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Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:22 pm
by Shade
Ah... Could've thought of that.
I was already beginning to wonder why it only requires 1 MP when "real" magic requires 4.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:36 pm
by Shade
The Marid King was insane. Countering everything and your mom (even Scan and Steal!) with attacks that kill anyone in my party in two hits? Ouch.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:15 pm
by Agent of Dread
CLANNAD is pretty freaking epic, but you might want to be ready to get a bit mushy.

Sunohara is a dumbass.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:19 pm
by Shade
To be honest, I found Clannad rather boring. I lost my motivation to continue watching after the sixth or seventh episode.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:39 pm
by Agent of Dread
It lost track at the fifth episode for a bit, but it gets all tragic at episode 6-7.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:15 pm
by Shade
Bah... Octagon, do you have any advice on how to beat that Earp guy, or what he's called? Lorenza is level 20 and Ethan is level 23, and he completely thrashes me.
Please don't tell me to equip Cure or to use Herbs, because I have neither.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:23 pm
by octagon
Oh crud. Stay out of boss fights if you are out of herbs...
I don't know if this fight is winnable without any healing. You most likely have to return to an earlier save, since Earp is the actually the easier one of two sequential mini-bosses...
Rule of thumb: During a cutscene, always save in a new slot.

For Earp... Do you at least have P-Shield? If not, you can forget this. Otherwise use it on both characters, and then bring him down quickly with magic. I guess!?

I recorded my fight against him here, but this video probably is of no real help for you, as it doesn't show what to do in your situation.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:33 pm
by Shade
I might be able to beat the other boss because I have my Cure on Hilbert, but...
And yeah, I'm savvy enough to save on a different slot when I have the feeling (or am outright notified) that I can't go back at some point. Guess I'll have to do that.

I don't have P-Shield. I saw it in shops, but I rarely buy spellcards because magic is just so damn crappy in this game. Everything requires a boatload of MP, you have extremely little, and you can't even buy items to restore your MP with. And conveniently, while you can steal Serpent Tongues from some enemies, Steal absolutely always misses, without fail (or success, in this case). Out of more than 20 attempts, I've not yet succeeded in stealing a single item.
Actually, attacks miss quite often in this game in general. I've had Hilbert miss an enemy in the mine 8 times in a row near the beginning of the game.

I tried to spam HP-Drain on him, but his counters do more damage than HP-Drain heals, and he attacks three times per turn, so that obviously didn't work out.

I'll check out your video.

EDIT: You can have more than one Steal card. Some shops sell them, if at a quite high price.


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:04 am
by octagon
Having shield spells is absolutely obligatory. Most bosses absolutely toast you if you can't cut damage in half.
Actually, magic in this game is quite decent and effective; just don't spam high-MP spells (which most spells, honestly, are at this point) against random encounters. Your max MP quickly improve with levels, and you will[/] need magic a lot.
It takes some time until then, but there will be an MP regen spell which puts you out of most of your MP-related troubles.
To get it quite some time earlier than normal, steal from the awkward clock when you fight it.

Also, get yourself a bolster spell if already possible; the crisis cast deals an obscene amount of damage if you are low on HP. In general, many spells have absolutely amazing crisis casts - keep in mind that they are your limit breaks.


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:35 pm
by Shade
I instantly lost all my faith in crisis casts when I noticed that P-Frost does less damage than the regular Frostbite.

Anyway, I beat them now. I didn't notice that my spellcards got de-equipped, so I actually did have a Cure card available. With that, he became managable.
The second boss was easy; I didn't even need Cure there. I stomped him before he had a chance to do much of anything.

I believe I underestimated this game's overall difficulty, though. What is it with random encounters suddenly having instant death attacks?

I decided to follow your advice and bought P-Shield, Bolster, and that revival thingie too while I was on it.
Also, about how much damage are we talking here with Bolster's Limit Break, if we assume that an average Lightning hit does 100 damage? With 20 MP, low HP and a full Crisis bar required, I seriously expect at least some 500ish damage to even consider it "decent".


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:44 pm
by octagon
Shade wrote:I instantly lost all my faith in crisis casts when I noticed that P-Frost does less damage than the regular Frostbite.
Well, P-Frost is a very situational spell; it's mainly meant to be used against enemies with high MDF, but it generally is an early-game spell which mostly lost its usefulness once you get Laser.
Shade wrote:Anyway, I beat them now. I didn't notice that my spellcards got de-equipped, so I actually did have a Cure card available. With that, he became managable.
Good to hear. I should've expected such a thing and told you about it; SCF usually makes precautions to prevent unwinnable situations.
Shade wrote:The second boss was easy; I didn't even need Cure there. I stomped him before he had a chance to do much of anything.
Then you were lucky; Helio is hated by most players for being a status-inflicting bakesale.
Shade wrote:I believe I underestimated this game's overall difficulty, though. What is it with random encounters suddenly having instant death attacks?
Yes, this is not an easy game. And hermits are not your friends. Except for a certain fat guy... who while not being your enemy is still a jerk.
I wonder how you'll react to certain bosses... :twisted:
Shade wrote:I decided to follow your advice and bought P-Shield, Bolster, and that revival thingie too while I was on it.
Also, about how much damage are we talking here with Bolster's Limit Break, if we assume that an average Lightning hit does 100 damage? With 20 MP, low HP and a full Crisis bar required, I seriously expect at least some 500ish damage to even consider it "decent".
I don't completely remember the amount of damage it deals, but I think your guess of 500 is valid at this point. The damage seems to be independent from your attack stat and solely calculated by (max HP-current HP)*x.
Revitalize is not that useful, honestly, since it doesn't leave the revived characters with much more HP than a soul essence and at the same time blocks a spellcard slot. Since the cost of soul essences becomes trivial soon, I hardly ever used it.


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:14 pm
by Shade
octagon wrote:Really?
Well, P-Frost is a very situational spell; it's mainly meant to be used against enemies with high MDF, but it generally is an early-game spell which mostly lost its usefulness once you get Laser.
Except there are hardly any enemies with high RES before you meet Ethan, and considering your "mages" actually deal somewhat reasonable damage even with physical attacks in this game, breaking through an enemy's RES is something that hasn't concerned me much so far.
And Laser is obscenely expensive to use. :/
octagon wrote:Then you were lucky; Helio is hated by most players for being a status-inflicting bakesale.
Most of his attacks missed, and poison claw never inflicted poison. Still, good to hear that I apparently finally had some luck, heh.
octagon wrote:Yes, this is not an easy game. And hermits are not your friends. Except for a certain fat guy... who while not being your enemy is still a jerk.
I wonder how you'll react to certain bosses... :twisted:
There goes my plans of finishing the game with a perfect 0 death record for all characters... Not that it would've been possible after that one cutscene anyway. :/
octagon wrote:I don't completely remember the amount of damage it deals, but I think your guess of 500 is valid at this point. The damage seems to be independent from your attack stat and solely calculated by (max HP-current HP)*x.
I'll give it a try, then.
octagon wrote:Revitalize is not that useful, honestly, since it doesn't leave the revived characters with much more HP than a soul essence and at the same time blocks a spellcard slot. Since the cost of soul essences becomes trivial soon, I hardly ever used it.
I actually didn't even plan on using it in combat much, but rather outside of it. Better to put Matilda's MP to some use than to let them rot without ever making use of them.
And the cost of everything in this game is trivial when compared to equipment. 3000 gold for a single weapon at this point in the game? Are you kidding me? I'd probably be better off buying some 50ish brown herbs, silver dusts and soul essences or something than to buy a single new weapon or armor.


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:43 pm
by octagon
The weapons are ridiculously expensive, yes. Except for the case of physical fighters carrying the same underlevelled weapon for ages (or special weapons with stat bonuses, found in a town called Gleston), I hardly ever buy them at all.


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:16 am
by woodmouse
Being sick and not being able to sleep, with 25 celsius outside, is horrible.


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:36 am
by Cimeries
You think 25 is bad? Try living with 34 at high noon.

I now go to sleep at 4 am and wake up at 2 pm just so I don't have to deal with the heat.