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Building on Mac OS X

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:36 pm
by Jonathan
To build Egoboo on Mac OS X, you will need:

* Xcode (I'm still using 3.2.x, haven't tried with 4+)
* SDL_image
* SDL_mixer
* SDL_ttf

Download the SDL libraries and copy the *.framework directories out to /Library/Frameworks (or ~/Library/Frameworks if you don't want to install them system-wide).

Then check out both the 2.8.x and install branches side by side; it'll look something like this:

Code: Select all

hostname:~ user$ mkdir ~/Egoboo-svn
hostname:~ user$ cd ~/Egoboo-svn
hostname:Egoboo-svn user$ svn checkout
hostname:Egoboo-svn user$ svn checkout
Then open up ~/Egoboo-svn/2.8.x/osx/Egoboo.xcodeproj and hit build. With any luck, you'll have a working copy of Egoboo in ~/Egoboo-svn/2.8.x/osx/build/Debug.

Re: Building on Mac OS X

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:46 pm
by Jonathan
Oh, and don't be afraid of the warning count.
