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Forum PnP [Take 2] - Talk

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:59 am
by Agent of Dread
Alright guys, so I was thinking of doing a new PnP (yes, aleco, hooray.)
I wrote this up for the story.
What do you think?

Cookies... The mere mention of the word is enough to bring nearly any inhabitant of our lovely Mount Cookia to drooling. They are baked by the PurpleSquerkle, and by Cimeries and the two-thousandth, two hundred and twenty-second PenguinFlyer on occasion.
Always in stock.

Until today.
Upon waking up, the PurpleSquerkle found absolutely no cookies at all. Even the very ground upon which he walked was sparse, unlike usual. Clonkinator was the next to rise, and saw the Squerkle looking rather puzzled. After the tale was shared, Clonkinator woke the others immediately.
After another half-hour, a force was assembled.
  • PurpleSquerkle, the cookie creator.
    Cimeries, the cynical nightmare.
    Zefz, new king of all that is the world.
    BgBirdsey, father of the engines.
    Agent of Dread, scythe salesman and hater of cookies.
    Clonkinator, fueled by the Frying Pen he so dearly loves.
    PenguinFlyers 5234 and 2222, siblings in free distributions.
    BenUrban, center of intelligence.
    Scytale, storyteller and scribe.
    Woodmouse, model painter of high regard.
    Aleco, the young perfectionist.
    Maxaxle, who doesn't seem to know what he's doing.
    Seanbot, the budding creator.
    Xenom, cartographer extraordinaire.

    And last but not least,

    ShellShocker, worshipper of the Cookia ways.
While Clonkinator and Cimeries tried their hardest to orient Maxaxle, and Agent of Dread wondered why he even bothered coming, Zefz, PurpleSquerkle, BgBirdsey, PenguinFlyer 5234 and BenUrban assembled a plan of action and investigation. They called the members of the team in, and their voice was heard from the base to the tip of the stripped Mount Cookia...
While has become obvious that Mount Cookia is not now true to its name, action will be taken!"
The party cheered.
"First, we must scour the mountain for any signs of the who, what, and where!
Then we begin the march to reclaim the glory-" The Agent moaned, "-that was once ours!"
And so, the crowd split into small parties, and the search for the perpetrators had begun.

Rules (no specific order):
1. Each player may only have one character. Parties will split and join as the story goes.
2. Please try to contribute to the story when playing; I don't want posts like "I attack the enemy" and that's it. Instead, I'd prefer to see posts with actions, talk and your characters thoughts and feelings, as that contributes to the fun quite a lot. Make your character be interesting. Make him develop a personality. Make him act logically. You don't have to write walls of text in each post, but I don't want one-sentence-posts either.
I don't care, however, if you refer to your character as "he"/"she" or "I".
3. In this PnP, you will play your Mount Cookia representitive. If you aren't listed in the party of people, I can add you in, or you can play as one of the others who probably won't play, such as Birdsey.
4. Every character's main stats are HP (Health Points), MP or SP (Mana Points, Skill Points, Stamina Points, you name it), XP (Experience Points) and AP (Ability Points). I think most people here should be familiar with what HP, MP/SP and XP do. XP are gained for pretty much everything you do, such as helping other people, disarming a trap, picking a door's lock, defeating a monster, etc. AP, on the other hand, are used to learn new skills and abilities that your character can use, and are usually only gained by gaining a level up. Each level up grants you 100 additional AP.
5. Players may define the skills/abilities they learn themselves, but I decide how many AP they actually cost to learn. Instead of learning new spells/skills, a player may also improve already existing ones by spending AP on them, though I might put a limit on them at some point. For example, I most probably won't allow a skill to exist that insta-kills all enemies with 100% accuracy. In the case of skills, I also decide how much MP/SP they cost - you may define the rough heighth, which will also affect the amount AP that the skill will take you to learn, but I will decide the final amount of MP/SP it consumes.
(The fact that I'm going to set the exact MP/SP costs of skills is mostly there because I'm sick of seeing uber skills/spells that only require one or two MP to be used.)
6. If a character's HP drop to 0, he/she faints. An unconscious character can't act anymore until he/she is healed in some way or gets some rest. Your characters cannot die in combat; you can still be killed in other ways though, and an unconscious character is much more prone to being killed due to being helpless. (That means, even if you lose a battle, that doesn't automatically mean that you get a Game Over.)
7. Please write anything your character says in "", <<>> or something to that effect. I also recommend giving your character a personal "talking" color; note that you can get any color you desire by specifying a hex value instead of an actual color. #B5B580, for example (the format is #RRGGBB), should give a yellowish/golden color to your text.
8. Advancing to the next level always takes 1000 XP more than it took to reach the previous level:
Lvl 2 - 01000 XP
Lvl 3 - 03000 XP
Lvl 4 - 06000 XP
Lvl 5 - 10000 XP
Lvl 6 - 15000 XP
Lvl 7 - 21000 XP
Lvl 8 - 28000 XP
Lvl 9 - 36000 XP
Lvl10 - 45000 XP
9. Gold won't be used much really unless we encounter some towns along the journey. In which case I'll bring up a rough amount (possibly for discussion) if there's any need to visit the shops.
10. You may carry up to 7 items in your inventory; small items, like potion bottles, rocks, arrows, bread etc. can be stacked. Items that can be equipped (that includes things like daggers or knives), however, can not. Any equipment you're currently wearing should not be hidden. Worn Bags (in their own slot) may increase the amount of items you can carry.
11. Since you will be having quite some code in each of your posts, I recommend copying that code by clicking "quote" at your last own post. Just remember to update any changed values and remove the "[quote]"-tags afterwards.
12. If you want to say anything out of character in the game thread, use olive as a color please. If all you want to do is to say something out of character, please do it in this thread, not in the game thread.
13. Whenever I post I'll add a status table that indicates the most important stats of your characters, like the current HP, MP/SP and Lvl of each character and enemy (if there are any).
14. In combat, you may only do one relevant action, e.g. attack someone or drink a potion, at a time. However, you can switch your weapon with another one before doing something. Also, if you do something in order to do something else, e.g. you light your arrows to fire burning ones at something, it only counts as one action, not as two. After having done an action, wait for my next post, unless all you want to do is talk.
15. You can choose between two possible positions for battles - front or cover. The front can be attacked by anything, but can also attack with anything itself. Covered characters can only be hit by ranged attacks, magic and attacks that hit the whole party - however, this only applies if there is at least one character standing at the front. If noone in the front is left, melee attacks will be able to hit covered characters as well, so beware.
16. There are more stats than just HP and MP to consider if you want to be successful.
STR: Physical strength. Its main use is to add damage to any skills or attacks you execute.
MAG: Magical strength. Its main use is to add damage and/or increase the effect of any spells you execute.
SKL: Skill. Influences the rate of success of many things you do, and is the most common stat to influence the effect of abilites and physical skills. Each point of SKL adds 2 points to your Hit rate, and every second point of SKL adds 1 point to your Crt rate.
AGI: Agility, speed, deftness. Just like SKL, it influences the rate of success of various things you do. Additionally, each point of AGI adds 2 points to your Avd rating. A high Avd rating reduces the danger of being hit by attacks a lot.
DEF: Defense. The ability to withstand physical damage. Each point of DEF effectively reduces any physical damage you take by one point; however, damage by successful attacks cannot be nullified completely. Even if your DEF by far surpasses the ATK of your enemy, you'll always take a least one point of damage if you're hit.
RES: Resistance. The ability to resist magical damage and other effects of harmful spells. Works the same way as DEF does, just for magical damage. Also, each point of RES makes other harmful effects of spells, like the infliction of a negative status condition, less likely to succeed.
VIT: Vitality. This affects simply affects how much your HP raise upon each level up. You will gain a random amount of HP ranging between half your VIT (rounded up) and your VIT itself. Additionally, a high VIT stat reduces the chance of suffering a status ailment, like poison or illness. This does not apply to magic, however.
MEN: Mentality. Exactly the same as VIT, but for MP/SP. Also, instead of preventing status ailments like poison, it reduces the chance of magical status conditions, like someone trying to control your mind, to succeed.
...this results in various sub-stats:
Atk: The basic amount of physical damage you're capable of dealing with a normal attack.
Hit: Your basic chance to hit.
Crt: Your basic chance to deal a critical hit. Critical hits do twice as much damage as the attack would normally have done.
Avd: Your chance to avoid an attack, no matter whether it's physical or magical. To put it simply, your Avd is deducted from the Hit rating of anything that tries to attack you.
Def: Your total DEF, including boni from equipment.
Res: Your total RES, including boni from equipment.
17. There are four elements: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water. Each character can have weaknesses or resistances against each of those elements (in steps of 10%). Weaknesses are represented by negative resistances. Your resistances cannot exceed 100% (you cannot be healed by an element) and your weaknesses cannot exceed -100%; those of monsters and NPCs, however, can. You can raise your resistance to an element for 1 AP per percent. Likewise, you can also lower your resistances, but that only gives you 1 AP for each second percent. You can not be weak to more than three elements.
18. Distribute your starting stats wisely. You can distribute 50 points between your HP and MP/SP, but your HP may not be lower than 10.
You start out with 300 AP.
You can distribute 50 points between your STR, SKL, AGI, etc.; however, while those stats may be 0, none of them may exceed 15 at the beginning. After that, you can distribute another 3 points each time you level up, but no stat may ever exceed [(Your current level) +15].

Each post should have the characters status table on top, looking similar to the example below. You may also add a hidden avatar and other fancy stuff if you want, but that's no requirement.

Cookie Golem, Lv3 (Golem) (Front)
HP: 44/44
MP: 12/12
XP: 5555/6000
AP: 245
17 Atk | 120 Hit | 25 Crt
12 Def | 7 Res | 30 Avd
Weapon: Cookie Fists (5 Atk, 100 Hit, 20 Crt)
Armor: Cookie Pecs (5 Def, 0 Res, 10 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (1/7):
- Example Potion
- Example Skill (5 MP): This skill does something.
- Example Ability: This ability does something.
STR: 12
MAG: 0
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
DEF: 7
RES: 7
VIT: 3
MEN: 1

Fire: -50%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 20%
Water: 0%

Okay, that's the rules. Please try and stay in the lines of your Cookia character, and make skills that fit it.
Let's get going! :)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:10 am
by Seanbot
Not used to these, how do they work, by the rules in the last topic?

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:13 am
by penguinflyer5234
The rules are not quite ready yet, this is what the discussion part is for.

Decide rules and fix story and whatnot.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:17 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Agent of Dread wrote:Maxaxle, who doesn't seem to know what he's doing.
That's one way of putting it. :P
Sounds very interesting.. and hopefully most of the people mentioned will join the PnP once we get the rules and stuff set up!
I'm not sure what kind of system would be good, either.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:38 pm
by aleco614
Aleco, the young perfectionist.
I am?

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:42 pm
by Cimeries
He is? Anyway, I'm playing. I cannot refuse when someone provides such an accurate description of my person.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:50 pm
by aleco614
I don't believe i am.

Anyway, i'll play. What the heck.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:28 pm
by Seanbot


Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:34 pm
by Agent of Dread
And Aleco, you seem to whine a lot about things that aren't perfect. So I thought it was fitting. :P
And I reckon I'll go back to classic format, like used in Scytale's PnP and Runemarks (but the magic will be conventional, not rune-based)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:46 pm
by Seanbot

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:49 pm
by Cimeries
Clonks' new one is more balanced IMHO.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:33 am
by Agent of Dread
But it's a lot more complex... I haven't completely learned it yet, so GMing it would be a little tricky.
Otherwise, I agree...

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:34 am
by aleco614
Agent of Dread wrote:And Aleco, you seem to whine a lot about things that aren't perfect. So I thought it was fitting. :P
Not really that more than anybody else, i just tend to disagree far more than other people. Like I am right now.

I feel insulted. Rawr.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:06 am
by Cimeries
aleco614 wrote:Rawr.
Take that back! D:

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:47 am
by Agent of Dread
Hmm... Well, I guess I could use the ADD system, it's not too bad...
All for say "Aye!"