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My new album, For Sympathy or Empathy

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:06 am
by PurpleSquerkle
Right now it costs zero dollars.


Re: My new album, For Sympathy or Empathy

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:14 am
by woodmouse
Sounds cute, and that art is cute too. A lot of the songs have a kinda grainy tone to them, but that's obviously what you were going for. I'm just not really all that familiar with the aesthetics of chiptune, so my uneducated ears find it "out-of-place" a few times. The third track sounds like a butt. :D But then the fourth beats it beyond an irreversible state of permanent explosive diarrhoea and wins the super-butt energy awards. And yes, that's a good thing. Half of me expected a brofistful of dubstep à la Skrillex during the fifth song, but it never happened and that half of me was sad. The other half was about as happy as Ash Ketchum bathing in a hot spring at a butt-volcano with Misty ██████ ███████████ his ██████ ███████ and ████ █████████ until a ███████████ ██████ by Pikachu's ████████ █████ to her █████████ ████████ and ███ ███████, her ██████ ██████████ and growing █████ before being ██████ ████ into her ██████ and the █████ ███████ through Ash's █████████ ███████. (For your own sanity, don't start fitting letters into the black boxes.)

"Seaplane Cutoff Technique" sounds like something that that Will dude would do if he was sleepwalking in Kyary's shoes; in other word(s), amazing* and makes me feel so happy. In my opinion, that was definitely the best song on the album!

*I'd have said "n***awaii" if it didn't sound so racist.

Re: My new album, For Sympathy or Empathy

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:37 pm
by PurpleSquerkle
Sorry I didn't respond to this until two months later... but thank you! It's always nice to get specific feedback, and I'm glad you liked the album overall.

Re: My new album, For Sympathy or Empathy

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:43 am
by octagon
I love the combination of Boards of Canada-esque "graininess" with classic happy chiptune melodies I'm really enjoying this album and I would pay for it, but credit cards are quite uncommon in Germany... can I buy you something on Steam instead?