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Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:27 pm
by woodmouse
How would an ancient Mesoamerican guy speak english? I mean, a guy who used to hang out with Mayas and later Aztecs (possibly with some other civilizations before either of those; he's immortal (because he's dead)), in the novel I'm writing. Obviously, if I'd know Aztec and Maya languages, then I'd have him speak a combination of those (as in the coolest-sounding words of both (I know, that'd be completely retarded :P)), but I don't, so how could his ethnicity be put into the things he says without it coming off as forced? It wouldn't make sense for him to mention places/people from that time, since he's been living in another place for so long (at least a couple of centuries, possibly even longer, considering that he's sorta like a time traveller, and you know, dead...). Any ideas, anyone? Because I'm kinda stuck with this. He can't be like "Yo guise, I'm old and stuff, be nice or I'll kill you." or anything, but using pseudo-old/archaic/fancy english wouldn't really make sense, since he didn't speak english at that time (you know, "Hail, brethren! I hath grown old and therefore deserve thy respect. If thou refusest this, beware as I shall slay thee." and stuff). :?


Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:37 pm
by Maxaxle
@woodmouse: Maybe he says things mentally, i.e. your brain interprets what he says for you, with the only misunderstandings being when he says more complex phrases that don't work out well in his original language.

octagon wrote:In the form of USB adapter sticks, the needed hardware is apparently pretty cheap. I don't know if these 10$ things are enough, but I suppose they should work.
Agent of Dread wrote:Assuming the computers don't have wireless receivers built in from the beginning.
Interesting. A shame I don't know anyone that does LAN parties.

EDIT 2: Nevermind the following.
Me, earlier wrote: EDIT: I try to make a joke, AoD...(first line)
Spoiler: Full Title
AoD's All-Seeing Eyes: The Movie: The Game: The Musical: The Book: The Book: The Game: The Musical: The Movie: The Webcomic: The Game: The Ride: The Game: The Movie: The Book: The Musical: The Book: The Game
And then you go and do this before I can even open up my Library!


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:33 am
by Seanbot
We should have a WAN party!


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:48 am
by woodmouse
Agent of Dread wrote:You're an up-and-coming member of society, get a jawb.
...although you didn't say this to me, I'll have to point something out.

Finding a job isn't easy, at least here in Finland. There's going to be some new law that will make it pretty much impossible, and every employer is kicking their employees out because they don't have enough money to pay them. (I don't even want a job, which is why I actually might get one... D:) It's every day on the news how many people get kicked out from their jobs daily, the necessary education for even a toilet cleaner is more than what the average person has, etc. so it's pretty much only the already rich people who get jobs by bribing some of the less rich (but still rich) employers to employ them.

PS: Obviously, it's not like that for everyone and every job, but it still is like that.
Maxaxle wrote:@woodmouse: Maybe he says things mentally, i.e. your brain interprets what he says for you, with the only misunderstandings being when he says more complex phrases that don't work out well in his original language.
Hmmm, could be. But then he wouldn't have any problems with being heard or anything, there could be no "wait, did you just say "I f***ed a tomato"?"-situations, etc. It'd be a little bit too practical. :P

PS: There are so many close-minded jerks on Omegle. So many. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm immature and hypocritical. It's not offensive to call me hypocritical, since I know it's true, but like... calling me immature is offensive, since, well, I know it's somewhat true, but not completely. I mean, sure I like some things that are a bit childish, use emoticons, etc. no matter what kinda conversation, but when they call me that because I believe in God... that's just offensive. Atheism isn't some kind of "level up" into adulthood, and for me it went the exact opposite way; I used to not believe in God, but then after that one thing happened, I started believing. And now everyone thinks everything I say is irrelevant because I'm "a happy little Christian with no sense of reality"... honestly, why is it supposedly so wrong to believe in God? I don't even mention that to most people unless they start saying things like "f**k God, anyone who believes should be killed" or something, because then I feel like, you know, asking why they think like that. And they take it as me being a delusional little kid whose parents grew me in a barrel. :| Urgh, close-minded jerky atheists are so annoying... why can't they just ignore any and all religious people? Why do they have to insult and push until they turn the nice, kind and forgiving believers into something like crusaders in the middle ages? It's not "showing their true colors", it's pushing them into changing...


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:13 pm
by penguinflyer5234
And just how are we going to have a WAN party? What would we even do?


Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:49 am
by Maxaxle
Seanbot wrote:We should have a WAN party!
Sure, I'll pack my bags and get on the next flight out >.> ...


Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:08 am
by penguinflyer5234
A WAN is a wide area network (like the internet).


Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:14 am
by Maxaxle
penguinflyer5234 wrote:A WAN is a wide area network (like the internet).
But I'd need to be closer to get anything under 100ms. Hundreds of miles closer.


Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:48 am
by octagon
Clearly the solution is distorting space-time.


Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:23 pm
by Seanbot
penguinflyer5234 wrote:And just how are we going to have a WAN party? What would we even do?
Pink Pony
Thug Lyfe


Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:23 pm
by Maxaxle
Seanbot wrote: Pink Pony

What about Smokin' Guns (basically Counter-Strike if it was a Spaghetti Western), Xonotic, Infiniminer, or, god forbid, Battlefield 1942 via Origin?


Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:52 pm
by penguinflyer5234
Tron-like games are fun!

don't particularly like FPSes, Mono + Mac = no fun, and EA.


Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:01 am
by Seanbot
OpenTTD, Teeworlds, war3 worms worms wroms womarms womsrmo oh man worms


Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:30 am
by Agent of Dread
Gate 88, Teeworlds yes yes yes, Toribash?


Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:19 am
by Maxaxle
For those of you who like steering with a mouse: Quake 3 Rally?
The bots are dumb, the car handling is fun, the physics punish those who drive poorly, and the game is centered around car-based combat.