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Egoboo's Brother (SoulFu)

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:16 am
by Agent of Dread
I recently rediscovered how much I loved SoulFu when I started playing it with my friend on the bus.
It's a pretty damn good game.
The coolest thing is probably how NetHack-like it is, i.e. it took me aeons to figure out the Tripe-taming thing.
Discuss. Characters, luck, game winnings (I doubt this one :-_-: ) and the like.

Because it deserves to be discussed.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:09 pm
by Maxaxle
I don't like these traits:
-MP doesn't regenerate
-G'nomes can make ammo, but it tends to explode if done incorrectly.
-If you die, you loose more than the items in your hand.
-You can't outrun stuff
-Jumping is a "special ability" like talking to guards who will help you.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:16 pm
by Cimeries
Maxaxle wrote:I don't like these traits:
-MP doesn't regenerate
-G'nomes can make ammo, but it tends to explode if done incorrectly.
-If you die, you loose more than the items in your hand.
-You can't outrun stuff
-Jumping is a "special ability" like talking to guards who will help you.
You can outrun stuff. You movement speed depends on your class and on Dex IIRC.
The ability system was just a way to fit many different actions into just 2 keys. Perhaps this is the solution we're looking for in interacting with objects in Egoboo. Admittedly it's not a very good one, but we should consider it.

I really liked Soulfu as well, but I don't feel like getting back to it because I have some not-so-fond memories of the food system, something I don't feel like tackling at the moment.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:43 pm
by Zefz
Dexterity on movement speed... That could be added to Egoboo as well. Same as Intelligence affects spell damage and exp gain, dexterity could give a bonus/penality to speed. Every point above 14 adds 1% speed and every point below subtracts 1%. Not a good idea probably.

But I remember reading that birdsey wanting to implement turn speed on dexterity (low dexterity makes you turn slower around than high).

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:16 pm
by bgbirdsey
I wanted to do something that changed the anim speed for certain actions based on skill points, but it is a bit complicated with the current code.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:29 pm
by Agent of Dread
Maxaxle wrote:I don't like these traits:
-MP doesn't regenerate
-G'nomes can make ammo, but it tends to explode if done incorrectly.
-If you die, you loose more than the items in your hand.
-You can't outrun stuff
-Jumping is a "special ability" like talking to guards who will help you.
1. Look for some modifications on the forums...
2. Get a higher INT. Once it clears 25 (I think) you can't fail it.
3. Wunnups Cup. Quite often you will actually still have items originally wielded, without one.
4. Get a higher DEX. Often even crappy runners can get away from Goblins, Lumpkins and the like because they stop before they hit you.
5. It's convenient. Want to be able to attack, jump, pray and tinker all at the same time (i.e. without visiting the inventory)? Put the jump in a weapon hand.

@Chainsaw: What kind of problems? I never seemed to dislike food.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:37 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Agent of Dread wrote:@Chainsaw: What kind of problems? I never seemed to dislike food.
The food system.. hunger system. It's annoying at times. Always hungry and nothing to eat.. *robs shop, takes money and food*

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:39 pm
by Agent of Dread
I always manage to keep myself well-fed.
Hmm... :|

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:50 pm
by Shade
Ah, Soulfu. I had lots of fun with it until it suddenly stopped working for me as well. Yet there still were a few things I disliked pretty badly about the original Soulfu (I'm too dumb to get my Soulfu patched, mind you. :P ):

1. No MP regeneration, combined with very weak starting spells and the horrendous Intelligence requirements for the higher level spells that pretty much kept you from increasing your HP or MP at all. Classes like the wizard were almost impossible to use efficiently.
2. Except for praying (which unfortunitally was extremly limited) and collecting hearts, there was no way to cure heavy wounds, which made healing potions almost completely useless for non-healer classes and was extremly annoying to deal with later on when your HP bar actually was rather high, with a max of like 30 HP - or well, actually, the max usually always remained at around 10, with all those heavy wounds (even if you hardly got hit) and far too few hearts available to cure them all. This made healers way overpowered compared to other classes, and at the same time it was only really possible to get into the third floor or further if you were playing as a healer in Single Player, or together with at least one healer in Multi Player. Healing potions should have been able to cure at least a very small amount of heavy wounds - heck, it even would have sufficed if hearts would have been available at the towns indefinitely, even if you had to pay for them, but not being able to cure heavy wounds at all without getting hearts from monsters was an absolute killer in combination with the food system requiring you to advance instead of farming low level monsters for hearts.
3. The food system. Having to carry around tons of food in order to not die of starvation limited inventory space so much it's not even funny, especially since you absolutely couldn't rely on the monsters dropping food when you were going to need it soon.
4. The level cap being determined by the amount of virtue badges you collected. This wouldn't have been a problem if the virtue badges hadn't restricted you so much. I mean, come on. No more meat to eat? No more potions and/or Wunnups Cups to use? No more hitting monsters lying on the floor or from behind? Heck, even the halved EXP gain one was pretty annoying despite it not having that much of an effect on actual gameplay. I forgot the fifth one's effect.

If it wasn't for these issues, Soulfu would have been truely awesome - but like this, it was insanely hard to play, even though the gameplay itself already was hard enough (lol, dragons).

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:52 pm
by Cimeries
So do I, but I think it's a tad too strict, as it's basically based on time elapsed since your last meal, and not the actual amount of work you've done. So if you're spending time interacting with NPCs, or backtracking across rooms, your hunger levels deplete massively even though you've essentially made no progress.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:58 pm
by bgbirdsey
It is impossible to win the game because that was never completed.

Aaron actually set it up so that the catacombs level didn't even spawn for some reason, and then took off.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:00 pm
by Cimeries
Aaron is notorious for never quite finishing a game. :P

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:07 am
by Maxaxle
Cimeries wrote:Aaron is notorious for never quite finishing a game. :P

And the food system? Don't get me started. Honestly, it's BROKEN!

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:13 am
by Killer Frog
Aaron...? Soulfu...? Please forgive my herecy but, what?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:06 am
by Maxaxle