Wizard as a Necromancer

All general stuff game related to Egoboo gameplay (Characters, tactics, etc.).

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Post by bgbirdsey »

that's not true, you would just have to kill a lot of stuff to supply your army with mana. Or we could change how the manadrain of the spell works.

For instance, it could be a life drain, and the necro could have an ability like channeling where mana could be converted to life or life to mana. Then you would have the life drain of maintaining the zombies balanced against your life regen and the amount of mana you could earn by killing monsters.
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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

NMAG spells: the obvious ones of course, like animate: maybe if you wanted to keep wmag versions it would just be much weaker?
Frozen skulls: spell using icey and skull particles dealing ice or crush damage. And actually... you could do both, right? Because there's a setting for that in part*.txt..

Hmm.. yeah, I need to get to doing some valykire skins. I did one, but I couldn't really think of anything so it's just a soldier with angel hair.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

I don't know how the [WMAG]/[HMAG] crossover with [NMAG] could work. There is a pretty solid method that has been established in the scripts for detecting whether a spell can be used by a player, so it would be difficult to change.

Since, I envision the necro class as a hero class it might have the exact same problem as the archmage, and the same solution.

Zefz, what did you do to the orbs to make them archmage only?
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Post by Zefz »

Simply change the skill needed to use the spellbook from [WMAG] to [NMAG]. Although we would need to work something out here, since we can't have necromancy books look the same as arcane books. Or if so, we would have to script something to disable non-necromancers to cast the spell (Or even better, severely limit the spell to it's weakest form). We need some special message telling the players "This is a Necromancy book" so that they know why it's not optimal or why they can't use it.
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Post by PurpleSquerkle »

I think if there is a Necromancer he should be a Hero class from the Wizard, not a base class.
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Post by HyugaNeji »

PurpleSquerkle wrote:I think if there is a Necromancer he should be a Hero class from the Wizard, not a base class.
I though the necromancer was already a hero class...
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