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Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:42 am
by Agent of Dread
T'would. G'nome Tech is very handy, Hubbins can see traps, and Dwarves are the ultimate frontliners.
You could also have a Wizard instead of the Dwarf; they can use G'nome tech with the right amount of intelligence as well.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:29 pm
by aleco614
Actually, it can work very well to give a hubbin a gonne (they can get 15 intelligence easily) two daggers/short swords, a shield, and a stronger sword. They can take big advantage of some of the weapons, being able to hide. And it makes backstabbing easy. :D

EDIT: In my opinion, elves are the ultimate frontliners.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:54 pm
by Shade
You're both wrong. The ultimate frontliner always was, is and will always be: the healer. Seriously, she's hardly any weaker than dwarves, but can always use potions to heal herself, which allows her to hold the line almost indefinitely. Also, she can cure others' heavy wounds, which is a ton of awesome as well. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:08 pm
by aleco614
I guess the healer is pretty good. Although, they cant use head armor...

And then there's the fact that they can't take heavy wounds even from hunger, which essentially means that they can just heal it off with potions.

It seems to me there are a few useless classes.

Soldier- The Elf is way better at stuff he does. Who cares about 1 more helper?

Wizard- Too slow and frail- the mystic can do spells better. Also, the mystic gets turn undead. And the wizard is too slow to use spells well, plus has horrible hp and can only use body armor.

Dwarf: Poison immunity is cool, but heavy wound immunity of the healer is way better.

For some reason, I play as a hubbin usually. So fun to kill enemies with two short swords/ daggers in the first few dungeons... *sigh*

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:42 pm
by Shade
The fact that healers can't wear helmets actually isn't all that bad. You will still only take 1 damage from enemies that would always only give you 1 damage, and that 1 or 2 additional points of damage taken by really overpowered enemies like dark champions hardly matters - they'll still kill you in two hits, but the healer can still take it a little better because she starts out with much more health than anyone else (besides the dwarf) and can always just quaff another potion if she gets hit.

The soldier is in no way useless. It's true that he's inferior to most other combat classes in normal gameplay, but the fact that he can easily have two helpers at the same time follow him as a combat-oriented class without wasting tons of status points on intelligence can be quite awesome. If you don't believe me, try to get two squires before fighting the rat boss in the first dungeon level already, and keep them well-stocked with potions. Don't let them die. Advancing is SO much easier if you have two guys to help you. :)
However, they usually get owned pretty hard by dark champions and red lizzermen, so try to avoid those boss rooms as long as you've helpers with you.

I agree on the wizard though. Casting alone doesn't save his butt - the mystic at least doesn't completely suck at fighting (though he'll also have a very hard time gaining access to the high level spells).

Also, in my opinion, the Hubbin is bad as well. The hide ability is utterly useless (and takes up another one of those precious 16 inventory slots), and other than that, he essentially just is a small elf with much inferior stats.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:44 pm
by aleco614
How is the hubbin useless?

Hide can save your life many times over when you're being mass mobbed, especially when you get double jump- used correctly, you can avoid being mobbed in the first place. It can help you score lots of succesful backstabs and surprise attacks- hide and a gonne or dagger can be very effective. And to make him more useful, he can detect traps, so you can prepare for them or avoid them altogether. And his stats aren't that horrible- Sure, his strength isn't quite as good, and his dexterity and intelligence are only about the same, his abilities can make up for it.

I guess the soldier isn't that bad, but many people would rather have great stats than drag along a helper to help them out.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:23 pm
by Shade
Double jump is no point for the Hubbin at all, the Elf starts with exactly as much DEX as the Hubbin and thus has access to it just as quickly as the Hubbin. And double jump alone can already prevent you from getting swarmed, hide is not required for that.
Hubbins can't get gonnes by themselves, and I'd prefer a sword over a sucky dagger anytime.
Okay, trap detection is a plus for the Hubbin, but those cause trouble only so rarely that a drop in stats by about 10 points (2 full level ups!) simply isn't worth it.
I'm not saying the Hubbin itself is bad, I'm just saying that there's a class that does pretty much the same job, but better.

Well, the soldier's stats aren't bad - they simply are a tad bit too balanced for a fighter class, but that can be changed once he levels up.
Also, bringing a helper into crowded rooms can be awesomely useful to prevent yourself from getting gang-banged. The helper will usually crash away any enemies close to you before they get to knock you down, so that can often save you some big damage or even a wunnup's cup. I guess this one is about preference, really, and the soldier isn't as great in multiplayer, I'll give you that. But in single player, he certainly isn't bad.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:27 pm
by Agent of Dread
I found out recently, something really, REALLY handy:
Longbows are the ULTIMATE Dragon killers.
Try it.

Clonkinator wrote:red lizzermen
Dragonmen. 8)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:30 pm
by aleco614
No duh! I already found that out ages ago!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:31 pm
by Agent of Dread
I used to always be a melee-only kind of player, but the first time I took archery under my wing I literally said, out loud, "PWN."

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:33 pm
by aleco614
Gonnes can be more useful for ground ranged combat- the bows aren't really accurate.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:37 pm
by Shade
Agent of Dread wrote:I used to always be a melee-only kind of player, but the first time I took archery under my wing I literally said, out loud, "PWN."
Bows are pwnsome, but it's a big pain in the butt that a single quiver only holds 10 arrows. You run out of arrows far too quickly to rely on them, and continously wasting inventory slots for several items to only really use them in boss rooms is a waste as well. Gonnes are better in that regard, as G'nomes can make pretty much unlimited ammo for themselves without needing to rely on monster drops or rushing back to the towns each twenty seconds.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:39 pm
by aleco614
Or you can just keep a shield and melee weapon at the ready, in case you run out.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:41 pm
by Shade
I never go anywhere without a melee weapon. oO
But still, I find the arrows to be too much of an issue. If you had more inventory space or if one quiver held more arrows, it wouldn't be as much of a problem, but like this...

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:42 pm
by aleco614
I know!

*hacks soulfu somehow, through the incredibly annoying code*
*makes quivers have infinite arrows*