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Post by Cimeries »

---[ Party ]------------------------------------------------------
HP: 17/17 | Front | Shade (Clonkinator)
HP: 29/31 | Front | Sir Oinkley (Ditto)
HP: 16/16 | Cover | Stul'p (Octagon)
HP: 45/45 | Front | Gaunt (Injected Companion)
Spoiler: Info
Location: Dog Lounge - Deucce Baaj's Dungeon - BF24
Time: Pfft, like you need that here.
Gold: 487

Points of Interest:
+ Stairs up to BF23

+ The barrier wall.
___+ Metal Doors flanking the mysterious sinks.
___+ Aforementioned mysterious sinks. Now dry, and liberated of their shiny metal bands.
___+ Square holes in the wall where barriers used to stand.

+ Dog Lounge, lot's of dog books.
Octy is correct. Partially.
The gallant Sir Oinkley crashes into the sink, considerably cracking it in the effort, but the band does not break off. It seems to be made of tougher material than the stone the rest of the wall is made of.
Sir Oinkley took 2 points of damage.
Sir Oinkley: +3 exp for bravery/stupidity/roleplay.
The floor then begins trembling as Gaunt approaches the sink, slides his small finger into the band, closes his fist, and rips it out. He then proceeds to do the same to the other sink on the other half of the wall.
He tosses the bands to the center of the room. What's left of the barriers is now gone, it seems that you can continue with certain safety now.
"Let's get this over with already so I can be miserable in freedom."

2 Jeweled bands (1 Wt | Unidentified)

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Post by Shade »

Shade, Lv01 [55] (Front)
17/17 HP
08-08 Atk | 107 Hit | 14 Crt
......01 Def | 02 Res | 60 Avd | 05 Frt
Rapier (5 - 5 Atk, 95 Hit, 10 Crt, 5 Wt)
Red Coat (1 Def, 0 Res, 15 Avd, 5 Fort, 7 Wt)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (Wt: _18/103):
- Medicine (4 Wt | Heals 10 HP)
- Deck of playing cards (2 Wt)


[3/3] Spark Wave [115 AP]
[Base: 8 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
[Curr: 15 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
Hits all enemies with lightning, possibly also paralyzing them for 2 turns (25% chance per target).

[3/3] Healing Stream [120 AP]
[Base: 10 HP / 0 HP]
[Curr: 17 HP / 7 HP]
Focuses the curative power of the earth on an ally, healing it by [10 + INT] HP. Can also be aimed at the entire party, but only heals each target by [INT] HP when doing so.

- Counter [200 AP]
Shade is very skilled at fencing, knowing how to utilize every single chance to attack. If he successfully dodges a melee attack, he instantly counter-attacks with a melee attack of his own.

- Swift [15 AP]
Shade is very agile and perceptive, making it rather easy for him to anticipate attacks and dodge them. Adds +5 to Avd.

06 STR
04 SKL
10 AGI
04 CON
04 WIS
07 INT

Shade has a kinda rough past to show, so he eventually sought dispersal by becoming Deucce Baaj's employee, as fighting hero-wannabes and all that stuff sounded pretty cool. And it actually kinda is, if it wasn't for the fact that the payment just outright sucks and no-one likes the bad guys. So, after all these years, he finally decides to break free again and reclaim his freedom in an attempt to start a new life.

Shade is a tall man in his early twenties. He tends to be overly cynic and grumpy at times, but that's kinda to be expected if you're discontent with your employer. If he for once is in a good temper, however, he's actually a pretty nice and trustable guy, if somewhat arrogant.

AP left: ......... 50
HP added: ..... 0
HP-Mod.: .... +2
Crt-Dmg: ... +40%
After witnessing how Gaunt simply rips the bands out of the sinks when even Oinkley didn't manage to break them off, Shade simply stares at him for a while.
"Dude... You could've done that right away."
He waits for Stul'p to pick up the bands if he wants them, and then proceeds to go through the doorway that used to be blocked by the barrier.
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Jungle Warrior (Committed contributor)
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Post by Ditto »

Sir Oinkley, Lvl 1 Porc Black Knight [64/100] (Cover)
Image 29/31 [Normal]
Image 49/130 [2 Item Groups]
Weapon: Steak Knife (3-5 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt, 5 Wt)
Shield: Frying Pan Shield (15 Avd, 5 Wt)
Armor: Full Platemail (3 Def, -10 Avd, 10 Fort, 30 Wt)
8-10 Atk | 95 Hit | 5 Crt
6-8 Atk | 85 Hit | 5 Crt [Shield Slam]
3 Def | 0 Res | 45 Avd | 0 Fort
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-Beef Sandwich (Restores 25 HP, 5 Wt)
-Casino Chips [38]

-Shield Slam-
Sir Oinkley can slam his enemies with his shield before or following an armed attack, smashing his enemies into the ground. Instead of his minor action, Sir Oinkley can slam an enemy with his shield, dealing unarmed damage. If shield bashing and attacking armed in one turn, both enemies must be in the same row. 210 AP

Sir Oinkley guards his allies in the back row with his own body. Fatal attacks aimed at allies in the back row will be redirected to Sir Oinkley. Attacks that would kill due to a critical are not redirected. 120 AP

Power: 10
Skill: 5
Agility: 10
Constitution: 10
Wisdom: 0
Intelligence: 0

Ability Points: 20
HP Mod: +4
Critical Hit: 150%
Watching Gaunt rip the band out of the sink from his not-so comfortable spot on the ground, Sir Oinkley scowls. "...One would think that you could have removed the bands before I received a fairly unpleasant bruise. I suppose I did gain three exper- eh, um, knightly wisdom from doing so, but you could have had more consideration given Shade's suggestion." Sir Oinkley stands up. "Let me take the front row- I will shield us from whatever ambush may come to us." Sir Oinkley marches off into the corridor.
Last edited by Ditto on Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."
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Darkshine Knight (Extremist fanatic)
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Post by octagon »

Stul'p, Lv1 [51] Jive Hubbin Thief [Cover]
6-7 Atk | 115 Hit | 32 Crt
01 Def | 01 Res | 60 Avd | 08 Fort
Newthunter's Claw (3-4 Atk, 85 Hit, 12 Crt, 4 Wt)
Pot Cap, marked with the Groltu symbol (0 Def, 1 Res, 5 Avd, 3 Fort, 3 Wt)
Armadillo Leather Battlecoat (1 Def, 15 Avd, 5 Fort, 4 Wt)
34/89 Wt
Theft [3/3]
Sudden Thrust [4/5]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

Pilfered Rubbish and Stolen Junk:
+ Lockpick [2]: Unarmed HIT chance of working. The Avd of the lock indicates its strength. [2 Wt each]
+ Newt Sandwich (contains a preserved dead newt, heals 3 to 6 HP for Stul'p when eaten) [3 Wt]
+ Shuriken [3] [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 15 Crt, 3 Wt each]
+ Immaterial Token of Pizza: Proof that Stul'p likes Pizza. Cannot be lost or discarded. Useless. Since empty abilities would block a slot in this ruleset and wasted slots are no fun, it is an immaterial item instead. [0 Wt]
+ A Tome - "XXV" with attached lens (4 Wt | Unidentified)
+ 2 Jeweled bands (1 Wt | Unidentified)

Rock Bag (for stones and other small things) [1 Wt]
+ Empty emptiness [not usable, removed once something else is put into the bag, 0 Wt]


Theft [x/3] [110 AP]
Stul'p steals a random item from an enemy, including equipped ones. Success and critical hit chance equal that of an unarmed attack. Crt "scans" the enemy inventory and steals an item of choice.

Sudden Thrust [x/5] [120 AP]
Stul'p quickly switches to the front row, attacks from there and directly jumps back again. The drawback is: while he thrusts, he suffers -10 Avd and his defense is set to 0.

Sneaky Strike [200 AP]
Stul'p's natural crit value is doubled. Also, his attacks' critical hits poison the enemy with [SKL]% poison, because he is such a sneaky guy. [Curr: 10% poison]


POW: 6
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
CON: 3
WIS: 0 (1 Ability)
INT: 6 (2 Skills/Spells)

20 spare AP
2 skills max
1 ability max
HP mod: 2
Crt damage: +100% (+10% poison)
Battles: 1
Thefts: 0
Crits: 0
Enemies Defeated: 0
Times Fainted: 0
Locks Picked (successes/attempts): 1/1
:cookie: x1

Stulp grew up happily as a newt hunter in the hubbin village of Fruggle. He was not completely like other hubbins. His face looked a bit... blueish sometimes, and unlike other hubbins, he considered the peace and quiet of the village 'boring' and rathered to run around as a wannabe rogue, stealing everything he could grab and later, also ambushing and robbing people. When dark elves attacked the village (third of the hubbins being killed, another third being enslaved and treated cruelly, and the rest preparing a secret uprise), he suddenly got the idea how nice it would be to be like them. Instead of supporting the defenders of his village, he grabbed the most valuable stuff of the village and fled.
Since then, he roamed the lands, pillaging houses and robbing everywhere. One day, he joined the cult of the Worshippers of the Blob of Groltu and became a stalwart stalwart of Groltunism.
His life was horribly changed when he was captured by thugs of Deucce Baaj, who used him as a doormat for his minions (no, not literally... well, okay, sometimes.) until the Lich Lord noticed the amount of stuff that his henchmen were missing and found the secret hideout of Stul'p. He realized the potential of the jive hubbin and used him for emptying the pockets of the foolish intruders who dared entering his realm. Sadly, Stul'p could not keep much of the stuff he looted...
On the quest against Deucce Baaj, he hopes to regain the things that he once had stolen, but were given to Deucce Baaj's minions.
Knee Kick [x/3] [90 AP]
Stul'p kicks against an enemy's knee, probably causing severe pain. This is a normal unarmed attack, but works from the back row and also causes a random reaction:
20%:Dazzles enemy for 3 turns
20%:Kicks enemy to the ground, stunning them for 2 turns
20%:nothing special happens except the damage
20%:certain crit
10%:Stul'p strains his leg and loses 2 HP
5%:permanently reduces enemy's Avd by 10
5%:instantly causes an attack from the kicked enemy with Stul'p as a target

Jive Dodge [x/1] [40 AP]
Stul'p can once per battle avoid an attack that would normally have hit him.

Poison Lacing [x/2] [45 AP]
Minor action. The next attack from an ally that hits an enemy will inflict [6+Lvl]% poison. [Curr: 7%]
"TREASURE! It's shiny! And glints! Shiny glinty treasure!
That sink was the opposite of an XP sink! You could say... an XP fountain..."

To take an even closer look at the obtained treasure, Stul'p looks at the bands with the lens of the book, then follows Oinkley. He thinks about wearing the bands as bracelets for a moment, but he eventually decides against it.
Lumberjack (Developer)
Lumberjack (Developer)
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Post by Cimeries »

---[ Party ]------------------------------------------------------
HP: 17/17 | Front | Shade (Clonkinator)
HP: 29/31 | Front | Sir Oinkley (Ditto)
HP: 16/16 | Cover | Stul'p (Octagon)
HP: 45/45 | Front | Gaunt (Injected Companion)
Spoiler: Info
Location: Dog Lounge - Deucce Baaj's Dungeon - BF24
Time: Pfft, like you need that here.
Gold: 487

Points of Interest:
+ Stairs up to BF23

+ The barrier wall.
___+ Metal Doors flanking the mysterious sinks.
___+ Aforementioned mysterious sinks. Now dry, and liberated of their shiny metal bands.
___+ Square holes in the wall where barriers used to stand.

+ Dog Lounge, lot's of dog books.
When you hold the lens over the bands, you feel the air around tingling with magical energy, gathering into the lens. The lens begins shining for a few seconds, but then abruptly stops. You can sense the magical energy diffusing away.
Stul'p - INT: Something, whatever it is, was supposed to happen, but didn't for some reason. Perhaps you should try again another time.

Moving on past the barrier wall, you enter the hall you've seen from the other side. The wall section in front of you splits off in two direction in a 90 degree angle. In each of the corners opposite to you is a murky pool of what seems to be water. To your sides, are the sealed off rooms accecible through the metal doors you passed by. Image Before you get a chance to decide where to go next, an unusually large, fat, drunk looking goblin in heavy armor shambles to your direction from behind the corner to the west. He swings himself around when he walks, holding a bottle of booze in his one hand and waiving his dirty scimitar around, as if trying to fend off an invisible intervention group.

Suddenly, he notices your group, stops dead in his track with eyes wide open and points at Shade with his sword. He shouts with a gruff voice, raising his bottle in the air:
"Hey, Kevin, s'that you? You owe me money maaan. Gimmeh my money!"
The stench coming off of him is horrible, you can smell it all the way here.
Gaunt looks at your expressions and for the first time since you're met him, he seems to be actually almost-sorta-kinda pleased with something. His inability to smell, no doubt.

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Jungle Warrior (Committed contributor)
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Post by Ditto »

Sir Oinkley, Lvl 1 Porc Black Knight [64/100] (Cover)
Image 29/31 [Normal]
Image 49/130 [2 Item Groups]
Weapon: Steak Knife (3-5 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt, 5 Wt)
Shield: Frying Pan Shield (15 Avd, 5 Wt)
Armor: Full Platemail (3 Def, -10 Avd, 10 Fort, 30 Wt)
8-10 Atk | 95 Hit | 5 Crt
6-8 Atk | 85 Hit | 5 Crt [Shield Slam]
3 Def | 0 Res | 45 Avd | 0 Fort
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-Beef Sandwich (Restores 25 HP, 5 Wt)
-Casino Chips [38]

-Shield Slam-
Sir Oinkley can slam his enemies with his shield before or following an armed attack, smashing his enemies into the ground. Instead of his minor action, Sir Oinkley can slam an enemy with his shield, dealing unarmed damage. If shield bashing and attacking armed in one turn, both enemies must be in the same row. 210 AP

Sir Oinkley guards his allies in the back row with his own body. Fatal attacks aimed at allies in the back row will be redirected to Sir Oinkley. Attacks that would kill due to a critical are not redirected. 120 AP

Power: 10
Skill: 5
Agility: 10
Constitution: 10
Wisdom: 0
Intelligence: 0

Ability Points: 20
HP Mod: +4
Critical Hit: 150%
Sir Oinkley snorts in a mix of an oink and a laugh. "Sir Goblin, I'm afraid to say that this man is not known by the name of Kevin, nor does he owe you money or do you have viable enough means of extracting said money from us. Now." Sir Oinkley calmly moves between Shade and the rather ill-mannered goblin- he didn't like Shade much, and his conviction in the belief that the goblin had a chance of harming Shade in any way was plummeting down below the ground, but, black knight or average knight, he had a responsibility to be loyal to his allies. "If you wouldn't mind, please move out of the way... I would really like to hurry this up. I would be disappointed to see either of us lose a few minutes, or, worse, our lives."
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."
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Potion Mimic (Senior Member)
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Post by Shade »

Shade, Lv01 [55] (Front)
17/17 HP
08-08 Atk | 107 Hit | 14 Crt
......01 Def | 02 Res | 60 Avd | 05 Frt
Rapier (5 - 5 Atk, 95 Hit, 10 Crt, 5 Wt)
Red Coat (1 Def, 0 Res, 15 Avd, 5 Fort, 7 Wt)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (Wt: _18/103):
- Medicine (4 Wt | Heals 10 HP)
- Deck of playing cards (2 Wt)


[3/3] Spark Wave [115 AP]
[Base: 8 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
[Curr: 15 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
Hits all enemies with lightning, possibly also paralyzing them for 2 turns (25% chance per target).

[3/3] Healing Stream [120 AP]
[Base: 10 HP / 0 HP]
[Curr: 17 HP / 7 HP]
Focuses the curative power of the earth on an ally, healing it by [10 + INT] HP. Can also be aimed at the entire party, but only heals each target by [INT] HP when doing so.

- Counter [200 AP]
Shade is very skilled at fencing, knowing how to utilize every single chance to attack. If he successfully dodges a melee attack, he instantly counter-attacks with a melee attack of his own.

- Swift [15 AP]
Shade is very agile and perceptive, making it rather easy for him to anticipate attacks and dodge them. Adds +5 to Avd.

06 STR
04 SKL
10 AGI
04 CON
04 WIS
07 INT

Shade has a kinda rough past to show, so he eventually sought dispersal by becoming Deucce Baaj's employee, as fighting hero-wannabes and all that stuff sounded pretty cool. And it actually kinda is, if it wasn't for the fact that the payment just outright sucks and no-one likes the bad guys. So, after all these years, he finally decides to break free again and reclaim his freedom in an attempt to start a new life.

Shade is a tall man in his early twenties. He tends to be overly cynic and grumpy at times, but that's kinda to be expected if you're discontent with your employer. If he for once is in a good temper, however, he's actually a pretty nice and trustable guy, if somewhat arrogant.

AP left: ......... 50
HP added: ..... 0
HP-Mod.: .... +2
Crt-Dmg: ... +40%
Just when Shade is about to think of what they should do here, an unusually large, fat, drunk looking goblin in heavy armor shambles in their direction from behind the corner to the west... ...and it seems he wants something from them. Or from Shade himself, more precisely.
"Would be news to me. Never would I associate myself with someone who smells as bad as you."
But just when Shade readies his own weapon, Oinkley moves between him and the goblin.
"I do mind, Porky. Do you really think this guy could possibly pose any threat to me? He's obviously drunk. It'd be a miracle if he somehow managed to even hit me."
He positions himself next to Oinkley and lets out a sigh, then adds:
"Fine, whatever. Do what you must, but don't get in my way."
He then addresses the goblin again:
"Get out of our way or suffer the consequences, scum. This is your only warning."
He gets ready to retaliate, should the goblin attack them.

If the goblin attacks, Shade immediately follows up with a melee attack in addition to his counter ability.
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Jungle Warrior (Committed contributor)
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Post by Ditto »

Sir Oinkley, Lvl 1 Porc Black Knight [64/100] (Cover)
Image 29/31 [Normal]
Image 49/130 [2 Item Groups]
Weapon: Steak Knife (3-5 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt, 5 Wt)
Shield: Frying Pan Shield (15 Avd, 5 Wt)
Armor: Full Platemail (3 Def, -10 Avd, 10 Fort, 30 Wt)
8-10 Atk | 95 Hit | 5 Crt
6-8 Atk | 85 Hit | 5 Crt [Shield Slam]
3 Def | 0 Res | 45 Avd | 0 Fort
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-Beef Sandwich (Restores 25 HP, 5 Wt)
-Casino Chips [38]

-Shield Slam-
Sir Oinkley can slam his enemies with his shield before or following an armed attack, smashing his enemies into the ground. Instead of his minor action, Sir Oinkley can slam an enemy with his shield, dealing unarmed damage. If shield bashing and attacking armed in one turn, both enemies must be in the same row. 210 AP

Sir Oinkley guards his allies in the back row with his own body. Fatal attacks aimed at allies in the back row will be redirected to Sir Oinkley. Attacks that would kill due to a critical are not redirected. 120 AP

Power: 10
Skill: 5
Agility: 10
Constitution: 10
Wisdom: 0
Intelligence: 0

Ability Points: 20
HP Mod: +4
Critical Hit: 150%
Sir Oinkley hisses quietly at Shade. "Shade, you idiot... This is a dungeon encounter. There's no way that it could be this easy, logic dictates that the difficulty of a random encounter is set to a certain value higher than the one this goblin originally presents. Doesn't it strike you as a little odd that one fat goblin would manage to survive down here alone, while drunk? Even with this dungeons very low exposure to adventurers... Either he's actually stronger than he looks, or he has more competent friends down here. Don't start fights that could end up having worse consequences than first present themselves." Sir Oinkley again speaks to the goblin. "Please excuse the behavior of my comrade. Severe drug addict, always drinking and smoking... has an atrocious impact on his behavior."
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."
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Potion Mimic (Senior Member)
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Post by Shade »

Shade, Lv01 [55] (Front)
17/17 HP
08-08 Atk | 107 Hit | 14 Crt
......01 Def | 02 Res | 60 Avd | 05 Frt
Rapier (5 - 5 Atk, 95 Hit, 10 Crt, 5 Wt)
Red Coat (1 Def, 0 Res, 15 Avd, 5 Fort, 7 Wt)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (Wt: _18/103):
- Medicine (4 Wt | Heals 10 HP)
- Deck of playing cards (2 Wt)


[3/3] Spark Wave [115 AP]
[Base: 8 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
[Curr: 15 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
Hits all enemies with lightning, possibly also paralyzing them for 2 turns (25% chance per target).

[3/3] Healing Stream [120 AP]
[Base: 10 HP / 0 HP]
[Curr: 17 HP / 7 HP]
Focuses the curative power of the earth on an ally, healing it by [10 + INT] HP. Can also be aimed at the entire party, but only heals each target by [INT] HP when doing so.

- Counter [200 AP]
Shade is very skilled at fencing, knowing how to utilize every single chance to attack. If he successfully dodges a melee attack, he instantly counter-attacks with a melee attack of his own.

- Swift [15 AP]
Shade is very agile and perceptive, making it rather easy for him to anticipate attacks and dodge them. Adds +5 to Avd.

06 STR
04 SKL
10 AGI
04 CON
04 WIS
07 INT

Shade has a kinda rough past to show, so he eventually sought dispersal by becoming Deucce Baaj's employee, as fighting hero-wannabes and all that stuff sounded pretty cool. And it actually kinda is, if it wasn't for the fact that the payment just outright sucks and no-one likes the bad guys. So, after all these years, he finally decides to break free again and reclaim his freedom in an attempt to start a new life.

Shade is a tall man in his early twenties. He tends to be overly cynic and grumpy at times, but that's kinda to be expected if you're discontent with your employer. If he for once is in a good temper, however, he's actually a pretty nice and trustable guy, if somewhat arrogant.

AP left: ......... 50
HP added: ..... 0
HP-Mod.: .... +2
Crt-Dmg: ... +40%
"Not at all. If people like you or Stul'p manage to survive down here, I don't see why a drunk goblin shouldn't be able to either. Besides, I already told you not to get in my way. If you're afraid of one single dude and his stench, then what are you even doing down here? This ain't a picnic trip."
And then Oinkley calls him a drug addict.
"Shut up, Porky, or you'll be the next one to fall before my blade. After all, due to the recent rule changes, I can now actually hurt you if I need to."
He then adresses the goblin again.
"Are you deaf or something? I told you to move!"

If the goblin attacks, Shade immediately follows up with a melee attack in addition to his counter ability.
Lumberjack (Developer)
Lumberjack (Developer)
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Post by Cimeries »

---[ Party ]------------------------------------------------------
HP: 17/17 | Front | Shade (Clonkinator)
HP: 29/31 | Front | Sir Oinkley (Ditto)
HP: 16/16 | Cover | Stul'p (Octagon)
HP: 45/45 | Front | Gaunt (Injected Companion)
Spoiler: Info
Location: Dog Lounge - Deucce Baaj's Dungeon - BF24
Time: Pfft, like you need that here.
Gold: 487

Points of Interest:
+ Stairs up to BF23

+ The barrier wall.
___+ Metal Doors flanking the mysterious sinks.
___+ Aforementioned mysterious sinks. Now dry, and liberated of their shiny metal bands.
___+ Square holes in the wall where barriers used to stand.

+ Dog Lounge, lot's of dog books.
The goblin stares at you with half shut eyes and mouth open, turning his head from sir Oinkley to Shade at various points of their conversation. A few moments before they are done, he snaps out and begins chanting a mantra of "Gimmeh my moneyz Kevin".

Eventually, the conversation is over and Kevin Shade yells at him to move. He obviously doesn't take well to that since he is now charging zig-zagging at you, sword brandished. At Kevin Shade to be precise.

34/42 | Front | Fat Boozetafarian Goblin | Dazed [2] | Intoxicated | Stench
Fat Boozetafarian Goblin - Attacks Shade - Miss.
Shade - Counterattacks - Hit! 4 Damage.

Shade - Attacks Fat Boozetafarian Goblin - Hit! 4 Damage.
Shade - CON save vs. Stench [lv10] - 8+4 = 12. Success.

Gaunt - Invokes Invisibility - Failure?!
"This is just great, I'm falling apart apparently."

The goblin swings his dirty scimitar at Shade, but, anticipating his slow, clumsy moves, Shade quickly steps back and follows with a pair of quick thrusts of his rapier.
The smell is even more awful from up close, it's almost overwhelming, but you manage to bear it out while you take your distance again.

Gaunt seems to be a bit nervous about this particular fellow, and begins invoking the invisibility mechanisms built into his armor. His image becomes distorted for a few seconds, then blurry, then full of "tv snow", and finally goes back to normal.
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Potion Mimic (Senior Member)
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Post by Shade »

Shade, Lv01 [55] (Front)
17/17 HP
08-08 Atk | 107 Hit | 14 Crt
......01 Def | 02 Res | 60 Avd | 05 Frt
Rapier (5 - 5 Atk, 95 Hit, 10 Crt, 5 Wt)
Red Coat (1 Def, 0 Res, 15 Avd, 5 Fort, 7 Wt)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (Wt: 18/92):
- Medicine (4 Wt | Heals 10 HP)
- Deck of playing cards (2 Wt)


[2/3] Spark Wave [115 AP]
[Base: 8 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
[Curr: 15 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
Hits all enemies with lightning, possibly also paralyzing them for 2 turns (25% chance per target).

[3/3] Healing Stream [120 AP]
[Base: 10 HP / 0 HP]
[Curr: 17 HP / 7 HP]
Focuses the curative power of the earth on an ally, healing it by [10 + INT] HP. Can also be aimed at the entire party, but only heals each target by [INT] HP when doing so.

- Counter [200 AP]
Shade is very skilled at fencing, knowing how to utilize every single chance to attack. If he successfully dodges a melee attack, he instantly counter-attacks with a melee attack of his own.

- Swift [15 AP]
Shade is very agile and perceptive, making it rather easy for him to anticipate attacks and dodge them. Adds +5 to Avd.

06 STR
04 SKL
10 AGI
04 CON
04 WIS
07 INT

Shade has a kinda rough past to show, so he eventually sought dispersal by becoming Deucce Baaj's employee, as fighting hero-wannabes and all that stuff sounded pretty cool. And it actually kinda is, if it wasn't for the fact that the payment just outright sucks and no-one likes the bad guys. So, after all these years, he finally decides to break free again and reclaim his freedom in an attempt to start a new life.

Shade is a tall man in his early twenties. He tends to be overly cynic and grumpy at times, but that's kinda to be expected if you're discontent with your employer. If he for once is in a good temper, however, he's actually a pretty nice and trustable guy, if somewhat arrogant.

AP left: ......... 50
HP added: ..... 0
HP-Mod.: .... +2
Crt-Dmg: ... +40%
Time for a change of plan. This guy's stench is much more dangerous than the goblin himself; attacking him in melee totally won't work, not for Shade at least.
"I'm beginning to wonder how you're even capable of enduring your own stench. Why don't you take a bath in one of those pools over there before going on?"
He takes another step back and invokes one of his spells, striking the goblin with lightning.

Spark Wave.
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Post by Ditto »

Sir Oinkley, Lvl 1 Porc Black Knight [64/100] (Cover)
Image 29/31 [Normal]
Image 49/130 [2 Item Groups]
Weapon: Steak Knife (3-5 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt, 5 Wt)
Shield: Frying Pan Shield (15 Avd, 5 Wt)
Armor: Full Platemail (3 Def, -10 Avd, 10 Fort, 30 Wt)
8-10 Atk | 95 Hit | 5 Crt
6-8 Atk | 85 Hit | 5 Crt [Shield Slam]
3 Def | 0 Res | 45 Avd | 0 Fort
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-Beef Sandwich (Restores 25 HP, 5 Wt)
-Casino Chips [38]

-Shield Slam-
Sir Oinkley can slam his enemies with his shield before or following an armed attack, smashing his enemies into the ground. Instead of his minor action, Sir Oinkley can slam an enemy with his shield, dealing unarmed damage. If shield bashing and attacking armed in one turn, both enemies must be in the same row. 210 AP

Sir Oinkley guards his allies in the back row with his own body. Fatal attacks aimed at allies in the back row will be redirected to Sir Oinkley. Attacks that would kill due to a critical are not redirected. 120 AP

Power: 10
Skill: 5
Agility: 10
Constitution: 10
Wisdom: 0
Intelligence: 0

Ability Points: 20
HP Mod: +4
Critical Hit: 150%
"I can handle his smell. Stul'p, his stench might be too strong for you, I would suggest trying to use the shurikens you obtained earlier. Shade, I don't care what you do as long as you don't start joking about how I can handle his smell only under my smell or something related to that." Sir Oinkley bashes in the Fat Boozetafarian Goblin's head with his shield, followed by a swift strike to his abdomen.
"It only hurts when my squad won't f***ing heal me."
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Post by octagon »

Stul'p, Lv1 [51] Jive Hubbin Thief [Cover]
6-7 Atk | 115 Hit | 32 Crt
01 Def | 01 Res | 60 Avd | 08 Fort
Newthunter's Claw (3-4 Atk, 85 Hit, 12 Crt, 4 Wt)
Pot Cap, marked with the Groltu symbol (0 Def, 1 Res, 5 Avd, 3 Fort, 3 Wt)
Armadillo Leather Battlecoat (1 Def, 15 Avd, 5 Fort, 4 Wt)
31/89 Wt
Theft [3/3]
Sudden Thrust [4/5]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

Pilfered Rubbish and Stolen Junk:
+ Lockpick [2]: Unarmed HIT chance of working. The Avd of the lock indicates its strength. [2 Wt each]
+ Newt Sandwich (contains a preserved dead newt, heals 3 to 6 HP for Stul'p when eaten) [3 Wt]
+ Shuriken [2] [6-6 Atk, 60 Hit, 15 Crt, 3 Wt each] [-1]
+ Immaterial Token of Pizza: Proof that Stul'p likes Pizza. Cannot be lost or discarded. Useless. Since empty abilities would block a slot in this ruleset and wasted slots are no fun, it is an immaterial item instead. [0 Wt]
+ A Tome - "XXV" with attached lens (4 Wt | Unidentified)
+ 2 Jeweled bands (1 Wt | Unidentified)

Rock Bag (for stones and other small things) [1 Wt]
+ Empty emptiness [not usable, removed once something else is put into the bag, 0 Wt]


Theft [x/3] [110 AP]
Stul'p steals a random item from an enemy, including equipped ones. Success and critical hit chance equal that of an unarmed attack. Crt "scans" the enemy inventory and steals an item of choice.

Sudden Thrust [x/5] [120 AP]
Stul'p quickly switches to the front row, attacks from there and directly jumps back again. The drawback is: while he thrusts, he suffers -10 Avd and his defense is set to 0.

Sneaky Strike [200 AP]
Stul'p's natural crit value is doubled. Also, his attacks' critical hits poison the enemy with [SKL]% poison, because he is such a sneaky guy. [Curr: 10% poison]


POW: 6
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
CON: 3
WIS: 0 (1 Ability)
INT: 6 (2 Skills/Spells)

20 spare AP
2 skills max
1 ability max
HP mod: 2
Crt damage: +100% (+10% poison)
Battles: 1
Thefts: 0
Crits: 0
Enemies Defeated: 0
Times Fainted: 0
Locks Picked (successes/attempts): 1/1
:cookie: x1

Stulp grew up happily as a newt hunter in the hubbin village of Fruggle. He was not completely like other hubbins. His face looked a bit... blueish sometimes, and unlike other hubbins, he considered the peace and quiet of the village 'boring' and rathered to run around as a wannabe rogue, stealing everything he could grab and later, also ambushing and robbing people. When dark elves attacked the village (third of the hubbins being killed, another third being enslaved and treated cruelly, and the rest preparing a secret uprise), he suddenly got the idea how nice it would be to be like them. Instead of supporting the defenders of his village, he grabbed the most valuable stuff of the village and fled.
Since then, he roamed the lands, pillaging houses and robbing everywhere. One day, he joined the cult of the Worshippers of the Blob of Groltu and became a stalwart stalwart of Groltunism.
His life was horribly changed when he was captured by thugs of Deucce Baaj, who used him as a doormat for his minions (no, not literally... well, okay, sometimes.) until the Lich Lord noticed the amount of stuff that his henchmen were missing and found the secret hideout of Stul'p. He realized the potential of the jive hubbin and used him for emptying the pockets of the foolish intruders who dared entering his realm. Sadly, Stul'p could not keep much of the stuff he looted...
On the quest against Deucce Baaj, he hopes to regain the things that he once had stolen, but were given to Deucce Baaj's minions.
Knee Kick [x/3] [90 AP]
Stul'p kicks against an enemy's knee, probably causing severe pain. This is a normal unarmed attack, but works from the back row and also causes a random reaction:
20%:Dazzles enemy for 3 turns
20%:Kicks enemy to the ground, stunning them for 2 turns
20%:nothing special happens except the damage
20%:certain crit
10%:Stul'p strains his leg and loses 2 HP
5%:permanently reduces enemy's Avd by 10
5%:instantly causes an attack from the kicked enemy with Stul'p as a target

Jive Dodge [x/1] [40 AP]
Stul'p can once per battle avoid an attack that would normally have hit him.

Poison Lacing [x/2] [45 AP]
Minor action. The next attack from an ally that hits an enemy will inflict [6+Lvl]% poison. [Curr: 7%]
Still irritated by the strange thing that happened with the lens, Stul'p takes a few moments to realize what's happening.
"Why are you fighting this guy, anyway? I'm sure that he carries nothing valuable, so we are wasting our time. But now that we're fighting him, let's finish this quickly.
Well, if you think so, Oinkley... I'm sure that I'm too fast for his stench, but still... I don't want to get hurt, because being hurt always hurts, and I don't like that."

Stul'p pulls out a shuriken and flings it towards the fat goblin. [6-6 Atk, 90 Hit, 35 Crt], if I haven't made a mistake.
"Boozetafarian" is a KoL path.
By the way, I'm tempted to attack him anyway just to see whether he also deals stench damage... :lol:
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Post by Cimeries »

---[ Party ]------------------------------------------------------
HP: 17/17 | Front | Shade (Clonkinator) | Dazed [2] | Poison [4%]
HP: 29/31 | Front | Sir Oinkley (Ditto)
HP: 16/16 | Cover | Stul'p (Octagon)
HP: 39/45 | Front | Gaunt (Injected Companion) | Melting [2%]
Spoiler: Info
Location: Dog Lounge - Deucce Baaj's Dungeon - BF24
Time: Pfft, like you need that here.
Gold: 487

Points of Interest:
+ Stairs up to BF23

+ The barrier wall.
___+ Metal Doors flanking the mysterious sinks.
___+ Aforementioned mysterious sinks. Now dry, and liberated of their shiny metal bands.
___+ Square holes in the wall where barriers used to stand.

+ Dog Lounge, lot's of dog books.
17/42 | Front | Fat Boozetafarian Goblin | Dazed [1] | Intoxicated | Stench
Shade - Spark Wave @ Boozetafarian Goblin - Hit! 9 Damage.

Sir Oinkley - Bashes Boozetafarian Goblin - Miss.
Sir Oinkley - Attacks Boozetafarian Goblin - Hit! 4 Damage.
Sir Oinkley - CON save vs. Stench [lv10] - Irrelevant.

Stul'p - Flings a Shuriken @ Boozetafarian Goblin - Hit! 5 Damage.

Gaunt - Opens his chest plate and starts fiddling around in his inner mechanisms. - ...
"What the... This isn't supposed to look like that..."

Boozetafarian Goblin - Belch @ Ally Front
Shade - CON save vs. Stench [lv15] - 7 + 4 = 11. Dazed for 2 turns, Poisoned by 4%.
Sir Oinkley - CON save vs. Stench [lv15] - 5 + 10 = 15. Success.
Gaunt - CON save vs. Stench [lv15] - Immune...
Gaunt - Takes 6 corrosive damage?! Melting for 2%

Shade takes a step back and flings a bolt of lightning at the goblin, shocking and causing him to spasm for a few seconds. Sir Oinkley runs forward and attempts to smack him with his shield, but misses. However, his sword connects and leaves a cut in the goblin's large gut.
Stul'p hurls a shuriken at the goblin, hitting and cutting through his shoulder.
Gaunt seems preoccupied with repairing his major malfunction.

Despite all of this, the goblin is still standing, and, with the buildup of electricity and the nasty strike to his abdomen, he opens his mouth and lets out a disgusting, room clearing, skin rotting, small-animal-killing belch that hits your front line like a tidal wave of sewage.
Sir Oinkley's superb resolve and own repulsive body odor counter the influence and he succeeds in toughing it out, but Shade and Gaunt are not so lucky: The former becoming sick and almost vomiting instantly, while Gaunt's chest, with delicate inner parts exposed to the alcohol soaked gas, crackles and lets out sparks and steam.
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Post by Shade »

Shade, Lv01 [55] (Front)
17/17 HP
08-08 Atk | 107 Hit | 14 Crt
......01 Def | 02 Res | 60 Avd | 05 Frt
Rapier (5 - 5 Atk, 95 Hit, 10 Crt, 5 Wt)
Red Coat (1 Def, 0 Res, 15 Avd, 5 Fort, 7 Wt)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (Wt: 18/92):
- Medicine (4 Wt | Heals 10 HP)
- Deck of playing cards (2 Wt)


[2/3] Spark Wave [115 AP]
[Base: 8 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
[Curr: 15 Atk, 100 Hit, 10 Crt]
Hits all enemies with lightning, possibly also paralyzing them for 2 turns (25% chance per target).

[3/3] Healing Stream [120 AP]
[Base: 10 HP / 0 HP]
[Curr: 17 HP / 7 HP]
Focuses the curative power of the earth on an ally, healing it by [10 + INT] HP. Can also be aimed at the entire party, but only heals each target by [INT] HP when doing so.

- Counter [200 AP]
Shade is very skilled at fencing, knowing how to utilize every single chance to attack. If he successfully dodges a melee attack, he instantly counter-attacks with a melee attack of his own.

- Swift [15 AP]
Shade is very agile and perceptive, making it rather easy for him to anticipate attacks and dodge them. Adds +5 to Avd.

06 STR
04 SKL
10 AGI
04 CON
04 WIS
07 INT

Shade has a kinda rough past to show, so he eventually sought dispersal by becoming Deucce Baaj's employee, as fighting hero-wannabes and all that stuff sounded pretty cool. And it actually kinda is, if it wasn't for the fact that the payment just outright sucks and no-one likes the bad guys. So, after all these years, he finally decides to break free again and reclaim his freedom in an attempt to start a new life.

Shade is a tall man in his early twenties. He tends to be overly cynic and grumpy at times, but that's kinda to be expected if you're discontent with your employer. If he for once is in a good temper, however, he's actually a pretty nice and trustable guy, if somewhat arrogant.

AP left: ......... 50
HP added: ..... 0
HP-Mod.: .... +2
Crt-Dmg: ... +40%
Taken aback by the outright deadly stench of the goblin's belch, Shade requires his full concentration to even remain conscious.
"For the love of... To think that your stench may be the deadliest thing I have had to fight yet... Is it even legal to use something like that as a method of attack!?"
He turns around to Gaunt.
"What the hell are you even doing there!? Take cover behind Porky if you aren't going to attack!"
Pretty much concluding that it can't get much worse than this, Shade pulls himself together and attempts to strike the goblin with his rapier again, if with reduced accuracy.

Normal attack.
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