Egoboo Tactics

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Egoboo Tactics

Post by Dark »

I thought it could be nice to have a topic for all the battle tactics you can use in Egoboo. Something similar to Did you know topic but with the smart tricky ways to use your equipment/surrounding/enemy's weaknesses.

Please post below and Ill be adding your tactics to the first post to keep them organised in one place.
  • Enemy tactics:
  • Tranches are fast and theres no use running away from them. You can however circle around them as they turn around slowly. Hitting them always from behind it the best tactic against them.
  • Lumkins fell down for a moment after you hit them. If you hit them once keep charging at them attacking. They wont be able to touch you. The only problem here is that they usually stay in groups.
  • Drag enemies of different kind close to each other and then run away. Most probably they will start fighting.
  • Get enemies to fight a Gelfeet which cant be killed. You can then eliminate your enemy with a distance weapon / spell or at least you can earn yourself time to rest.
  • If you are fighting enemy group consisting of an archer and a close combat warrior you can try to make the warrior stand between you and the archer. The archer will hit the warrior instead of you.
  • Kill the first 1-2 enemies and stand behind the bodies where you can reach the enemy (spear is a good weapon for this) but they can't reach you. Works wonderfully with squidges, grub bugs, etc, not so much with spear-wielding trogs or crossbow-wielding cobols.
  • Cobols and lumpkins seem to fear moving weapons. Stab/slash/chop/slice/bash/crush/you-name-it the air in front of you and they may stay back... but not forever.
  • Use Unlock spell on a Chest Mimic. You will kill it instantly.
  • Surrounding tactics:
  • Crush enemies using switch-controlled gates.
  • Ignite explosive crates where your enemies stand near it.
  • Open trapped chests when your enemies are close to it. It is best to use Unlock spell for that. Otherwise you will have to damage yourself as well.
  • Drag your enemies through open gates into dead-end rooms. Turn around avoiding your enemy and escape the room locking the gate. If youre fast enough, you can lock your enemy inside this way.
    To help you with this tactic you can use hasting spells/items or Teleport spell.
  • If you have Death Cloud as wizard or any other spell that works through walls you can sometimes lock enemies behind a gate and attack them staying safe.
  • Pits are dangerous to anything that can't fly. If the enemy is following you, see if they're stupid enough to fall in. Failing that, give 'em a push.
    You can also use levitation potion for this. You can float over a pit and your following enemy will fall right into it.
  • You can try dragging enemies into some of the dungeon's traps.
  • Some enemies dont activate the doors to open. If you open a door and run away when the enemy is in them you will squash him.
  • Equipment tactics:
  • Bind spell is very usefull against single enemies or bosses.
  • You can use Teleport spell to escape when enemy wizard uses Bind on you.
  • You can use Teleport spell to get behind a locked gate. You can use this to escape enemies chasing you or drag them in front of the gate and then kill them from behind it.
  • Distance weapons / spells let you assassinate sleeping enemies without the need to sneak close to them.
  • Use Animate spell to summon zombies and make them better with other spells e.g. Size or Haste.
  • Using Haste spell on mounts can be usefull when running away or just moving around the module.
  • Trap enemies in a Beartrap and either take them down from a distance or stab them full with a lot of poison and watch them die in agony.
  • Use bear traps. Set a bunch of them. Enough of them will kill just about any non-boss monster.
  • As a rogue, hit enemy with a whip and then stab them in the back when they get turned around. This is rather tricky though.
  • Don't focus on just one weapon. Try out combos, e.g. as a low level seeking to avoid damage was to use a spear in one hand to stab the enemy at range and a mace in the other for when they got past the spear.
  • Many spells charged up but not released can work as a light source in dark dungeouns.
  • Shields are good for fighting tranches if your character is a slow runner. Same for tile mimics if you have a poor aim or a short range weapon. Most low level monsters can't even hope to hit you if you are good with the shield.
  • You can use shield to block enemy arrows. Defend when your enemy fires and move closer right after. The arrows will push you back but sooner or later you will get close to your enemy.
  • If you're a wizard, you can conserve mana and deal a lot of damage with a stiletto and the lighting spell once wisdom and intelligence are sufficiently high to use them without failure. Run in and poison the enemy with the stiletto (Try to score more than one hit for a more powerful poison). Then simply run away while striking them with lightning once or twice. If they're not dead yet, just wait for the poison to finish them off. You might also want to get running shoes before you use this tactic, for obvious reasons.
I added your tactics.
Sorry but I omitted some of your suggestions. That is when they were more of a tip than a tactic.
I wanted to list here the smart tricky ways to use your equipment/surrounding/enemy's weaknesses. Sorry I didnt make that clear enough.
I also wish to omit tactics which are bug exploits rather than intended tactics.
Some of your suggestions I generalised.
Last edited by Dark on Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:16 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Zefz »

Trap enemies in a Beartrap and either take them down from a distance or stab them full with a lot of poison and watch them die in agony.
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Post by SciFiJunkie »

-Kill the first 1-2 and stand behind the bodies where you can reach the enemy (spear is a good weapon for this) but they can't reach you. Works wonderfully with squidges, grub bugs, etc, not so much with spear-wielding trogs or crossbow-wielding cobols.

-Stand behind a wall and let the enemy with a distance weapon waste all their ammo on the wall. (This might be more of a bug than tactic...)

-As a rogue, hit enemy with a whip and then stab them in the back when they get turned around. This is rather tricky though.

-Use bear traps, but what's this talk of risking your valuable hide attacking the trapped enemy? Set a bunch of them. Enough of them will kill just about any non-boss monster.

-Pits are dangerous to anything that can't fly. If the enemy is following you, see if they're stupid enough to fall in. Failing that, give 'em a push.

-Don't focus on just one weapon. Try out combos. One of my favorites as a low level seeking to avoid damage was to use a spear in one hand to stab the enemy at range and a mace in the other for when they got past the spear.

-Cobols and lumpkins seem to fear moving weapons. Stab/slash/chop/slice/bash/crush/you-name-it the air in front of you and they may stay back... but not forever.

-With tranches, go through a door (that opens and closes automatically) and let them follow to their heart's content. *Smush*

-Use Smite. 'Nuff said.

All I can think of right now. I'll come up with something else later probably.

By the way, concerning tactics, does anyone out there really use a shield? I have a pain getting the timing right and they largely seem to be a waste of inventory for me. If anyone finds them invaluable and would like to share some tips, I'm all ears.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

If you are going to use a shield, I think you are going to have to be committed to defending yourself. To the point of defending being more important than attacking.

You might also have to use a very quick and fairly long range weapon like the spear.
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Post by Bremze »

Charge a fireball without releasing it to use it as a torch.

I always have a shield and spear with my adventurer if some enemies get too close to safely fireball them. I probably wouldn't do it if I had a better weapon though.
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Post by Cimeries »

Shields are good for fighting tranches if your character is a slow runner. Same for tile mimics if you have a poor aim or a short range weapon. Most low level monsters can't even hope to hit you if you are good with the shield.

- If you're a rogue, use double jump. A lot. Enemies have a hard time hitting you when you are jumping across the room throwing pointy things at them.

- If you're a wizard, you can conserve mana and deal a lot of damage with a stiletto and the lighting spell once wisdom and intelligence are sufficiently high to use them without failure. Run in and poison the enemy with the stiletto (Try to score more than one hit for a more powerful poison). Then simply run away while striking them with lightning once or twice. If they're not dead yet, just wait for the poison to finish them off. You might also want to get running shoes before you use this tactic, for obvious reasons.
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Post by aleco614 »

In Multiplayer:

-Having the archer attack behind the meleer in a straight line behind the enemy is a bad idea- you'll hit the meleer!

-Always bring someone who can heal with divine magic. It makes you far less likely to die.

-At least one person should be decent in melee combat and taking damage (Paladin, Soldier, G'nome, etc) He can be the designated tank who takes all the damage,

-Having a party with the basic essentials comes before a party with special abilities.
Playing brawl. Not too well, unforunately.
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Post by Agent of Dread »

Who got that Unlock on the Chest Mimic one?
That's awesome! :O
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Post by Dark »

That one was from me.
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Post by Dark »

Ive added a nice idea I recently came up with.
When you have an enemy following you you can use levitation potion and then drag him over a pit.
I really had trouble as a Palladin with those green slime monsters in Catacombs 1 but then I figured this one out.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

Try to position yourself so that the archers that are shooting at you have to shoot through their own infantry to hit you. It is shields you and the arrows will hit and kill their own men.

Also try to stack damage over time spells/states. For instance arrows do damage over time. Poison does damage over time, and lighting something of fire does damage over time... figure out a way to do all 3 at the same time? :)
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Post by Cimeries »

Here's a nifty one that takes a little bit of practice to use properly: Ride a hotdog or some other such mount with a breath attack. Once you've trapped an enemy in the corner, activate the breath attack, jump off, and start attacking the enemy while it is being roasted/frozen/shooped. Arrows and poison are great for this. You can also use this time to do other things like setting up bear traps and bombs, for example.
One more thing: You can fire ranged weapons off the mount by jumping in place and firing. You'll want to have high DEX for that last bit, though.
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Post by Agent of Dread »

Don't forget that upon proper positioning of your hot/ice dog/pup (or lack thereof) their breathe stays lit past usual. This mainly works over braziers, which is handy for holding the door in the Ash Palace.
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Post by Dark »

The arrow friendly fire is already added.
Its possible to deal all 3 at a time?

How long does the breath attack last then? Is it just a bit longer or waaaay loooooonger? Is there some trick to it? Isnt it a bug?

Braziers can be kept lit with torches btw. You just need to drop one nearby.
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Post by Agent of Dread »

The breath will stay for as long as it's exposed to the same type of particle.
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