Modbaker Development

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Cobol (Esteemed member)
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Post by Seanbot »

I've been experimenting in wxWidgets in C++, but it's as complicated as Latin multiplied by English, couldn't even make it through the hello world program.
Moogirl wrote: [19:47:14] ­period jokes = not cool
[19:47:23] ­no wait it's the anus
[19:47:25] ­wtf
[19:47:46] ­a cloud cannot have that much blood
Tome Mimic (Module Baker)
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Post by xenom[GER] »

Seanbot wrote:The tooltip does not change for me...
Yeah, tooltips are currently disabled in SVN (looks like I forgot to re-enable them after changing how the GUI works).
The minimap for quick-jumping is a nice idea!
I'm currently thinking of a better GUI library than guichan, but I didn't find a lightweight one yet that fits my purposes.

And yes: This is a debug build. So you will find debug / error messages in the files stdout.txt or stderr.txt.
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Cobol (Esteemed member)
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Post by Seanbot »

What GUI libraries have you tried so far?
Moogirl wrote: [19:47:14] ­period jokes = not cool
[19:47:23] ­no wait it's the anus
[19:47:25] ­wtf
[19:47:46] ­a cloud cannot have that much blood
Tome Mimic (Module Baker)
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Post by xenom[GER] »

I've tried nothing except Guichan.

Things I looked at:
- CeGUI (tooo heavy for my taste)
- Awesomium (using Google Chrome to render UIs via HTML, CSS and JavaScript)
- Self-written GUI
- OGRE, Irrlicht etc. (also usable for rendering etc).
- wxWidgets

Yesterday I tried to write a small wxWidgets UI for a demo OpenGL project. The UI is not startable yet (causes a Segfault), but I want to try out how the performance is.
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Post by Seanbot »

Those are about all I could have suggested.

Personally, I am interested in your rendering system, you write the whole thing from scratch you say, did you get any tutorials, are there 3D functions in OpenGL, or did you have to write math for it all yourself.
Moogirl wrote: [19:47:14] ­period jokes = not cool
[19:47:23] ­no wait it's the anus
[19:47:25] ­wtf
[19:47:46] ­a cloud cannot have that much blood
Tome Mimic (Module Baker)
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Post by xenom[GER] »

I was using a lot of the OpenGL tutorials from NeHe (

OpenGL provides 3d functions like glRotate (rotate an object), glScale (scale an object) and glTranslate (move an object).
With those combined, you can create almost everything you want.
If you want to load and render a model, you have to write something on your own (or use code snippets / libraries from someone else).
This is where OGRE / irrlicht come into play.
They sit "on top" of OpenGL and provide functions to load and render textures, models more easily.
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Tome Mimic (Module Baker)
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Post by xenom[GER] »

Ok, now I've created a small demo application using wxwidgets and OpenGL.
I'm currently creating a new GUI for ModBaker (I'd like to move away from guichan).

Lately, progress is going very slow, because I've got way too much to do at work :-/
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Post by Zefz »

Awesome :) Maybe can I now too get it to compile correctly when you get guichan replaced!
Cobol (Esteemed member)
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Post by Seanbot »

Just a few seconds ago came across Clutter, which is OpenGL and SDL compliant.
Just in case you want to check it out, but hey, nice to have a new build.

(Started experimenting with OpenGL myself now.)
Moogirl wrote: [19:47:14] ­period jokes = not cool
[19:47:23] ­no wait it's the anus
[19:47:25] ­wtf
[19:47:46] ­a cloud cannot have that much blood
Tome Mimic (Module Baker)
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Post by xenom[GER] »

Today I've added OpenGL support to my basic application via an wxGlCanvas.

Also the first features already got implemented:
- menu layout with submenus, tabs, status bar, ...
- an onClick event for the OpenGL canvas
- an exit button ;-)

It's progressing very slow, but I hope that I've got enough time to keep improving it in the next weeks :-)
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Post by Zefz »

Awesome :) Maybe we can finally get that guichan out of the way :P
Tome Mimic (Module Baker)
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Post by xenom[GER] »

Hm, is there a form of template for the walls created by Egomap?

Wall fans seem to have more than just four vertices. Is there a formula to calculate the vertices, or do I have to define them manually for every fan type?
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Post by Zefz »

Isn't this the fans.txt that is included with Egoboo and EgoMap?
Number of Fan Types: 26

0 Two Faced Ground...
Vertices: 4
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Commands: 1
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0

1 Two Faced Ground...
Vertices: 4
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Commands: 1
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3

2 Four Faced Ground...
Vertices: 5
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 5 U: 0.50 V: 0.50
Commands: 1
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3

3 Eight Faced Ground...
Vertices: 9
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.50 V: 0.00
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.50
Ref: 13 U: 0.50 V: 1.00
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.50
Ref: 5 U: 0.50 V: 0.50
Commands: 1
Command Size: 10
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 3

4 Ten Face Pillar...
Vertices: 8
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 5 U: 0.33 V: 0.33
Ref: 6 U: 0.66 V: 0.33
Ref: 10 U: 0.66 V: 0.66
Ref: 9 U: 0.33 V: 0.66
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 6

5 Eighteen Faced Pillar...
Vertices: 16
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 5 U: 0.33 V: 0.33
Ref: 6 U: 0.66 V: 0.33
Ref: 10 U: 0.66 V: 0.66
Ref: 9 U: 0.33 V: 0.66
Commands: 4
Command Size: 10
Vrt: 15
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 12
Vrt: 13
Vrt: 14
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 3
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 13
Vrt: 12
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 14
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 12
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 14
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 8

6 Blank...
Vertices: 0
Commands: 0

7 Blank...
Vertices: 0
Commands: 0

8 Six Faced Wall (WE)...
Vertices: 8
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Commands: 2
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 4
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1

9 Six Faced Wall (NS)...
Vertices: 8
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Commands: 2
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 6
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2

10 Blank...
Vertices: 0
Commands: 0

11 Blank...
Vertices: 0
Commands: 0

12 Eight Faced Wall (W)...
Vertices: 8
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 6 U: 0.66 V: 0.33
Ref: 10 U: 0.66 V: 0.66
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 0

13 Eight Faced Wall (N)...
Vertices: 8
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 10 U: 0.66 V: 0.66
Ref: 9 U: 0.33 V: 0.66
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 1

14 Eight Faced Wall (E)...
Vertices: 8
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 5 U: 0.33 V: 0.33
Ref: 9 U: 0.33 V: 0.66
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 3
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 2

15 Eight Faced Wall (S)...
Vertices: 8
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Ref: 5 U: 0.33 V: 0.33
Ref: 6 U: 0.66 V: 0.33
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 3

16 Ten Faced Wall (WS)...
Vertices: 10
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 6 U: 0.66 V: 0.33
Ref: 9 U: 0.33 V: 0.66
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 3
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 4

17 Ten Faced Wall (NW)...
Vertices: 10
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 5 U: 0.33 V: 0.33
Ref: 10 U: 0.66 V: 0.66
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 6
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 6

18 Ten Faced Wall (NE)...
Vertices: 10
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 6 U: 0.66 V: 0.33
Ref: 9 U: 0.33 V: 0.66
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 9
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4

19 Ten Faced Wall (ES)...
Vertices: 10
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Ref: 5 U: 0.33 V: 0.33
Ref: 10 U: 0.66 V: 0.66
Commands: 2
Command Size: 8
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 4

20 Twelve Faced Wall (WSE)...
Vertices: 12
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 10 U: 0.66 V: 0.66
Ref: 9 U: 0.33 V: 0.66
Commands: 3
Command Size: 9
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 3
Command Size: 5
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 6
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1

21 Twelve Faced Wall (NWS)...
Vertices: 12
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 5 U: 0.33 V: 0.33
Ref: 9 U: 0.33 V: 0.66
Commands: 3
Command Size: 9
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 8
Command Size: 5
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 8
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2

22 Twelve Faced Wall (ENW)...
Vertices: 12
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 5 U: 0.33 V: 0.33
Ref: 6 U: 0.66 V: 0.33
Commands: 3
Command Size: 9
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 8
Command Size: 5
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3

23 Twelve Faced Wall (SEN)...
Vertices: 12
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Ref: 6 U: 0.66 V: 0.33
Ref: 10 U: 0.66 V: 0.66
Commands: 3
Command Size: 9
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 9
Command Size: 5
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 6
Command Size: 4
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0

24 Twelve Faced Stair (WE)...
Vertices: 14
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 1 U: 0.16 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.33 V: 0.00
Ref: 2 U: 0.50 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 0.66 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 0.83 V: 0.00
Ref: 14 U: 0.83 V: 1.00
Ref: 14 U: 0.66 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.50 V: 1.00
Ref: 13 U: 0.33 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.16 V: 1.00
Commands: 3
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 13
Vrt: 3
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 12
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 12
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 10
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 2

25 Twelve Faced Stair (NS)...
Vertices: 14
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.00
Ref: 15 U: 1.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 12 U: 0.00 V: 1.00
Ref: 3 U: 1.00 V: 0.16
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 7 U: 1.00 V: 0.50
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 11 U: 1.00 V: 0.83
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.83
Ref: 8 U: 0.00 V: 0.66
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.50
Ref: 4 U: 0.00 V: 0.33
Ref: 0 U: 0.00 V: 0.16
Commands: 3
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 13
Vrt: 0
Vrt: 1
Vrt: 4
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 12
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 11
Vrt: 12
Vrt: 5
Vrt: 6
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 10
Command Size: 6
Vrt: 9
Vrt: 10
Vrt: 7
Vrt: 8
Vrt: 2
Vrt: 3
Tome Mimic (Module Baker)
Tome Mimic (Module Baker)
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Post by xenom[GER] »

Yeah, for some parts you're right.
This line only indicate the texturing of the fan:

Code: Select all

Ref: 0    U: 0.00    V: 0.00
The "commands" and "command size" indicate the number of vertices, that's also should be no problem.

What I'm missing is a rule on where to place all those vertices within the current fan (so the program knows where to place all those vertices). I think this information isn't stored in fans.txt...

I couldn't find something like a formula for calculationg the vertex locations yet (I've looked at the EgoMap source, but that part of the code is kinda confusing to me :-/).
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Post by bgbirdsey »

look in the egomap code. There is some macros called NEARHI and NEARLOW. You can see how the code uses this to translate the uv coordinates to height for tiles.
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