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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:58 pm
by Cimeries
1. Don't sell yourself short. e.g see point #2.

2. I can handle any presence.

3. Will definitely try to meet you when I visit your country. Same goes for everyone else here. Even and especially if you don't want me to.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:55 am
by Seth
I logged back in to see if I could delete any old threads. Doesn’t look like it.

Although my experience here has been mostly pleasant, there’re also a couple threads that I regret making. Nothing very serious; just some unnecessary, somewhat uninteresting subjects that I wouldn’t have made today and ones that I handled rather awkwardly.

Experience on the other hand has taught me that unless it’s something extremely serious (such as legal matters), the authorities ain’t going to be in a rush to suppress it. ‘Socially awkward behaviour’ doesn’t usually fit that category by most people’s standards, so I try to relax by telling myself that almost nobody is going to read it later.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 4:39 am
by Seth
Today I dreamt about this, strangely enough. Cimeries deleted almost every single thread in the board (besides the stickied ones) on the account that they were made by preteens. It was an… interesting way of displaying mercy, to say the least.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 5:34 am
by penguinflyer5234
Regular users can only delete their last post in a thread, provided that it hasn't been replied to.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 7:15 am
by Agent of Dread
(When the PnPs are moving,) I have a surprising tendency to dream about stuff on the forums too.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 10:34 pm
by Cimeries
Seth wrote:Today I dreamt about this, strangely enough. Cimeries deleted almost every single thread in the board (besides the stickied ones) on the account that they were made by preteens. It was an… interesting way of displaying mercy, to say the least.
Seth you dreamt of me.
I am flattered and slightly aroused.

Also, I would never do something like that, because I believe in the intrinsic right of every person to be made fun of for doing dumb stuff.
I'm not even joking right now, it's essential for your development as a functioning pseudo-adult-like creature in society.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:08 am
by Agent of Dread
In case anyone else is still bothering to lurk, how's stuff been?

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:46 am
by Cimeries
* Quit my job because my employer was a turd.
* Started my Bachelor's in Physics and Neuroscience. Doing mostly math related courses this year like Linear Algebra, Statistics and Infinitesimal Calculus. Doing a lot of background learning in Khan Academy since I don't actually have the mathematical background for these courses. It's going ok for the most part.
* Learning some Java as part of my Bachelor's, doing pretty well on account of past experience with ACS and DECORATE from my Doom modding days.
* My girlfriend spontaneously bought a Chinchilla, named her "Candy". The two of them moved in with me.
* I still don't understand why someone would give their pet a stripper's name.
* I found a small land turtle in my yard (no idea how it got there). Released it in a nearby forest.
* Turns out that a huge park with 15k trees and a lake will be built near my house within the next couple of years. They started construction on it a few months ago.

That's pretty much it, I think.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:29 pm
by Shade
Everything around me is falling apart., nothing out of the ordinary on my end, really. Considering I can still be here and whine about it, I suppose one could say I'm doing fine.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:21 am
by Agent of Dread
Infinitesimal Calculus sounds grand. :P I liked Java too when I was learning a bit of it, OOP just clicks in my brain.

And that sounds pretty rough, Shade... I hope you can hang in there. :(

Also, I think we missed the SF forums' tenth birthday. Time is the strangest of bedfellows.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:35 am
by Agent of Dread
Actually, if I've got anyone's eyes still, I want to sate my curiosity.

1) Status report on the likelihood of AoR resuming? And if no,

2) Would you two (and/or anyone else lurking) like to play a different game? I really like Cime's rules, so if I can appropriate most of them I'd be happy to give running my own a shot.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:59 pm
by woodmouse
Agent of Dread wrote:In case anyone else is still bothering to lurk, how's stuff been?
I'm still a NEET, spending all my time on music and language stuff. So, nothing new... except maybe that I'm no longer as depressed or socially anxious, although currently my skin is in such bad condition that I'm not even thinking about going outside for any reason. Antibiotic cream seems to be helping a bit, but there's a limit on how long it can be used (only one or two weeks) and it's almost been a week, so... :?
Cimeries wrote:* My girlfriend spontaneously bought a Chinchilla, named her "Candy". The two of them moved in with me.
If you weren't one already, you're now officially a responsible adult with responsibilities and a life. Maybe one day there will be little Cimes, and you'll teach them the secrets of being a badass. :P Seriously, though, congrats on having a girlfriend and a pet and all the other developments in your life. If only there was as much development on Egoboo, 3.0 could already have been released and it'd be the best game ever; it'd have ushered in an Egoboo Renaissance with continued plans for development into the foreseeable future, everyone making new modules and whatnot and perfecting the game and expanding its lore, with such success that Aaron Bishop himself would've joined this forum and posted "wow good job" and started working on Egoboo again... maybe one day, in the distant future... m-maybe? welp

Why is it that every time I post anything here, no matter what it's in response to, it devolves into the same old nostalgic cringe.
Cimeries wrote:* I still don't understand why someone would give their pet a stripper's name.
Even though it is a stereotypical stripper name, it's also just a cute name so I can imagine it fitting a cute pet. Is she cute? What colour is she? Do you keep her in a cage or something or is she allowed to go around the house freely? Imagine how creepy these questions would sound out of context, it'd sound like I was asking about whether you treat your girlfriend like an animal... my sense of humour needs to stop. But anyway, do you have any other pets? Would that even work? Like, if you had cats or dogs or something, would they eat her? Also, wtf, I thought chinchillas were tiny little critters, but apparently they're absolutely huge. :o
Cimeries wrote:* Turns out that a huge park with 15k trees and a lake will be built near my house within the next couple of years. They started construction on it a few months ago.
That's cool, more stuff like that should be done all around the world to fight against climate change. Unfortunately Brazil's new president, Balls-a-Nero, is apparently going to cut down the Amazon and the entire planet will burn. Even here in Finland, the government is becoming more right-wing and xenophobic every day, and what's depressing is that barely anyone even seems to care because the majority has become more right-wing and xenophobic, too... thankfully we still have healthcare and freedom of speech, at least for now.

Eugh, politics.
Shade wrote:Everything around me is falling apart.
Hopefully things will get better for you, whatever the problem is.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:03 pm
by Shade
Agent of Dread wrote:2) Would you two (and/or anyone else lurking) like to play a different game? I really like Cime's rules, so if I can appropriate most of them I'd be happy to give running my own a shot.
It's not that I wouldn't like to, but I'm not sure if I could fit it into my current daily schedule.
That, and unless woodie is interested in giving it a try or one of our former PnP veterans suddenly shows up, we just don't have enough players.
Without Cime it's currently just you, me and possibly octy, so that's a GM and two players at best.
...unless you intend to be a GM and a player at the same time like Cime was, but I'm still not convinced that works very well.
woodmouse wrote:[...] although currently my skin is in such bad condition that I'm not even thinking about going outside for any reason. Antibiotic cream seems to be helping a bit, but there's a limit on how long it can be used (only one or two weeks) and it's almost been a week, so... :?
Your skin? What happened? That sounds pretty bad.
Agent of Dread wrote:And that sounds pretty rough, Shade... I hope you can hang in there. :(
woodmouse wrote:Hopefully things will get better for you, whatever the problem is.
Unlikely, but thanks.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:17 am
by woodmouse
Shade wrote:Your skin? What happened? That sounds pretty bad.
I guess it's a combination of my skin just being really dry and acne or whatever, probably also somehow the aftereffects of my upper lip being infected (which is what the antibiotic cream was prescribed for) as a result of either a small cut that just wouldn't heal or a zit or whatever (not really sure, but it doesn't even matter). The lip is almost healed already thanks to the cream, but yesterday my chin got really bad with some kind of "blobs" that are more or less pimples except that they bleed more, can't really be popped and just won't turn into proper scabs like pimples do; the cream helps for a while, but then they come back before I can apply it again (it's only allowed to be applied twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening). It's annoying, itchy and painful (although not nearly as painful as yesterday), but it's mostly that it looks really gross that bothers me...

Like, I'm making it sound worse than it actually is because it's literally just a couple of bloody blobs between my chin and lower lip with reddened skin around them, most likely no one would even pay any attention to it beyond maybe a quick glance before instantly forgetting, but for me that's bad enough because of my social anxiety and stuff. The rest of my face is also quite red and "patchy", but that's just dry skin so it's no big deal.


So that this post won't be just complaining about my cringy first world problems, and also because I'm feeling really nostalgic about Egoboo once again: I miss all the people who used to be active on this forum, all the stuff everyone was making for Egoboo, and trying to make new modules and whatnot myself (even if I never finished any), etc. I wish it could be possible again in the future, someday... but it'll never be, no matter what, partially because it doesn't seem like Zefz would ever come back, and it just wouldn't be the same without him, and partially because nostalgia alone (even if every single one of us got massive amounts of it somehow) wouldn't accomplish anything.

It just doesn't seem right that Egoboo "died" the way it did, I mean development just slowly stagnating and then stopping entirely. It was the most important game throughout my childhood/teenagehood, and I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that way. I wish there was something that could be done to make things like they were, but... well, I guess a part of the charm of Egoboo for most of us was that most were young and it was a comfy game with a comfy community around it. Even the world itself isn't like it used to be in some ways.

Oh well, at least I emailed Purple a couple of weeks ago to reconnect and about maybe making more music together in the future. Not sure if anything will come of that, but just getting a response was really nice. I feel like all the people on this forum are a unique category of friends, which probably sounds melodramatic and maybe even offensive to some of you, but well.

Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:45 am
by Agent of Dread
Shade wrote:Without Cime it's currently just you, me and possibly octy, so that's a GM and two players at best.
...unless you intend to be a GM and a player at the same time like Cime was, but I'm still not convinced that works very well.
Yeah, as much as I'd like to, I won't presume the ability to do it fairly and tactfully enough to be worth the risk.

And hi woody, always good to see you around. :) Unless I'm misunderstanding, some vitamin D might actually help your skin, so getting outside could be worth it if you can. Good luck with it either way.

I feel your pain on that politics stuff too. The right wing is still in power in Australia and it looks like it'll stay that way for a while because our left wing can't present a leader that isn't equally as bad. :?

As for Egoboo, I think the reason it turned out this way was because the code base was seriously messy, to the point that the better move years ago would have been to build a new Egoboo-like from the ground up... but instead it's taken most of the time since then to get the game working in a more sustainable framework, and now the game itself is really showing its age. :(