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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:03 am
by woodmouse
Has anyone heard from Purple recently? Exactly a year ago, I emailed her to reconnect. We were maybe going to try to start working on a third album together this year, but then I had laptop problems (which still continue) but realised they don't prevent me from making music, which I emailed her about in July (I thought I did already earlier but somehow didn't), got no reply, and emailed again in September to ask if everything is OK but again got no response. So the last I heard from Purple was in April, and honestly I'm kind of worried... :?

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 12:59 pm
by Agent of Dread
I'm not in touch with her anywhere anymore as far as I know. :(

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:22 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Purple PMed me in July, so.. I dunno.
Seems strange she never joined the reunion Discord (as far as I know since I'm not there, obviously) despite being the one to suggest it.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:34 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Double posting, oh no~
Don't mind me, just posting my dumb cheap plastic imitation PnP idea so maybe I stop thinking about PnPs.
The continent of Imsant is a land of magic.
Each person is attuned to one of the four elements:
Fire, Water, Air, Earth.
Long ago, heroes wielding the Crystals of each element sealed away Darkness.
Thus was the Kingdom of Dezas founded, and from its capital it rules four cities:
Vryno, the city of Fire in the desert.
Salcea, the city of Water on the coast.
Kler, the city of Air on a mountain.
Wrend, the city of Earth in a forest.

Tonight is Ethereal Eve, the night when spirits are said to walk.
And who knows? With rumors of a group called the Shadowcasters
who try to resurrect an ancient, forbidden magic, that may be possible.

The King of Dezas, Alith, is hosting the annual party at his castle.
You've found yourself here, waiting to see what happens..
Carry on, then. :P

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:32 am
by Agent of Dread
Being able to stop thinking about PnPs while they're not being played would be a blessing. :P Maybe I should just force myself to draw all the stuff of the AoR cast I got c-blocked out of...

Related, a recent draw that I'm pleased with.
Spoiler: Large image

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 3:11 am
by penguinflyer2222
Yeah, I've seen it because I've been checking your Twitter sometimes, since it exists (the link in your sig, of course).
(I even watched you stream a drawing that one time, if you were wondering who 'nicafan' was. That was interesting :lol: )
Reminds me that I need to practice drawing faces, so uh, here's an unfinished drawing I did recently where a person has a face, also there's a silly comment I wrote for some reason.
(It's Elma from Xenoblade Chronicles X)
Spoiler: Image

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 3:58 pm
by Agent of Dread
Oh man, I had forgotten about all that in the stream! It always makes me happy when people come out to those, I should really do more. I just don't sit down to single long sessions of drawing much these days...

Your drawing looks very cool, the expression is the icing on the cake of all that attitude. :)

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:43 am
by penguinflyer2222
Welp, I'm bored, time to post a drawing.
Guess what series I've been playing lately.. it's Castlevania!
(Soma Cruz, I think the artwork was from Harmony of Despair? It's also his spirit in Smash Ultimate.)
Spoiler: Img
Anyway, I guess doing a stream must be a lot of work, huh.
But the last one was like four hours or something, right? Maybe you could do shorter ones..?
But I dunno, that was just me thinking.

Now I'm thinking about how I should draw more things, so why don't I do that instead of thinking so long about posting.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 12:46 pm
by Agent of Dread
I think shorter ones would go hand-in-hand with some, like, regularity. :P

Oh hey, Soma. He is cool, even though I've never played the game he's from. I wish more of the metroidvania ones were for home systems, not that Symphony of the Night leaves you wanting at all. Alucard is the man.

Here's something I finished recently for a friend:
Spoiler: Possibly "shocking" content

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:36 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Looks perfectly normal, faces are definitely supposed to do that. :lol:

Yep, I've been playing the handheld Castlevanias.
We also got Bloodstained recently (I haven't played it yet), it's basically a combination of Symphony and some of the handheld ones. But also with cooking.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 6:01 pm
by Agent of Dread
I played Bloodstained for a little bit and was impressed by the game feel but struggled with the voice acting. :P Everything I've heard suggests that it's very rewarding to get stuck into, I just have to peel myself away from everything else long enough to do so.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:57 pm
by Agent of Dread
Man, our PnPs are really the perfect form of "tabletop" for me. Writing is where I can flex my ability to portray the character best + I'm a sucker for the formalised character sheet work, and even just being our own Greek Chorus in the talk thread is such an enjoyable way to banter and discuss the games. Not to mention we've played among ourselves for so long that there's almost perfect harmony in play. I hope we can run one again some time...

If you'll excuse the sentimentality; I've been up all night. :P Hope y'all are having happy holidays!

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:09 am
by penguinflyer2222
Seems to me like the hardest part of a PnP is getting one started. Once you get going, you can just make up a lot of it as you go along - to figure out a character, you play the character.
...To figure out how to run a PnP, you just actually get around to starting one and then force people to join it. :P

Anyway, I saw your posts about stuff you've drawn the last year(s) and was inspired to make this thing.
Some Fire Emblem characters I've drawn over the last few years (I draw a lot of them :P)
Spoiler: Who likes Fire Emblem characters~

So, from left to right:
Legault (Blazing Blade) (2015)
Soren (Path of Radiance) (2015)
Lucius dressed as Ninian * (both Blazing Blade) (2016)
Erk (Blazing Blade) (2017)
Florina (Blazing Blade) (2017)
Kris (Male) (New Mystery of the Emblem) (2019)

* [quote="Me, a few months ago"]"Or I could post drawings of Fire Emblem characters wearing each other's outfits"[/quote]
Well, happy (late) Solstice everyone!

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:53 am
by Agent of Dread
You're right, but all that is built on the back of being able to depend on everyone else to also show up to play. :(

That collage is so nice! It's neat to be able to see how your rendering has evolved while still having a core feel that keeps anyone from looking out of place.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:19 pm
by Cimeries
Agent of Dread wrote:If you'll excuse the sentimentality; I've been up all night.
Up all night reading past PnP's I bet.