[RPG] The Dark Revolution (Press Start to play!)

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Potion Mimic (Senior Member)
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Post by Shade »

Spoiler: GP: 28
- [50 GP] Reversal: Reverses the digits of the HP and MP of all beings involved in the battle (however, the max HP/MP can't be surpassed this way). [GP]% chance of success for each target.
- [60 GP] Purge: [GP/2] magical Atk (Lght), [GPx2] Hit, 25 Crt. Engulfs all enemies in a huge beam of light and burns them. 25% chance of dazzling each target for 3 turns.
- [70 GP] Recovery: Heals [GP/4] HP and [GP/2] MP of all party members and removes the Poison, Dazzled and Paralyzed status ailments.
Gold: 205
ToD: Morning; Rain
---~ Party ~------------------------------------------------------
HP: 56/56 | MP: 34/45 | Cover | Hood (Cimeries)
HP: 31/31 | FP : 54/65 | Cover | Erika (pf5234)
HP: 46/46 | SP: 18/34 | Cover | Gloria (pf2222) | Protected (Hart)
HP: 25/50 | MP: 00/00 | Front | Hart (Ditto) | Last Stand
HP: 55/55 | Wi: 12/12 | Front | Mathia (Seanbot)
HP: 40/40 | MP: 15/32 | Front | Carlita (AoD)
HP: 29/29 | FP: 13/21 | Cover | Tucca (unliketea) | +5 Luk (4 turns)
HP: 05/05 | 17 Atk, 092 Hit, 9 Crt | Front | Animated Battle Axe
- Party enchantment: +1 Res -

Note @ unliketea: I'll always do your FP degeneration at the beginning of the turn, so if you only have 5 FP left before the turn and try to cast something for 4 FP, it won't work. Just saying.

Tucca uses Luck of the Gods (5 FP) on himself: +5 LUK for 4 turns

You cautiously enter the inn, one after the other. After all of you have entered, the door instantly closes itself again. You try to open it again, but it yet again seems to be locked...
You get a strange feeling in here. On the one hand, the whole room seems forsaken, downright eerie; but on the other hand, it also seems strangely calming. It's completely silent in here; not even the crackling of the fire outside can be heard. Only your own breaths interrupt the silence. Also, when trying to look outside through the windows, all you see is pitch black darkness; you almost get the feeling that you're no longer located in Tayto town...
It's pretty dim in here, but from what you can see, everything in the inn seems to be the exact same as you remember it from before (excluding Tucca, of course, since he hasn't been inside before). The only thing that's missing is the innkeeper, as well as the keys to the rooms in the upper floor.
Suddenly, you hear the sound of shattering glass from the upper floor... ...then silence again.
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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Gloria, Level 5 Shaman (Cover)
HP: 46/46
SP: 18/34
XP: 68
AP: 67
19 Atk | 125 Hit | 15 Crt
12 Def | 12 Res | 50 Avd | 15 CEv
Weapon: Saber (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Green Cloak (2 Def, 2 Res, 10 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (3/7):
- Soul bottle (7/7 souls)

- Healing (3 SP): Heal an ally by 30 HP, or heal three allies by 25. 338 AP
- Soul Fire (5 SP): Shoots fire at an enemy for POW*1.25 Fire DMG43 AP
- Cure (5 SP): Cures poisons/paralysis. 100 AP
- Soul Splinter(4 SP): Splinters an enemy's soul, causing them to become unstable and lose [LUK/2] DEF, which in the form of a soul shard is collected and given to allies until end of battle. No soul can be obtained from the enemy.72 AP
Soul user: Gloria uses souls for magical stuff, and can use souls to refill SP, or store souls in her soul jar. They are obtained by the party killing enemies.80 AP
POW: 12
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
LUK: 10
DEF: 10
RES: 10

Fire: 0%
Erth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Watr: 0%
Lght: 0%
Dark: 0%

One day Gloria was walking in the woods with her daddy when suddenly some cloaked guys came out of a bush and kidnappededed him. They also told Gloria to "stay out of the woods, kiddy. It's dangerous." Gloria's father, descended from a hero named Kreon who never came back, might never come back. Unless, maybe.... Gloria could save him, somerhow. Gloria had been having strange dreams, anyway, maybe this would have something to do with it. So she followed her dream of becomning a shaman, then set out to save him.
"Proceed up the stairs."
"AoD, stop reminding me of Dr. Seuss. :P"
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Jungle Warrior (Committed contributor)
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Post by Ditto »

Hart, Lvl 1 Armored Warrior (Front)
Image HP: 25/50
Image XP: 33/100
Image AP: 28
17 Atk | 95 Hit | 0 Crt
19 Def | 17 Res | 0 Avd | 0 CAvd
Weapon: Defender (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Heavy Plate (4 Def, 2 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items (5/7):
-Steel Lance [14 Atk, 70 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Steel Armor [5 Def, 0 Res, 0 Avd]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]

-Last Stand (-70 AP): When Harts HP drops below 50%, he can choose to go into
a stance where he takes 50% less damage, but deals 75% less damage.
-Guardian (-140 AP): Hart can choose to go into a stance in which he guards his comrades, reducing damage dealt to people in cover by 50%, but increasing damage dealt to him by 50%.

-Too Big (+70 AP): Hart has 20 less avoid and hit, as well as 10 less
crit and crit avoid, being an easy target to hit and anticipate.

-Protect (-132 AP): At all times, one person can be guarded by Hart. This person cannot be attacked until Hart's HP drops to 0, and all attacks that are aimed at this player will be redirected to Hart.

POW: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 0
LUK: 0
DEF: 15
RES: 15

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%

Much earlier, before the invasion of the Dark Dawn, Harts ancestors
lived in peace. But soon enough, their village was attacked by golems.
They fought off the onslaught, but the village was cursed- all of their
children would be twice as large as the normal man, but they would
mature twice as quickly- and therefore life half the normal lifespan.

The children of the village were outcasts of society for long, hated
and thought of as freaks, even demons, despite their small differences
from the common man.

After entire countries and races were wiped out during the reign of
Thanos, prejudices against the few cursed humans were pushed aside,
and they were eventually accepted into society- there was no room for
such hate when the world needed to be rebuilt.

But with people forgetting about the dark age of Thanos, old hatreds
are starting to rise again. Hart is one of the last of his people,
living in a world where he again feels like an outcast. With the new rise of the Dark Dawn, Hart wants to prove his worth- not only to his own people, but to the other people of the world.

-Attack whichever enemy most people are attacking if possible.
-If there are ranged attackers, go on guardian stance. Otherwise, go on Last Stand if:
1. All of Harts party in the cover row is dead.
2. The enemies are all meleers.
"Let's go." Hart runs up the stairs.
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."

Chest Mimic (Community member)
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Post by unliketea »

Tucca the Evangelist Level 1 (Cover)
HP: 29/29
FA: 13/21
XP: 0
AP: 165
19 Atk | 105+5 Hit | 19+2 Crt
6 Def | 7 Res | 38+5 Avd | 12+5 CEv
Weapon: Leather Sling 4 Atk, 65 Hit, 4Crt
Armour: Stained White Cloak, ripped off at the knees 1 Def, 2 Res, 15 Avd
Affects: Luck of the Gods +5 LUK (4 turns)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items: (1/7)
> A belt pack -2 Avd worn about the waist contains:
--> 15 small rocks +0 Atk, +0 Hit, +0 Crt

> None

Prayers (Self Only):
> Fervent Prayer 0 Fa: Increases FA by POW+LUK% of Max FA. AP: 80
> Luck of the Gods 1+N Fa: Increases LUK by POW/3. Lasts N turns. This effect does not stack. AP: 75

Prayers (targetted):
> None

> Distracted: Suffer -1 FA/turn degen. +10% chance to reduce each prayer's effectiveness by 50%. AP: +60
> Forgetful: Suffer -1 Fa/turn degen. +10% chance each prayer fails. AP: +70
> Righteousness: While Tucca is above 50% FA, he is able to utter 1 prayer during his normal non-prayer action. AP: 110

> POW:15
> SKL:10
> AGI:5
> LUK:10
> DEF:5
> RES:5

> Fire: 0%
> Erth: 0%
> Wind: 0%
> Watr: 0%
> Lght: 0%
> Dark: 0%
Tucca grew up in the church where the Priests trained him in the ways of godly fellowship. They recognized his sincere fervor, and his passion for the gods often carried through into the large crowds assembled for tithing. However, his habit of forgetting rites mid-ceremony was a continual embarassment as Tucca grew older. By the time he was 16, Tucca was no longer in good graces with the Church.

On his 18th birthday, the Church sent him away. He was to travel to lands unknown and preach the ways of fellowship and show the power of faith. However, he was to do this alone, and under no circumstances was he to return to the church unless sent for by a High Priest. Tucca understood his politically correct exile, and for the period of a day or two, he moped about the countryside. But as is his tendency, he was quickly distracted from his somber mood, forgot about his 'exile', and went gallivanting forth to preach the principles of fellowship and faith.

The time on the road has aged the young fellow. His ragged curls and unkempt beard belie his youth. But despite his appearance, Tucca maintains a warm smile and twinkling eyes. His peculiar yet all too common gait that is nearly a hop and not quite a skip make it hard to mistake his peaceful and joyful frame of mind.
Spoiler: Unlearned
> Clarity [3*N Fa]: Ignore Distracted and Forgetful effects. Lasts [N] turns. [AP: 20]
> Selfless Martyrdom [N Fa]: The next time the target receives damage, up to [N*10] of it is redirected to Tucca and generates Faith equal to [100%] of the damage taken. [AP: 60]
> Divine Mantle [2+N Fa]: Increases target's RES by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Divine Armor [2+N Fa]: Increases target's DEF by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Radiance [2*N Fa]: Heals target for [POW] each turn for [N] turns. Stackable. [AP: 145]
> Blast of Light [3*N Fa]: Deal [POW+LUK] Lght damage to target, deal [POW] Fire damage for the next [N] turns. The burning effect does not stack. [AP: 180]
OOC Text | IC thoughts | IC Spoken
"First missing people, now a missing town. Perhaps we have become one of those missing people too." Seeing Hart dart up the stairs Tuc trots on after. "I'm really no good at fighting you know ... no good at all" ... Tuc mutters a fervent prayer while climbing the stairs.
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Potion Mimic (Senior Member)
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Post by Shade »

Spoiler: GP: 28
- [50 GP] Reversal: Reverses the digits of the HP and MP of all beings involved in the battle (however, the max HP/MP can't be surpassed this way). [GP]% chance of success for each target.
- [60 GP] Purge: [GP/2] magical Atk (Lght), [GPx2] Hit, 25 Crt. Engulfs all enemies in a huge beam of light and burns them. 25% chance of dazzling each target for 3 turns.
- [70 GP] Recovery: Heals [GP/4] HP and [GP/2] MP of all party members and removes the Poison, Dazzled and Paralyzed status ailments.
Gold: 205
ToD: Morning; Rain
---~ Party ~------------------------------------------------------
HP: 56/56 | MP: 34/45 | Cover | Hood (Cimeries)
HP: 31/31 | FP : 54/65 | Cover | Erika (pf5234)
HP: 46/46 | SP: 18/34 | Cover | Gloria (pf2222) | Protected (Hart)
HP: 25/50 | MP: 00/00 | Front | Hart (Ditto) | Last Stand
HP: 55/55 | Wi: 12/12 | Front | Mathia (Seanbot)
HP: 40/40 | MP: 15/32 | Front | Carlita (AoD)
HP: 29/29 | FP: 17/21 | Cover | Tucca (unliketea) | +5 Luk (3 turns)
HP: 05/05 | 17 Atk, 092 Hit, 9 Crt | Front | Animated Battle Axe
- Party enchantment: +1 Res -

Tucca uses Fervent Prayer: +6 FP restored

You run up the stairs to check what has happened, but when you arrive upstairs, you see that one of the windows up here have been broken. The shards are scattered all over the floor near it, too. However, when you go closer to take a look outside, again all you see is pitch black darkness - you could probably climb outside if you wanted to, but there's no way to tell what happens if you do. Turning away from the demolished window, you can only see a really long corridor with wooden doors at both sides; in fact, the corridor appears to be so long that you can't even see the end of it...
Suddenly, you hear a voice coming from the corridor - one that sounds strangely familiar... ...in a bad way...
"Welcome, welcome! I do not have guests around here very often. Have you come here to rest? I'm afraid that like anyone else, if you want to stay tonight, you'll have to pay first..."
Suddenly, the voice becomes strangely distorted.
...with your lives. Ahahahahaha..."
Despite being pretty certain that the voice comes from the corridor, you don't see anyone standing there...
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Jungle Warrior (Committed contributor)
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Post by Ditto »

Hart, Lvl 1 Armored Warrior (Front)
Image HP: 25/50
Image XP: 33/100
Image AP: 28
17 Atk | 95 Hit | 0 Crt
19 Def | 17 Res | 0 Avd | 0 CAvd
Weapon: Defender (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Heavy Plate (4 Def, 2 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items (5/7):
-Steel Lance [14 Atk, 70 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Steel Armor [5 Def, 0 Res, 0 Avd]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]

-Last Stand (-70 AP): When Harts HP drops below 50%, he can choose to go into
a stance where he takes 50% less damage, but deals 75% less damage.
-Guardian (-140 AP): Hart can choose to go into a stance in which he guards his comrades, reducing damage dealt to people in cover by 50%, but increasing damage dealt to him by 50%.

-Too Big (+70 AP): Hart has 20 less avoid and hit, as well as 10 less
crit and crit avoid, being an easy target to hit and anticipate.

-Protect (-132 AP): At all times, one person can be guarded by Hart. This person cannot be attacked until Hart's HP drops to 0, and all attacks that are aimed at this player will be redirected to Hart.

POW: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 0
LUK: 0
DEF: 15
RES: 15

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%

Much earlier, before the invasion of the Dark Dawn, Harts ancestors
lived in peace. But soon enough, their village was attacked by golems.
They fought off the onslaught, but the village was cursed- all of their
children would be twice as large as the normal man, but they would
mature twice as quickly- and therefore life half the normal lifespan.

The children of the village were outcasts of society for long, hated
and thought of as freaks, even demons, despite their small differences
from the common man.

After entire countries and races were wiped out during the reign of
Thanos, prejudices against the few cursed humans were pushed aside,
and they were eventually accepted into society- there was no room for
such hate when the world needed to be rebuilt.

But with people forgetting about the dark age of Thanos, old hatreds
are starting to rise again. Hart is one of the last of his people,
living in a world where he again feels like an outcast. With the new rise of the Dark Dawn, Hart wants to prove his worth- not only to his own people, but to the other people of the world.

-Attack whichever enemy most people are attacking if possible.
-If there are ranged attackers, go on guardian stance. Otherwise, go on Last Stand if:
1. All of Harts party in the cover row is dead.
2. The enemies are all meleers.
Hart groans in irritation. "You, whoever's making that voice. All of us are tired of your creepy games... Show yourself. Unless you're not worth our time...?" Hart was tired of hearing insane madmen rant about how powerful they were. Was that all the dark dawn was capable of?
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."

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Potion Mimic (Senior Member)
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Post by Shade »

Spoiler: GP: 28
- [50 GP] Reversal: Reverses the digits of the HP and MP of all beings involved in the battle (however, the max HP/MP can't be surpassed this way). [GP]% chance of success for each target.
- [60 GP] Purge: [GP/2] magical Atk (Lght), [GPx2] Hit, 25 Crt. Engulfs all enemies in a huge beam of light and burns them. 25% chance of dazzling each target for 3 turns.
- [70 GP] Recovery: Heals [GP/4] HP and [GP/2] MP of all party members and removes the Poison, Dazzled and Paralyzed status ailments.
Gold: 205
ToD: Morning; Rain
---~ Party ~------------------------------------------------------
HP: 56/56 | MP: 34/45 | Cover | Hood (Cimeries)
HP: 31/31 | FP : 54/65 | Cover | Erika (pf5234)
HP: 46/46 | SP: 18/34 | Cover | Gloria (pf2222) | Protected (Hart)
HP: 25/50 | MP: 00/00 | Front | Hart (Ditto) | Last Stand
HP: 55/55 | Wi: 12/12 | Front | Mathia (Seanbot)
HP: 40/40 | MP: 15/32 | Front | Carlita (AoD)
HP: 29/29 | FP: 17/21 | Cover | Tucca (unliketea) | +5 Luk (3 turns)
HP: 05/05 | 17 Atk, 092 Hit, 9 Crt | Front | Animated Battle Axe
- Party enchantment: +1 Res -

The voice now sounds normal again, just distant.
"My, my, how rude! Very well, I shall give you the honor to meet me another time."
Suddenly, a beam of light appears a few meters in front of you, and shortly afterwards, the cultist you met not even an hour ago appears again!
Spoiler: Tucca
Since you haven't met him before:

It's a figure that suspiciously looks like a Dark Dawn cultist of high rank; it wears a dark gray cloak, but you can't tell if it's male or female. It's voice doesn't clearly give it away either. The beam it appeared in, however, was the same as the one you previously saw coming from the sky.
"So, was my advice helpful? Have you been able to save anyone? Or maybe you didn't even encounter anyone to offer your help to? I wonder where they may have gone... I wonder if this fellow would know?"
The figure takes a few steps back and summons another beam of light. As that beam fades, you see someone you know pretty well by now - Vent. However, he looks a bit pale, and his look is completely empty; he doesn't seem to be aware of his surroundings. He is armed with the same gear as when you last met him though, and he looks like he might leap at you any moment...
Spoiler: Tucca & Hart
Since you haven't met him before:

That young man has long, red hair, an extremely pale skin and expressionless reddish eyes. He wears a black cape, a blood-red shirt with a mythril vest above it, black pants and brown half-boots. He is also holding an enormous two-handed sword in his hands.
[spoiler="Tucca"]Judging from the way how pale this fellow looks and how unaware he seems to be of his surroundings, acting very much like a puppet, it appears he is what is commonly referred to as an undead, a creature that only the darkest of all magic could create. It is said that common weapons can hardly even harm them, whereas the blessing of a holy man would heavily damage or even outright destroy them.
"Ahahahaha. You wouldn't happen to know him, would you?"

---~ ??? ~---------------------------------------------------------
HP: ∞/ | MP: 71/71 | Front | Zombie Vent
HP: ???/??? | MP: ???/??? | Cover | DD Cultist (?)
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Jungle Warrior (Committed contributor)
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Post by Ditto »

Hart, Lvl 1 Armored Warrior (Front)
Image HP: 25/50
Image XP: 33/100
Image AP: 28
17 Atk | 95 Hit | 0 Crt
19 Def | 17 Res | 0 Avd | 0 CAvd
Weapon: Defender (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Heavy Plate (4 Def, 2 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items (5/7):
-Steel Lance [14 Atk, 70 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Steel Armor [5 Def, 0 Res, 0 Avd]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]

-Last Stand (-70 AP): When Harts HP drops below 50%, he can choose to go into
a stance where he takes 50% less damage, but deals 75% less damage.
-Guardian (-140 AP): Hart can choose to go into a stance in which he guards his comrades, reducing damage dealt to people in cover by 50%, but increasing damage dealt to him by 50%.

-Too Big (+70 AP): Hart has 20 less avoid and hit, as well as 10 less
crit and crit avoid, being an easy target to hit and anticipate.

-Protect (-132 AP): At all times, one person can be guarded by Hart. This person cannot be attacked until Hart's HP drops to 0, and all attacks that are aimed at this player will be redirected to Hart.

POW: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 0
LUK: 0
DEF: 15
RES: 15

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%

Much earlier, before the invasion of the Dark Dawn, Harts ancestors
lived in peace. But soon enough, their village was attacked by golems.
They fought off the onslaught, but the village was cursed- all of their
children would be twice as large as the normal man, but they would
mature twice as quickly- and therefore life half the normal lifespan.

The children of the village were outcasts of society for long, hated
and thought of as freaks, even demons, despite their small differences
from the common man.

After entire countries and races were wiped out during the reign of
Thanos, prejudices against the few cursed humans were pushed aside,
and they were eventually accepted into society- there was no room for
such hate when the world needed to be rebuilt.

But with people forgetting about the dark age of Thanos, old hatreds
are starting to rise again. Hart is one of the last of his people,
living in a world where he again feels like an outcast. With the new rise of the Dark Dawn, Hart wants to prove his worth- not only to his own people, but to the other people of the world.

-Attack whichever enemy most people are attacking if possible.
-If there are ranged attackers, go on guardian stance. Otherwise, go on Last Stand if:
1. All of Harts party in the cover row is dead.
2. The enemies are all meleers.
Hart grimaced. This cultist again? He certainly looked strong, and he didn't doubt that his skills were as strong as his appearance implied. They could either take him out before he could attack, or run away... Hart utters a whisper to the group. "If we kill him, try to get him before he can attack us... otherwise, run." Hart looks at the cultist, his voice cold. "They're all gone. You probably know that already, though... Since you're clearly going to kill us, why don't you kill me first, in front of everyone else? Oh right, you probably enjoyed my sword in your gut..." Hart goes on guardian stance, in case he attacks the whole group.
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."

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Queen Penguin (Senior Member)
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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Gloria, Level 5 Shaman (Cover)
HP: 46/46
SP: 18/34
XP: 68
AP: 67
19 Atk | 125 Hit | 15 Crt
12 Def | 12 Res | 50 Avd | 15 CEv
Weapon: Saber (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Green Cloak (2 Def, 2 Res, 10 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (3/7):
- Soul bottle (7/7 souls)

- Healing (3 SP): Heal an ally by 30 HP, or heal three allies by 25. 338 AP
- Soul Fire (5 SP): Shoots fire at an enemy for POW*1.25 Fire DMG43 AP
- Cure (5 SP): Cures poisons/paralysis. 100 AP
- Soul Splinter(4 SP): Splinters an enemy's soul, causing them to become unstable and lose [LUK/2] DEF, which in the form of a soul shard is collected and given to allies until end of battle. No soul can be obtained from the enemy.72 AP
Soul user: Gloria uses souls for magical stuff, and can use souls to refill SP, or store souls in her soul jar. They are obtained by the party killing enemies.80 AP
POW: 12
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
LUK: 10
DEF: 10
RES: 10

Fire: 0%
Erth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Watr: 0%
Lght: 0%
Dark: 0%

One day Gloria was walking in the woods with her daddy when suddenly some cloaked guys came out of a bush and kidnappededed him. They also told Gloria to "stay out of the woods, kiddy. It's dangerous." Gloria's father, descended from a hero named Kreon who never came back, might never come back. Unless, maybe.... Gloria could save him, somerhow. Gloria had been having strange dreams, anyway, maybe this would have something to do with it. So she followed her dream of becomning a shaman, then set out to save him.
"Hey Culter, did you brainwash the innkeeper?"
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Agent of Dread
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Post by Agent of Dread »

Carlita, level 4 Telekinetic (Front)
HP: 40/40
MP: 11/32
XP: 87/100
AP: 167
26 Atk | 141 Hit | 39 Crt
08 Def | 06 Res | 65 Avd | 9 CEv
Weapon: Rapier [09 Atk | 85 Hit | 20 Crt]
Armour: Elven Cloak [00 Def | 00 Res | 30 Avd]
------------Amulet of Retribution [02 Def | 02 Res | 00 Avd]
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items - Bag: None
-Amulet of Ykar [00 Def | 02 Res | 05 Avd]
-Amulet of Narzik [00 Def | 01 Res | 10 Avd]
-Blood Dawn Standard
-Life Potion [50 HP]

-Hostage (4 MP per turn): Carlita draws an enemy near, holding her arm around them. All enemy attacks aimed at Carlita are aimed at the enemy targeted instead, who cannot act. Carlita can use almost any other skills in conjunction with this. Can miss. [110 AP]
-Powerslam (4 MP): Carlita raises an enemy high, and then reverses her telekinetic motion, slamming the enemy hard into the ground, dealing POW x 3 + LUK damage. [208 AP]

Image -Hatred: Carlita's ancestors have secretly continued to practice the ways of the Dark Dawn, until she rebelled and killed them to save their suffering. Their blood made her old robes what they were, and she travels her 'Blood Dawn' ways now. +1 Atk on all Dark Dawn enemies hit. The icon is displayed at the top of the status sheet when battling Dark Dawn enemies. [20 AP]

POW: 17
SKL: 17
AGI: 10
LUK: 5
DEF: 6
RES: 4

Carlita was raised into the Dark Dawn, but with the kindness of her father lying underneath the black robes, she remained partly of free will. The longer she spent in these customs the more she ached for freedom, until she struck back, destroying her father and her grandparents from the inside out, with her telekinetic powers she had also secretly practiced from birth. Once she travelled her own ways, she had a Chainsword forged especially for her, which is a sword which can break into something not dissimilar to a whip, but also remain completely rigid. Her dreams have recently become plagued with memories of the Dark Dawn, and feeling the instincts, she struck out to eradicate this madness once and for all. She collects amulets which are created to give her mind free will.

Elements: 0%
Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 20%

Amulets collected: 3
"So be it..."
Carlita uses Hostage on the monster Vent.
"Destroy that bastard!"
- Linktree: linktr.ee/trilbs -
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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Gloria, Level 5 Shaman (Cover)
HP: 46/46
SP: 13/34
XP: 68
AP: 67
19 Atk | 125 Hit | 15 Crt
12 Def | 12 Res | 50 Avd | 15 CEv
Weapon: Saber (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Green Cloak (2 Def, 2 Res, 10 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (3/7):
- Soul bottle (7/7 souls)

- Healing (3 SP): Heal an ally by 30 HP, or heal three allies by 25. 338 AP
- Soul Fire (5 SP): Shoots fire at an enemy for POW*1.25 Fire DMG43 AP
- Cure (5 SP): Cures poisons/paralysis. 100 AP
- Soul Splinter(4 SP): Splinters an enemy's soul, causing them to become unstable and lose [LUK/2] DEF, which in the form of a soul shard is collected and given to allies until end of battle. No soul can be obtained from the enemy.72 AP
Soul user: Gloria uses souls for magical stuff, and can use souls to refill SP, or store souls in her soul jar. They are obtained by the party killing enemies.80 AP
POW: 12
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
LUK: 10
DEF: 10
RES: 10

Fire: 0%
Erth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Watr: 0%
Lght: 0%
Dark: 0%

One day Gloria was walking in the woods with her daddy when suddenly some cloaked guys came out of a bush and kidnappededed him. They also told Gloria to "stay out of the woods, kiddy. It's dangerous." Gloria's father, descended from a hero named Kreon who never came back, might never come back. Unless, maybe.... Gloria could save him, somerhow. Gloria had been having strange dreams, anyway, maybe this would have something to do with it. So she followed her dream of becomning a shaman, then set out to save him.
Gloria uses Soul Fire on Mister Cultist Lady.
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Post by penguinflyer5234 »

Erika the CCXLII, the level 5 Flower Mage (Cover)

HP: 31/31
FP: 47/65
XP: 21
AP: 200

21 Atk | 138 Hit | 21 Crt
6 Def | 10 Res | 43 Avd | 13 CEv

Weapon: Magic Staff (5 Atk | 80 Hit | 0 Crt | +1 Crt on spells)
Armor: Flower Robe (1 Def | 2 Res | 12 Avd)
Spoiler: Items (3/7), Skills/Abilities, Stats
* A collection of pretty flowers [8] (Grants 10 FP for one flower)
* An envelope with the threat letter inside
* a Skull Staff [5 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt; unknown effect]

* Nature Breeze (4 FP): Shoots a powerful wind gust at one target. Does [POW]*1.75 wind damage. (75 AP)
* Rock Placer (7 FP): Places a big boulder over the target, exploding if hit. Does [POW]*2 earth damage. (70+40/32 AP)
* Rain Torrent (7 FP): Hits all enemies with a huge torrent of water from above, dealing [POW]*1.5 water damage to each. (150/120 AP)
* Venus Person-catcher (6 FP): Venus Person-catchers appear from the ground (or floor), and bite 2 enemies for [POW]*2 damage. (135/108 AP)
* Flower Lover: Erika can identify, pick up, store, and use most flowers to gain FP. (80 AP)

POW: 16
SKL: 16
AGI: 7
LUK: 10
DEF: 5
RES: 8

Fire: -20%
Earth: 40%
Water: 0%
Wind: 0%
Light: 10%
Dark: -50%

Erika the CCXLII was descended from the failed hero Ealsir and his wife, Erika the I. Erika the CCXLII's 239 siblings (all called Erika too) all mysteriously died before reaching 5 months of age. Erika the II (Erika the CCXLII's mother) was saddened with grief when each of her babies died without a trace. Just after Erika the CCXLII was born, her mother was kidnappedededed by some strangers at knight. Erika was then raised at the local queendom's palace. (The palace was actually an orphanage) At age 16, she was told how her mother was kidnapped. Since then Erika has had these strange dreamys which involved a lightless sun and a battlefield. After 2 months of these dreams, she decided to leave her "palace" and adventure around the world looking for her kidnapped mommy! YAY!
Erika places a lovely rock over the cultist.
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Post by Cimeries »

Hood (Cenhelm?), Level 06 [19] [Cover]
Image Image
Health: 56/56
Mana: 24/45
Strain: 01/10
23 Atk | 70 Hit | 110 CAcc | 21 Crt
07 Def | 11 +1 Res | 71 Avd | 13 CrtEv
Weapon: Long Sword (9 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt)
Torso: Hooded Shirt (1 Def, 1 Res, 15 Avd)
Hands: Hood's Gauntlets (2 Atk, 1 Def, 1 Res, 5 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Inventory [2/7]:
2 Medicines [Recover 25 HP]
1 Dark Return Scroll [Vent's Room]

Image Divine Lightning [6 Mana, +1 Strain] [90 AP]
A blast of electricity deals Pow/2 + Res/2 light damage to all enemies. [Currently: 10]
1/4 of the total damage dealt from this spell is distributed among Hood's party members as bonus MP/SP.
Gloria must be present and conscious for Hood to use this spell.

Image Earthen Impale [4 Mana] [85 AP]
This spell deals [Pow+Res] earth damage to a single target. (Res from equipment is also considered). [Currently: 24]
In addition, its Crt rate is 20 points higher than Hood's standard Crt.
Marthia must be present and conscious for Hood to use this spell.

Image Phasing [1 Mana, +1 Strain] [70 AP]
Propels the user through space with no regards to material obstacles. Can be used to quickly maneuver through enemy lines, or pass through walls and closed doors. Activating this skill puts 1 unit of strain on the user each time.

Image Animate Weapon [4 Mana, +2 Strain] [200 AP]
Through the channeling of magical energies, this spell infuses weapons with a life. Animated weapons fight for their creator's side. Their base stats (POW, AGI, etc) are equal to half of those that the caster has, and are affected by the weapon's own Atk, Hit, and Crt. Animated weapons have no Def or Res, no Avd, and only 5 Hp. They always take one point of damage upon hit, and 5 upon a critical hit or if they were disenchanted by an enemy spell. Defeated animated weapons are destroyed completely. A weapon cannot be animated if it is already being wielded. Up to three weapons can be controlled at once in this fashion. Casting this spell puts two units of strain on the user.

Image Ghost Shield [6 Mana, +2 Strain] [80 AP]
Hood creates an equip-able ghost shield which has Lvl/2 Def and Res, Level x2 Avd and 5 HP. Whenever its wielder takes damage, the ghost shield loses 1 HP. Ghost shields are destroyed upon reaching 0 HP. Ghost shields may not be sold. Ghost shields disintegrate when disenchanted, regardless of their current HP.
Only 1 ghost shield may be sustained at once.
Ghost shield stats are currently: 2 Def, 2 Res, 10 Avd

Image Blindness [+90 AP]
Hood cannot see plainly with his eyes. He can still visualize his environment in a unique manner through sound, smell and aura, but this form of 'eyesight' has its drawbacks. While this allows him to be uninterrupted by obstacles (allowing him, to some extent, to see through walls and such things), his lack of regular vision makes it terribly difficult to fight well (-70 to hit in melee combat and with ranged weapons. Spellcasting only suffers a -30 hit penalty.)

Image Teaching [80 AP]
If Hood is present during an ally's skill acquisition, the ally only has to pay 80% of the AP he normally would to learn the skill.

Image Strain [+120 AP]
His old age, illnesses and unconventional powers take a great toll on his health. If he is hit in combat, his strain increases by 5% of the damage taken, to a minimum of 1. If his strain ever exceeds maximum, he faints, and cannot regain consciousness until it is at least 50% empty again. Every turn spent completely idle reduces strain by 1. Resting removes all strain. Strain max is currently 10.

Image Warding Aura [110 AP]
An aura of protection is the result of massive magical energy emanating from Hood. As long as Hood is conscious and has at least 15 MP remaining, all members of Hood's party receive 1 Bonus Res.

Image Intervention [130 AP]
Hood can forgo his action this turn and instead add or subtract to the fighting attributes of other combatants by his [POW] for the duration of this turn. Possible uses are shielding allies before an attack or empowering/weakening attacks while they are being executed.

POW: 12
SKL: 18
AGI: 15
LUK: 6
DEF: 5
RES: 9

Elements:[list]Fir: 00 | Ert: 00 | Wnd: 00 | Wat: 00 | Lgt: 00 | Drk: 00 [/list]Misc:
AP: 165

Standing before you is a tall, stocky figure. Wearing a white shirt, the shirt's hood covers his features. A single, old scar runs down his left cheek. The pale, wrinkled white chin and cheeks hold an odd, celtic-like gray beard. Despite the man's old age, he stands with great confidence, radiating with vitality. He has the body of a warrior, but he carries no weapons. He wears a pair of sturdy leggings and leather boots, as well as a pair of poor quality iron gauntlets.
Hood throws a thunder bolt into the center of the room.
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Post by Ditto »

Hart, Lvl 1 Armored Warrior (Front)
Image HP: 25/50
Image XP: 33/100
Image AP: 28
17 Atk | 95 Hit | 0 Crt
19 Def | 17 Res | 0 Avd | 0 CAvd
Weapon: Defender (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Heavy Plate (4 Def, 2 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items (5/7):
-Steel Lance [14 Atk, 70 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Steel Armor [5 Def, 0 Res, 0 Avd]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]

-Last Stand (-70 AP): When Harts HP drops below 50%, he can choose to go into
a stance where he takes 50% less damage, but deals 75% less damage.
-Guardian (-140 AP): Hart can choose to go into a stance in which he guards his comrades, reducing damage dealt to people in cover by 50%, but increasing damage dealt to him by 50%.

-Too Big (+70 AP): Hart has 20 less avoid and hit, as well as 10 less
crit and crit avoid, being an easy target to hit and anticipate.

-Protect (-132 AP): At all times, one person can be guarded by Hart. This person cannot be attacked until Hart's HP drops to 0, and all attacks that are aimed at this player will be redirected to Hart.

POW: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 0
LUK: 0
DEF: 15
RES: 15

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%

Much earlier, before the invasion of the Dark Dawn, Harts ancestors
lived in peace. But soon enough, their village was attacked by golems.
They fought off the onslaught, but the village was cursed- all of their
children would be twice as large as the normal man, but they would
mature twice as quickly- and therefore life half the normal lifespan.

The children of the village were outcasts of society for long, hated
and thought of as freaks, even demons, despite their small differences
from the common man.

After entire countries and races were wiped out during the reign of
Thanos, prejudices against the few cursed humans were pushed aside,
and they were eventually accepted into society- there was no room for
such hate when the world needed to be rebuilt.

But with people forgetting about the dark age of Thanos, old hatreds
are starting to rise again. Hart is one of the last of his people,
living in a world where he again feels like an outcast. With the new rise of the Dark Dawn, Hart wants to prove his worth- not only to his own people, but to the other people of the world.

-Attack whichever enemy most people are attacking if possible.
-If there are ranged attackers, go on guardian stance. Otherwise, go on Last Stand if:
1. All of Harts party in the cover row is dead.
2. The enemies are all meleers.
Hart attacks the cultist.
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."

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Post by Shade »

Spoiler: GP: 99
- [50 GP] Reversal: Reverses the digits of the HP and MP of all beings involved in the battle (however, the max HP/MP can't be surpassed this way). [GP]% chance of success for each target.
- [60 GP] Purge: [GP/2] magical Atk (Lght), [GPx2] Hit, 25 Crt. Engulfs all enemies in a huge beam of light and burns them. 25% chance of dazzling each target for 3 turns.
- [70 GP] Recovery: Heals [GP/4] HP and [GP/2] MP of all party members and removes the Poison, Dazzled and Paralyzed status ailments.
Gold: 205
ToD: Morning; Rain
---~ Party ~------------------------------------------------------
HP: 46/56 | MP: 28/45 | Cover | Hood (Cimeries)
HP: 28/31 | FP : 65/65 | Cover | Erika (pf5234)
HP: 46/46 | SP: 34/34 | Cover | Gloria (pf2222) | Protected (Hart)
HP: 03/50 | MP: 00/00 | Front | Hart (Ditto) | Guardian
HP: 54/55 | Wi: 12/12 | Front | Mathia (Seanbot)
HP: 35/40 | MP: 32/32 | Front | Carlita (AoD)
HP: 25/29 | FP: 21/21 | Cover | Tucca (unliketea) | +5 Luk (3 turns)
HP: 04/05 | 17 Atk, 092 Hit, 9 Crt | Front | Animated Battle Axe
- Party enchantment: +1 Res -

The cultist breaks into laughter.
"The innkeeper? But I am the innkeeper, am I not?"

Carlita uses Hostage (4 MP | 80 Hit) on Vent: Hit!
You pull Vent towards you and use him as a shield. He doesn't seem to react to this, though.

Gloria uses Soul Fire (5 SP | 1 Dmg, 53 Hit, 0 Crt) on the Cultist: Miss!
You cast some fire at the cultist, but shortly before the impact, he simply raises his right hand and "catches" the fire, causing it to disappear without any effect.

Erika uses Rock Placer (7 FP | 7 Dmg, 66 Hit, 0 Crt) on the Cultist: Hit (7 Dmg)!
Your rock falls onto the cultist while he's still making fun of you, hitting him right on the head and interrupting him.
"Hmph. Who do you think you are, attacking me like that? I spared you earlier, and you still attack me? Fine. Die."

Hood uses Divine Lightning (6 MP):
Vent (1 Dmg, 100 Hit, 1 Crt): Hit (∞ Dmg)!!!
Cultist (1 Dmg, 38 Hit, 0 Crt): Miss!
Your lightning strikes Vent and pulverizes him in an instant, but the figure "catches" the other part of the lightning.
"Grrr... I wouldn't have expected you to suddenly have divine powers, Sir Cenhelm. It appears that losing your vision increased your magical powers... ...an interesting side effect..."
---> Erika recovers ∞ FP.
---> Gloria recovers ∞ SP.
---> Carlita recovers ∞ MP.
---> Tucca recovers ∞ FP.
---> 71 GP obtained! No soul obtained.

Hart attacks (5 Dmg, 23 Hit, 0 Crt) the Cultist: Miss!
You swing your blade at the cultist, but he merely takes a step back, causing your strike to hit nothing but thin air.

Mathia attacks (2 Dmg, 34 Hit, 0 Crt) on the Cultist: Miss!

Tucca remains idle.

The Animated Battle Axe attacks (5 Dmg, 20 Hit, 0 Crt) on the Cultist: Miss!

The Cultist uses Tempest (16 MP):
Hood (4 Dmg, 79 Hit, 27 Crt): Critical Hit (10 Dmg)!
Erika (5 Dmg, 100 Hit, 27 Crt): Hit (3 Dmg)!
Hart (1 Dmg, 100 Hit, 40 Crt): Hit (1 Dmg)!
Hart (1 Dmg, 100 Hit, 40 Crt): Critical Hit (21 Dmg)!
Mathia (1 Dmg, 100 Hit, 34 Crt): Hit (1 Dmg)!
Carlita (9 Dmg, 85 Hit, 31 Crt): Hit (5 Dmg)!
Tucca (8 Dmg, 100 Hit, 23 Crt): Hit (4 Dmg)!
Animated Battle Axe (1 Dmg, 100 Hit, 40 Crt): Hit (1 Dmg)!

---~ ??? ~---------------------------------------------------------
HP: 94/101 | MP: 115/131 | Cover | DD Cultist (?)
Last edited by Shade on Mon May 03, 2010 10:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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