Page 333 of 472


Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:05 pm
by octagon
Absent of Dread and Shelly obviously played it - they used a buttload of TF2 avatars and references already.
I think it looks pretty interesting and I appreciate the humour, but I don't dare playing it since it is AO-rated (is that what you call it?) in Germany (despite, as I read on TVTropes, having confetti-like gib effects in the German version) and the common public reception here is more or less that anyone who plays violent (not I-am-a-little-robot-with-a-peashooter violent, but violent violent) games is an inhuman monster and would repeat anything he does in a game in real life, and that underaged people who play such games need psychological treatment and special observation.

Also, page 333. One more opportunity for Mouse to freak out.


Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:51 pm
by woodmouse
octagon wrote:Also, page 333. One more opportunity for Mouse to freak out.

Oh and the same thing is kind of in Finland, although here it's recent, after the school shootings that happened. :o


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:58 am
by Cimeries
octagon wrote:The common public reception here is more or less that anyone who plays violent games is an inhuman monster and would repeat anything he does in a game in real life, and that underaged people who play such games need psychological treatment and special observation.
That used to be that status quo over here as well.
But then I murdered them all.


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:02 am
by woodmouse
Cimeries wrote:
octagon wrote:The common public reception here is more or less that anyone who plays violent games is an inhuman monster and would repeat anything he does in a game in real life, and that underaged people who play such games need psychological treatment and special observation.
That used to be that status quo over here as well.
But then I murdered them all.


Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:42 pm
by woodmouse
...I'm not sure if I said about it here, but I've suspected (and my friends, and some other people around here) that there's a serial killer pedophile living next to me... and there's proof now...

Just... holy f***ing s**t, there's a serial killer pedophile living RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!! :shock:

Apparently someone called the cops, and they apparently took him away, etc. but I mean... holy... F**K. :ack:


Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:17 am
by Ditto
agh too many smilies and caps's and bleeped swear words and punctuation marks i'm scared

But on a less mean note, whoa. That sounds pretty damn scary.

On an :offtopic: note, got TF2, and I love it, even if only for the sake of this particular awesome dude.


Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:13 am
by Agent of Dread
I'm totally back and stuff. I forgot how to internets because I could.

TF2 is free?!

Minecraft updates rock.

Duke Nukem Forever phailed...?

Brink is looking sexy.

How have you all been? What have I missed?


Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:45 am
by Shade
Agent of Dread wrote:Minecraft updates rock.
You should be glad that you missed that one "bug fix" update that fixed exactly zero bugs and introduced almost 150 new ones. :/


Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:06 am
by Cimeries
Shade wrote:
Agent of Dread wrote:Minecraft updates rock.
You should be glad that you missed that one "bug fix" update that fixed exactly zero bugs and introduced almost 150 new ones. :/
You misunderstood, the bug fix is there to fix the issue of not enough bugs in Minecraft.


Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:15 am
by woodmouse
AoD is back, Egoboo is still awesome, I still like music, many other people still are here, some have disappeared (I think), and spiderman has sex with batman, along with some epic old guys around everywhere. :lol:


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:52 am
by Maxaxle
woodmouse wrote:some have disappeared
I'm still here!
Spoiler: In More Frustrating News
My main archival hard drive phailed for some reason, RIGHT when I was going to back up stuff off it. I'm in stage 6 or 7 of 8 of my gaming computer's lifecycle. Sometimes 3 and 4 are switched, but steps 1 through 4 never last more than three days. Steps 5 and 6 can last from 3 weeks to a month, and 7 is the final stage, lasting the longest.

1. Newly-formatted hard drive.
2. Windoze XP installed.
3. Drivers installed.
4. XP updated a ton.
5. Bookmarks, preferences, logins set.
6. Games installed.
7. The hard drive runneth over with STUFF.

This time around, just before 1, I backed up a ton of stuff that takes forever to install (Steam GCF archival stuff) and took a record of my bookmarks. However, just after 4 but before 3 (steps switched), I connected my archival 'drive and, to my dismay, it went bad. Couldn't read from it, couldn't write to it, and Windows considered it invisible. Heck, when I set it as the primary boot device (yes it was configured for that), it failed to boot. So yeah: I can already feel my life span shortening.

On the bright side, maybe I'll get back into some serious Egoboo...


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:50 am
by Shade
Maxaxle wrote:On the bright side, maybe I'll get back into some serious Egoboo...
I wish I could.


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:42 am
by Agent of Dread





Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:15 pm
by octagon


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:34 pm
by Shade
At least it's just been delayed. Nintendo outright refuses to release FE12 outside of Japan. And FE12 happens to be one of the best in the series so far. Needless to say, pretty much the entire FE fanbase (those who know about FE12's existance anyway) is pissed.

No good games for us...