New binary for SVN users (#45)

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Post by Zefz »

@birdsey: Sure the game isn't trying to load a file called "plan" instead of "plan.bmp" or "plan.png" (looks that way looking at the logfile).
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Post by bgbirdsey »

if you try to load "plan" it looks for "plan.bmp" "plan.BMP" "plan.png" "plan.xpm" ...

The logfile just reports that no plan.* bitmap type could be loaded, but I made no specific attempt to explain that in detail.

At least I think that's what's happening.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

The only possible thing is that your video card does not support one of the OpenGL texture options that are being supplied and is returning an error. There is no convenient way of trapping every OpenGL error, so try this: go into setup.txt and set

Code: Select all

That should take it down to the bare bones texture handling. If you still can't get anything but black textures, I will make an ugly patch to the binary to try to trap all OpenGL errors. This eill probably have a special key in the {DEBUG} section
Clonkinator wrote:why do the starter modules show up when I load an already existing character?
This is a bug.
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Post by Shade »

Alright, tried it with those settings, but nothing changed neither with SDL_Image set to FALSE, nor with it set to TRUE. log.txt says exactly the same as before as well.
bgbirdsey wrote:
Clonkinator wrote:why do the starter modules show up when I load an already existing character?
This is a bug.
Ah, I thought so. Ok then.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

OK.... I'm trying to fix a bug with starting and stopping modules. I need a couple of hours to track that down and squash it.

After that I will import the SDL and OpenGL functions that I have been working with, and we should be able to track down what the exact problem is.
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Post by Zefz »

bgbirdsey wrote:if you try to load "plan" it looks for "plan.bmp" "plan.BMP" "plan.png" "plan.xpm" ...

The logfile just reports that no plan.* bitmap type could be loaded, but I made no specific attempt to explain that in detail.

At least I think that's what's happening.
You are correct. I made an array with all file types it's supposed to try out, but I thought the logfile would give a plan.* output. Oh well.
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Post by Zefz »

Birdsey, I have some questions about the sound system changes you made. It looks like you use the music engine to play .ogg sound effects. Why? This is very bad from my perspective, since now music stops playing and resets. Additionally only one .ogg sound effect can be played at one this way.

Playing .ogg files using Mix_LoadWAV() and Mix_PlayChannel() had no problems at all. Quoting from the SDL_mixer documentation:

"Even though this function is named Mix_LoadWAV it also supports multiple other formats like .ogg, .mp3, .midi etc."

[edit]Doing some more research it seems .ogg sound effects are only supported if they are Mono. This isn't a problem since all Egoboo sounds are mono as default. Another interesting thing is that .OGG format for sound effects broke in SDL_mixer 1.2.10, but was repaired in 1.2.11 (sure you have a working version) [/edit]
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Post by bgbirdsey »

That may be true... I'll have to take a look, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't working for me.

It was crashing the mixer with some file in the jive elf .ogg files. It couldn;t allocate enough memory, so the file was acting like a decompression bomb. It seemed to be trying to open the .ogg as a .wav.

That could be some kind of problem with the version of the source that I am using. It's the latest svn. I caught at least one actual bug in the code, so maybe they made some changes to the sound file loading?


ARGH! You are right. My problem was that when I tried to link the SDL_mixer with the vorbis libraries I was trying to do something statically and even though it says it should work, it was not correctly recognizing the ogg module! Needless to say that it wasn't opening the .ogg files and causing some pretty major errors. :P

The system I introduced could still be useful with the battle music and such because it should just interrupt the currently playing music (blah.ogg) and then play the new music (blah_bloody_battle.ogg) and when that music is over it will just go back to the original tune (blah.ogg)...

That could actually be useful :)
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Post by Zefz »

Indeed, but it would still replay the original track from the beginning instead of continuing from where it paused.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

I am not certain of this. The music header almost certainly contains a pointer to a wave stream that is being decoded by the codec.

It is likely that if the Mix_Music header is not altered/reset by any of the Mix_* commands, then it will probably either crash the machine, resume playing from its last location, or generate an error and restart the stream.

I believe that this may have already been tested since several .ogg sounds were being loaded and played as music and the music wasn't being randomly reset to the beginning...


On another note, I am still not able to play the .ogg files as chunks. I think you are right that there is some kind of bug. Right now, I am getting an unhandled exception because the SDL_mixer is trying to free memory allocated by another dll. That is bad for everyone. I'll try to download the correct version of the library and see what happens...


Also, I fixed the error with the plan bitmaps
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Post by Zefz »


I found out that I'm using the 1.2.6 version of SDL_mixer. A rather outdated one. I think the version of the library I use to compile it with is the newest one though.
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Post by PurpleSquerkle »

Can someone upload the new binary somewhere else or email it to me?
As I've said before, most file sharing sites are currently blocked by the network I'm on...
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Post by Zefz »

Alright, I'll see what I can do this evening or tomorrow.
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Post by Zefz »

Two issues with the latest SVN (excluding the bug in move_particles() that BenUrban made):
- The Teleport function seems for some reason to teleport the ai target instead of the character himself.
- Alpha blending is way to transparent now. You can barely see characters with a little transparency enabled.
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Post by Ben Urban »

I still contend that I didn't make the bug, I only made it more obvious.

@Birdsey: Have you verified my results yet?
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