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Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:02 am
by aleco614
I know that we need a tank, but i don't especially want to be it.

Still, if no one else is willing to, i'll be the tank...

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:10 am
by aleco614
Fine, ill be the tank. Revising my character.

Aleco, Lvl 1 (0/1000) (Guard, Half-Dwarf) (Front)

HP: 60/60 (50+10)

25 Atk | 75 Hit | 2 Crt
20 Def | 3 Res | 0 Avd

Guarding: No One
Weapon- Ohno (12 Atk, 65 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor- Heavy Platemail (3 Def, 3 Res, 0 Avd)
Shield- Makeshift Shield (2 Def, 0 Res, 0 Avd)

Inventory and Status:
Items 1/7
-Oinke-meat Sandwich (Restores 50 HP)
-Slim Rapier (6 Atk, 80 Hit, 20 Crt)
-Simple Spear (9 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt)
Skills (0 AP):
-Guard- Whoever is being "guarded" cannot be attacked, all hits aimed for them will hit Aleco. (0 SP) (130 AP)
Total Cost: 130 AP
Abilities (0 AP):
-Dwarven Hardyness- Aleco has 20% extra hp. (170 AP)
Total Cost: 170 AP
STR: 15
MAG: 0
SKL: 5
AGI: 0
DEF: 15
RES: 0
VIT: 15
MEN: 0
Fire: 0%
Water: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
"Ohno" is a joke. Look up ono on wikipedia.

Methinks my character menu is ftw.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:39 am
by Agent of Dread
Cimeries wrote:Oh, that's fine, there will be plenty of numskulls available for me to prey on, I'm sure.
Seriously though, we need a tank, lest we be a classic case of 'Mageparty', and die at the hands of the first magic resistant melee monster.
Good idea...!

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:05 pm
by Cimeries
Eh, actually I was implying that more people should join for our own sakes, but that's fine too. :mrgreen:

Cime, Lv1 Misadventurer (Cover)
Health: 30/30
Mana: 20/20
XP: 0000/1000
AP: 50
15 Atk | 88 Hit | 09 Crt
06 Def | 07 Res | 38 Avd
Weapon: Nice claws, dude (6 Atk, 70 Hit, 5 Crt)
Armor: Complimentary evil warlock costume (2 Def, 3 Res, 20 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Inventory [1/7]:
- The Sauce (Recover full MP, cause confusion if used in combat)

- Sword wall (4 Mana): Create Level/2 + 2 pointy projectiles, each has an atk value of Level+4. Swords: 2, Total ATK each (STR applied): 14.
(100 AP)
- Mind control (10 Mana): When I cast this spell, If my MEN is higher, I can tell the victim what to do for the next Level/2 + 2 turns. Duration: 2
(110 AP)

- Lumbermage: I use STR for spellcasting, rather than MAG. (80 AP)
- Soulnibbler: 4 MP is awarded whenever I kill an enemy. 2 MP whenever someone in my party does. (90 AP)
- Nice claws indeed: I have some pretty cool claws. Yep. I can spend AP to make them better also, though I can't use those fancy two handed weapons all the kid are playing with these days, unlike a certain blond spiky haired mercenary. Claws are: 6 Atk, 70 Hit, 5 Crt.
(70 AP)

STR: 9
MAG: 0
SKL: 9
AGI: 9
DEF: 4
RES: 4
VIT: 6
MEN: 9

Elements:[list]Fir: 00 | Ert: 00 | Wnd: 00 | Wat: 00 [/list]Misc:
Kills: 0
Sauces consumed: 0

I guess I'm done.
Also, everyone needs to describe their character's appearance so that I will make pictures for them too.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:42 pm
by Seanbot
"Seanbot lurks beneath a dark cloak, revealing nought but his soulless eyes, a look of vague disinterest permanently worn upon his brow. His long black hair hangs around his shoulders like a waterfall of the darkest blood. A face cloth covers his mouth as black as coal, running down as a scarf to his knees. Beneath his cloak the clink of metal reveals the only hint of bright about him, in dazzling silver chains. The darkness seems to follow him, shrouding him in a ghastly haze of misery.

Suffice to say, his overall appearance was quite unpleasant.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:40 pm
by Cimeries

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:59 pm
by aleco614
Well, if anyone else is willing to be a tank, i'm switchin' back to my healer guy.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:57 am
by Seanbot
That is quite possibly the most awesome thing I have ever seen Cimeries.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:07 pm
by Cimeries
Thanks, that's very nice to hear (erm... read), I thought it was kinda 'meh'.

Anyone else wants to play? Don't make me use mind control.
Clonks (where is he anyway)? Pf2? Pf5? Anyone?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:31 pm
by Seanbot
How 'bout I summon us up some more players?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:48 pm
by Seanbot
I think we're all waiting for AoD to give us our AP for our skills, but I think he's waiting for us to put AP on our skills, or something.
Agent of Dread! Where are you!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:00 am
by Agent of Dread
I've already AP'd all your skills!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:36 am
by aleco614
Bah... someone else is probably going to become a tank.


Aleco, Lvl 1 (0/1000) (Shaman, Human,) (Front)

Health: 10/10
Divine Mana: 40/40

18 Atk | 90 Hit | 2 Crt
0 Def | 0 Res | 65 Avd

Weapon- Maple Staff (8 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor- Warded Robe (0 Def, 0 Res, 35 Avd)

Inventory and Status:

Items 0/7
-Pie (Useful for being grumpy) (3)
Skills (0 AP):
-Healing Aura (20 Divine Mana): An aura appears around an ally and heals all their hp.
-Ray (5 Divine Mana): A flash of light hits an enemy, dealing MEN damage and piercing through defenses.
-Focus (0 Divine Mana): Restores MEN divine mana when used, or all divine mana when outside of battle.
-Total Cost: ? AP
Abilities (0 AP):
-Grrr: Because Aleco feels his mount cookia description was inaccurate, he will experience occasional periods of grumpiness, often throwing pies at people.
-Total Cost: 0 AP
STR: 10
MAG: 0
SKL: 5
AGI: 15
DEF: 0
RES: 0
VIT: 5
MEN: 15
Fire: 0%
Water: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Total HP healed: 0
Kills: 0
Victory Spamz.
I Pwnz All.
:twisted: :D :twisted: :D :twisted:

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:50 am
by penguinflyer2222
pf2222, Lvl 1 Tankerman (Front)
HP: 50/50
21 Atk | 89 Hit | 7 Crt
9 Def | 4 Res | 12 Avd
Weapon- Boomé (Mace) (6 Atk, 75 Hit, 4 Crt)
Armor- Tank Armor (3 Def, 0 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items 1/7
-A kabob (heals 10 HP)
Pretty Gesture: Enemies loses focus for one round, looking at pf2222. (enemies/4 HP, rounded up - 90 AP)
Hug: Heals pf2222 and a friend by 10 HP. Has a ten turn timer. [0/10]
Penguin Morph: pf2222 can turn into a penguin that has 40 HP, for some random various reasons. ( AP)
STR: 15
MAG: 0
SKL: 7
AGI: 6
DEF: 6
RES: 4
VIT: 12
MEN: 0
Fire: 0%
Water: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Hi me five cents.
....Anyway. Hmm.. pf2222 is a kinda heavy armored person wielding a mace. Dark hair, and.. well, yeah.. And then penguin form is the same, just a penguin, and probably lose the hair. xD

Edit: Aleco, please use something other than yellow.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:01 am
by aleco614
I do not understand why no one likes yellow.

No yellow? Fine, ill use cyan.