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Wizard as a Necromancer

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:31 am
by Dark
I made myself another wizard class trying to specialise him in necromancy.
It worked out quite well. Fighting using zombies is fun.
Heres how to make yourself a necromancer wizard.

Spellbooks suitable for a necromancer:
- Animate (Zippy City)
- Animate Chest (Griffin Tower)
- Disenchant - (Zippy City)
- Rot (Zippy City)
- Death Cloud (Bishopia)
- Size (Bishopia)
- Haste (Ice Palace)
- Bind (Zippy City)

Items suitable for a necromancer:
- Blackstaff (Catacombs 2)
- Mages Blade (Catacombs 1)
- Bracelet of Sorcery (Catacombs 2)
- Scholar Robe (random armor chests)

Of course there is limit of 8 items. You must only choose a few from the above list.
- Youll definitely need Animate to summon zombies.
- You can also carry around animate chest. It may sometimes be usefull if you lack bodies but theres a chest nearby.
You must however be carefull as a chest once animated will no longer drop its contents.
- Bracelet of Sorcery is extremely important as it grately increases mana regeneration allowing you to keep more zombies summoned.
- Blackstaff is good to have. Sometimes you must first kill someone to get your first zombie.
- Mages Blade may not fit too well for a necromancer but it does boost your mana recovery what is always helpfull meaning you can keep more zombies summoned.
- Of course you need some armor for a wizard. Scholar Robe fits here best as its black.
- Disenchant is very usefull. It allows you to get rid of zombies you dont need anymore.
- Rot is an alternative way to use bodies.
It is often usefull when you have too many bodies around or when zombies cant do the job.
- Death Cloud is a very good offensive spell but if you carry it around you may end up using it more often than zombies what spoils the fun.
- Size and Haste are spells that will let you enchant your zombies making them more dangerous and powerfull.
- Bind is very usefull against single enemies (also bosses). You can stun your enemy and then leave him as a meal for your zombies.

Heres a list of zombies you can create:

Stupid Zombie:
Just charge up animate spell for a short while.
The summoned zombie will be very slow and stupid. He may attack you or allies (other zombies).
His attack range and speed are low so he wont help you much in combat.
He is however easy and fast to summon and may work well as a distraction for enemies.

"Red" Zombie:
Its not really red but its your version of the "red zombie" you find in modules.
To make one charge your animate spell for a longer time.
Produced zombie will have blue sparkles following him.
He will be fast and smart. He may pick up nearby weapons when not engaged in combat.
His movement and attack speed are quite fast and he can do quite well in combat.
He will run up to enemy and start bashing him not letting for a counter attack.
If equipped with a weapon he will also have good attack range and damage.

To make a butcher just summon a red zombie and enchant it with Size spell.
You may also try to leave a hatchet (or some other weapon) near him hoping hell pick it up.
Basically it is just a red zombie with slightly increased health and damage.
Still with a weapon he can do quite well and he is still much faster than a real Butcher.

Super Butcher:
Make a Butchet and enchant him with Haste spell.
Not only will he have more health and be stronger but also he will be really fast.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:50 am
by bgbirdsey
Good thinking! Some of the character textures are interchangeable, so it might be possible to re-use an existing NPC robe.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:43 am
by Zefz
Other necromancy spells:
Book of Skull Wall
Book of Skull Trap
Book of Lifedrain

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:08 pm
by Cimeries
I actually never thought of using the size spell on pets and minions, thanks for the tip.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:12 pm
by bgbirdsey
I am just adding some additional skins for the zombi, including red... well, more of a powder red.

So the zombi skins are now blue, red, green, and purple.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:29 pm
by Dark
Zefz wrote:Other necromancy spells:
Book of Skull Wall
Book of Skull Trap
Book of Lifedrain
I was thinking of Skull Trap but I guess using fire somehow doesnt fit a necromancer. Also laying traps is not the right playing style. I guess same goes for Skull Wall.
Life Drain sounds fine although itll probably be just a fun spoiler like Death Cloud.
Where do you get Skull Wall and Lifedrain btw?
bgbirdsey wrote:I am just adding some additional skins for the zombi, including red... well, more of a powder red.

So the zombi skins are now blue, red, green, and purple."
So theyll be just spawning with random colors now or will there be different types?
Actually Im not sure if it will look good if youll be walking around with a "rainbow" of zombies.

I forgot to add Bind spell. It works out quite nicely with zombies.
You stun your enemy and then leave him as a served meal for your undead friends.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:39 pm
by Zefz
Skull Wall isn't in the game yet. Lifedrain can be found in some dungeon I think. The Necromancer in the Crypt has one I think.

I made it so that Zombi have skin depending on their power. Weak zombi's are green, red for normal and purple for super zombi. Blue isnt currently used except in the Zombi starter. Oh and in the animate spell of course. Zombi's created by the animate spell always have blue skin.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:42 pm
by bgbirdsey
You work fast!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:46 pm
by Dark
Oh... I misunderstood then. I thought the summoned zombies will have random skin. If its enemy then its fine.

Though if there will be more zombie types will there also be some way to summon all of them?
I found it quite cool I could pretty much summon all types of zombies Ive seen in modules myself.
It feels like youre like those warlocks from modules with zombies ("So thats how they did it!").
It would be cool if this could be preserved somehow letting you summon all kinds of zombies (just using Animate or by enchanting them somehow).

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:45 pm
by bgbirdsey
Unfortunately, they cheat! At least they do with the ghouls.

The module script keeps reviving them as long as the big-baddie is alive.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:17 pm
by Ryrgwryr
Zefz wrote:Other necromancy spells:
Book of Skull Wall
Book of Skull Trap
Book of Lifedrain
I just wanna add that Lifedrain doesn't work very well for players since some v (perhaps 2.6.8 or even earlier). Instead of draining life from enemy, caster is damaing himself(or elf does...). As for that build it sounds pretty interesting indeed, although Mageblade (catacombs 1) is worth considering instead of Blackstaff too since it boosts mana regeneration so u can keep more zombies around. Also... Elf can achieve greater results if properly trained due to high mana regen (mana points aren't really a problem if one is into mushrooms...:twisted:).

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:10 am
by Zefz
I'll add the Lifedrain bug to the list.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:04 pm
by Ryrgwryr
Zefz wrote:I'll add the Lifedrain bug to the list.
That is a bug? :o I thought that on newer revision it works only for undead because it makes sense (undead only spell or spell that players shouldn't get due to it's extreme potent, awesome spell really). :P

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:32 pm
by Zefz
I checked it out and it works normally for me. Note that there was a significant change some version ago that changed Lifedrain into a target spell into a touch attack spell. Maybe you used the old version which might have been buggy?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:00 pm
by Dark
Where is the Megablade in Catacombs 1 and how does it look like? I didnt see anything special there. Maybe its my old version though...