-up proper access rights? My account on SF is I can initiate the first push tonight for that we get the basic stuff in and then i just make weekly syncs (or I manage to set-up a GitHub hook that automates the pushes). Or does SF provide some option there? By-hand should really the last resort solution.

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:23 pm
by penguinflyer5234
You have Git access. git repo is at (ssh/https)://

If I'm understanding things right, to get things to possibly work you'll need an SSH key on SF that somehow GitHub uses for pushing? It may or may not be possible...

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:11 pm
by egofoo
If I can manage the repo, then I can also do the updates. So we have a issue/non-issue. I test the access using my normal tools (SourceTree) tomorrow, I think it will work out of course. At least I can sync by hand then. This is sufficient as I can then also get
changes from the SF repo into the GH repo if some developer uses the wrong one.

I emphasize the following again:
Developers today expect things to stated clearly. They don't want to ask in forums, they don't want to talk to you to start working on a project. You will meet them when they fork/send you a pull request/file a bug report (there's a reason why GH does not need forums). If they don't find proper instructions, they are gone, eventually forever. They must see where to go with one glance at the projects page. That's why a good visible note in the project description for developers to move to the GH repo is imperative.

Basically the page should look like

Code: Select all

Egoboo is a working cool 3D dungeon crawling game in the spirit of NetHack.
It supports Windows, Linux and Mac.

Egoboo Website >   ∙   Egoboo Forums >   ∙   Egoboo Repository >
(I took the freedom to fix the odd wording "Currently it is supported by ..." :D)
I think we're good then.

Last question: Should we simply *hide* the SVN link in the header (do *not* delete/erase the repo)?
We have imported the full SVN into the Git repo. Once we have synced, the SVN is basically obsolete?

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:26 pm
by Zefz
I found no way of actually hiding the SVN repo tool, only complete deletion seems possible.

I see the main website has been updated as well (pf5234?), although some news for devs on what currently is happening (porting to c++, SDL2, GIT, etc.) would also be nice to eventually attract other coders.

Re: Looking for some Dev

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:39 pm
by egofoo
Nice; obviously pf can update the website. That is, let's definitly assemble the roadmap (I'm on it) and then we can summarize a post from the roadmap. Obviously I am not a native speaker which means, whatever i write up (i.e. the roadmap) should be proof read by a native speaker. I know that things like that are not that important to many projects (or not important nowadays in general), but they are to me.