Let's Whine About Catacombs 1... *Spoilers*

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Post by MassaHunter »

yeah, I had the idea because I couldn't find the egowiki
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Post by MassaHunter »

if somebody needs a walktrough for the catacoms 1....
Walkthrough for Catacombs Level 1

Walk into the 5 things and put the sporks on them(just walk on them) Then get out of there. Turn right. kill the 2 skeletons and then you will find 5 switches. This is the order:
These may vary.

You will get a key. Use the key to open the door. go into the wall to pass that part, because if you fall, you're dead, and you will see a pattern on the ground. Remember it! you will see another key, pick it and use it on the door. Then the floor is black. you're going to have to pass that part just like before, but now you will have to jump on some parts. Then grab the key and get out of that place. Kill the bats andgo right. pick up the money in the chest and go up. you will se 4 sarcophagus, go left and then U will be in the middle of two pillars.go right and pass the ghouls. now you turn left, because if u go straight, you will fall. There should be a zombi left. There is a door with a lock on it. use your key and kill the butcher. grab the boss key and go straight out of the room. you will be at the beggining. this time, go left(in the beggining you went to the right), then light up the brazier and pass through the floating floors. don't fall or you'll die! and those things disappear quickly!
Ok, keep it on then open a door and some bats will appear. crush them.go straight and don't turn left or you will die. then you will see something on the floor. Remember that pattern?
O= white
o= blue

use it here and get a key!
keep walking. now you are at the sarcophagus again. turn left and kill the shuffling heap(green thing) then go up and kill the skeletons. keep walking and you will find some ghouls and a blue skull (careful) then jump on the buttons with a lock pattern and the gate will open, do it again then push the switch and the gate will open. then use the boss key on the dorr and here's the Boss! Congratulations! (if you win, of course!)
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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

MassaHunter wrote:This is the order:
These may vary.
Don't include them then, just a tip.
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Post by Zefz »

I did some minor updates to the text.
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