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Post by penguinflyer5234 »

Spoiler: Charlotte's Web: How it Really Happened
[18:02:32] <pf2222> Charlotte's Web: How it really happened
[18:02:38] <BenUrban> lol
[18:02:59] <pf2222> Dad: Oh, look, it's a runty pig.
[18:03:07] <pf2222> Fern: Well, go on and kill it then!
[18:03:10] <pf5234> Let's eat it!
[18:03:15] <pf2222> Dad: No way! It's not fair!
[18:03:46] <pf2222> Fern: Fine, you go and see how much fun you can have raising him.
[18:04:01] <pf2222> Dad: I'll just do that then.
[18:05:32] <pf2222> ~~~~~~~~~~
[18:05:32] <BenUrban> lol
[18:05:33] <pf2222> Dad: Wilbur's my best friend
[18:05:33] <pf2222> Fern: I hate Wilbur
[18:05:33] <pf2222> ~~~~~~~~~
[18:05:55] <pf2222> Fern: Why's that pig sitting at the table, eh?
[18:06:03] <pf2222> Dad: It's his birthday!
[18:06:16] <pf2222> Fern: I think he should go outside, where pigs belong.
[18:06:25] <pf2222> Dad: Fine.
[18:06:28] <pf2222> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:06:40] <pf2222> *Storm*
[18:06:52] <pf2222> *Wilbur runs inside*
[18:07:10] <pf2222> *..and into Fern's bed*
[18:07:15] <pf2222> Fern: Go away!
[18:07:30] <pf2222> Dad: But he's scared of the storm!
[18:07:39] <pf2222> Fern: Out!'
[18:07:46] <pf2222> *Wilbur goes out*
[18:07:50] <pf2222> ~~~~~~~~~~
[18:08:43] <pf2222> Fern: Wilbur has to be sold now. Let's send him down to Uncle Henry's!
[18:08:48] <pf2222> Dad: :(
[18:09:05] <pf2222> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:09:12] <pf2222> Wilbur: :(
[18:09:35] <pf2222> Goose: Hello, piggy piggy piggy.
[18:09:55] <pf2222> Wilbur: Oink
[18:10:43] <pf2222> Goose: You can talk talk talk, can't you? Go on, try try try!
[18:11:06] <pf2222> Wilbur: Wu-wu-wu-wi-wil-wilbur
[18:11:13] <pf2222> Goose: Very good.
[18:11:23] <pf2222> Wilbur: I can talk! I can talk!
[18:11:31] <pf2222> Goose: Yes, and?
[18:11:48] <pf2222> Wilbur: I can talk! Isn't it great! That I-
[18:12:13] <Zefz> ...
[18:12:26] <pf2222> Goose: (Thinking)I feel a song coming on... (Saying) Now shut up!
[18:12:33] <BenUrban> i'm sure someone will post this in chatlogs
[18:12:37] <pf2222> Wilbur: ...
[18:12:38] <pf2222> ?
[18:12:48] <pf2222> ~~~~~~~~
[18:13:40] * pf2222 confuseS?
[18:13:54] <BenUrban> please comtinue
[18:13:58] <BenUrban> *continue
[18:14:06] <pf2222> ok
[18:14:19] <pf2222> Announcer: And now, for our...
[18:14:30] <pf2222> Band: Dadadadaddaada!
[18:14:36] <pf2222> Announcer: INTERMISSION!
[18:14:44] <pf2222> ~INTERMISSION~
[18:16:51] <BenUrban> i think it's great so far
[18:16:58] <BenUrban> keep up the good work
[18:18:12] <pf2222> ???: Try new LowshanX suntan lotion! Only $9.99 per bottle.
[18:18:21] <BenUrban> lol
[18:18:37] <pf2222> Announcer: Oops, commercial break...
[18:19:07] <pf2222> *Commercials*
[18:19:59] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: H&D Hardware is having a huge sale! Everything in the store is %50 off.
[18:21:20] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Vote Saxon! Richard Saxon is your Prime Minister. He will do everything right.
[18:21:30] <BenUrban> LOL
[18:23:06] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Have a fun day at a southwest Hyundai! Go buy cars and get big rebates. Allretrictionsapplynotforrelestatesalespeopleseestorefordetails.
[18:24:46] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: IcePalaceFresh ice cream is going out of business! All products must be sold. Introducing a new flavor: Adventurer Mint Sundae.
[18:25:18] <BenUrban> lol
[18:26:42] --> BenUrban_ has joined this channel (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban).
[18:26:42] *** ChanServ gives channel operator privileges to BenUrban_.
[18:26:57] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Teh LawnzKuttres: Kut ur lawn 4 $1. Gud service. Ur lawn nvr b33n kut liek this be4.
[18:27:56] <BenUrban_> what did i miss?
[18:28:38] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Go to Larry's Dairies! All dairy products. From ice cream to cheese, you'll find something you like.
[18:29:03] <pf2222> @ben: nothing, the last thing before ben_ came was you saying lol
[18:29:11] <BenUrban_> thx
[18:31:21] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Learn how to speak like they do on the internet! Free lessons. Translation: Lern how 2 sp33k liek dey do on teh interwebs. Fr33 les0ns.
[18:31:30] <BenUrban_> ROFL
[18:32:07] <Zefz> latest revision
[18:32:21] <Zefz> Fixed the Lumpkins attacking you even while you were morphed
[18:32:25] <BenUrban_> \o/
[18:32:32] <BenUrban_> wondered about that
[18:32:43] <Zefz> And now they even forget you were their enemy after 30 seconds
[18:32:49] <BenUrban_> \o/
[18:33:40] <Zefz> I'm going to bed now cya all... thx for the help
[18:33:43] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Do you have diabetes? If not, call now and receive your free Bottle o' Diabetes today. Just drink one fourth of the bottle each day for four days. Diabetes, guaranteed.
[18:33:48] <pf2222> Bye Zefz.
[18:33:52] <BenUrban_> good night
[18:34:08] <BenUrban_> ROFL
[18:34:19] <BenUrban_> i think i like the commercials better than the movie
[18:34:21] <pf5234> bye
[18:34:29] <-- Zefz has left this channel.
[18:35:12] [Notify] Zefz went offline (
[18:35:18] <-- bgbirdsey has left this server ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]").
[18:35:33] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Do you have stupid commercials on your TV? Use StupeedCommercialBloc and your TV will automatically block stupid commercials.
[18:37:25] <pf5234> (Note: does not block our commercials)
[18:37:40] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Charlotte's Web: How it really happened is stupeed moovy. It just stupeed. They eben show dis commercial about it being stupeed during the show. How stupeed iz dat. IDI075
[18:38:03] <BenUrban_> lol
[18:38:37] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Do you have blood pressure? Good!
[18:39:14] <BenUrban_> \o/
[18:40:17] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Bill Nye is back! Watch Bill Nye the Science Doooode @ 11:00 PM on UToobez.
[18:42:45] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: If you or a loved one has eaten Sammy Nella peanut butter, call this toll-free number: 1-337-347-5431
[18:42:56] <pf2222> (think 1337)
[18:43:03] <BenUrban_> lol
[18:44:04] <pf2222> [l-eet-eat-sa-el = elite. eat sa{mmy} {n}el{la}]
[18:44:33] <pf2222> [also get it, sammy nella = salmonella]
[18:45:04] <-- BenUrban has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
[18:45:04] [Notify] BenUrban went offline (
[18:45:30] *** BenUrban_ is now known as BenUrban.
[18:45:40] [Notify] BenUrban is online (
[18:46:01] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: BeerLite. The light, tasty, beer. Fills you up and makes you drunk. 89% alcohol.
[18:46:44] <pf2222> Announcer: We will be back to the show after this important message:
[18:47:26] <pf2222> Com. Announcer: Egoboo rocks %100!!! Egoboo is a proud supporter of this station.
[18:47:43] <pf2222> Announcer: And now, back to the show.
[18:47:57] <pf2222> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:48:36] <pf2222> Wilbur: I want a friend. :(
[18:48:54] <pf2222> Charlotte: Look up here! Salutations!
[18:49:04] <pf2222> Wilbur: Hello there! Saluwhat?
[18:49:08] <pf2222> Charlotte
[18:49:21] <pf2222> Charlotte: Salutations!
[18:49:28] <pf2222> Wilbur: What's that mean?
[18:50:11] <pf2222> Charlotte: Salutations is my fancy way of saying "GOOD BYE WILBUR! What the old sheep says is only half right, because the humans aren't the ones going to kill you. I will!"
[18:50:23] <pf2222> Wilbur: Eh? The old sheep never said anything.
[18:51:05] <pf2222> Old sheep: Well, here's the truth: The humans are going to kill you in the winter when you're fat and make you into bacon and ham.
[18:51:09] <pf2222> Wilbur: Nooo!
[18:51:27] <pf2222> Charlotte: Yeees! Except I will kill you, and the humans get nothing.
[18:51:35] <pf2222> Wilbur: Evil.
[18:51:40] <pf2222> Charlotte: :D
[18:51:57] <pf2222> Goose: Bad spider.
[18:52:20] <pf2222> Charlotte: Now I will come down and get you.
[18:52:29] <pf2222> *Charlotte comes down*
[18:52:42] <pf2222> Templeton: Hey, what's going on? Where's that spider going?
[18:53:02] <pf2222> Goose: To get Wilbur...
[18:53:15] <pf5234> Templeton: WHOA! A TALKING GOOSEY!
[18:53:20] <pf2222> *Charlotte is about to go in the water barrel*
[18:54:16] <pf2222> Templeton: I did not say that. It was uh, the fly right behind me named Templeton. Anyway. Uh, so the spider's going.. heheheheh...
[18:54:23] <pf5234> And then, another spider appears! "My name is Charlotté"
[18:54:53] <pf2222> *Charlotte falls in the water barrel and Templeton bursts out laughing *
[18:55:07] <pf2222> Charlotte: OMGLOLWUTBBQ
[18:55:24] <pf2222> Templeton: !!!!
[18:55:36] <pf2222> Wilbur: This is getting to be a big mess...
[18:55:45] <pf5234> And then, a third spider appears! "My name is Charlottè"
[18:56:31] <pf2222> Goose: Wait, when did we learn that the spider's name was Charlotte anyway? And where are all these Charlottès coming from???
[18:56:35] <pf5234> Right here: "Charlotte: Look up here! Salutations!"
[18:56:45] <pf5234> To fill the goose
[18:56:56] <pf2222> Goose: Um, I don't read the script...
[18:57:17] <pf5234> *A wall of the barn suddenly breaks*
[18:57:21] <pf2222> *Uncle Henry enters the barn*
[18:57:38] <pf2222> Uncle Henry: What in the world is going on here:
[18:57:49] <pf2222> Goose: Uh...
[18:57:56] <pf2222> Templeton: I didn't do it.
[18:58:08] <pf2222> Uncle Henry: *speechless*
[18:58:22] <pf5234> Charlottè: "It all started with Charlotte!"
[18:58:42] <pf2222> Wilbur: Yeah! Has she drowned in that water barrel yet anyway?
[18:59:03] <pf5234> *cut to water barrel*
[18:59:04] <pf2222> Charlotte: Be quiet, stupid mouse!
[18:59:41] <pf5234> Goose: Maybe we should add some ~'s in here
[18:59:42] <pf2222> Templeton: I'm not a mouse, I'm a rat! Aren't I?
[19:00:06] <pf2222> Wilbur: But this is such an interesting plotline!
[19:00:22] <pf2222> *Fern enters the barn*
[19:00:26] <pf5234> *Aunt Em enters the barn*
[19:00:27] <pf2222> Fern: Stupid animals!
[19:00:46] <pf2222> Old Sheep: Stupid girl with a plant's name!
[19:00:56] <pf5234> Aunt Em: Toto, did you do this?
[19:01:01] <pf2222> Wilbur: Who?
[19:01:12] <pf2222> Goose: Who are you you you?
[19:01:46] <pf2222> Uncle Henry: I think I'll go take a nap..
[19:01:59] <pf5234> Aunt Em: I am Aunt Em, I am the husband of Uncle Henry
[19:02:36] <pf2222> Uncle Henry (before leaving the barn): You're no wi-
[19:02:45] <pf2222> Templeton: Husband?!?!?
[19:02:46] <pf5234> Aunt Em: And this is our daughter, Dorothy
[19:02:56] <pf5234> *Dorothy enters the barn*
[19:03:23] <pf2222> Goose: My goslings are hatching!
[19:03:59] <pf2222> Horse: Neeeeighhahahaa
[19:04:04] <pf5234> *Outside, there is a cyclone*
[19:04:24] <pf5234> *and it's coming toward the barn! :O*
[19:05:06] <pf2222> Charlotte: I'm stiiiill heeeereeee
[19:05:18] <pf5234> Cyclone: Nooooottttttttt aaaaaannnyyyyymoooooooore
[19:05:24] <pf2222> Templeton: And, your point is?
[19:05:57] <pf5234> *Suddenly, the cyclone picks up and takes the water barrel to Oz*
[19:06:13] <pf2222> Jeffery (the runty gosling): Woohoo party!
[19:06:31] <pf2222> Wilbur: That takes care of that. Good cyclone. :D
[19:07:00] <pf2222> Goose: Jeffery, that's a good idea!
[19:07:02] <pf5234> *The two other spiders disappear without anyone noticing*
[19:07:16] <pf2222> Old Sheep: Here we go again...
[19:07:28] <pf2222> Templeton: As long as there's food!
[19:07:38] <pf2222> Fern: You crazy animals!
[19:07:41] <pf5234> *Outside, there is another cyclone*
[19:07:51] <pf5234> *In it, there is some food*
[19:08:07] <pf2222> Horse: We forgot you were here, Fern. Now go away!
[19:08:39] <pf2222> Templeton: This is a good day. I can feel it.
[19:09:00] <pf5234> *The cyclone suddenly deposits the food onto Templeton*
[19:09:33] <pf2222> Dorothy: I think we're not in Kansas anymore..
[19:09:58] <pf2222> Auntie Em: We were in Kansas? What'd you do with Toto, anyway?
[19:10:22] <pf5234> Dorothy: I left him the that water barrel
[19:10:33] <pf2222> Gosling: Partey!
[19:10:44] <pf5234> *Dorothy: I left him in that water barrel
[19:10:54] <pf2222> Sheep: Poor Toto.
[19:11:32] <pf2222> Random Butterfly: Sailing for adventure on the deep blue wet sea...
[19:11:50] <pf5234> Charlotte (about 3 meters away): I CAN HEAR YOU PEOPLES!
[19:12:03] <pf2222> Wilbur: Lol..
[19:12:25] <pf5234> Charlotte: And I'm hungry for some butterfly
[19:12:40] <pf2222> Jeffery: No! Not the butterfly!
[19:12:49] <pf2222> Templeton: Yum, yum, yum.
[19:12:51] <pf5234> Charlotte: YES! MY BUTTERFLY!
[19:13:06] <pf5234> Charlotte: GIVE ME THE BUTTER FLY!
[19:13:13] <pf2222> Horse: You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread butterfly!
[19:13:26] <pf2222> Jeffery: Party party party!
[19:13:38] <pf2222> Goose: He must have a short attention span..
[19:14:00] <pf5234> *Toto runs the 3 meters and accidentally steps on a duckling*
[19:14:19] <pf2222> Duckling: Ouch!
[19:15:31] <pf2222> Wilbur: Ooh, ah, dance the Smarty pants ooh ah. Dance in Smarty pants!
[19:15:56] <pf2222> Goose: La, la, bamba!
[19:16:09] <pf2222> Fern: Why am I still here...?
[19:16:26] <pf2222> Old Sheep: Because you're crazy.
[19:16:47] <pf2222> Templeton: Annoying too. Go away. No party for you. You cannot stay.
[19:17:07] <pf2222> Horse: You have one, two, three...
[19:17:10] <pf5234> *meanwhile, a spider wraps Fern into a web*
[19:17:18] <pf2222> Fern: WTF!
[19:17:58] <pf2222> Jeffery: That's incorrect. The script says "WTF?"
[19:18:18] <pf2222> Gosling: Why're you reading the script?>
[19:18:21] <pf5234> Fern: Oh, my bad
[19:18:25] <pf5234> Let's try again
[19:18:46] <pf5234> *Time is shifted about 30 seconds*
[19:19:03] <pf2222> Fern: WTF?
[19:19:18] <pf5234> Jeffery: Much better!
[19:19:44] <pf2222> Horse: Do you have any fudge?
[19:20:02] <pf5234> *The cyclone drops some fudge on Horse*
[19:20:31] <pf2222> Old Sheep: Hey, I'm still playing Egoboo.
[19:20:46] <pf2222> Sheep: You have a compooter thing?
[19:20:55] <pf5234> *Suddenly, a curtain falls!*
[19:21:23] <pf2222> Wilbur: Pay no attention to the contraption behind the curtain..
[19:21:57] <pf2222> Fern: Oh noes, I'm late for dance class.
[19:22:06] <pf5234> *Suddenly, a curtain falls over the camera!*
[19:22:44] <pf2222> Templeton: What, are you a preeety ballerina girl with your pink tutu?
[19:22:48] <pf5234> ~~~ THE END ~~~ (for now)
[19:23:05] <pf2222> Jeffery: Aw ma.
[19:23:15] <pf2222> Wilbur: ?
[19:23:23] <pf5234> Director: CUT!
[19:23:23] <pf2222> Jeffery: Aw man.
[19:23:30] <pf2222> Wilbur: ^^^
[19:23:48] <pf2222> Jeffery: The director got in the way.
[19:23:54] <pf5234> now then, time to save to chatlogs
[19:24:01] <pf2222> Wilbur: Yeah, anyway, we're finished.
[19:24:17] <pf2222> ~~~ THE REAL END ~~~ (For now)
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Agent of Dread
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Post by Agent of Dread »

BenUrban was sure enough.
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Lumberjack (Developer)
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Post by Cimeries »

Talking in this manner seems to create some wonderfully exciting conversation. Don't you agree, Horatio?
(9:10:18 PM) Woodmouse: ?
(9:10:22 PM) Chainsaw: ?
(9:10:39 PM) Chainsaw: You're not making sense, green rubber ducky.
(9:11:36 PM) Chainsaw: I'd like to have a sophisticated conversation with you, but you keep throwing that Frisbee and your right arm is purple.
(9:12:15 PM) Chainsaw: Why can't you be shiny and smell of guava, like a normal person?
(9:12:59 PM) Chainsaw: Sometimes I wish you weren't a gigantic plastic flamingo.
(9:13:08 PM) Chainsaw: Oops, sorry if that sounded racist.
(9:13:20 PM) Woodmouse: ?
(9:13:31 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:13:38 PM) Chainsaw: Nevermind Horatio.
(9:14:26 PM) Chainsaw: Well, I have other business to attend to, my spouse is giving birth to a little pink seahorse.
(9:14:46 PM) Chainsaw: Hand on honey, I'm bringing the tin foil!
(9:14:48 PM) Chainsaw: *hang
(9:15:16 PM) Chainsaw: (This is how I'm going to talk from now on, get used to it. >:D)
(9:18:40 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:18:56 PM) Woodmouse: Have you gotten FPS Creator? XD
(9:20:36 PM) Chainsaw: No, I have not yet acquired said contraption. Perhaps I will someday, when the stars align.
(9:23:32 PM) Woodmouse: ok
(9:23:34 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:23:36 PM) Woodmouse: you're weird
(9:23:38 PM) Woodmouse: xD
(9:23:54 PM) Chainsaw: Am I, Horatio, or are you just too blind to see the truth?
(9:24:08 PM) Chainsaw: The truth, and the bling-bling on my neck.
(9:24:12 PM) Woodmouse: ....
(9:24:17 PM) Chainsaw: It's super shiny
(9:24:17 PM) Woodmouse: Can you talk normally?
(9:24:30 PM) Chainsaw: I'm afraid I've forgotten how to do that.
(9:25:14 PM) Chainsaw: I've invited our colleague PurpleSquerkle, the man of 1000 feet. Perhaps he will join us soon.
(9:25:51 PM) Woodmouse: ...
(9:25:54 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:25:55 PM) Woodmouse: ok
(9:26:06 PM) Chainsaw: Until then, perhaps we could play a game to pass the time, Horatio.
(9:26:15 PM) Woodmouse: -................................................-
(9:26:28 PM) Chainsaw: What is the matter?
(9:27:01 PM) Woodmouse: nithign
(9:27:03 PM) Woodmouse: *nothing
(9:27:06 PM) Woodmouse: anyway
(9:27:09 PM) Chainsaw: Why the wide face with the small eyes and the mouth constructed of many separate bits?
(9:27:09 PM) Woodmouse: I love one site
(9:27:12 PM) Woodmouse: guess what?
(9:27:21 PM) Woodmouse: CG Textures! :D
(9:27:38 PM) Chainsaw: How blissful.
(9:27:42 PM) Woodmouse: ?
(9:27:48 PM) Woodmouse: what's "blissful"
(9:27:50 PM) Woodmouse: ?
(9:28:16 PM) Chainsaw: Perhaps you could discern the meaning of the word using the device know as "goo-gel", young Horatio.
(9:28:21 PM) Chainsaw: *known
(9:28:44 PM) Chainsaw: Now excuse me, I must raise and lower a big chunk of iron up and down 35 times.
(9:28:48 PM) Woodmouse: ...lloll
(9:30:58 PM) Chainsaw: My goodness, that was exhilarating.
(9:31:43 PM) Chainsaw: It seems our friend and rival PurpleSquerkle, the man of 1000 feet is hesitant to come.
(9:32:00 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:32:25 PM) Chainsaw: Perhaps kidnapping his family will convince him to join us for this parade of wording.
(9:32:34 PM) Chainsaw: Don't you agree, Horatio?
(9:33:04 PM) Woodmouse: LOL
(9:33:14 PM) Chainsaw: Ah, it seems he my join us in the timespace of 20 - 60 minutes.
(9:33:18 PM) Chainsaw: *may
(9:33:24 PM) Woodmouse: I don't agree, my big bad gumball humble
(9:33:25 PM) Woodmouse: xD
(9:33:28 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:33:42 PM) Chainsaw: I'll call Don Kihote and tell him to abort the kidnapping.
(9:34:21 PM) Chainsaw: In the meantime, make yourself comfortable, there's some imported Kool-Aid in the fridge.
(9:34:53 PM) Chainsaw: Yam and Cabbage flavour, if I'm not mistaken.
(9:35:23 PM) Chainsaw: Ah, resuming my duty of lifting cumbersome objects.
(9:35:30 PM) Woodmouse: ...
(9:35:43 PM) Woodmouse: you're weird, why can't you talk normally...?
(9:37:08 PM) Chainsaw: I have returned.
(9:37:17 PM) Chainsaw: Hmm.
(9:37:31 PM) Chainsaw: To answer your question, I will introduce a hypothesis.
(9:37:57 PM) Chainsaw: If you could talk in said manner to "really freak people off", would you not do the same, Horatio?
(9:38:25 PM) Chainsaw: After all, it's proving to be very effective.
(9:38:36 PM) Woodmouse: ...
(9:38:39 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:40:06 PM) Chainsaw: The most amusing part, I believe, Horatio, is me calling you "Horatio", after a character in the play of William Shakespeare, titled Hamlet, even though I have yet to read said play.
(9:40:22 PM) Woodmouse: ...
(9:40:25 PM) Chainsaw: Isn't that wonderfully agitating?
(9:40:38 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:40:40 PM) Woodmouse: not
(9:41:16 PM) Chainsaw: I am also partial to what exactly agitating means, so I will use the googel device to uncover its exact meaning. I hope I have used it properly in the above sentence.
(9:41:53 PM) Chainsaw: Ah, yes, it seems I used it correctly.
(9:42:00 PM) Woodmouse: well...
(9:42:13 PM) Woodmouse: Isn't it like... umm... getting an erection?
(9:42:19 PM) Woodmouse: or do I know wrongly?
(9:42:39 PM) Chainsaw: You are mistaken Horatio, that would most likely be "arousing"
(9:42:59 PM) Chainsaw: In the context I've used it, Agitating means " to disturb or excite emotionally"
(9:43:04 PM) Woodmouse: oh
(9:43:06 PM) Woodmouse: ok
(9:43:07 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:43:18 PM) Chainsaw: Which is similar, but platonic in the same time.
(9:43:42 PM) Woodmouse: ok
(9:44:42 PM) Woodmouse: You, my friend, should head to some sort of mental hospital, because you speak so weirdly.
(9:44:47 PM) Chainsaw: Aren't words wonderful, Horatio? I am suddenly introduced with the urge to read Hamlet finally.
(9:45:41 PM) Chainsaw: Perhaps the "mental hospital" is indeed where I belong, Horatio. But not as a patient, rather as a student. I would like to study the minds of others.
(9:45:57 PM) Chainsaw: So that I may learn how to "piss you off" more effectively.
(9:45:58 PM) Woodmouse: LOLOLOLOLOL
(9:46:25 PM) Chainsaw: Now excuse me, back to the grueling task at hand.
(9:46:52 PM) Woodmouse: lol ok
(9:46:58 PM) Woodmouse: you're weird, please.
(9:47:30 PM) Unnheulu left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat").
(9:47:58 PM) Chainsaw: As you can see, my methods have been successful in driving the poor lad insane.
(9:48:29 PM) Chainsaw: The only reason you are unaffected, dear Horatio, is most likely because you are in fact already quite insane to begin with.
(9:48:59 PM) Woodmouse: LOL
(9:49:03 PM) Woodmouse: yes, yes I am
(9:49:05 PM) Woodmouse: xD
(9:50:27 PM) Chainsaw: Admitting your flaws is the first step to overcoming them. Well done Horatio. You have matured much since we've began our sophisticated conversation.
(9:50:47 PM) Chainsaw: Maybe I should host a talk show.
(9:50:59 PM) Woodmouse: ......................
(9:51:03 PM) Woodmouse: Maybe
(9:51:05 PM) Woodmouse: xD
(9:51:39 PM) Chainsaw: Yes, perhaps.
(9:51:52 PM) Woodmouse: but now, can you talk normally?
(9:51:59 PM) Woodmouse: because now I can only laugh
(9:52:01 PM) Woodmouse: and say lol
(9:52:03 PM) Woodmouse: and xD
(9:52:05 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:52:19 PM) Chainsaw: Very well Horatio, I will attempt to talk as you do.
(9:52:23 PM) Chainsaw: ok
(9:52:25 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:52:25 PM) Chainsaw: lol
(9:52:26 PM) Chainsaw: xd
(9:52:28 PM) Chainsaw: xD
(9:52:30 PM) Woodmouse: LOL
(9:52:33 PM) Chainsaw: LOL
(9:52:42 PM) Woodmouse: ..
(9:52:44 PM) Chainsaw: ok
(9:52:44 PM) Woodmouse: ...
(9:52:46 PM) Woodmouse: ....
(9:52:47 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:52:50 PM) Chainsaw: -...........................-
(9:52:53 PM) Woodmouse: you're such a weirdo
(9:53:02 PM) Chainsaw: (How am I faring thus far, Horatio?)
(9:53:11 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(9:53:17 PM) Woodmouse: I need to go now
(9:53:19 PM) Woodmouse: :(
(9:53:21 PM) Woodmouse: well
(9:53:23 PM) Woodmouse: cya sometime soon
(9:53:31 PM) Woodmouse left the room (quit: "ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]").
(9:53:33 PM) Chainsaw: Ah, farewell. Until our paths cross again.
(9:53:48 PM) Chainsaw: ...
(9:53:50 PM) Chainsaw: ...
(9:53:51 PM) Chainsaw: Hahaha I'm so awesome.
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Post by PurpleSquerkle »

Now, of course, you are not on. :P
By the way, it's spelled Quixote.
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Agent of Dread
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Post by Agent of Dread »

Fantastic. I don't know why, but the ending was very funny.
And the bit where you talked like woodmouse.
- Linktree: -
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Post by woodmouse »

This is huge... and weird. <Nheulu|Coding> I hate the code of some games :/
<Nheulu|Coding> Vector2f p0,p1,p2,p3,o0,o1,o2,o3;
<Nheulu|Coding> Great variable names -.-
<Woodmouse> ok
* Nheulu|Coding is taking the educated assumption that Woodmouse is not some lowly commoner and is enlightened on the art of "programming"
<Woodmouse> ok
<Woodmouse> lol
<Nheulu|Coding> I hope you are in no part deluded on this fascinating subject
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> I'm sick
<Woodmouse> :(
<Woodmouse> It's not nice
<Woodmouse> snot just FLOOOOWS from my nose
<Woodmouse> and still, it's stuck there
<Nheulu|Coding> Care to inform me on a case where vomiting is not such a pleasant experience
<Nheulu|Coding> ah
<Nheulu|Coding> you appear to be infected with the notorious common cold
<Woodmouse> I catched cold while playing with my friend in the beach. xD
<Woodmouse> the sand was cold
<Nheulu|Coding> How very exciting
<Woodmouse> we sat there for like, two hours
<Woodmouse> xD
<Nheulu|Coding> I could never have guessed
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> we're childish
<Woodmouse> xD
<Nheulu|Coding> Indeed
<Woodmouse> hehe
<Nheulu|Coding> you "sat" on the beach for two hours? I must reconsider my opinions on your intelligence
<Woodmouse> ...
<Woodmouse> we played
<Woodmouse> with pokemon toys
<Woodmouse> xD
<Nheulu|Coding> May I act celtic, rather than english?
<Woodmouse> ?
<Nheulu|Coding> I must have your permission before making such a significant and potentially damaging decision
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> do what you want, lol
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> anyway
<Nheulu|Coding> At the current moment in time I am impersonating an english man
<Woodmouse> ok
<Nheulu|Coding> I shall become Celtic again
<Nheulu|Coding> Pokemon sucks!
-->| Chainsaw555 ( has joined #egoboo
<Nheulu|Coding> hiah Chainsaw555
<Chainsaw555> Hi
<Nheulu|Coding> On this other game I changed my nick in online play to
<Nheulu|Coding> BAN ME HIDDO BAN ME HIDDO BAN ME HIDDO BAN ME HIDDO BAN ME HIDDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Woodmouse> hi
<Chainsaw555> Hi Horatio
<Woodmouse> NOES!
<Nheulu|Coding> Hiddo is an admin of the game, as am I, not that he knew that it was me
<Chainsaw555> @Unn: So what happened?
<Nheulu|Coding> xD
<Nheulu|Coding> I got banned^^
<Woodmouse> lolk
<Woodmouse> *lol
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> @Chainsaw: Have you done anything?
<Woodmouse> I became sick
<Nheulu|Coding> not a particularly stimulating experience I must say
<Nheulu|Coding> Is Chainsaw555 feeling quite alright?
<Chainsaw555> But I did almost finish the Shrieker.
<Woodmouse> yay
<Nheulu|Coding> anyone understand these variable names: Vector2f p0,p1,p2,p3,o0,o1,o2,o3;
<Nheulu|Coding> ?
<Nheulu|Coding> oh
<Nheulu|Coding> its defining them
<Woodmouse> @Chainsaw: I have forgotten ROTD! :o
<Woodmouse> D:
<Nheulu|Coding> no wonder I can't find it anywhere above
<Chainsaw555> So have I
<Woodmouse> we must do something for it!
<Chainsaw555> Do we?
<Woodmouse> hmmm
<Woodmouse> maybe
<Woodmouse> tiles!
<Nheulu|Coding> its strange how for some games an artist is considered valuable whereas on another game the asme artist is considered a waste of space
<Woodmouse> :D
<Nheulu|Coding> right woody ;)
<Chainsaw555> ... mehuge.jpg
<Woodmouse> ?
<Nheulu|Coding> my monitor!!!
<Chainsaw555> :o
<Woodmouse> eeeeeek
<Chainsaw555> \o/
<Nheulu|Coding> you owe me a new screen :P
<Woodmouse> /o\
<Nheulu|Coding> I'm never following one of your links again xD
<Woodmouse> o
<Woodmouse> \()/
<Woodmouse> /\
<Chainsaw555> what?
<Woodmouse> it's a human
<Chainsaw555> :( )
<Woodmouse> lol, I see that as a :( and a )
<Nheulu|Coding> same
<Chainsaw555> :(B )
<Woodmouse> lol
<Nheulu|Coding> xD
<Woodmouse> buvk yteeekt
<Woodmouse> *buck teeth
<Woodmouse> lol
<Chainsaw555> buvk yteekt indeekt
<Nheulu|Coding> I thought that was suomi ;)
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> LOL
<Woodmouse> LLOOLL
* Chainsaw555 insets
<Chainsaw555> *inserts
<Woodmouse> lol
<Nheulu|Coding> who wants to know what swine flu is in welsh? ;)
<Woodmouse> me!
<Chainsaw555> I guess me too then
<Nheulu|Coding> Ffliw Moch :/
<Woodmouse> LOL
<Woodmouse> sounds...
<Woodmouse> in Finnish it is "Sikainfluenssa"
<Woodmouse> lol
<Nheulu|Coding> Hmm, there should be a mutation :/
<Nheulu|Coding> maybe not
<Woodmouse> Äää! =O
<Woodmouse> my nose...
<Woodmouse> it hurts
<Woodmouse> =O
<Woodmouse> =I
<Woodmouse> I|
<Woodmouse> =|
<Chainsaw555> Perhaps it wants to leave you
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> my throat and head hurt too
<Chainsaw555> It's a mutiny.
<Woodmouse> ?
<Chainsaw555> (When the pirates rebel the ship's captain)
<Woodmouse> ok
<Nheulu|Coding> I have already enlightened woody that he is infected with a potential swine flu
<Woodmouse> LOL
<Woodmouse> I don't
<Chainsaw555> How thoughtful of you
<Nheulu|Coding> I assume that by the current affair of your health you have maybe 2 days left to live
<Chainsaw555> I assume otherwise, but whatever, listen to Unn
<Nheulu|Coding> xD
<Chainsaw555> You may want to spend the last of your days doing things you love
<Chainsaw555> Also, please send me all of your belongings.
<Nheulu|Coding> like jumping off huge cliffs
<Nheulu|Coding> xD
<Chainsaw555> But make sure to sanitise them first
<Nheulu|Coding> Chainsaw555 will send them to your beloved - some day :/
<Woodmouse> I have 6580354 years left to live
<Woodmouse> lol
<Chainsaw555> The best thing to do is kill yourself off in a really cool way seconds before you would dies naturally otherwise
<Woodmouse> lol
=-= Nheulu|Coding is now known as Unnheulu
<Chainsaw555> Like jump off a cliff and land on a cactus
<Chainsaw555> That's really cool.
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> think of it, when the police found the perosn
<Unnheulu> My brother fell into a huge cactus once :/
<Woodmouse> *person
<Unnheulu> what an idiot xD
<Woodmouse> awhuvh
<Chainsaw555> Indeed.
<Woodmouse> *awuch
<Chainsaw555> Cacti are awesome.
<Unnheulu> heh
* Chainsaw555 jumps on some Cacti
<Woodmouse> CACTUSES!!!
<Woodmouse> I like cactuses
<Woodmouse> but not cacti
<Chainsaw555> Nope, cacti is the correct way to say cactuses
<Woodmouse> I know
<Woodmouse> but I don't like it. :|
<Woodmouse> it sounds,,,
<Woodmouse> boring
<Unnheulu> why anyone would take a photo like I dunno
<Chainsaw555> I donno, looks neat
<Unnheulu> looks ugly to me :/
<Chainsaw555> Ugly is not an opposite of neat
<Unnheulu> heh
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> ^....................^
<Woodmouse> it's cool
<Woodmouse> kinda
<Chainsaw555> damn it the shrieker is being a stinker
<Woodmouse> how so?
<Chainsaw555> It won't face the player properly. :
<Chainsaw555> :\
<Chainsaw555> cut and pastes one line in another location.
<Chainsaw555> Success! \o/
<Woodmouse> wait
<Woodmouse> I'll put this in chatlogs
<Chainsaw555> Why?
<Woodmouse> well
<Woodmouse> it's funny
<Woodmouse> oh wait
<Woodmouse> not yet
<Chainsaw555> More than our usual convos?
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> I know! :D
<Chainsaw555> It's actually quite dull in comparison.
* Woodmouse fires a laser from his head.
* Woodmouse fires a laser from his toe.
* Chainsaw555 absorbs the laser
<Woodmouse> Ha! THe other one hit!
<Woodmouse> :D
<Woodmouse> lol
* Chainsaw555 repeats last action
* Woodmouse repeats last action: lol
* Woodmouse goes in the fridge
<Chainsaw555> me is victorious.
<Chainsaw555> I think I'm done with the shrieker now
* Woodmouse returns from the icy lands of the fridge.
<Woodmouse> with coca cola
* Woodmouse hoorays for Shrieker.
<Woodmouse> hoorays
<Woodmouse> hooray...
<Chainsaw555> Damn it, now it's not working again
<Woodmouse> hoora...
<Woodmouse> hoor...
<Woodmouse> hoo...
<Woodmouse> ho...
<Woodmouse> h...
<Woodmouse> ...
<Woodmouse> :(
<Chainsaw555> Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't
<Woodmouse> hmm
<Woodmouse> weird
<Woodmouse> :)
<Woodmouse> * :(
* Chainsaw555 changes some lines
<Woodmouse> * ok *
<Woodmouse> ^.........^
<Woodmouse> ^Å^
<Woodmouse> it's an angel
<Chainsaw555> Ok it works again
<Woodmouse> yay
<Chainsaw555> Now I'll try a few more times to make sure it works every time
<Woodmouse> m(_ _)m
<Woodmouse> it's mom
<Woodmouse> o(^__^)o
* Woodmouse wonders about one thing
* Woodmouse wonders about two things
<Chainsaw555> This looks like you're looking at a yeti's ass > m(_ _)m
* Woodmouse wonders about three things
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> yeti ass! :D
* Woodmouse pokes Unnheulu with a yeti ass.
<Chainsaw555> Yep, definitely working now
<Chainsaw555> Now all I have to do is script a reaction for his call for help
<Woodmouse> ok
<Chainsaw555> But I won't actually do that since the monster itself is already finished. :)
<Woodmouse> ok
<Chainsaw555> I'll leave the daunting part to someone else. :D
<Woodmouse> to Zefz.
<Woodmouse> XD
<Woodmouse> porllbey?
<Woodmouse> *probably
<Woodmouse> lol
<Chainsaw555> Most likely. I don't think he'll have much trouble with it.
<Chainsaw555> or any trouble at all
<Woodmouse> ok
<Chainsaw555> I doubt he'll even notice that he did the script
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> maybe
<Woodmouse> or maybe he knows that he does toes.
<Chainsaw555> He's a toephill?
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> no...
<Woodmouse> I mean...
<Woodmouse> I dunno.
<Woodmouse> :|
<Chainsaw555> Why would he do toes then?
<Woodmouse> maybe because the toes taste horrible.
<Woodmouse> or because he loves his toes, which he walks sith.
<Woodmouse> *with
<Chainsaw555> So what you're saying, Horatio, is that Zefz likes horrible things?
<Woodmouse> no, he's not a masochist.
<Woodmouse> I think
<Woodmouse> and I'm woodmouse.
<Woodmouse> not horatio.
<Chainsaw555> What?
<Chainsaw555> You're a wooden mouse?
<Chainsaw555> What gives?
<Woodmouse> I'm a human.
<Chainsaw555> When were you going to tell me?
<Chainsaw555> Oh
<Chainsaw555> So you're Horatio.
* Woodmouse pokes Unnheulu with an angel -> ^Å^
* Woodmouse is having problems with his nose.
* Woodmouse is having problems with his throat.
* Woodmouse is having problems with his head.
<Woodmouse> they all are ached.
<Woodmouse> :(
<Woodmouse> Ääääåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåäåä
* Woodmouse hells
<Woodmouse> *helps
<Woodmouse> lo
<Woodmouse> llol*
* Chainsaw555 has some cherries and grapes
<Woodmouse> *lol
<Woodmouse> ok
* Woodmouse doesn't.
<Woodmouse> :(
<Woodmouse> I help my mom
<Chainsaw555> also some chips
<Woodmouse> like...
<Woodmouse> sometimes
<Woodmouse> not some tiems
<Woodmouse> *times
<Chainsaw555> help with what?
<Woodmouse> hmmm
<Woodmouse> like...
<Woodmouse> hmmm
<Chainsaw555> fending off tomatoes?
<Woodmouse> lol'
<Woodmouse> not
<Woodmouse> like. hmm.
<Woodmouse> what is..
<Woodmouse> umm..
<Woodmouse> cleaning
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> like that
<Woodmouse> some times
<Woodmouse> seldom
<Woodmouse> but some times
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Woodmouse> not now, though
<Woodmouse> It just corsed my minf
<Woodmouse> *crossed mind
<Chainsaw555> I don't help. I am sometimes enlisted to help anyway though. :D
<Woodmouse> ok
<Woodmouse> Think of an odd star
<Woodmouse> it comes closer to your face
<Woodmouse> it kills you.
<Woodmouse> how was that?
<Chainsaw555> Uranus is odd
<Chainsaw555> It's not actually a planet though
<Woodmouse> what would you do if that would happen.
<Woodmouse> *?
<Chainsaw555> I'd tell it to piss off
<Woodmouse> yay
<Woodmouse> \o/
<Chainsaw555> Either that or melt from the heat
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> Zefz
<Chainsaw555> *star, not planet
<Chainsaw555> it is a planet
<Woodmouse> ZEFZ!!! >.<
<Chainsaw555> Where?
* Woodmouse summons Zefz from the belly of the mountain goat girl scouts.
<Chainsaw555> Are you hallunicating?
<Woodmouse> no
<Woodmouse> I'm not
<Chainsaw555> I want some of whatever it is you're smoking
<Woodmouse> I dont smoke!
<Woodmouse> I hate smoking
<Woodmouse> it hurts brains
<Chainsaw555> How about now?
<Woodmouse> ?
<Woodmouse> whatdo you meaqn?
<Woodmouse> *mean
<Woodmouse> *what do
<Chainsaw555> It huts lungs, actually
<Woodmouse> Zefz?
<Woodmouse> oh
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> I thought you meant Zefz hurts lungs
<Chainsaw555> If your brain is hurt from smoking it's not a very good one to begin with
<Woodmouse> xD
<Woodmouse> you smoke, then?
<Chainsaw555> Nope
<Woodmouse> when you know stuff about skmoking
<Woodmouse> oh
<Woodmouse> yay
<Chainsaw555> Don't like it
<Woodmouse> hooray for Chainsaw not skomimg!
<Woodmouse> *smoking
<Chainsaw555> Huzzah
<Woodmouse> ... _phpBB.gif
<Woodmouse> it's cutte
<Woodmouse> *cute
<Chainsaw555> Whoa, what is that? I've never seen it before?
<Woodmouse> lol
* Woodmouse handles Chainsaw a rare, opera star fish.
* Chainsaw555 perhaps had too many grapes
<Woodmouse> how so?
<Chainsaw555> just now
<Chainsaw555> when I ate them
<Woodmouse> ok
<Chainsaw555> makes sense?
* Woodmouse sniffs
<Woodmouse> ewww
<Woodmouse> snot comes from my nose.
<Chainsaw555> So you don't smoke but you do sniff?
<Woodmouse> I don't like being sick
<Chainsaw555> Oh
<Chainsaw555> :D
<Woodmouse> you like being sick?
<Chainsaw555> I'm never sick
<Woodmouse> '.'
<Woodmouse> never?
<Chainsaw555> my immune system is uber haxxor
<Woodmouse> not even if I give you... a salmon named Ella.
<Woodmouse> ?
<Woodmouse> :D
<Chainsaw555> Sometimes I get a slightly sore throat or a clogged nose in the winter, but I've never been seriously sick.
<Chainsaw555> ever
<Chainsaw555> never ever ever never ever ever
<Chainsaw555> never ver neverervnererenvnevcener
<Chainsaw555> asdaf!
<Woodmouse> It just is.
<Woodmouse> Say G!
* Chainsaw555 disposes of cherry seeds and grape branches
<Woodmouse> Say O!
<Woodmouse> Say D!
<Woodmouse> Say Z!
<Woodmouse> Say I!
<Woodmouse> Say L!
<Woodmouse> Say L!
<Woodmouse> Say A!
<Woodmouse> :D
<Woodmouse> löalalalalala
<Woodmouse> *öpö*
<Woodmouse> *lol*
<Woodmouse> "fly through the sand... fly through the sand..."
<Woodmouse> remember that?
<Woodmouse> weird impling.
<Woodmouse> XD
<Chainsaw555> wasn't it 'fly to the desert" ?
<Woodmouse> no
<Woodmouse> it was sand
<Woodmouse> and through
<Chainsaw555> and barrel roll, not fly
<Woodmouse> make that
<Woodmouse> you
<Woodmouse> :D
<Woodmouse> lol
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Woodmouse> LOL
<Woodmouse> -..............-"
* Woodmouse is weird
<Chainsaw555> can you first send me fly through the sand so I can change it to barrel roll?
<Chainsaw555> BARREL ROLL! through the sand!
<Chainsaw555> wheeeee
<Chainsaw555> Actually, nevermind, I'd rather do something else with my time
<Woodmouse> lol
* Chainsaw555 checks list of Slash'em and Nethack monsters
<Woodmouse> Hey, I remembered one thing when I once played Wesnoth
<Woodmouse> there was a Draug addict
<Woodmouse> a Necromancer, who only used Draugs
<Woodmouse> an ai
<Woodmouse> xD
<Woodmouse> it was weird
* Chainsaw555 also check's Aaron's vision docs
<Woodmouse> "Trogs hiding"
<Chainsaw555> Lol, monster list of underwater creatures:
<Chainsaw555> - deep one
<Chainsaw555> - deeper one
<Chainsaw555> - deepest one
<Woodmouse> lol
<Chainsaw555> wax golem
<Chainsaw555> plastic golem
<Chainsaw555> paper golem
<Chainsaw555> :D
<Woodmouse> ɨ
<Woodmouse> lalala
<Chainsaw555> ɨ ?
<Woodmouse> yea
<Woodmouse> it's cool
<Woodmouse> Ѡ
<Chainsaw555> Ѡ
<Woodmouse> these break the chatlog.
<Woodmouse> :(
<Woodmouse> I have been copying all this
<Woodmouse> in a .rtf file
<Woodmouse> and the weird marks look like squares in it.
<Chainsaw555> What chat client are you using?
<Woodmouse> ChatZilla
<Chainsaw555> Doesn't it have a log feature?
<Woodmouse> hmm
<Woodmouse> where?
<Chainsaw555> How am I supposed to know?
<Chainsaw555> It SHOULD have onme
<Chainsaw555> *one
<Woodmouse> no, it doesn't have
<Chainsaw555> look for it
<Woodmouse> it has...
<Woodmouse> select all
<Chainsaw555> C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\randchars.default\chatzilla\logs
<Chainsaw555> Try there
<Woodmouse> ???
<Chainsaw555> Put that link in Windows explorer adress bar
<Woodmouse> nmoooooooo
<Woodmouse> *nooooooo
<Woodmouse> I hate the adress bat
<Woodmouse> *bar
<Chainsaw555> Go to C:
<Woodmouse> nah
<Chainsaw555> The documents and settings
<Woodmouse> I don't.
<Chainsaw555> then user application data
<Woodmouse> no
<Chainsaw555> you don't what?
<Chainsaw555> it's not there?
<Woodmouse> well
<Woodmouse> I haven't checked
<Woodmouse> but I like selectin all
<Woodmouse> more than using a log fateouse
<Chainsaw555> You're scared of what lies withing your computer?
<Chainsaw555> :D
<Woodmouse> which copies weeen the first juon messaee
<Woodmouse> *even join message
<Chainsaw555> What happens if you have intrnt promlemeasdhssd again?
<Woodmouse> umm
<Chainsaw555> You're screwed
<Woodmouse> I put everything in .rtf file
<Chainsaw555> :O
<Woodmouse> so I'm not
<Woodmouse> :D
<Chainsaw555> :=
<Woodmouse> :D
<Woodmouse> яeaper
<Woodmouse> XD
<Chainsaw555> yeeaper?
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> well
<Woodmouse> it's an R.
<Woodmouse> I knoe
<Woodmouse> *know
<Woodmouse> it's not aid like oine
<Chainsaw555> Yes, but think of what someone who actually know it reads it as.
<Woodmouse> *said one
<Chainsaw555> That's why bands like Motorhead and Motley Crue give me the creeps
<Chainsaw555> DÅÅTH
<Chainsaw555> Rinôçérôse
<Chainsaw555> Mediæval Bæbes
<Chainsaw555> 'Boøwy
<Chainsaw555> Die Ärzte
<Woodmouse> ß
<Chainsaw555> Bløf
<Woodmouse> Whaa?
<Chainsaw555> Bløf
<Woodmouse> Whaa?
<Chainsaw555> Bløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløfbløf!
<Chainsaw555> Bløf
<Woodmouse> blöf?
<Chainsaw555> Bløf
<Chainsaw555> BløfBløf
* Woodmouse pokes Unnheulu
<Unnheulu> SDFGHDRGUHSERYHSSSUYSHGUYSDFHGJKADHFUYHASU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Woodmouse> ???
<Chainsaw555> asdaf!
<Unnheulu> xD
<Chainsaw555> Turmion Kätilöt
<Woodmouse> FINNISH!
<Woodmouse> :D
<Unnheulu> I am never playing a game fullscreen whilst on #egoboo again
<Woodmouse> why?
<Woodmouse> because I poke you?
<Unnheulu> cause you keep poking me
<Unnheulu> :P
* Chainsaw555 BløfBløfs Unnheulu
<Woodmouse> What is BløfBløf?
<Chainsaw555> beats me
<Woodmouse> ?
<Chainsaw555> but it's cool
* Woodmouse doesn't poke Chainsaw555.
<Chainsaw555> blof
<Chainsaw555> oh noes
<Chainsaw555> dutch pop rock
<Chainsaw555> ewwwww
<Unnheulu> lol
<--| Unnheulu has left #egoboo ("I need quiet :/")
<Chainsaw555> blof
<Chainsaw555> blof
<Chainsaw555> blof
<Chainsaw555> flob
<Chainsaw555> bfol
<Chainsaw555> lbof
<Chainsaw555> blfoblfobflbfoblfblfboflbfobfoblfboflbofblfoblfoblfolboflboflbfoblfolboflbfoblfoblfolbofblfoblfoblfolblblfobfoblfbofbfblfoflbofbbbfbfbfbfbflboflbfoblllblbfoflfbobolbflfb
<Chainsaw555> blfolblofbklfob
<Chainsaw555> flofb
<Chainsaw555> ]fbkofb
<Chainsaw555> bfklfb
<Chainsaw555> bflofb
<Chainsaw555> bfolbf
<Chainsaw555> bfolbf
<Chainsaw555> bflpfb
<Chainsaw555> fbob
<Chainsaw555> fbf;fb
<Chainsaw555> bflf
<Chainsaw555> ]fbo0lbf
<Chainsaw555> fbfoiffbf
<Chainsaw555> bfofb
<Chainsaw555> fbofb
<Chainsaw555> fbf
<Chainsaw555> help i can't stop
<Chainsaw555> gjifbff
<Chainsaw555> fbkdfb
<Chainsaw555> fbofd
<Chainsaw555> bvfb;f
<Chainsaw555> fblofb
<Chainsaw555> bfbf
<Chainsaw555> bflfb
<Chainsaw555> fbbfolbf
<Chainsaw555> bfbfplbf
<Chainsaw555> bfbfpbfbf
<Chainsaw555> fbpbf
<Chainsaw555> fbpfb
<Chainsaw555> fbpbf
<Chainsaw555> fbp;fbbf
<Chainsaw555> fbplfbfb
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Chainsaw555> fbfbpfb
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Chainsaw555> fblp0bf
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Chainsaw555> fbplfb
<Chainsaw555> fbplbf
<Chainsaw555> fblpfb
<Chainsaw555> bflpfb
<Chainsaw555> fblpfb
<Chainsaw555> fbplfb
<Chainsaw555> fblpfb
<Chainsaw555> fbplfb
<Chainsaw555> fblpfb
<Chainsaw555> fblpbfdbdf
<Chainsaw555> bfdb]dfbd
<Chainsaw555> fbdf
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Chainsaw555> bhfgh
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Chainsaw555> gjds
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Woodmouse> STOP!!!
<Chainsaw555> s
<Chainsaw555> ASDAF!
<Chainsaw555> jjghj
<Chainsaw555> jghj
<Chainsaw555> ghjgh
<Chainsaw555> jdgtd
<Chainsaw555> erte
<Chainsaw555> tret
<Chainsaw555> yhty
<Chainsaw555> iuyioyu
<Chainsaw555> ouinhmbm
<Chainsaw555> bbcv
<Chainsaw555> bx
<Chainsaw555> vxvds
<Chainsaw555> fds
<Chainsaw555> fewrt
<Chainsaw555> ewr
<Chainsaw555> twe
<Chainsaw555> tr
<Woodmouse> .............................
<Chainsaw555> ty
<Chainsaw555> ty
<Chainsaw555> ui
<Chainsaw555> u
<Chainsaw555> iu
<Chainsaw555> lj
<Chainsaw555> bc
<Chainsaw555> f
<Chainsaw555> g
<Chainsaw555> dr
<Chainsaw555> t
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Woodmouse> ...
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> ok
<Chainsaw555> Having fun logging this?
<Chainsaw555> wrong!
<Chainsaw555> wrong
<Chainsaw555> doo du be doo
<Chainsaw555> okkkkoskok
<Chainsaw555> wrong
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> not avaible in my vounctey
<Woodmouse> *crounty
<Woodmouse> *country
<Chainsaw555> your loss then
<Woodmouse> :(
<Chainsaw555> I'll see if I can find another
<Woodmouse> ok
* Woodmouse needs to go. :(
<Woodmouse> cya
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Post by Cimeries »

You play with Pokemon toys in public?
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Post by Zefz »

Isn't that like illegal or a crime?
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Post by Cimeries »

No, but it does mean you are 'game' for the next hunting season.
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Post by woodmouse »
Well... Umm... It's just that... we're childish. :lol:

@Chainsaw: Chat?
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Post by Cimeries »

Leather pants? Burnt villages? Oh noes!
<Woodmouse> did you listen the song I sent you?
<Cimeries> not yet
<Woodmouse> ok
<Woodmouse> I just realised
<Woodmouse> in Lordi's "My Heaven is your Hell" there is... hmm... different singing. :o
<Cimeries> silenter-er?
<Woodmouse> hmmm
<Cimeries> Yeah, I know
<Woodmouse> yea
<Woodmouse> :D
<Woodmouse> it's cooler
<Woodmouse> than the normal
<Woodmouse> xD
<Woodmouse> oh, and in one concert they played here in Finland, Kita had leather pants. xD
<Woodmouse> it's quite scary
<Cimeries> Indeed
<Cimeries> Leather pants are terrifying
<Woodmouse> yea
<Cimeries> A band of marauding leather pants burned my village
<Woodmouse> :o
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> seriously?
<Cimeries> Yes.
<Woodmouse> :O
<Cimeries> The images are burned in my memory forever.
<Cimeries> I'll never forget
<Woodmouse> :/
<Cimeries> What were we talking about again?
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> about... hmmm
<Woodmouse> Lordi
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> then it went to discussion about leather pants burned in your eyes
<Cimeries> Lordi is terrifying
<Woodmouse> LOL
<Cimeries> Lordi burned my village
<Woodmouse> ......
<Woodmouse> lol
<Cimeries> And they were wearing leather pants!
<Cimeries> Oh, the horrors.
<Cimeries> I'll never forget.
<Woodmouse> LOOOL!
<Cimeries> Hey
<Cimeries> Who are you?
<Woodmouse> ..........
<Cimeries> What am I doing here?
<Woodmouse> Cimeries, you are... weirding again.
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> xD
<Woodmouse> WEIRDER!!!
<Woodmouse> lol
<Cimeries> Cimeries is terrifying.
<Cimeries> He burned my village
<Woodmouse> LOL!
<Cimeries> With the help of Lordi
<Cimeries> And they were all wearing leather pants.
<Cimeries> That was kind of kinky.
<Cimeries> I'll never forget.
<Woodmouse> OH TEG NOES!!! You know... Does Lordi sing "I'm a mother" in Children of the night? :o
<Woodmouse> in the beginning
<Cimeries> Mothers are terrifying.
<Woodmouse> lol
<Cimeries> My mom burned my village to the ground with the help of Cimeries and Lordi
<Cimeries> They were all wearing leather pants.
<Woodmouse> LOL!!!
<Cimeries> Except for Cimeries.
<Woodmouse> lol
<Cimeries> He wasn't wearing any pants.
<Woodmouse> LOL
<Cimeries> That was scary.
<Woodmouse> probably
<Woodmouse> I can't imagine you without pants
<Woodmouse> or...
<Woodmouse> I haven't seen you
<Cimeries> Probably is terrifying.
<Cimeries> My mom and Cimeries and Lordi probably burned my village.
<Woodmouse> ok
<Cimeries> And they were all wearing leather pants.
<Woodmouse> yea,
<Woodmouse> you said already...
<Cimeries> Except for my mom, Cimeries, and Lordi
<Cimeries> They had regular clothes.
<Woodmouse> lol
<Woodmouse> Lordi with regular clothes! :o
<Cimeries> But the village had these weird leather pants.
<Woodmouse> lol
<Cimeries> I'll never forget.
<Woodmouse> So, about Lordi again
<Woodmouse> are the lyrics in Children of the night really "I'm a mother"?
<Woodmouse> because...
<Woodmouse> it scares me
<Woodmouse> if they really are
<Woodmouse> xD
<Cimeries> Children are terrifying
<Woodmouse> LOL
<Cimeries> A band of children once tried to mug me in broad daylight
<Woodmouse> LOOOOOOOOL
<Cimeries> I had to fight them off with a shovel
<Woodmouse> LOOOOL
<Cimeries> Oh, but then
<Cimeries> They burned my village with the help of my mom, Cimeries and Lordi
<Woodmouse> lol
<Cimeries> And guess what?
<Cimeries> Neither of them was wearing leather pants!
<Cimeries> But I was.
<Cimeries> Leather pants are cool
<Woodmouse> they're not
<Woodmouse> at least not on Kita
<Woodmouse> he looked scary
<Cimeries> Kita is terrifying
<Cimeries> She once asked me if she could borrow my leather pants for a concert in Finland
<Cimeries> I said no and she beat me up with a shovel
<Woodmouse> SHE!!?
<Woodmouse> He's a he
<Cimeries> then proceeded to burn my village.
<Cimeries> Not anymore.
<Woodmouse> :0
<Cimeries> I burned something else
<Cimeries> As retaliation
<Woodmouse> LOL!
<Woodmouse> You could have burned his leather pants, lol xD
<Woodmouse> Hey, didn't Rammstein's singer Till wear leather pants once?
<Woodmouse> scary, if he did
<Cimeries> Till is terrifying
<Woodmouse> lol
<Cimeries> He once gave me autograph
<Woodmouse> :o
<Cimeries> but he misspelled his name
<Woodmouse> how?
<Cimeries> So I burned his village with the help of my mom, myself, and Lordi
<Woodmouse> lol
<Cimeries> But then he swore vengeance
<Cimeries> So I swore vengeance too
<Cimeries> Because swearing vengeance is cool.
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Post by woodmouse »

That was one of the coolest things ever happened in the chat... :mrgreen:
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Post by Agent of Dread »

(11:53:35) ChanServ left the room.
(11:53:41) pf5234: ...
(11:53:42) AoD: Hahaha yes I'm so awesome.
(11:53:44) pf2222: DUEEGO!
- Linktree: -
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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

(09:02:19 PM) You are now known as woodmouse
(09:02:24 PM) pf5234: hi@
(09:02:35 PM) woodmouse: NUEEDO!
(09:02:43 PM) BenUrban: hi
(09:04:03 PM) woodmouse: lallalallalala
(09:04:09 PM) BenUrban: la!
(09:04:20 PM) woodmouse: -o.
(09:04:22 PM) woodmouse: .o-
(09:04:23 PM) woodmouse: -o.
(09:04:24 PM) woodmouse: .o-
(09:04:27 PM) woodmouse: -o.
(09:04:29 PM) woodmouse: .o-
(09:04:31 PM) woodmouse: -o.
(09:04:35 PM) woodmouse: .o.
(09:04:36 PM) woodmouse: .o.
(09:04:37 PM) woodmouse: .o
(09:04:48 PM) woodmouse: he lost an arm! D:
(09:05:17 PM) woodmouse: Hail Foxie! \o\
(09:05:22 PM) woodmouse: Hail Foxie! /o/
(09:05:27 PM) woodmouse: Foxie isn't here..
(09:05:56 PM) pf5234: WAH! WAH! WAH! WAH!
(09:06:00 PM) woodmouse: ?
(09:06:08 PM) pf5234: WAH!
(09:06:12 PM) woodmouse: ok
(09:06:24 PM) woodmouse: lol
(09:06:39 PM) woodmouse: Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalalalallala
(09:06:49 PM) pf5234: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
(09:06:58 PM) shadowmaster: ohhh, fake woodmouse! weeee!
(09:07:02 PM) BenUrban: \o/
(09:07:14 PM) woodmouse: I'm making an overpoweerd weapon
(09:07:17 PM) woodmouse: *overpown
(09:07:19 PM) woodmouse: *overpwnd
(09:07:21 PM) woodmouse: *oporne
(09:07:25 PM) woodmouse: *overpwonded
(09:07:27 PM) BenUrban: LOL
(09:07:28 PM) woodmouse: *overpowenr
(09:07:32 PM) woodmouse: *overpowered
(09:08:06 PM) woodmouse: It's called...
(09:08:13 PM) pf5234: YOSHI!
(09:08:14 PM) woodmouse: "The Powerful Weapon"
(09:08:17 PM) BenUrban: \o/
(09:08:18 PM) woodmouse: xD
(09:09:02 PM) woodmouse: It's a poisoned spear.
(09:09:19 PM) woodmouse: And it has tomatoes poofing out of it.
(09:09:48 PM) ***woodmouse tests it out
(09:09:51 PM) shadowmaster: it'd be better put in use against the pizza monsters.
(09:09:58 PM) BenUrban: lol
(09:10:08 PM) woodmouse: lol, we don't have any pizza monsters
(09:10:31 PM) pf5234: all we have to do is reskin tile mimics
(09:10:36 PM) woodmouse: hmmm
(09:10:39 PM) BenUrban: xD
(09:10:43 PM) woodmouse: yea
(09:10:44 PM) woodmouse: xD
(09:11:04 PM) woodmouse: lol, tomatoes going splat on cobols
(09:11:12 PM) BenUrban: hehehe
(09:12:42 PM) woodmouse: *SPLAT!*
(09:12:46 PM) BenUrban: \o/
(09:13:27 PM) aleco614 [] entered the room.
(09:13:28 PM) woodmouse: tomatoe flavored coobls
(09:13:30 PM) woodmouse: *cobols
(09:13:33 PM) pf5234: hi
(09:13:33 PM) BenUrban: hiya
(09:13:35 PM) woodmouse: NUEEDO!
(09:13:37 PM) aleco614: wtf?
(09:13:44 PM) aleco614: hi!
(09:13:58 PM) woodmouse: Things aren't what they seem
(09:14:07 PM) woodmouse: Trust me.
(09:14:16 PM) woodmouse: anyways./.
(09:14:24 PM) woodmouse: *SPLAT*
(09:14:39 PM) aleco614: me is confused
(09:14:42 PM) ***BenUrban offers pizza to woodmouse
(09:14:50 PM) aleco614: lol
(09:14:55 PM) woodmouse: I'm splating cobols with "The Powerful Weapon"
(09:15:04 PM) aleco614: tomato gun!
(09:15:05 PM) woodmouse: It has tomatoes poofing out of it
(09:15:15 PM) aleco614: *poof!*
(09:15:15 PM) woodmouse: But it's a poison spear
(09:15:20 PM) aleco614: *poof!*
(09:15:22 PM) woodmouse: And.. it's weird
(09:15:23 PM) woodmouse: xD
(09:15:23 PM) aleco614: *splat*
(09:15:28 PM) woodmouse: poofsplat!
(09:15:36 PM) aleco614: yippee!
(09:15:42 PM) aleco614: nonsense!
(09:15:53 PM) BenUrban: indeed, that's woodmouse for ya
(09:15:56 PM) #egoboo: mode (+v aleco614 ) by woodmouse
(09:16:06 PM) aleco614: whats going on?
(09:16:07 PM) woodmouse: aleco gets shiny disk~
(09:16:20 PM) aleco614: this is my first time using chat...
(09:16:22 PM) woodmouse: thingy
(09:16:29 PM) BenUrban: oh
(09:16:44 PM) aleco614: me confused!
(09:16:50 PM) ***pf5234 confused!
(09:16:56 PM) ***woodmouse woodmouse~
(09:17:01 PM) woodmouse: *!
(09:17:08 PM) woodmouse: lol
(09:17:10 PM) woodmouse: I'm
(09:17:16 PM) woodmouse: WOODMOSUE!
(09:17:20 PM) woodmouse: *WOODMOUSE
(09:17:25 PM) pf5234: well hi WOODMOSUE
(09:17:32 PM) woodmouse: .o.
(09:17:34 PM) woodmouse: .o-
(09:17:35 PM) aleco614: RANDOMNESS!
(09:17:36 PM) woodmouse: -o,
(09:17:43 PM) woodmouse: ooh, colors
(09:17:45 PM) BenUrban: please, not that color
(09:17:51 PM) BenUrban: hurts eyes
(09:17:54 PM) woodmouse: it's bright
(09:18:02 PM) aleco614: :D
(09:18:06 PM) aleco614: lol
(09:18:18 PM) woodmouse: hm
(09:18:20 PM) woodmouse: well
(09:18:21 PM) pf5234: Darker colors are seemingly okay
(09:18:22 PM) woodmouse: I need to go now
(09:18:25 PM) woodmouse: bye
(09:18:27 PM) aleco614: bye...
(09:18:28 PM) woodmouse: DUEEGO!
(09:18:29 PM) pf5234: bye
(09:18:30 PM) BenUrban: byebye
(09:18:32 PM) You are now known as pf2222
(09:18:35 PM) aleco614: randomness
(09:18:35 PM) BenUrban: hi!
(09:18:38 PM) pf5234: hi
(09:18:38 PM) pf2222: haha I'm a great fake woody.
(09:18:41 PM) BenUrban: indeed
(09:18:43 PM) pf5234: you missed Woodmouse
(09:18:46 PM) BenUrban: best i've ever seen
(09:18:57 PM) pf2222: Anyway, I actually am leaving now.
(09:19:02 PM) BenUrban: better than woodmouse's impersonation of woodmouse
Last edited by penguinflyer2222 on Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by woodmouse »

LOL! Fake me! :D
:rofl:, the end was sooo funny!
(09:19:02 PM) BenUrban: better than woodmouse's impersonation of woodmouse
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