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Let's Whine About Catacombs 1... *Spoilers*

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:51 am
by SciFiJunkie
Ok, I don't want to be one of those whiners ("i cant beet teh grub bug inn meh start module!" :wink: ), but I'm in the mood to whine about something now: The Catacombs.
Any tips for Catacombs 1? I mean, it seems to be a memory exercise right now. Ghost here will kill, pit here...

With my computer the game lags (yes, I have figured out to set all the graphics settings to lowest possible, it is the only way I can go over 15 FPS), so the only way I was able to get past those floating platforms immediately to the left was to throw down my torch to keep the brazier lit and spend 45 minutes of jerky attempts and many deaths to get by, and then found myself with no light source and a pit... I vaguely remembered seeing a lamp somewhere, but couldn't find it again.

What was the topic here? Oh yeah, aside from whining, I had a question: Any way to kill a ghost (as a soldier)? If so, could I have a hint?

Anyway, sorry if I seem a little peeved, but I always enjoyed the quick and easy aspect of Egoboo and this level is decidedly otherwise. I was sort of planning on getting to 20th level before trying it, but right now I may as well be 3rd or something. Not like there's anything to fight but ulnas/bats/zombis/ghouls where I've been so far.

Oh, and I'm thinking of switching out my healing potions for a flying carpet to try and avoid pits and such. Is this a good idea, or are there safe-guards against such work-arounds?
In conclusion, this level is proving... vexing. Anyone else wanna share some stories, or did you all ace it on the first try? :lol:

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:41 am
by Bremze
I couldn't beat Catacombs 1 either. I think ghosts are invulnerable in 2.7.4 and the range of swords is broken in 2.7.4 too so I got horribly murdered by bats.
Waiting for 2.7.8 :lol: I really hope that the sporks won't take your inventory slots anymore.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:59 am
by SciFiJunkie
Oh, I'm gonna keep trying. Save King Bishop or die trying... a lot. :lol:

What level are you and what weapons were you using anyway? The bats were the least of my problems, even in the dark. I'm a 15th level soldier waving around Smite, by the way, which does wonders when it hits them.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:32 am
by Zefz
Yes you are correct, there is a bug that makes Ghosts invulnerable in 2.7.4 :) This makes levels with ghosts very hard to beat!

Catacombs 1 is one of the nastiest death pit levels in the game. I once considered making pits not kill you instantly but instead transport you back to the beginning and deal some damage. But this would mess up in Hotseat.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:50 am
by Cimeries
That pit can also be crossed with a potion of levitation (you could randomly get one from the coffins, IIRC). You can also try double-jump, the light bridge spell, the teleport spell or, like you suggested, the magic carpet.
We actually encourage clever sneaky solutions like this. It makes the game more interesting.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:34 pm
by Bremze
Level 6 adventurer with a common spear and loads of sporks throwing fireballs at anything that moves :lol: That might explain why the I couldn't do it. I haven't done any side quests because I was desperate to dump all the sporks that took all my inventory.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:37 pm
by Zefz
I had added a patch that removed the sporks from inventory and instead kept track of them in your quest log, but people complained about that so I reverted it.

Also, you can free some inventory space by creating a new character acting as your "storage". Just trade with him in Hotseat mode in Zippy town or something. Make him carry the sporks and less frequent used items that you want to keep ;).

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:43 pm
by Cimeries
Or just do what the sane people do and make a folder where you cut'n'paste your sporks in and out when you need them.

Reminds me of how I want player housing. Naw.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:07 pm
by Bremze
/facepalm I have no common sense what so ever. Even after having a mule farm in Diablo 2...

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:21 am
by SciFiJunkie
Hey, I just keep throwing them away and then do the levels over again when I want to give the Catacombs a try. Back in an earlier version I would just steal them out of the modules and stick in my character's inventory, but I felt like playing it right this time.

And I figured out my problem: The puzzle in the Sand Palace isn't changing color or showing up for me and I have to do it by memory. Why did I think the Catacombs one would be any different? Now I just have to try and do it by ear... Should only take a hour or so of bumbling around...

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:41 am
by Zefz
Whoa was it 2.7.4 that had the texture changing bug? That one was fixed months ago! Man, the release is way out of date.

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:55 am
by SciFiJunkie
I got 2.7.4 off Sourceforge. Said latest stable version...
Anywho, I am not doing very well since I literally can't see what I'm doing. I think I may give up and cheat to get past this puzzle... All it does is give me a key?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 12:54 am
by MassaHunter
the puzzle part:
there is a door in front of it. go on the door and look on the puzzle. then do this: OOOo
O = white
o = blue

the switches, when you enter that room here's how to get the key: down
Can I make a post with various Walkthroughs or not?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:09 am
by Zefz
Of course you can! Just mention in the post that it contains spoilers and a walkthrough so that people suddenly don't step on it!

I think I've scripted the switches to randomize each time you play that level. You have to try your until you find the solution each time.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:00 pm
by penguinflyer5234
Don't forget we already have walkthroughs in the wiki