[RPG] Tears of a Phoenix (Talk, Discussion & Strategy)

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[RPG] Tears of a Phoenix (Talk, Discussion & Strategy)

Post by Shade »

Alright, so here's a new PnP with an improved ruleset. It'll be the usual fantasy setting because I'm lame like that. :P
This PnP will get most of my attention, but I'll also continue to lead the Dark Revolution until it's finished.


1. Each player may only have one character. Your characters can act independently from each other, but if you go wandering around alone, you may quickly find yourself in trouble. Only the first 5 players to sign up will be able to play. Sorry, but judging from my experience with previous PnPs, I just can't handle more than that well, and having too many players also makes it a lot harder to balance battles.
2. There are a lot of different races. Throughout the game, the most common race you'll encounter will be common humans, but for your own character, you can come up with pretty much anything - elves, dwarves, gnomes, orcs, trolls, half breeds of any kind, etc... Just come up with something that you know you'll like to play as. Of course, if you just want to be a normal human, that's perfectly fine, too.
3. Please try to contribute to the story when playing; this is an RPG, after all. Make your character act logically. Make it interesting. Make it have an own personality, its own reasons to fight and its own story. You are even welcome to have bonds between your characters, like being a brother/sister of someone else, good childhood friends, or even rivals. If you want to integrate something into your story that would require my assistance (like an NPC rival), feel free to send me a PM about it; I'll gladly help. ^^
4. Please write anything your character says in "". I also recommend giving your character a personal talking color; note that you can get any color you desire by specifying a hex value instead of an actual color. #E5B530, for example (the format is #RRGGBB), should give a yellowish/golden color to your text.
5. Since you will be having quite some code in each of your posts, I recommend copying that code by clicking "quote" at your last own post. Just remember to update any changed values and remove the "[quote]"-tags afterwards.
6. If you want to say anything out of character in the game thread, use olive as a color please. If all you want to do is to say something out of character, please do it in this thread, not in the game thread.
7. Whenever I post I'll add a status table that indicates the most important stats of your characters, like the current HP of each character and enemy (if there are any). It'll also show the current time of day, the current weather and how much gold you currently have.

Character Stats
8. Every character's main stats are HP (Health Points), XP (Experience Points) and AP (Ability Points). I think most people here should be familiar with what HP and XP do. XP are gained for pretty much everything you do, such as helping other people, disarming a trap, picking a door's lock, defeating a monster, etc. AP, on the other hand, are used to learn new skills and abilities that your character can use. Also, you can increase your max. HP for 15 AP per point.
9. Players may define the skills/abilities they learn themselves, but I decide how many AP they actually cost to learn. In the case of active skills, you must also define a limit to how often you can use them. This limit can only be replenished by taking a rest (or taking special abilities for this purpose). The less limiting this limit is, the higher the AP cost will be. Note that you'll always have to specify the Atk, Hit and Crt of any skill or spell (or just Hit if it's not something that deals damage); you cannot make them dependant on your stats. Also, when trying to distinguish between skills and spells, generally keep in mind that I'll assume skills that do damage to target the enemy DEF, while spells will target RES. As such, please make sure to distinguish skills and spells from each other somehow.
10. Advancing to the next level always takes 100 XP. After a level up your XP are reset to 0, though any leftover XP will be kept (e. g. reaching 108 XP would leave you with 8 XP after the level up). Gaining a level will grant you 100 additional AP and allow you to distribute 2 additional points on your main stats.
11. Gold may be found at various places or obtained after winning a battle. Any gold piece aquired can be spent by any party member, even if your party is currently split up (screw logic). Your party starts with 100 gold.
12. You may carry up to 7 items in your inventory; no items can be stacked unless I myself put a number next to them. Any equipment you're currently wearing should not be hidden. Worn bags or quivers (in their own slot) may increase the amount of items you can carry.
13. There are more stats than just HP to consider if you want to be successful.
STR: Physical strength. Adds damage to your regular attacks.
SKL: Skill. Each point of SKL adds 3 points to your Hit rate and 1 point to your Crt rate.
AGI: Agility. Each point of AGI adds 3 points to your Avd rating and 1 point to your CEv.
LUK: Luck. Each point of LUK adds 2 points to your CEv and 1 point to both your Hit and Avd values.
DEF: Defense. The ability to withstand physical damage. Each point of DEF effectively reduces any physical damage you take by one point. However, damage cannot be nullified completely. Critical hits, however, will deal at least 1 point of damage even if a normal hit wouldn't harm you at all.
RES: Resistance. The ability to resist magical damage. Works the same way as DEF does, just for magical damage.
...this results in various sub-stats:
Atk: [STR + Weapon Mt] The basic amount of physical damage you're capable of dealing with a normal attack.
Hit: [SKL x3 + LUK + Weapon Hit] Your basic chance to hit with a normal attack.
Crt: [SKL + Weapon Crt] Your basic chance to score a critical hit. A critical hit triples the amount of damage you deal with that attack.
Avd: [AGI x3 + LUK + Armour Avd] Your chance to avoid an attack, no matter whether it's physical or magical. To put it simply, your Avd is subtracted from the Hit rate of anything that tries to attack you.
Def: [DEF + Armour Def] Your total DEF, including boni from equipment.
Res: [RES + Armour Res] Your total RES, including boni from equipment.
CEv: [LUK x2 + AGI] Critical Evasion. This stat is subtracted from the Crt rate of anything that tries to attack you.
14. Distribute your starting stats wisely. You start out with 450 AP and a minimum of 10 HP.
You can also distribute 35 points between your POW, SKL, AGI, etc.; however, while those stats may be 0, none of them may exceed 10 at the beginning. After that, you can distribute another 2 points each time you level up, but no stat may ever exceed [(Your current level / 2) +10] (rounded down). When you distribute those points after a level up, make sure to tell me which stats you raise.

15. If a character's HP drop to 0, he/she faints. Unconscious characters can't act anymore until they get some rest. Regular healing spells/items used on an unconscious character won't have any effect. Your characters cannot die in combat unless the whole party is defeated.
16. In combat, you may do one attack and one simple action or just two simple actions per turn. Anything that is not just talking counts as a simple action (e.g. using an item from your inventory, changing your row, etc.). After having done your actions, wait for my next post, unless all you want to do is to make your character say something.
17. You can choose between two possible positions for battles - front or cover. The front can be attacked by anything, but can also attack with anything itself. Covered characters can only be hit by ranged attacks, certain skills/spells and attacks that hit multiple characters - however, this only applies if there is at least one character standing at the front. If no-one at the front is left, melee attacks will be able to hit covered characters as well, so beware. Also note that if you're attacked from behind, your front and cover will be reversed.
18. If it looks like you're about to lose a battle, you might want to try to escape instead of waiting until you're defeated. Usually, your chance to successfully escape a battle is [50 + (every party member's LUK)]%, though there may be circumstances that may guarantee a successful escape or completely prevent it. However, if you escape, any party members not capable of moving (e. g. because of being unconscious) will be left behind (carrying them would slow you down too much). Usually, this means that they'll be captured.
19. Be creative. There are many ways to defeat your enemies, and not all of them necessarily involve defeating them yourself or even reducing their HP to 0 at all.
20. In a battle, whenever a turn passes in which a player hasn't posted (and the other players haven't chosen what that character should do either), his character will simply attack the first enemy on the list with a simple normal attack if he can hit an enemy from where he's standing.
If you don't want that to happen, simply add a "Script" tag in your charater's profile (in the spoiler) that tells me what your character should do in which situation. This can be as detailed as you want; if you want, you can even make a whole universal strategy to be used when you're absent, and I will make your character act accordingly to it (unless something happens which isn't covered in your script, in which case your character will resort to doing either normal attacks or nothing).
(Example: "Attack enemy with least HP when in front row. If HP drop to 25% or less, retreat to Cover and cast Fireball as long as possible or HP rise above 50% again. If Fireball can no longer be used, equip a ranged weapon and attack the enemy with the least HP from cover row.")
21. If you don't want to wait for the other players to post in a battle, you can just post a bolded End Turn in the game thread. You can then also control the characters that haven't posted yet, if you want to. If you don't tell me what they should do, they'll simply act accordingly to their script.

22. If your character for some reason has no weapon (equipped), add one named "Unarmed" (or something similar) that has 0 Atk, 80 Hit and 0 Crt.
23. Here's a list of various, more common status ailments that you might get a taste of:
Poison: Every time you act while poisoned, you take 10% of your max. HP of damage. If you get poisoned again while being poisoned, it becomes Lethal Poison.
Lethal Poison: Every time you act while poisoned, you take 20% of your max. HP of damage. If you get poisoned again while being lethally poisoned, there's a 10% (normal poison) or 20% (lethal poison) chance that your character instantly faints (0 HP). Otherwise, nothing special happens.
Doomed: Just being in this status doesn't do anything; however, once the turn count for this status runs out, your character instantly faints (0 HP). Can be removed without the fatal effect if you disrupt the focus of whoever inflicted the status ailment to you before the turn count runs out. Sometimes this is only possible by killing that enemy.
Paralyzed: Lowers your Avd to 0. You cannot do anything at all (not even move) while being in this status. Will automatically be removed after a few turns.
Dazzled: Your base Hit rate is halved for the duration of this status ailment. This also applies to skills/spells. Will automatically be removed after a few turns.
Solidifying (feet): Lowers your Avd to 0. You can't move your feet, seeing how they're turning to stone, but as long as it wouldn't require you to move your feet, you can still attack and use skills/spells regularly. Turns into "Solidifying (body)" after a few turns if it isn't cured.
Solidifying (body): Lowers your Avd to 0. You can't move anything but your head anymore, seeing how your body is turning to stone, but as long as just saying/chanting something is sufficient to invoke them, you can still use spells. Attacks aimed at you only deal half as much damage as usual while in this status. Turns into "Petrified" after a few turns if it isn't cured.
Petrified: You have turned to stone. You can't move or do anything else, not even talk, though you're still conscious and can see what is going on in front of you. Attacks won't do any damage to you while in this status, and unless cured by someone else, you'll remain in this status forever; this also means that if your entire party gets petrified, your adventure is over.
24. Spells can also be put on empty scrolls for other characters to use. However, a self-made spell scroll will have a chance of malfunctioning. The formula for the malfunctioning chance is [50 - (Lv x5)]%, but it cannot go below 10% even if you're higher than Lv8.
Also, the chance of malfunctioning is fixed to a scroll from the point a spell was put on it, even if you only actually use it after having reached a higher level.
If a scroll malfunctions, there's an equal chance for each of these things to happen:
- Nothing may happen at all.
- The spell may be randomly redirected to a different target than chosen by the user.
- The effect of the spell may be inverted (meaning that damaging spells will heal the target, healing spells will damage it etc.).
25. When using ranged weapons, the stats of both the weapon itself and the ammo are added together for calculation purposes. However, if a different type of ammo is used than the weapon was designed for (e. g. swords with bows, bolts with bows, arrows with crossbows, etc.), it will be treated as if it had 0 Hit (its Atk and Crt will be considered regularly).

Each post should have the character's status table on top, looking similar to the example below (though you're very welcome to apply your own style). You may also add a hidden avatar and other fancy stuff if you want, but that's no requirement.

Clonks, Level 1 Class (Front)
HP: 25/25
XP: 0
AP: 225
12 Atk | 107 Hit | 09 Crt
09 Def | 06 Res | 28 Avd | 16 CEv
Weapon: Epic Weapon (4 Atk, 90 Hit, 5 Crt)
Armor: Epic Armor (2 Def, 1 Res, 5 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (1/7):
- Item
- Skill [3/3]: Description. [0 AP]
- Spell [4/4]: Description. [0 AP]
- Ability: Description. [0 AP]
POW: 8
SKL: 4
AGI: 6
LUK: 5
DEF: 7
RES: 5

Story: Insert your character's story and backgrounds here.
Appearance: Describe your character's appearance here as detailed as possible. If you have a picture of your character, it also goes here.

- If own HP less than 50%: Heal myself
- If there are 3 or more enemies: Use multitarget spell
- etc...

Renegard, in the year 743. The whole country is in turmoil, for King Opher, the wise leader of this prosperous country, has fallen ill, along with most of his relatives. It's a strange disease that the world hasn't seen ever before; anyone befallen by this illness falls into a deep coma. Even the most recognized and famous doctors and healers haven't been able to determine what this illness is, let alone how to cure it. They all said, however, that if this illness might be lethal if it isn't cured soon.
Seeing how the king isn't able to reign over his country right now, his advisor Boartz has taken his place in the meanwhile, but unlike the king himself, Boartz only seems to be concerned about gold and might and ignores the concerns of the people. However, all of a sudden, Boartz decides to mobilize Renegard's military. He announces that the council of the elders might have found a cure for the illness that has befallen the royal family, but it's something so incredibly rare and legendary that some doubt it really exists: the feather of a phoenix. Apparently, the military is looking for a phoenix to take the feather from in this moment. However, with the military being busy searching for the feather and advisor Boartz tyrannizing the people, chaos reigns Renegard. If this continues, Renegard will soon vanish from the maps...

Have fun. :teach:
Last edited by Shade on Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:31 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Cimeries »

Katherine, Level 01 [00] [Cover]
Image Health: 12/12
Image Inspire: 0/3
21 Atk | 115 Hit | 15 Crt
08 Def | 06 Res | 55 Avd | 05 CrtEv
Weapon: Wooden Siege Crossbow (2h) (6 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt)
Shield: Crude Buckler (1 Def, 0 Res, 10 Avd)
Quiver: [50] Wooden Bolts (5 Atk, 00 Hit, 0 Crt)
Torso: Leather Cuirass (2 Def, 1 Res, 10 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Inventory [3/7]:
Curved Dagger (5 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt)
3 Bandages (Recover 10 HP)
Vial of Poison

Image Snare [1/1] [00 AP]
Deals half damage and pins the target down to its current location. The victim may not move from their spot (thus, cannot attack in melee) and their Avd is reduced by [SKL]. This lasts for 1 + [Level/2] turns. This attack is incapable of killing an opponent, and will not reduce their HP past 1.

Image Expose [1/1] [00 AP]
This attack's Crt rate is 15 points higher than Kathrine's standard Crt. It permanently reduces the target's Def and Res by [Level]. Additionally, the victim's CrtEv is set to 0 for 1+[Level/2] turns.

Image Inspire [0/3] [00 AP]
Every 3 consecutive hits restore 1 skill use at random. If all skills are fully charged, restore one for a random party member. Missing resets the counter.

Image Strafe [00 AP]
Whenever a critical hit is scored with the crossbow, instantly fire another shot at a different, random enemy target. If no other targets are present, this does nothing.

Image Shield Bearer [00 AP]
The mastery of using a shield in combat without holding it, by having it slung across the forearm. Katherine can wield small shields and two-handed weapons simultaneously.

Image Finesse [00 AP]
Katherine uses 1/2 of her SKL and 1/2 of her AGI, rather than her POW when determining the Atk of Ranged weapons or light weapons (shortsword, dagger, spear, rapier, etc.).
However, she cannot use heavy two handed melee weapons (axes, mauls, greatswords, etc.), or heavy metal armor (plate, scale, etc.) at all.

POW: 0
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
LUK: 5
DEF: 5
RES: 5

Elements:[list]Fir: 00 | Ert: 00 | Wnd: 00 | Wat: 00 | Lgt: 00 | Drk: 00 [/list]Misc:
AP: 000

Foster daughter of a successful carpenter and engineer, Katherine helped her father in his workshop in her youth. A large order was placed in their shop by Renegard army officials one day, requesting a stock of crossbows be designed to use by the army's marksmen. Katherine fell in love with the weapon and after the order was delivered, she designed one for herself and began practicing it by hunting in forests surrounding their town. When her father was found dead and his workshop looted, she had nowhere to turn to. She had to sell the shop because she was unable to maintain it on her own and without proper equipment, and had instead made a living from hunting, and, ultimately, bounty hunting for criminals, as it was far more profitable. Now she wanders from town to town looking for work and saving up money to re-open the shop and hire workers for it.
Broken? You bet.
Last edited by Cimeries on Thu May 13, 2010 4:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ditto »

I claim my spot!

Arianna, Lvl 1 Human Priestess (Cover)
Image HP: 10/10
Image XP: 0/100
Image AP: ?
? Atk | ? Hit | ? Crt
? Def | ? Res | ? Avd | ? CAvd
Image Weapon: Oak Staff (5 Atk, 95 Hit, 0 Crt)
Image Armor: Priestly Robe (1 Def, 5 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items (5/7):
-Mana Potion [2]: Restores (GM's choice) Mana.

-Healing Light [4/4]: Arianna creates two "healing lights" that can be spread among the party members, healing [10] HP each. (Ex. If Arianna has two "healing lights," she can use 2 on one person to restore [10+10] HP, or use 1 one two people to restore [10] HP to each.)

-Aura Barrier [4/4]: Arianna places a shield on the target. This shield absorbs [10] points of damage. Even if the shield runs out of "absorbtion HP" in the middle of an attack, the unit will still not take damage from the attack, although he will take damage from the next one.


STR: 0
SKL: 0
AGI: 5
LUK: 10
DEF: 10
RES: 10

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%

-Default, B****es.

A former practitioner of dark magic, Arianna once held great power. She was feared by many, who knew her for her ruthless pursuit of more and more power to have all for herself.

But one day, Arianna came across an abandoned ruin on her travels. Entering out of curiosity as to what lay inside, she quickly ran inside, soon coming across a mostly empty room. Besides the light spirit inside.

The light spirit could have killed Arianna, and made her pay for her dark mistakes. But instead, he showed her visions of the future that lay ahead if she continued to pursue the dark power- thousands of innocent people dead, and her own soul consumed by the dark arts, her body used to wreak havoc upon the world.

Arianna finally realized her mistakes. Frightened by the dark future that awaited herself and the world, Arianna thanked the spirit for the vision and swore that she would never again utter the dark magic. Arianna burned the ancient tomes of magic that gave her her power that night, and pledged to study the healing arts to seek forgiveness for her mistakes.

A year has passed since...
Yup, I'm going pure healer here.
Last edited by Ditto on Thu May 13, 2010 11:15 am, edited 4 times in total.
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."

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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Read the story tomorrow, like the name :)
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Agent of Dread
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Post by Agent of Dread »

Claiming a spot.
EDIT: What stat affects max HP? Is it distributed with the POW, SKL, AGI stuff?
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Post by Cimeries »

I am tempted to use the Leonard character instead just to have him and Arrianna verbally duke it out whenever one of them casts a spell.
Agent of Dread wrote:Claiming a spot.
EDIT: What stat affects max HP? Is it distributed with the POW, SKL, AGI stuff?
You pay 15 AP for every point above 10. Kind of pricey IMHO.

I am a little undecided about investing points in LUK, it seems like a completely useless stat that I should be using as a dump. With only 5 to Hit and Avd, I'm thinking these points are better invested in Def and Res. Sure, I will not have the magnificent 5% critical protection, but I'll take far less damage in the long run. Especially since I intend to invest all of my points into SKL and AGI, which would make it hard to hit me in the first place, what with me being super dodgy and them having a bolt stuck in their ribs.
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Potion Mimic (Senior Member)
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Post by Shade »

Cimeries wrote:
Agent of Dread wrote:Claiming a spot.
EDIT: What stat affects max HP? Is it distributed with the POW, SKL, AGI stuff?
You pay 15 AP for every point above 10. Kind of pricey IMHO.
Yes, it's pricey, but that's intended. I don't want to have tons of 50 HP dudes running around so quickly again. :P
However, I messed up the starting AP in the very last moment yesterday, making it more restrictive than I intended. You start out with 450 AP now, not just with 350.
Cimeries wrote:I am a little undecided about investing points in LUK, it seems like a completely useless stat that I should be using as a dump. With only 5 to Hit and Avd, I'm thinking these points are better invested in Def and Res. Sure, I will not have the magnificent 5% critical protection, but I'll take far less damage in the long run. Especially since I intend to invest all of my points into SKL and AGI, which would make it hard to hit me in the first place, what with me being super dodgy and them having a bolt stuck in their ribs.
Good point. I modified AGI to give 3 Avd and 1 CEv, and LUK to give 2 CEv, 1 Hit and 1 Avd.

Oh, and btw, guys, there are no elemental resistances this time. You can remove those from your stat sheet. :)

Anyway, onwards to the AP business:
Cimeries wrote:Image Snare [1/1] [00 AP]
Deals half damage and pins the target down to its current location. The victim may not move from their spot (thus, cannot attack in melee) and their Avd is reduced by [SKL]. This lasts for 1 + [Level/2] turns. This attack is incapable of killing an opponent, and will not reduce their HP past 1.
50 AP, though I'd like you to replace [SKL] with a fixed value (10 = 50 AP).
Cimeries wrote:Image Expose [1/1] [00 AP]
This attack's Crt rate is 15 points higher than Kathrine's standard Crt. It permanently reduces the target's Def and Res by [Level]. Additionally, the victim's CrtEv is set to 0 for 1+[Level/2] turns.
No @ permanent.
If you make the Def/Res loss have the same time span as the CEv loss, this one will be 90 AP.
Cimeries wrote:Image Inspire [0/3] [00 AP]
Every 3 consecutive hits restore 1 skill use at random. If all skills are fully charged, restore one for a random party member. Missing resets the counter.
175 AP.
Without the other party members part, it'd be 110.
Cimeries wrote:Image Strafe [00 AP]
Whenever a critical hit is scored with the crossbow, instantly fire another shot at a different, random enemy target. If no other targets are present, this does nothing.
This does not work with melee weapons, if I'm not mistaking the description?
60 AP then, though I'm well aware of the possibility of chain crits and would thus like you to add a condition that this skill cannot be triggered by a crit scored with a shot that was triggered by this skill.
Cimeries wrote:Image Shield Bearer [00 AP]
The mastery of using a shield in combat without holding it, by having it slung across the forearm. Katherine can wield small shields and two-handed weapons simultaneously.
70 AP.
Cimeries wrote:Image Finesse [00 AP]
Katherine uses 1/2 of her SKL and 1/2 of her AGI, rather than her POW when determining the Atk of Ranged weapons or light weapons (shortsword, dagger, spear, rapier, etc.).
However, she cannot use heavy two handed melee weapons (axes, mauls, greatswords, etc.), or heavy metal armor (plate, scale, etc.) at all.
Sorry, but this skill would break the balance of my stat system. You'll have to use STR for attack regularly.

Also, please drop the Atk of both your crossbow and wooden bolts by 1 each.

Ditto wrote:-Mana Potion [2]: Restores (GM's choice) Mana.
There won't be any items that restore skill/spell uses, so please choose something different.
Ditto wrote:Spells:
-Healing Light [4/4]: Arianna creates two "healing lights" that can be spread among the party members, healing [LUK] HP each. (Ex. If Arianna has two "healing lights," she can use 2 on one person to restore [LUK+LUK] HP, or use 1 one two people to restore [LUK] HP to each.)
Please use a fixed value of HP healed instead of a variable value. You can later raise this value with additional AP if you want to.
If you set the healing per light to 10, this one will be 165 AP.
8 per light for 145 AP.
Ditto wrote:-Aura Barrier [4/4]: Arianna places a shield on the target. This shield absorbs [LUK] points of damage. Even if the shield runs out of "absorbtion HP" in the middle of an attack, the unit will still not take damage from the attack, although he will take damage from the next one.
The shield will calculate the damage taken using the target's stats, right?
Again, please replace [LUK] by a fixed value.
10 Shield HP = 150 AP.
Ditto wrote:-Restoring Glow (2/2): Arianna heals all of the party's negative status effects.
200 AP.
Ditto wrote:-Meditation: For each enemy that the party kills, Arianna recovers two ability uses in skills of this order:
Healing Light, Aura Barrier, Restoring Glow
That's way too much. 800 AP.

Nice characters so far. :)
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Post by Agent of Dread »

My character is sort of a Lightning Bruiser/Fragile Speedster mix. He does have some party-protecting skills though.
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Post by octagon »

Clonkinator wrote:Only the first 4 players to sign up will be able to play.
:o and I thought I could join... Maybe I will do if no one else joins or if someone leaves the game, but if not, I will let the 4th place for someone with more time to post.
It looks like the 4th player will have to play a tank to keep the crew balanced... although we also have no offensive mage yet.
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Post by Ditto »

K' then.

Meditation: Hm... New idea.

Meditation: When out of battle, spells can be used without consuming skill uses.

Healing Light: Taken for 10 HP per light, then.

Restoring Glow: Forget 'bout it.

Aura Barrier: Yes, it's based on the target's stats. Taken for 10 HP shield.

Someone better make a tank... even my awesome DEF/RES/LUK aura barrier healer can't keep the party alive without one.
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."

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Post by Shade »

@octagon: pf2 hasn't signed up yet, from what I can see; you can still join if you want to. :o
Ditto wrote:Meditation: When out of battle, spells can be used without consuming skill uses.
Sorry, but this basically equals a full heal after any battle (and is basically the same as allowing resting in situations where a rest would be ridiculous)... 900 AP.
Ditto wrote:Healing Light: Taken for 10 HP per light, then.
Ditto wrote:Aura Barrier: Yes, it's based on the target's stats. Taken for 10 HP shield.
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Post by Cimeries »

Clonkinator wrote: 50 AP, though I'd like you to replace [SKL] with a fixed value (10 = 50 AP).
Ok, taken.
Clonkinator wrote: No @ permanent.
If you make the Def/Res loss have the same time span as the CEv loss, this one will be 90 AP.
Clonkinator wrote: 175 AP.
Without the other party members part, it'd be 110.
I'll take the 175 one.
Clonkinator wrote: This does not work with melee weapons, if I'm not mistaking the description?
60 AP then, though I'm well aware of the possibility of chain crits and would thus like you to add a condition that this skill cannot be triggered by a crit scored with a shot that was triggered by this skill.
Only crossbows, no other weapons, even bows and throwing weapons are exluded.
And chain-shooting was sort of my plan... What if each strafe bolt had 10 less hit than the last one?
Sorry, but this skill would break the balance of my stat system. You'll have to use STR for attack regularly.
What if it were limited to crossbows? It really doesn't make sense for them to be affected by STR. They're fully mechanized, unlike bows which depend on the archer's draw.
Still no? What if I replaced "1/2" with "1/3"?
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Post by Shade »

Cimeries wrote:
Clonkinator wrote: This does not work with melee weapons, if I'm not mistaking the description?
60 AP then, though I'm well aware of the possibility of chain crits and would thus like you to add a condition that this skill cannot be triggered by a crit scored with a shot that was triggered by this skill.
Only crossbows, no other weapons, even bows and throwing weapons are exluded.
And chain-shooting was sort of my plan... What if each strafe bolt had 10 less hit than the last one?
I guess that would be okay, but it'll up the AP cost to 90.
Cimeries wrote:
Sorry, but this skill would break the balance of my stat system. You'll have to use STR for attack regularly.
What if it were limited to crossbows? It really doesn't make sense for them to be affected by STR. They're fully mechanized, unlike bows which depend on the archer's draw.
Still no? What if I replaced "1/2" with "1/3"?
Limiting it to crossbows is better, but still throws off the balance, and balance > logic in this case. If you can completely ignore STR and still get to do really good damage while adding to your Hit, Crt and Avd, it's unfair to the others, who actually need to spend points on STR to deal good damage, which doesn't increase their Hit, Crt and Avd at the same time.
So, still no.
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Post by unliketea »

POW (in the Atk definition) actually means STR right?
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Post by Shade »

Oh, you're right, I forgot to change that. Fix'd.
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