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Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:48 pm
by Ditto
Hart, Lvl 1 Armored Warrior (Front)
Image HP: 50/50
Image XP: 98/100
Image AP: 28
28 Atk | 90 Hit | 10 Crt
19 Def | 17 Res | 0 Avd | 0 CAvd
Weapon: Oblivion (18 Atk, 80 Hit, 10 Crt) Unknown Effect
Armor: Heavy Plate (4 Def, 2 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items (6/7):
-Steel Lance [14 Atk, 70 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Steel Armor [5 Def, 0 Res, 0 Avd]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Broken Steel Lance [7 Atk, 35 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Defender (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)

-Last Stand (-70 AP): When Harts HP drops below 50%, he can choose to go into
a stance where he takes 50% less damage, but deals 75% less damage.
-Guardian (-140 AP): Hart can choose to go into a stance in which he guards his comrades, reducing damage dealt to people in cover by 50%, but increasing damage dealt to him by 50%.

-Too Big (+70 AP): Hart has 20 less avoid and hit, as well as 10 less
crit and crit avoid, being an easy target to hit and anticipate.

-Protect (-132 AP): At all times, one person can be guarded by Hart. This person cannot be attacked until Hart's HP drops to 0, and all attacks that are aimed at this player will be redirected to Hart.

POW: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 0
LUK: 0
DEF: 15
RES: 15

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%

Much earlier, before the invasion of the Dark Dawn, Harts ancestors
lived in peace. But soon enough, their village was attacked by golems.
They fought off the onslaught, but the village was cursed- all of their
children would be twice as large as the normal man, but they would
mature twice as quickly- and therefore life half the normal lifespan.

The children of the village were outcasts of society for long, hated
and thought of as freaks, even demons, despite their small differences
from the common man.

After entire countries and races were wiped out during the reign of
Thanos, prejudices against the few cursed humans were pushed aside,
and they were eventually accepted into society- there was no room for
such hate when the world needed to be rebuilt.

But with people forgetting about the dark age of Thanos, old hatreds
are starting to rise again. Hart is one of the last of his people,
living in a world where he again feels like an outcast. With the new rise of the Dark Dawn, Hart wants to prove his worth- not only to his own people, but to the other people of the world.

-Attack whichever enemy most people are attacking if possible.
-If there are ranged attackers, go on guardian stance. Otherwise, go on Last Stand if:
1. All of Harts party in the cover row is dead.
2. The enemies are all meleers.
"I am indeed, Tucca... but don't say it." Hart walks forward into the corridor, oversized sword held between his hands, staying on guardian stance and once again, protecting Gloria.

I wonder if I get 1 xp for walking in first. Then I'll be even more excruciatingly close to my level up!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:54 pm
by unliketea
Tucca the Evangelist Level 1 (Cover)
HP: -6/29
FA: 17/21
XP: 0
AP: 21
19 Atk | 105 Hit | 19 Crt
6 Def | 7 Res | 38 Avd | 12 CEv
Weapon: Leather Sling 4 Atk, 65 Hit, 4Crt
Armour: Stained White Cloak, ripped off at the knees 1 Def, 2 Res, 15 Avd
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items: (2/7)
> A belt pack -2 Avd worn about the waist contains:
--> 13 small rocks +0 Atk, +0 Hit, +0 Crt
> DD Cult Master Robe -6 Def, -6 Res, -13 Avd [Unknown special effect]

> None

Prayers (Self Only):
> Fervent Prayer 0 Fa: Increases FA by POW+LUK% of Max FA. AP: 80
> Luck of the Gods 1+N Fa: Increases LUK by POW/3. Lasts N turns. This effect does not stack. AP: 75

Prayers (targetted):
> Blast of Light 3*N Fa: Deal POW+LUK Lght damage to target, deal POW Fire damage for the next N turns. The burning effect does not stack. AP: 180

> Distracted: Suffer -1 FA/turn degen. +10% chance to reduce each prayer's effectiveness by 50%. AP: +60
> Forgetful: Suffer -1 Fa/turn degen. +10% chance each prayer fails. AP: +70
> Righteousness: While Tucca is above 50% FA, he is able to utter 1 prayer during his normal non-prayer action. AP: 110

> POW:15
> SKL:10
> AGI:5
> LUK:10
> DEF:5
> RES:5

> Fire: 0%
> Erth: 0%
> Wind: 0%
> Watr: 0%
> Lght: 0%
> Dark: 0%
Tucca grew up in the church where the Priests trained him in the ways of godly fellowship. They recognized his sincere fervor, and his passion for the gods often carried through into the large crowds assembled for tithing. However, his habit of forgetting rites mid-ceremony was a continual embarassment as Tucca grew older. By the time he was 16, Tucca was no longer in good graces with the Church.

On his 18th birthday, the Church sent him away. He was to travel to lands unknown and preach the ways of fellowship and show the power of faith. However, he was to do this alone, and under no circumstances was he to return to the church unless sent for by a High Priest. Tucca understood his politically correct exile, and for the period of a day or two, he moped about the countryside. But as is his tendency, he was quickly distracted from his somber mood, forgot about his 'exile', and went gallivanting forth to preach the principles of fellowship and faith.

The time on the road has aged the young fellow. His ragged curls and unkempt beard belie his youth. But despite his appearance, Tucca maintains a warm smile and twinkling eyes. His peculiar yet all too common gait that is nearly a hop and not quite a skip make it hard to mistake his peaceful and joyful frame of mind.
Spoiler: Unlearned
> Clarity [3*N Fa]: Ignore Distracted and Forgetful effects. Lasts [N] turns. [AP: 20]
> Selfless Martyrdom [N Fa]: The next time the target receives damage, up to [N*10] of it is redirected to Tucca and generates Faith equal to [100%] of the damage taken. [AP: 60]
> Divine Mantle [2+N Fa]: Increases target's RES by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Divine Armor [2+N Fa]: Increases target's DEF by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Radiance [2*N Fa]: Heals target for [POW] each turn for [N] turns. Stackable. [AP: 145]
OOC Text | IC thoughts | IC Spoken
Tucca snags the cultists' cloak and follows in Hart's wake.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 4:02 pm
by Shade
Spoiler: GP: 100
- [50 GP] Reversal: Reverses the digits of the HP and MP of all beings involved in the battle (however, the max HP/MP can't be surpassed this way). [GP]% chance of success for each target.
- [60 GP] Purge: [GP/2] magical Atk (Lght), [GPx2] Hit, 25 Crt. Engulfs all enemies in a huge beam of light and burns them. 25% chance of dazzling each target for 3 turns.
- [70 GP] Recovery: Heals [GP/4] HP and [GP/2] MP of all party members and removes the Poison, Dazzled and Paralyzed status ailments.
Gold: 205
ToD: ???; ???
---~ Party ~------------------------------------------------------
HP: 56/56 | MP: 28/45 | Cover | Hood (Cimeries)
HP: 31/31 | FP : 51/65 | Cover | Erika (pf5234)
HP: 51/51 | SP: 13/37 | Front | Gloria (pf2222) | Protected (by Hart)
HP: 50/50 | MP: 00/00 | Front | Hart (Ditto) | Guardian
HP: 48/48 | MP: 19/35 | Front | Carlita (AoD)
HP: 24/29 | FP: 20/21 | Cover | Tucca (unliketea)
HP: 01/05 | 17 Atk, 092 Hit, 9 Crt | Front | Animated Battle Axe
- Party enchantment: +1 Res -

@tea: There is no such thing as a wisdom or perception roll. :o

Gloria uses Healing (3 SP):
Tucca was healed by +30 HP.

Tucca uses Fervent Prayer: +5 FP recovered

While Gloria mindlessly stares at the walls instead of paying attention to what is going on around her, Hart and the others enter the corridor. You proceed forward for a while, but the doors and walls just seem to repeat themselves over and over again; you've definitively moved away from the stairs, but you still cannot see the end of the corridor. In fact, when turning back, you now cannot see the other end of the corridor anymore either. The only things that are in your reach from here are the doors at the wall, but they all look exactly the same...

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 4:19 pm
by unliketea
Tucca the Evangelist Level 1 (Cover)
HP: 24/29
FA: 20/21
XP: 0
AP: 21
19 Atk | 105 Hit | 19 Crt
6 Def | 7 Res | 38 Avd | 12 CEv
Weapon: Leather Sling 4 Atk, 65 Hit, 4Crt
Armour: Stained White Cloak, ripped off at the knees 1 Def, 2 Res, 15 Avd
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items: (2/7)
> A belt pack -2 Avd worn about the waist contains:
--> 13 small rocks +0 Atk, +0 Hit, +0 Crt
> DD Cult Master Robe -6 Def, -6 Res, -13 Avd [Unknown special effect]

> None

Prayers (Self Only):
> Fervent Prayer 0 Fa: Increases FA by POW+LUK% of Max FA. AP: 80
> Luck of the Gods 1+N Fa: Increases LUK by POW/3. Lasts N turns. This effect does not stack. AP: 75

Prayers (targetted):
> Blast of Light 3*N Fa: Deal POW+LUK Lght damage to target, deal POW Fire damage for the next N turns. The burning effect does not stack. AP: 180

> Distracted: Suffer -1 FA/turn degen. +10% chance to reduce each prayer's effectiveness by 50%. AP: +60
> Forgetful: Suffer -1 Fa/turn degen. +10% chance each prayer fails. AP: +70
> Righteousness: While Tucca is above 50% FA, he is able to utter 1 prayer during his normal non-prayer action. AP: 110

> POW:15
> SKL:10
> AGI:5
> LUK:10
> DEF:5
> RES:5

> Fire: 0%
> Erth: 0%
> Wind: 0%
> Watr: 0%
> Lght: 0%
> Dark: 0%
Tucca grew up in the church where the Priests trained him in the ways of godly fellowship. They recognized his sincere fervor, and his passion for the gods often carried through into the large crowds assembled for tithing. However, his habit of forgetting rites mid-ceremony was a continual embarassment as Tucca grew older. By the time he was 16, Tucca was no longer in good graces with the Church.

On his 18th birthday, the Church sent him away. He was to travel to lands unknown and preach the ways of fellowship and show the power of faith. However, he was to do this alone, and under no circumstances was he to return to the church unless sent for by a High Priest. Tucca understood his politically correct exile, and for the period of a day or two, he moped about the countryside. But as is his tendency, he was quickly distracted from his somber mood, forgot about his 'exile', and went gallivanting forth to preach the principles of fellowship and faith.

The time on the road has aged the young fellow. His ragged curls and unkempt beard belie his youth. But despite his appearance, Tucca maintains a warm smile and twinkling eyes. His peculiar yet all too common gait that is nearly a hop and not quite a skip make it hard to mistake his peaceful and joyful frame of mind.
Spoiler: Unlearned
> Clarity [3*N Fa]: Ignore Distracted and Forgetful effects. Lasts [N] turns. [AP: 20]
> Selfless Martyrdom [N Fa]: The next time the target receives damage, up to [N*10] of it is redirected to Tucca and generates Faith equal to [100%] of the damage taken. [AP: 60]
> Divine Mantle [2+N Fa]: Increases target's RES by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Divine Armor [2+N Fa]: Increases target's DEF by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Radiance [2*N Fa]: Heals target for [POW] each turn for [N] turns. Stackable. [AP: 145]
OOC Text | IC thoughts | IC Spoken
"If only I had a rope ... endless corridors can't handle ropes ... nevertheless ... lets pick a door and move on ... I have a feeling everything leads the same place anyway." Tucca puts on the DD Master Cultist's Robe and then returns to his normal clothing in an attempt to identify any noticeable effect it may have. "Hey ... didn't we lose someone back there?"

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 4:53 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Gloria, Level 6 Shaman (Cover)
HP: 51/51
SP: 13/37
XP: 68
AP: 33
19 Atk | 125 Hit | 15 Crt
12 Def | 12 Res | 50 Avd | 15 CEv
Weapon: Saber (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Green Cloak (2 Def, 2 Res, 10 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (3/7):
- Soul bottle (7/7 souls)
- Healing (3 SP): Heal an ally by 30 HP, or heal three allies by 25. 338 AP
- Soul Fire (5 SP): Shoots fire at an enemy for POW*1.25 Fire DMG43 AP
- Cure (5 SP): Cures poisons/paralysis. 100 AP
- Soul Splinter(4 SP): Splinters an enemy's soul, causing them to become unstable and lose [LUK/2] DEF, which in the form of a soul shard is collected and given to allies until end of battle. No soul can be obtained from the enemy.72 AP
Soul user: Gloria uses souls for magical stuff, and can use souls to refill SP, or store souls in her soul jar. They are obtained by the party killing enemies.80 AP
POW: 12
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
LUK: 11
DEF: 11
RES: 11

Fire: 0%
Erth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Watr: 0%
Lght: 0%
Dark: 0%

One day Gloria was walking in the woods with her daddy when suddenly some cloaked guys came out of a bush and kidnappededed him. They also told Gloria to "stay out of the woods, kiddy. It's dangerous." Gloria's father, descended from a hero named Kreon who never came back, might never come back. Unless, maybe.... Gloria could save him, somerhow. Gloria had been having strange dreams, anyway, maybe this would have something to do with it. So she followed her dream of becomning a shaman, then set out to save him.
Gloria notices that she is alone, and runs off down the corridor.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:06 am
by unliketea
Tucca the Evangelist Level 1 (Cover)
HP: 24/29
FA: 20/21
XP: 0
AP: 21
19 Atk | 105 Hit | 19 Crt
6 Def | 7 Res | 38 Avd | 12 CEv
Weapon: Leather Sling 4 Atk, 65 Hit, 4Crt
Armour: Stained White Cloak, ripped off at the knees 1 Def, 2 Res, 15 Avd
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items: (2/7)
> A belt pack -2 Avd worn about the waist contains:
--> 13 small rocks +0 Atk, +0 Hit, +0 Crt
> DD Cult Master Robe -6 Def, -6 Res, -13 Avd [Unknown special effect]

> None

Prayers (Self Only):
> Fervent Prayer 0 Fa: Increases FA by POW+LUK% of Max FA. AP: 80
> Luck of the Gods 1+N Fa: Increases LUK by POW/3. Lasts N turns. This effect does not stack. AP: 75

Prayers (targetted):
> Blast of Light 3*N Fa: Deal POW+LUK Lght damage to target, deal POW Fire damage for the next N turns. The burning effect does not stack. AP: 180

> Distracted: Suffer -1 FA/turn degen. +10% chance to reduce each prayer's effectiveness by 50%. AP: +60
> Forgetful: Suffer -1 Fa/turn degen. +10% chance each prayer fails. AP: +70
> Righteousness: While Tucca is above 50% FA, he is able to utter 1 prayer during his normal non-prayer action. AP: 110

> POW:15
> SKL:10
> AGI:5
> LUK:10
> DEF:5
> RES:5

> Fire: 0%
> Erth: 0%
> Wind: 0%
> Watr: 0%
> Lght: 0%
> Dark: 0%
Tucca grew up in the church where the Priests trained him in the ways of godly fellowship. They recognized his sincere fervor, and his passion for the gods often carried through into the large crowds assembled for tithing. However, his habit of forgetting rites mid-ceremony was a continual embarassment as Tucca grew older. By the time he was 16, Tucca was no longer in good graces with the Church.

On his 18th birthday, the Church sent him away. He was to travel to lands unknown and preach the ways of fellowship and show the power of faith. However, he was to do this alone, and under no circumstances was he to return to the church unless sent for by a High Priest. Tucca understood his politically correct exile, and for the period of a day or two, he moped about the countryside. But as is his tendency, he was quickly distracted from his somber mood, forgot about his 'exile', and went gallivanting forth to preach the principles of fellowship and faith.

The time on the road has aged the young fellow. His ragged curls and unkempt beard belie his youth. But despite his appearance, Tucca maintains a warm smile and twinkling eyes. His peculiar yet all too common gait that is nearly a hop and not quite a skip make it hard to mistake his peaceful and joyful frame of mind.
Spoiler: Unlearned
> Clarity [3*N Fa]: Ignore Distracted and Forgetful effects. Lasts [N] turns. [AP: 20]
> Selfless Martyrdom [N Fa]: The next time the target receives damage, up to [N*10] of it is redirected to Tucca and generates Faith equal to [100%] of the damage taken. [AP: 60]
> Divine Mantle [2+N Fa]: Increases target's RES by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Divine Armor [2+N Fa]: Increases target's DEF by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Radiance [2*N Fa]: Heals target for [POW] each turn for [N] turns. Stackable. [AP: 145]
OOC Text | IC thoughts | IC Spoken
Tucca waltzes through a random door ... draggin his team along with him.

effing end turn

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:04 pm
by Shade
Spoiler: GP: 100
- [50 GP] Reversal: Reverses the digits of the HP and MP of all beings involved in the battle (however, the max HP/MP can't be surpassed this way). [GP]% chance of success for each target.
- [60 GP] Purge: [GP/2] magical Atk (Lght), [GPx2] Hit, 25 Crt. Engulfs all enemies in a huge beam of light and burns them. 25% chance of dazzling each target for 3 turns.
- [70 GP] Recovery: Heals [GP/4] HP and [GP/2] MP of all party members and removes the Poison, Dazzled and Paralyzed status ailments.
Gold: 205
ToD: ???; ???
---~ Party ~------------------------------------------------------
HP: 56/56 | MP: 28/45 | Cover | Hood (Cimeries)
HP: 31/31 | FP : 51/65 | Cover | Erika (pf5234)
HP: 51/51 | SP: 13/37 | Front | Gloria (pf2222) | Protected (by Hart)
HP: 50/50 | MP: 00/00 | Front | Hart (Ditto) | Guardian
HP: 48/48 | MP: 19/35 | Front | Carlita (AoD)
HP: 24/29 | FP: 18/21 | Cover | Tucca (unliketea)
HP: 01/05 | 17 Atk, 092 Hit, 9 Crt | Front | Animated Battle Axe
- Party enchantment: +1 Res -

Well... There actually is no End Turn command in the ruleset of this PnP, but who gives a damn.

Tucca wears the cultist's robe for a moment, but just wearing it outside of combat does not seem to have any noticable effects on you.

You then enter one of the doors next to you at random. It leads into the hallway of what appears to be a castle, despite the fact that there is no castle in Tayto Town; the floor and the walls are all made of magnificient marble, and a large red carpet covers the center of the floor. As you turn around, the door you entered the hallway from is no longer there - there's just a solid wall there, making the direction you came from a dead end.
The hallway in front of you seems to lead to a large hall with several other rooms connected to it. There are several (you can see six from your current location) shady figures assembled there, too; they seem to be expecting your arrival...

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:26 pm
by unliketea
Tucca the Evangelist Level 1 (Cover)
HP: 24/29
FA: 18/21
XP: 0
AP: 21
19 Atk | 105 Hit | 19 Crt
6 Def | 7 Res | 38 Avd | 12 CEv
Weapon: Leather Sling 4 Atk, 65 Hit, 4Crt
Armour: Stained White Cloak, ripped off at the knees 1 Def, 2 Res, 15 Avd
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items: (2/7)
> A belt pack -2 Avd worn about the waist contains:
--> 13 small rocks +0 Atk, +0 Hit, +0 Crt
> DD Cult Master Robe -6 Def, -6 Res, -13 Avd [Unknown special effect]

> None

Prayers (Self Only):
> Fervent Prayer 0 Fa: Increases FA by POW+LUK% of Max FA. AP: 80
> Luck of the Gods 1+N Fa: Increases LUK by POW/3. Lasts N turns. This effect does not stack. AP: 75

Prayers (targetted):
> Blast of Light 3*N Fa: Deal POW+LUK Lght damage to target, deal POW Fire damage for the next N turns. The burning effect does not stack. AP: 180

> Distracted: Suffer -1 FA/turn degen. +10% chance to reduce each prayer's effectiveness by 50%. AP: +60
> Forgetful: Suffer -1 Fa/turn degen. +10% chance each prayer fails. AP: +70
> Righteousness: While Tucca is above 50% FA, he is able to utter 1 prayer during his normal non-prayer action. AP: 110

> POW:15
> SKL:10
> AGI:5
> LUK:10
> DEF:5
> RES:5

> Fire: 0%
> Erth: 0%
> Wind: 0%
> Watr: 0%
> Lght: 0%
> Dark: 0%
Tucca grew up in the church where the Priests trained him in the ways of godly fellowship. They recognized his sincere fervor, and his passion for the gods often carried through into the large crowds assembled for tithing. However, his habit of forgetting rites mid-ceremony was a continual embarassment as Tucca grew older. By the time he was 16, Tucca was no longer in good graces with the Church.

On his 18th birthday, the Church sent him away. He was to travel to lands unknown and preach the ways of fellowship and show the power of faith. However, he was to do this alone, and under no circumstances was he to return to the church unless sent for by a High Priest. Tucca understood his politically correct exile, and for the period of a day or two, he moped about the countryside. But as is his tendency, he was quickly distracted from his somber mood, forgot about his 'exile', and went gallivanting forth to preach the principles of fellowship and faith.

The time on the road has aged the young fellow. His ragged curls and unkempt beard belie his youth. But despite his appearance, Tucca maintains a warm smile and twinkling eyes. His peculiar yet all too common gait that is nearly a hop and not quite a skip make it hard to mistake his peaceful and joyful frame of mind.
Spoiler: Unlearned
> Clarity [3*N Fa]: Ignore Distracted and Forgetful effects. Lasts [N] turns. [AP: 20]
> Selfless Martyrdom [N Fa]: The next time the target receives damage, up to [N*10] of it is redirected to Tucca and generates Faith equal to [100%] of the damage taken. [AP: 60]
> Divine Mantle [2+N Fa]: Increases target's RES by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Divine Armor [2+N Fa]: Increases target's DEF by [POW/3]. Lasts [N] turns. This effect does not stack. [AP: 70]
> Radiance [2*N Fa]: Heals target for [POW] each turn for [N] turns. Stackable. [AP: 145]
OOC Text | IC thoughts | IC Spoken
Looking at the assembled shady figures, Tucca calls out: "Errr ... you folks don't happen to know we are eh?"