New binary for SVN users (#45)

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Post by bgbirdsey »

Ihat should have been fixed in revision 400.

I accidentally introduced that bug, but it has been eliminated on my machine. It was a problem with the "fix" to the problems with IDSZ_NONE.
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Post by Zefz »

Let us know if it works Clonks. I'll be able to create a new binary for you if needed.

Also, sounds you are doing some great changes and improvements to the source birdsey :)
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Post by Shade »

Alright, I updated to revision #400 (excluding the binary) and tried 24, 16 and 8 as values in Z_Depth, but nothing of all of that helped anything.

@Zefz: Yeah, that would be nice, thanks. =/
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Post by penguinflyer5234 »

@Clonks: The Z Depth stuff was implemented in the binary on #400.

@bgbirdsey: I still get the script errors and the subsequent death after I recompiled the whole thing. (This is still #400)
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Post by bgbirdsey »

The backtrace is because I am using assert() to trap the error. It makes it easier for me to debug.

I assume this was Zippy City? I will look to see what the problem might be with the sheep.obj/script.txt


Zippy city opens correctly for me

Which other modules use sheep.... Elf starter?


Elf starter works

Bishopia city?


Bishopia city fails!

I'll track down the error
Last edited by bgbirdsey on Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by penguinflyer5234 »

No... I got the backtrace from gdb (no debugging symbols).

This was in Bishopia and the Ice Palace (icepup.obj).
The Sand Palace works fine.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

Calling assert(0) causes the program to halt in exactly the way you experienced. I use this as a debuging tool because it allows me to get into the source with my debugger and see all the game's variables.

In this case, it is not very friendly since this is not a truly critical error. The game would continue to run properly even with this error, though the script probably should be terminated at that point. This would only gimp one character's script :twisted:
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Post by penguinflyer5234 »

no no no no!
It prints out that line 3208 times and then segfaults.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

Sorry, you're right! That is not being trapped by assert(0).

It would be useful for you to mention things like "repeated blah times". From what you posted, the only likely conclusion is that the error was related to the last message in log.txt.

Also, it would've been useful for you to say which module you were in when it happened. As it turned out, the lamb.obj was not causing problems in any other module, forcing me to do extra work to try to track down the problem.

Making me do extra work to track down the problem is not productive for either of us.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

I found out what some of the errors were:

In the hotdog.obj and icepup.obj scripts, the shift right operator was written in as >> instead of the proper >. I'm not sure *what* error that might have been causing in the scripts before, because it was never detected as an error.

I had made a change that made certain math operations, like "blah = -1" not work properly. This has been fixed.

At the beginning of one of the junglewarrior.obj there was a syntax error where a '/' was left off of a comment. This has been fixed.

In several of the scripts, there were lines that looked like "rand 1 & 1024" or some such crap. This is a syntax error. Again, who knows what kind of problems this caused before, since it was never detected.

These errors caused all of the runtime errors that pf5234 reported.

I also made quite a few minor changes to about 2300 of the .txt files. Some of them are just the script fixes above. Some are to correct the improper use of the word "an". Some are for more consistent formatting.

I have introduced a bug that causes the program to fail if you exit one module and start another. That will be fixed tomorrow.

edit: I also edited the swamp plant in the archaeologist starter to make the OpenGL commands a bit more compact.... I don't know if it helped, but it is still causing errors.
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Post by Zefz »

Awesome work birdsey! Sounds like you are making the game a lot more stable :) I really need to get some time to compile and try it out. (and upload the binary for clonks)
bgbirdsey wrote: I had made a change that made certain math operations, like "blah = -1" not work properly. This has been fixed.
I am pretty certain that math operations like "blah = -x" never worked before either. You had to write them like "blah = 0 - x" to make a variable negative.
another example:
"tmpargument = -tmpargument" - wrong!
"tmpargument = 0 - tmpargument" - ok!
Is this still the case?
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Post by bgbirdsey »

it was always intended for "blah = -tmpargument" to work. I do not know whether it wasn't working properly before or not. it is working properly now.
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Post by Zefz »

Cool. That will make life easier.

I did some minor changes and got Egoboo to run :)
- Added some shading to the Jiive elf icons. Gave him backstab skill at level 1. Removed his Listen skill. Replaced Elven Senses with double jump at level 11.
- Renamed some enum decelerations to resolve some redefinition errors.
- Brom in the adventurer starter now attacks the gelfeet if it holds a humanoid creature.
I ran into some bugs:
- The game crashes for some reason when exiting
- The minimap is gone!
- I had a weird rare bug where Brom was teleported into the boss room instead of the Grub Mum!
- I had a rare bug where the game suddenly crashed in the adventurer starter. Haven't been able to reproduce it. Forgot to check the log file.

I am preparing the next binary for you clonks.

[edit]Here you go: ... RY-19.html

Every windows user who uses the SVN should download this.

- Update: A number of code optimizations.
- Update: The input control settings in the game menu now supports other devices than
just keyboard!
- Update: Improved the stability of the game in the way Egoboo loads and uses textures.
- Update: Improved the debbuging output Egoboo gives.
- Bugfix: Fixed some bugs with the module unlock system.
- Bugfix: Fixed a problem with loading .ogg sound files.
- Bugfix: Fixed over 2300 script errors!
- Bugfix: The AI should act much more intelligent now.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

it crashes for me every time I exit a module and start another. It has something to do with the quit_module/"start_module" code. Something is left in a bad state. Since it happens for me every time, I'm sure I can track it down.

ARGH about the map. I don't know why that wouldn't be loading....
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Post by Shade »

Alright, I tried revision #413 and binary #19 now.
Z_Depth was set to 16.

When SDL_Image was set to TRUE, everything showed up fine, except for the in-game-textures, which were all black, just like always.

When SDL_Image was set to FALSE, about half the icons of the modules were only white squares. No changes with the black stuff, with the exception that the status bars were only white as well.
This is what log.txt says with SDL_Image set to FALSE (I tested the Ice Palace):

Code: Select all

Starting Egoboo 2.7.0c ...
INFO: Initializing high-performance counter...
INFO: Frequency is 3579545 hz
INFO: Initializing clock services...
INFO: Initializing filesystem services...
INFO: Game directories are:
	Game: D:\Programme\Egoboo 2.6.x (SVN)
	Temp: C:\DOKUME~1\Robert\LOKALE~1\Temp\
	Save: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Robert\Eigene Dateien\egoboo\
	Import: C:\DOKUME~1\Robert\LOKALE~1\Temp\import\
INFO: Initializing SDL_Image version 1.2.6... Success!
INFO: Initializing SDL version 1.2.13... Success!
INFO: Intializing SDL Video... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Timing Services... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Event Threading... Succeess!
INFO: Opening SDL Video Mode... Success!
	SDL_GL_RED_SIZE     == 8
	SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE   == 16  (z-buffer depth)
INFO: Intializing SDL Joystick... Succeess!
INFO: net_initialize: Networking not enabled.
INFO: Intializing SDL Audio... Succeess!
INFO: Initializing SDL_mixer audio services version 1.2.8... Success!
INFO: Initializing module linking... Success!
INFO: Loading module "palice.mod"
WARN: Cannot load file! ("basicdat\bars")
WARN: Cannot load file! ("modules\palice.mod\gamedat\plan")
INFO: memory_cleanUp() - Attempting to clean up loaded things in memory... 
Also, as a side note, why do the starter modules show up when I load an already existing character?