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Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:27 pm
by ShellShocker
  • Red, Lv 0.00 (Front)
    HP 15/15
    2d6+1 Dmg | 4 Hit | 18 AC
    Two-handed Sword [ 2d6 Dmg ]
    Studded Leather Armour [ 3 AC | Cap at +6 | -1 Mal ]
    Spoiler: Inventory & Status
    Items (2/8):
    - Red Rose
    - Lockpick

    Skills ( 60 / 90 AP):
    [list][*]Fatal Blow [ 2 / 2 ] [ Use ] [ 60 AP ]
    Red aims for the enemy's vital body parts in order to deal double the damage he would normally do.
Abilities ( 30 / 90 AP):
  • Critical Hit [ Passive ] [ 30 AP ]
    If Red gets a 20 on his attack roll, he will deal double the damage with his strike.
  • Sluggish [ 1 / 1 MP ] [ MP Use ]
    Reduces a single enemy's AC by 4 for 2 turns.
    [(4+Int+Wil/2) for Wil + 2]
+3 Strength
+3 Dexterity
+4 Agility
-4 Fortitude
-1 Intellect
±0 Willpower

HPMod: +1


You currently know nothing about Red.[/spoiler][/list]

"Wait a moment, girlie," Red calls out to Yumiko,
"This Pearl of Insight thing... It sounds really familiar."

Red pauses for a moment and reason it's not the exact right time to speak when they're in the middle of a battle. He picks his sword back up and smacks the goon some more, sticking him to the ground.

"All I know is that it has something to do with an old folk tale that goes along with the stupid old Path traditions and all that."

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:05 am
by Cimeries
Veles, Lv 0.00 (Front)
HP 18/32
1d10+2 Dmg | +2 Hit | 13 AC
Bastard Sword [ 1d10 Dmg ]
Chain shirt [ +4 AC | Cap at +5 | -2 Mal ]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [ 1/9 ]:
- Food Ration

Abilities [ 0100/0125 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Infantry [ Trait ] [ 00 AP ]
Veles does not have MP, and cannot cast spells. Positive INT provides a bonus to hit, positive WILL provides a bonus to AC.
[*] Image Carnivore [ Trait ] [ +15 AP ]
Veles cannot gain benefit from food that isn't meat, or drink that is not water. Veles' beastly appearance may cause some people to react negatively to him (it is common for him to be mistaken for a gnoll). Additionally, due to his horns, Veles cannot wear helmets unless they were specifically fitted for him.[/list]

> Swordmaster Aspect [ 000 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Surge [ 1 / 1 ] [ Active ] [ 40 AP ]
A powerful leap attack utilizing Veles' powerful hind leg muscles for added punch. This allows Veles to attack an enemy regardless of formation row for 150% normal damage. If the enemy is unaware of Veles' presence, this attack become a deadly assassination lounge, and its damage is instead maximized and then doubled.[/s][/list]

> Warlord Aspect [ 040 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Warmachine [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
Whenever an enemy is overkilled (sent below 0 HP) Veles' Hp is restored by half of that difference, rounded down.[/list]

> Warden Aspect [ 060 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Mentor [ Passive ] [ 60 AP ]
Allies in Veles' party only pay 80% AP for learning combat-related abilities (Veles excluded).[/list]

+4 Strength
-1 Dexterity
±0 Agility
+4 Fortitude
+1 Intellect
-3 Willpower

HPMod: +3

Veles is a mercenary, a sword for hire. He's been that for the past 30 years, and it's all he knows...
Literally. He has no recollection of what was before, of his childhood, or even of his family. He'd never seen anyone like himself before.
Rumors of the Order of the Path have reached his ears and he has set out to find them, in the hope that they can see not only further down "the Path", but could also reveal details of his past.
Veles lifts his foot and moves aside as Red knocks him out. Odd, it looked as if Red was very eager to silence the man, which was suspicious.
"That is very vague, Red, can't you tell us more?"
He rips out a piece of the goon's sleeve and ties his hands behind his back, and another piece for the mouth, which he does not use yet. He does nothing to harm the man, though. If Red tries to kill him or knock him out, Veles stops him.
He says to the goon as he ties his hands:
"Tell us more and you'll live."

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 8:42 am
by ShellShocker
  • Red, Lv 0.00 (Front)
    HP 15/15
    2d6+1 Dmg | 4 Hit | 18 AC
    Two-handed Sword [ 2d6 Dmg ]
    Studded Leather Armour [ 3 AC | Cap at +6 | -1 Mal ]
    Spoiler: Inventory & Status
    Items (2/8):
    - Red Rose
    - Lockpick

    Skills ( 60 / 90 AP):
    [list][*]Fatal Blow [ 2 / 2 ] [ Use ] [ 60 AP ]
    Red aims for the enemy's vital body parts in order to deal double the damage he would normally do.
Abilities ( 30 / 90 AP):
  • Critical Hit [ Passive ] [ 30 AP ]
    If Red gets a 20 on his attack roll, he will deal double the damage with his strike.
  • Sluggish [ 1 / 1 MP ] [ MP Use ]
    Reduces a single enemy's AC by 4 for 2 turns.
    [(4+Int+Wil/2) for Wil + 2]
+3 Strength
+3 Dexterity
+4 Agility
-4 Fortitude
-1 Intellect
±0 Willpower

HPMod: +1


You currently know nothing about Red.[/spoiler][/list]

Red whispers to Veles,
"I'm afraid I don't really remember much more. I'm definite I've heard the name before. By the name of it I'd imagine these-these disgusting Path goons are using it for their 'psychic predictions'."

"Damnit, check him for items when it's clear."

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:17 am
by Agent of Dread
< HP >---< MP >--< Pos. >---< Name >------
18/32 .|. 0/0 .|. Front .|. Veles
16/16 .|. 2/2 .|. Front .|. Yumiko
15/15 .|. 1/1 .|. Front .|. Red
16/30 .|. 5/5 .|. Cover .|. Mulok

It changed!

The goon coughs painfully when Red slams him once more, but mutters gruffly:
"And to think if we'd simply let you be in that library... we'd have had no trouble here..."
What on earth is that meant to mean?

< HP >---< MP >--< Pos. >---< Name >------
18/30 .|. 1/3 .|. Front .|. Order Goon 3

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:27 pm
by Agent of Dread
< HP >---< MP >--< Pos. >---< Name >------
18/32 .|. 0/0 .|. Front .|. Veles
16/16 .|. 2/2 .|. Front .|. Yumiko
15/15 .|. 1/1 .|. Front .|. Red
16/30 .|. 5/5 .|. Cover .|. Mulok

Red kicks the man in the side, and he seems to have shut up for now - it seems as if he's unconscious. He certainly won't be troubling you further.
You continue down the staircase, further into the eerie blue light that lights the stone steps. Yumiko is up ahead; you meet up once more.
At the foot of the stairs, a room lies. It's circular and the roof is high - you must be about two storeys underground now.
Yumiko could manage a hover in here, but it's not exactly huge.
In the centre of the room there is a clean-cut hole bored into the earth. From it emanates a beam of radiant blue light - evidently, this is the room's main source of light. There are candles situated around, as well.
Next to the hole, his palms outstretched, another figure garbed in the Order robes stands. He seems to be instigating the beam, and from the hole floats up a slightly translucent sphere.
It's a gem, about the size of three human fists across. Perfectly cut in the shape of an orb, and of the deepest shade of indigo. It's so dark you can barely see the blue glow surrounding it reflected, almost as if it sucks up light.
The Order man takes the gem. It must be hollow or magic - it does not seem to trouble him to hold it in one hand.
When he touches it, a strange violet light shimmers outwards across the gem from his touch. Suddenly you notice - you can see wispy lines tracing faint patterns through the room. Four seem to come from you and point towards the man... you think. It's hard to make them out.
"I-Incredible! I can see everything... laid out right before my eyes!"
The man exclaims, before noticing you.
"Oh. So I can't trust those morons to keep a house secure after all... well, it matters little now. I'll just have to finish the lot of you off myself."

Boss ♫

< HP >---< MP >--< Pos. >---< Name >------
??/?? .|. ?/? .|. Cover .|. Order Officer

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:30 pm
by Shade
Yumiko, Lv 0.00 [Front]
HP 16/16
MP ■■
4-11 Dmg | +6 Hit | 22 AC (18)
Steel halberd [ 1d8 Dmg | 2h ]
Leather cloak [ 2 AC ]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (2/7):
[list][*]Longbow [ +2 Dmg ]
[*][50/50] Iron arrows [ 1d4 Dmg ]

Spells (3/3):
[Current: +10 HP]
Restores [10 ± 1.5xWIL] HP for a single target.
[Current: -3 Hit for 2 turns, DG 12 vs. WIL]
Forces all enemies to do a WIL check against a DG of [10 ± INT]. Every enemy that fails the check suffers a [3 ± WIL/2] Hit malus for [2 ± INT/3] turns.
[Current: 2 turns, DG 10 vs. FOR]
Forces all enemies to do a FOR check against a DG of [8 ± INT]. Every enemy that fails the check is paralyzed for [2 ± WIL/4] turns.[/list]

Abilities (115/120 AP)
[list][*]Quick Strike [ 0 / 2 ] [ Active ] [ 30 AP ]
As a minor action, Yumiko executes a normal physical attack with a -1 penalty to Hit and Dmg.
[*]Finesse [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
Yumiko relies on finesse instead of brute strength to hit her enemies where it really hurts.
Increases damage dealt with physical attacks by DEX/2.

[*]Caution [ Passive ] [ 25 AP ]
Sometimes, it's a good idea to take things slowly to avoid getting hurt.
Whenever Yumiko doesn't use her minor action during combat, she gains a +4 AGI bonus until she next gets a turn.

[*]Soul Drain [ Passive ] [ 20 AP ]
Whenever an enemy is KO'd, Yumiko passively absorbs some of its magical power and regains one MP.[/list]

[list][*]Tainted Blood
Yumiko is a demon. This doesn't make her inherently evil, but her physical and mental capabilities are a bit different than a human's.
[list][*]She is nocturnal and can see very well in the dark.
[*]She is a bit stronger than a normal human of her build would be, giving her +5 stat points.
[*]Aside from HP recovery spells, she cannot learn any spells with effects directly beneficial to their target(s). If she attempts to do so anyway, the effects of the spell she learns are reversed - a buff becomes a debuff, for instance.
[*]She has a low tolerance to heat. Heat- and fire-based attacks deal 50% more damage to her.
[*]She has a very low natural recovery rate. The time she needs to recover HP and damaged modifiers via resting is tripled.[/list][/size]

Yumiko has a pair of large bat-like wings. These wings are fully functional - she can use them to fly if there's enough space.
[list][*]Taking off into the air or landing back on the ground is a minor action. Yumiko cannot fly if there isn't enough room to do so, if her wings are injured or if she wears heavy armor.
[*]While flying, Yumiko cannot be hit by melee attacks and fully ignores formations - she doesn't cover her team's cover row and can attack the enemy cover row in melee without provoking any checks. If she does attack in melee herself, she can be hit by any counter-attacks the target may be capable of using, however.
[*]If Yumiko takes physical damage to her wings while flying, she has to make a FOR check against the amount of damage she took. If she fails the check, she plummets to the ground (possibly taking further damage by the impact) and cannot fly again until her wings have recovered from the injuries.[/list]
However, this also means that she can only wear clothes and armor that have an opening on the back that she can fit her wings through. Cloaks on the other hand are fine.[/size][/list]

+2 Strength
+5 Dexterity
+8 Agility (+4)
-3 Fortitude
+2 Intellect
±0 Willpower

HPMod: +1

- Somewhat short, slightly curly black hair
- Crimson red eyes
- 1.71m tall
- Pale skin
- Large black bat-like wings
- Orange shirt with red ruby-like buttons on it and collar in the same red color. The sleeves end in black frills. Has two small holes on the back for the wings.
- Short dark red skirt with a faint star pattern on it
- Wears a black silk pantyhose
- Black shoes
- Looks to be around 17 years old.
Obscured HP/MP? Awww, man.

So they indeed already found it - but they're still here. Too bad for them.
"What, you think you can take all four of us when your buddies couldn't even keep us out with their combined efforts? You're a little too full of yourself for your own good."
This orb is doubtlessly the source of great magic - the entire atmosphere here feels heavy and arcane, and in fact even someone with no clue about magic would probably notice these thin magical lines in the air...
"We'll be taking that."
Yumiko charges at the man and attacks him with her halberd.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 9:40 am
by Cimeries
Veles, Lv 0.00 (Front)
HP 18/32
1d10+5 Dmg | +5 Hit | 13 AC
Bastard Sword [ 1d10 Dmg ]
Chain shirt [ +4 AC | Cap at +5 | -2 Mal ]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [ 1/9 ]:
- Food Ration

Abilities [ 0115/0125 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Infantry [ Trait ] [ 00 AP ]
Veles does not have MP, and cannot cast spells. Positive INT provides a bonus to hit, positive WILL provides a bonus to AC.
[*] Image Carnivore [ Trait ] [ +15 AP ]
Veles cannot gain benefit from food that isn't meat, or drink that is not water. Veles' beastly appearance may cause some people to react negatively to him (it is common for him to be mistaken for a gnoll). Additionally, due to his horns, Veles cannot wear helmets unless they were specifically fitted for him.
[*] Image Sword Expertise [ Passive ] [ 15 AP ]
Veles is highly specialized with all manner of large war swords. He gains +3 to hit and damage with any sword that is considered a longsword or larger.[/list]

> Swordmaster Aspect [ 000 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Surge [ 1 / 1 ] [ Active ] [ 40 AP ]
A powerful leap attack utilizing Veles' powerful hind leg muscles for added punch. This allows Veles to attack an enemy regardless of formation row for 150% normal damage. If the enemy is unaware of Veles' presence, this attack become a deadly assassination lounge, and its damage is instead maximized and then doubled.[/s][/list]

> Warlord Aspect [ 040 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Warmachine [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
Whenever an enemy is overkilled (sent below 0 HP) Veles' Hp is restored by half of that difference, rounded down.[/list]

> Warden Aspect [ 060 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Mentor [ Passive ] [ 60 AP ]
Allies in Veles' party only pay 80% AP for learning combat-related abilities (Veles excluded).[/list]

+4 Strength
-1 Dexterity
±0 Agility
+4 Fortitude
+1 Intellect
-3 Willpower

HPMod: +3

Veles is a mercenary, a sword for hire. He's been that for the past 30 years, and it's all he knows...
Literally. He has no recollection of what was before, of his childhood, or even of his family. He'd never seen anyone like himself before.
Rumors of the Order of the Path have reached his ears and he has set out to find them, in the hope that they can see not only further down "the Path", but could also reveal details of his past.
I took sword specialization.

Their next opponent was obviously stronger, and more dangerous that the three goons they just dispatched. From quick observation, Veles surmised that this artifact the order officer was holding allowed him unlimited access to the premonition his underlings displayed earlier. Standard tactics won't work here.
He saw Yumiko charging towards the man. He followed right after her, hand stretched behind his back, on the grip of his sword. Once she got close enough, he dropped his hand, swerved to the side, ran up behind the man and tried to grab the arm holding the artifact

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:33 am
by ShellShocker
  • Red, Lv 0.00 (Front)
    HP 15/15
    2d6+1 Dmg | 4 Hit | 18 AC
    Two-handed Sword [ 2d6 Dmg ]
    Studded Leather Armour [ 3 AC | Cap at +6 | -1 Mal ]
    Spoiler: Inventory & Status
    Items (2/8):
    - Red Rose
    - Lockpick

    Skills ( 60 / 90 AP):
    [list][*]Fatal Blow [ 1 / 2 ] [ Use ] [ 60 AP ]
    Red aims for the enemy's vital body parts in order to deal double the damage he would normally do.
Abilities ( 30 / 90 AP):
  • Critical Hit [ Passive ] [ 30 AP ]
    If Red gets a 20 on his attack roll, he will deal double the damage with his strike.
  • Sluggish [ 1 / 1 MP ] [ MP Use ]
    Reduces a single enemy's AC by 4 for 2 turns.
    [(4+Int+Wil/2) for Wil + 2]
+3 Strength
+3 Dexterity
+4 Agility
-4 Fortitude
-1 Intellect
±0 Willpower

HPMod: +1


You currently know nothing about Red.[/spoiler][/list]

Red curses under his breath with disbelief; this obviously wasn't going to be an easy battle. His teammates were already charging the enigmatic enemy so he decided it was best to follow. In attempt to maximize damage, Red charges at the man and with a swipe of his sword he attempts to pull off a fatal blow.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 2:37 pm
by Ditto
Mulok, Lvl 0 Orc Pyromancer (Cover) -00-
Image 16/30
Image 4/5
Image 0/7
Image 2d4+1, -3 Hit
- Quarterstaff - (1d4 Dmg, 2h, +1 Hit)
Image 04
- Fur Cloak - (01 AC)
- Bone Circlet - (00 AC [cosmetic])
Spoiler: Inventory and Status

Spells (3/6):
- Rain of Flame -
(Current : 6-14 base Dmg, +5-#targets base Hit vs. AGI)
Rains a volley of molten rock upon the target enemies.
[ AP] - Targets all enemies with a rain of fireballs, attacking all targets for 1d[4 ± WIL/2]+3 fire damage. Has a -[3 + #targets] penalty to Hit.

- Fireball -
(Current: 7-19 base Dmg, +5 base Hit vs. AGI)
Mulok creates a basic ball of fire that strikes his target.
[ AP] - Targets a single enemy, attacking for 2d[5 ± WIL/2]+5 fire damage. Normal accuracy.

- Burden -
(Current: 4 Turns, DG 16 vs. WIL)
Mulok creates a heavy magical force over the target, preventing them from taking action.
[ AP] - Forces the target to make a WIL check against a DG of [11 ± INT]. If it fails the check, it cannot act for [2 + WIL/2] turns.

- Impact -
Mulok has practiced for many years with powerful offensive spells and has learned how to make them more effective.
[25 AP] - Increases the damage of offensive multi-target spells by 50%.
[20 AP] - Increases the accuracy of offensive multi-target spells by +3.

- Ignite -
Mulok can ignite his foes with magical flame.
[20 AP] - Any offensive fire-based spells ignite the target, dealing 10% of the spells damage a turn for 5 turns.

- Focus -
Mulok can take a moment to focus his power during a battle, allowing him to restore his strength.
[20 AP] - On any turn that Mulok does not use his major action, he regains one spellpoint.

- Volley [0/2] -
Mulok exhausts his strength to cast a volley of offensive spells in rapid succession.
[60 AP] - When used, casts [3] selected offensive spells in a row.

- Battlemage -
Mulok is unencumbered by negative penalties of armor when casting spells.
[10 AP] - Mulok is unaffected by negative penalties to spellcasting when using armor.

- Blackheart -
Mulok focuses his power solely on offensive magic and is talented with little else.
[+20 AP] - Mulok cannot use healing or buffing spells.

Mettle: +2
Finesse: -5
Agility: -5
Endurance: +4
Intellect: +5
Willpower: +4

Ability Points: 15
HP Mod: +3

Before you stands a proud-standing, middle-aged orc. Tall and broad shouldered, it's clear that age has diminished his strength from previous years, yet he still stands tall and strong like an old warrior. His clothing is tribal, composed of a belted fur kilt, a heavy fur cloak, and a circlet of strung together bones and teeth which rests upon a bald head. Different from some orcs, the orc has dark, red-brown skin, red eyes, and large, jutting teeth from his jaw. Black tattoos, seemingly traditional in nature, adorn his arms up from his hands to his shoulders. The orc has a short, wide, braided black beard that covers the bottom of his face and a smug smile of superiority. While old, the man does not seem wise, and his thick, slanted eyebrows and narrowed eyes give a feeling of discomfort when passing the man...
The rest of the party charges down the officer. He holds an artifact pulsing with magic... he probably had infinite access to whatever power those goons already had.

Without a doubt, this was not a good situation to be in.
"Surround him, and attack at once. Don't make it possible for him to dodge."
What spell could he cast? Obviously, he couldn't rain down fire on him, as he could probably dodge each spell. He'd have to fight conservatively, and make good use of his strength. Exerting a heavy magical force upon the officer himself, Mulok hopes that the officer couldn't dodge an attack directed at his very being.

Used Burden on the officer.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:15 pm
by Agent of Dread
< HP >---< MP >--< Pos. >---< Name >------
18/32 .|. 0/0 .|. Front .|. Veles
7/16 .|. 2/2 .|. Front .|. Yumiko
15/15 .|. 1/1 .|. Front .|. Red
16/30 .|. 4/5 .|. Cover .|. Mulok

Boss ♫

The three more melee-oriented of you converge on the man, and ignite the flames of battle. By now the blue pillar of light has faded away, leaving only the hole in the centre of the room.

Yumiko attacks Order Officer.
12 + 6 = 18 vs 12: Hit! 7 damage.
Yumiko emanates 'first come, first serve' and dashes right in, slicing into the officer with the large blade of her halberd.

Veles tries to steal the Pearl of Insight.
Order Officer uses Pearl of Insight!

As Veles deftly feints to the side and attempts to steal the orb out of the hand of the mage, he equally deftly dodges right to the side, tapping Veles on the nose with his finger as he moves.
"You'll have to do better than that, now!"

Red uses Fatal Blow on Order Officer!
2 + 4 = 6 vs 12: Miss!
This sneaky manoeuvre also offsets Red, whose sword clanks into the ground without the lightest touch on the Order man.

Mulok uses Burden on Order Officer!
16 vs 6 + 6 = 12: Success! Burdened for 4 turns.
However, he is left open to the large downwards force Mulok impresses on him.

Order Officer uses De-Spell!
In response, the officer flicks his wrist and the force completely evaporates, allowing him to stand right back up and continue the fight!

Order Officer uses Adept Spark!
From there, he draws energy into his joined palms and unleashes it in a brilliant technicolour burst of power!
Vs Red: 5 + 7 = 12 vs 8 + 4 = 12: Reroll.
Vs Red: 2 + 7 = 9 vs 6 + 4 = 10: Miss! Checking for which target to hit. 2: Yumiko.
Vs Yumiko: Hit! 5 + 4 = 9 damage!

< HP >---< MP >--< Pos. >---< Name >------
??-7/?? .|. ?-3/? .|. Cover .|. Order Officer

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 7:15 pm
by Ditto
Mulok, Lvl 0 Orc Pyromancer (Cover) -00-
Image 16/30
Image 1/5
Image 0/7
Image 2d4+1, -3 Hit
- Quarterstaff - (1d4 Dmg, 2h, +1 Hit)
Image 04
- Fur Cloak - (01 AC)
- Bone Circlet - (00 AC [cosmetic])
Spoiler: Inventory and Status

Spells (3/6):
- Rain of Flame -
(Current : 6-14 base Dmg, +5-#targets base Hit vs. AGI)
Rains a volley of molten rock upon the target enemies.
[ AP] - Targets all enemies with a rain of fireballs, attacking all targets for 1d[4 ± WIL/2]+3 fire damage. Has a -[3 + #targets] penalty to Hit.

- Fireball -
(Current: 7-19 base Dmg, +5 base Hit vs. AGI)
Mulok creates a basic ball of fire that strikes his target.
[ AP] - Targets a single enemy, attacking for 2d[5 ± WIL/2]+5 fire damage. Normal accuracy.

- Burden -
(Current: 4 Turns, DG 16 vs. WIL)
Mulok creates a heavy magical force over the target, preventing them from taking action.
[ AP] - Forces the target to make a WIL check against a DG of [11 ± INT]. If it fails the check, it cannot act for [2 + WIL/2] turns.

- Impact -
Mulok has practiced for many years with powerful offensive spells and has learned how to make them more effective.
[25 AP] - Increases the damage of offensive multi-target spells by 50%.
[20 AP] - Increases the accuracy of offensive multi-target spells by +3.

- Ignite -
Mulok can ignite his foes with magical flame.
[20 AP] - Any offensive fire-based spells ignite the target, dealing 10% of the spells damage a turn for 5 turns.

- Focus -
Mulok can take a moment to focus his power during a battle, allowing him to restore his strength.
[20 AP] - On any turn that Mulok does not use his major action, he regains one spellpoint.

- Volley [0/2] -
Mulok exhausts his strength to cast a volley of offensive spells in rapid succession.
[60 AP] - When used, casts [3] selected offensive spells in a row.

- Battlemage -
Mulok is unencumbered by negative penalties of armor when casting spells.
[10 AP] - Mulok is unaffected by negative penalties to spellcasting when using armor.

- Blackheart -
Mulok focuses his power solely on offensive magic and is talented with little else.
[+20 AP] - Mulok cannot use healing or buffing spells.

Mettle: +2
Finesse: -5
Agility: -5
Endurance: +4
Intellect: +5
Willpower: +4

Ability Points: 15
HP Mod: +3

Before you stands a proud-standing, middle-aged orc. Tall and broad shouldered, it's clear that age has diminished his strength from previous years, yet he still stands tall and strong like an old warrior. His clothing is tribal, composed of a belted fur kilt, a heavy fur cloak, and a circlet of strung together bones and teeth which rests upon a bald head. Different from some orcs, the orc has dark, red-brown skin, red eyes, and large, jutting teeth from his jaw. Black tattoos, seemingly traditional in nature, adorn his arms up from his hands to his shoulders. The orc has a short, wide, braided black beard that covers the bottom of his face and a smug smile of superiority. While old, the man does not seem wise, and his thick, slanted eyebrows and narrowed eyes give a feeling of discomfort when passing the man...
Mulok grimaces in irritation as the man shrugs off his spell effortlessly and strikes Yumiko a devastating wound a second later.
"What the hell..."
However, it wasn't a hopeless fight by any means. The officer was extremely reliant upon that pearl in order to fight, and whether it was because of his lack of control over it or its lack of power, he could only use it so quickly. That put them at an advantage of numbers - as long as they coordinated and acted at once, he could only do so much to react. Yumiko likely wouldn't be able to do anything but heal herself in the condition that she was in, but his other comrades seemed to be in fighting condition.
"Veles, Red. Get that pearl immediately."
Harnessing all of his strength, Mulok unleashes a devastating volley of three fireballs on the man, forcing him to either guard against it and risk losing the pearl or defend the pearl and take the brunt of the attack.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:37 pm
by Shade
Yumiko, Lv 0.00 [Front]
HP 07/16
4-11 Dmg | +6 Hit | 22 AC (18)
Steel halberd [ 1d8 Dmg | 2h ]
Leather cloak [ 2 AC ]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (2/7):
[list][*]Longbow [ +2 Dmg ]
[*][50/50] Iron arrows [ 1d4 Dmg ]

Spells (3/3):
[Current: +10 HP]
Restores [10 ± 1.5xWIL] HP for a single target.
[Current: -3 Hit for 2 turns, DG 12 vs. WIL]
Forces all enemies to do a WIL check against a DG of [10 ± INT]. Every enemy that fails the check suffers a [3 ± WIL/2] Hit malus for [2 ± INT/3] turns.
[Current: 2 turns, DG 10 vs. FOR]
Forces all enemies to do a FOR check against a DG of [8 ± INT]. Every enemy that fails the check is paralyzed for [2 ± WIL/4] turns.[/list]

Abilities (115/120 AP)
[list][*]Quick Strike [ 0 / 2 ] [ Active ] [ 30 AP ]
As a minor action, Yumiko executes a normal physical attack with a -1 penalty to Hit and Dmg.
[*]Finesse [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
Yumiko relies on finesse instead of brute strength to hit her enemies where it really hurts.
Increases damage dealt with physical attacks by DEX/2.

[*]Caution [ Passive ] [ 25 AP ]
Sometimes, it's a good idea to take things slowly to avoid getting hurt.
Whenever Yumiko doesn't use her minor action during combat, she gains a +4 AGI bonus until she next gets a turn.

[*]Soul Drain [ Passive ] [ 20 AP ]
Whenever an enemy is KO'd, Yumiko passively absorbs some of its magical power and regains one MP.[/list]

[list][*]Tainted Blood
Yumiko is a demon. This doesn't make her inherently evil, but her physical and mental capabilities are a bit different than a human's.
[list][*]She is nocturnal and can see very well in the dark.
[*]She is a bit stronger than a normal human of her build would be, giving her +5 stat points.
[*]Aside from HP recovery spells, she cannot learn any spells with effects directly beneficial to their target(s). If she attempts to do so anyway, the effects of the spell she learns are reversed - a buff becomes a debuff, for instance.
[*]She has a low tolerance to heat. Heat- and fire-based attacks deal 50% more damage to her.
[*]She has a very low natural recovery rate. The time she needs to recover HP and damaged modifiers via resting is tripled.[/list][/size]

Yumiko has a pair of large bat-like wings. These wings are fully functional - she can use them to fly if there's enough space.
[list][*]Taking off into the air or landing back on the ground is a minor action. Yumiko cannot fly if there isn't enough room to do so, if her wings are injured or if she wears heavy armor.
[*]While flying, Yumiko cannot be hit by melee attacks and fully ignores formations - she doesn't cover her team's cover row and can attack the enemy cover row in melee without provoking any checks. If she does attack in melee herself, she can be hit by any counter-attacks the target may be capable of using, however.
[*]If Yumiko takes physical damage to her wings while flying, she has to make a FOR check against the amount of damage she took. If she fails the check, she plummets to the ground (possibly taking further damage by the impact) and cannot fly again until her wings have recovered from the injuries.[/list]
However, this also means that she can only wear clothes and armor that have an opening on the back that she can fit her wings through. Cloaks on the other hand are fine.[/size][/list]

+2 Strength
+5 Dexterity
+8 Agility (+4)
-3 Fortitude
+2 Intellect
±0 Willpower

HPMod: +1

- Somewhat short, slightly curly black hair
- Crimson red eyes
- 1.71m tall
- Pale skin
- Large black bat-like wings
- Orange shirt with red ruby-like buttons on it and collar in the same red color. The sleeves end in black frills. Has two small holes on the back for the wings.
- Short dark red skirt with a faint star pattern on it
- Wears a black silk pantyhose
- Black shoes
- Looks to be around 17 years old.
Yumiko smiles as her halberd slices a respectably large wound into the enemy's side. This is too easy.
"Shut up, your taunts are lame."
His response is effortlessly countering the orc's powerful spell with a single motion of his wrist and then firing a huge blast of energy at the group that seems to defy all logic, slamming right into Yumiko's side after missing its original target - despite her best efforts to dodge it. It almost seems to be homing, arbitrarily changing its path in midair!
Taken aback by the severe blow, Yumiko holds her side in pain and spits on the floor in anger. What kind of opponent is this? He effortlessly counters everything they do! A human cannot be this strong... ...yes, it must be that pearl's doing. Its magic must be responsible for this.
She won't survive another blow as devastating as this one... She needs to heal her wound first.
"You damn bastard... Now you've done it. I'll have your head for this!!"

Invigorate @ self.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:49 pm
by Cimeries
Veles, Lv 0.00 (Front)
HP 18/32
1d10+5 Dmg | +5 Hit | 13 AC
Bastard Sword [ 1d10 Dmg ]
Chain shirt [ +4 AC | Cap at +5 | -2 Mal ]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [ 1/9 ]:
- Food Ration

Abilities [ 0115/0125 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Infantry [ Trait ] [ 00 AP ]
Veles does not have MP, and cannot cast spells. Positive INT provides a bonus to hit, positive WILL provides a bonus to AC.
[*] Image Carnivore [ Trait ] [ +15 AP ]
Veles cannot gain benefit from food that isn't meat, or drink that is not water. Veles' beastly appearance may cause some people to react negatively to him (it is common for him to be mistaken for a gnoll). Additionally, due to his horns, Veles cannot wear helmets unless they were specifically fitted for him.
[*] Image Sword Expertise [ Passive ] [ 15 AP ]
Veles is highly specialized with all manner of large war swords. He gains +3 to hit and damage with any sword that is considered a longsword or larger.[/list]

> Swordmaster Aspect [ 000 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Surge [ 1 / 1 ] [ Active ] [ 40 AP ]
A powerful leap attack utilizing Veles' powerful hind leg muscles for added punch. This allows Veles to attack an enemy regardless of formation row for 150% normal damage. If the enemy is unaware of Veles' presence, this attack become a deadly assassination lounge, and its damage is instead maximized and then doubled.[/s][/list]

> Warlord Aspect [ 040 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Warmachine [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
Whenever an enemy is overkilled (sent below 0 HP) Veles' Hp is restored by half of that difference, rounded down.[/list]

> Warden Aspect [ 060 AP ]:
[list][*] Image Mentor [ Passive ] [ 60 AP ]
Allies in Veles' party only pay 80% AP for learning combat-related abilities (Veles excluded).[/list]

+4 Strength
-1 Dexterity
±0 Agility
+4 Fortitude
+1 Intellect
-3 Willpower

HPMod: +3

Veles is a mercenary, a sword for hire. He's been that for the past 30 years, and it's all he knows...
Literally. He has no recollection of what was before, of his childhood, or even of his family. He'd never seen anyone like himself before.
Rumors of the Order of the Path have reached his ears and he has set out to find them, in the hope that they can see not only further down "the Path", but could also reveal details of his past.
Missing his first attempt, Veles takes a quick step back, draws his sword, and attempts to jam it into the man's exposed armpit*, of the arm holding the orb. If he drops the orb, Veles attempts to catch it - dropping his sword and diving for it if necessary. Probably a bad idea to let it shatter.
* Fun with anatomy: This paralyzes an arm for anywhere between a few minutes and permanently.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 3:49 pm
by Agent of Dread
< HP >---< MP >--< Pos. >---< Name >------
18/32 .|. 0/0 .|. Front .|. Veles
16/16 .|. 1/2 .|. Front .|. Yumiko
15/15 .|. 1/1 .|. Front .|. Red
16/30 .|. 0/5 .|. Cover .|. Mulok

Boss ♫

Realising the key to defeating this worthy opponent, you all aim to swarm him at once and seize the Pearl of Insight!

Veles attempts to paralyse Order Officer's arm and steal the Pearl of Insight.
Order Officer uses Pearl of Insight!
Veles makes a swift jab for the man's armpit but he hastily moves his torso out of the way before the sword can cause any harm.

Red attempts to steal the Pearl of Insight.
16 + 3 = 19 vs 17 + 1 = 18: Success!
Following Veles' near miss Red manages to grapple the man from behind, and twist his arm until he drops the Pearl into Red's outstretched palm.
Spoiler: Red
An incredible surge of energy rushes through you. You can see them... brilliant lines and shapes illuminating the movements that everyone in the room is going to make. It's such a powerful feeling that you're having trouble focusing on what's actually happening... this thing is powerful, that's for sure.
Mulok uses a Volley of Fireballs on Order Officer.
Fireball 1: 4 + 5 = 9 vs 16 - 1 = 15: Miss!
Fireball 2: 7 + 5 = 12 vs 19 - 1 = 18: Miss!
Fireball 3: 11 + 5 = 16 vs 20 - 1 = 19: Miss! Wow. Bad luck dude. :P
The robed mage immediately regains his composure, however, magnificently weaving in between all three of Mulok's fireballs! He seems almost as surprised as Mulok about it.

Yumiko uses Invigorate on herself. +10 HP.

Order Officer uses Abyssal Claim!
Standing back, he raises his hand into the air, and draws a line straight down. From it appears a longsword so black it almost seems to be sucking in the light, and the Officer grasps it immediately.

Order Officer uses Soul Drain on Mulok!
7 + 7 = 14 vs 1 + 4 = 5: Success! -2 MP on Mulok, +1 MP on Order Officer.
Evidently realising Mulok's potency as a caster, the opponent raises his offhand and sucks away the last magical power that Mulok had left!

< HP >---< MP >--< Pos. >---< Name >------
??-7/?? .|. ?-4/? .|. Cover .|. Order Officer

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Game

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 4:04 pm
by Shade
Yumiko, Lv 0.00 [Front]
HP 16/16
4-11 Dmg | +6 Hit | 22 AC (18)
Steel halberd [ 1d8 Dmg | 2h ]
Leather cloak [ 2 AC ]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (2/7):
[list][*]Longbow [ +2 Dmg ]
[*][50/50] Iron arrows [ 1d4 Dmg ]

Spells (3/3):
[Current: +10 HP]
Restores [10 ± 1.5xWIL] HP for a single target.
[Current: -3 Hit for 2 turns, DG 12 vs. WIL]
Forces all enemies to do a WIL check against a DG of [10 ± INT]. Every enemy that fails the check suffers a [3 ± WIL/2] Hit malus for [2 ± INT/3] turns.
[Current: 2 turns, DG 10 vs. FOR]
Forces all enemies to do a FOR check against a DG of [8 ± INT]. Every enemy that fails the check is paralyzed for [2 ± WIL/4] turns.[/list]

Abilities (115/120 AP)
[list][*]Quick Strike [ 0 / 2 ] [ Active ] [ 30 AP ]
As a minor action, Yumiko executes a normal physical attack with a -1 penalty to Hit and Dmg.
[*]Finesse [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
Yumiko relies on finesse instead of brute strength to hit her enemies where it really hurts.
Increases damage dealt with physical attacks by DEX/2.

[*]Caution [ Passive ] [ 25 AP ]
Sometimes, it's a good idea to take things slowly to avoid getting hurt.
Whenever Yumiko doesn't use her minor action during combat, she gains a +4 AGI bonus until she next gets a turn.

[*]Soul Drain [ Passive ] [ 20 AP ]
Whenever an enemy is KO'd, Yumiko passively absorbs some of its magical power and regains one MP.[/list]

[list][*]Tainted Blood
Yumiko is a demon. This doesn't make her inherently evil, but her physical and mental capabilities are a bit different than a human's.
[list][*]She is nocturnal and can see very well in the dark.
[*]She is a bit stronger than a normal human of her build would be, giving her +5 stat points.
[*]Aside from HP recovery spells, she cannot learn any spells with effects directly beneficial to their target(s). If she attempts to do so anyway, the effects of the spell she learns are reversed - a buff becomes a debuff, for instance.
[*]She has a low tolerance to heat. Heat- and fire-based attacks deal 50% more damage to her.
[*]She has a very low natural recovery rate. The time she needs to recover HP and damaged modifiers via resting is tripled.[/list][/size]

Yumiko has a pair of large bat-like wings. These wings are fully functional - she can use them to fly if there's enough space.
[list][*]Taking off into the air or landing back on the ground is a minor action. Yumiko cannot fly if there isn't enough room to do so, if her wings are injured or if she wears heavy armor.
[*]While flying, Yumiko cannot be hit by melee attacks and fully ignores formations - she doesn't cover her team's cover row and can attack the enemy cover row in melee without provoking any checks. If she does attack in melee herself, she can be hit by any counter-attacks the target may be capable of using, however.
[*]If Yumiko takes physical damage to her wings while flying, she has to make a FOR check against the amount of damage she took. If she fails the check, she plummets to the ground (possibly taking further damage by the impact) and cannot fly again until her wings have recovered from the injuries.[/list]
However, this also means that she can only wear clothes and armor that have an opening on the back that she can fit her wings through. Cloaks on the other hand are fine.[/size][/list]

+2 Strength
+5 Dexterity
+8 Agility (+4)
-3 Fortitude
+2 Intellect
±0 Willpower

HPMod: +1

- Somewhat short, slightly curly black hair
- Crimson red eyes
- 1.71m tall
- Pale skin
- Large black bat-like wings
- Orange shirt with red ruby-like buttons on it and collar in the same red color. The sleeves end in black frills. Has two small holes on the back for the wings.
- Short dark red skirt with a faint star pattern on it
- Wears a black silk pantyhose
- Black shoes
- Looks to be around 17 years old.
After being done patching up her wound with her magical power, Yumiko charges at the Order Officer in rage, aiming at his head. If she can help it at all, she's gonna get quite literal about what she exclaimed earlier.
