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Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:42 am
by Agent of Dread
Also, should we sticky this and unsticky The Rebellion?

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:50 am
by Shade
Woah, seriously? D:
All of those spells except Sluggish and Fade Out are completely terrible. Shouldn't they have some kind of base effect? Not only because healing something by 2 HP or dealing 2 damage to something is lol, but also because this ignores the given possibility of negative INT/WIL. So if a debuff would send me to -3 INT, I'd "heal" my allies by -3 HP when using Invigorate?
(The wording of Fade Out also makes it seem more like a buff for my party than a debuff for my enemies, tbh.)

Can I have a spell that paralyzes my enemies instead of Poison Cloud?

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:58 am
by Agent of Dread
Look I don't know how to make these things, hence me putting them off for so long. I know you can be trusted to be balanced, so feel free to redesign them better.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:59 am
by ShellShocker
Agent of Dread wrote:Look I don't know how to make these things, hence me putting them off for so long. I know you can be trusted to be balanced, so feel free to redesign them better.
Ppst - Shade! This is your cue to make overpowered spells subtley ;)

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:15 pm
by ShellShocker
Veles quickly holds a finger against his own mouth to signal the young swordsman to be quieter.
My character is just going to curl into a ball and cry for the rest of the game.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:18 pm
by Agent of Dread
Hmm, we're going to have a Four Man Band pretty soon methinks.
Red is the Butt Monkey, Mulok is The Stoic, and we don't really know about the others yet.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:22 pm
by Ditto
Shade wrote:Woah, seriously? D:
All of those spells except Sluggish and Fade Out are completely terrible.
Yeah, my fire magic isn't the best : considering I'm pretty much fully specialized to deal AoE damage, 7 damage a target with terribad accuracy on multiple targets isn't really what I was aiming for. A little more damage would be nice.

(Burden isn't bad, though - two turns without major actions is pretty powerful)

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:33 pm
by Agent of Dread
+3 everything that doesn't have a base then, lol.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:55 pm
by Ditto
So then I can add +3 base damage to Fireball and RoF?

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:56 pm
by Agent of Dread

(Side note: Who actually clicked the BGM link?)

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:58 pm
by Ditto

EDIT : Also, I can't help but lol about how my Fireball spell becomes more and more obsolete. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered to take it in the first place

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:01 pm
by Cimeries
I did. Who introduces a story with heavy metal riffs?

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:02 pm
by Agent of Dread

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:06 pm
by Cimeries
I've never heard of this "Ha" person.

Re: [PnP] Predestination - Talk

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:21 pm
by Shade
Agent of Dread wrote:Look I don't know how to make these things, hence me putting them off for so long. I know you can be trusted to be balanced, so feel free to redesign them better.
Alright then, here I go again~
When thinking about how effective to make spells, consider how effective they'd be at certain stats.
Good thresholds to check usually are (INT/WIL) 0/0, 3/3, 5/0, 0/5, 5/5, and anything negative.

(Current: +10 HP)
Restores [10 ± 1.5xWIL] HP for a single target.

(Current: -3 Hit for 2 turns, DG 12 vs. WIL)
Forces all enemies to do a WIL check against a DG of [10 ± INT]. Every enemy that fails the check suffers a [3 ± WIL/2] Hit malus for [2 ± INT/3] turns.

(Current: 2 turns, DG 10 vs. FOR)
Forces all enemies to do a FOR check against a DG of [8 ± INT]. Every enemy that fails the check is paralyzed for [2 ± WIL/4] turns.

- Rain of Flame -
(Current: 4-9 base Dmg, +2... base Hit vs. AGI)
(Current with Impact: 6-14 base Dmg, +5... base Hit vs. AGI)
Rains a volley of molten rock upon the target enemies.
Targets all enemies with a rain of fireballs, attacking all targets for 1d[4 ± WIL/2]+3 fire damage. Has a -[3 + #targets] penalty to Hit.

- Fireball -
(Current: 7-19 base Dmg, +5 base Hit vs. AGI)
Mulok creates a basic ball of fire that strikes his target.
Targets a single enemy, attacking for 2d[5 ± WIL/2]+5 fire damage. Normal accuracy.

- Burden -
(Current: 4 Turns, DG 16 vs. WIL)
Mulok creates a heavy magical force over the target, preventing them from taking action.
Forces the target to make a WIL check against a DG of [11 ± INT]. If it fails the check, it cannot act for [2 + WIL/2] turns.

And for consistency:

(Current: -5 AC for 3 turns, DG 11 vs. WIL)
Forces the target to make a WIL check against a DG of [12 ± INT]. If it fails the check, it suffers a [5 ± WIL] AC penalty for [3 ± INT/2] turns.

That ok?