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Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:06 pm
by unliketea
rope has all kinds of uses ... like ... tying people up, or climbing down a cliff, hanging someone, dragging an unconscious teammate around, leashing a pet puppy, laying down a line which no one may pass upon threat of bitter reprisal from the group, stashing equipment high up in a tree so no one can steal it, hanging myself, hanging a teammate, just hanging out, create a foot snare, create a trip line, create a clothesline, drag it around at full length to arouse commoner interest, climbing down a well cause something shiny is down there.

... I'm sure I can come up with some other uses too. :-D

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:26 pm
by Ditto
Dangit. Forget meditation, then.

How much if I boost the power of individual healing lights to 15 HP each?

How much if I boost the aura barrier absorbtion to 15 HP?

If I have enough AP, I'll boost the power of one/both if possible.

After that, I should be done...

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:30 pm
by Cimeries
The only skill you will ever need when you have rope is Lasso Mastery.

Anyhow, I intend to get myself a spear as a substitute to a 10-ft pole.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:38 pm
by Shade
Fine, fine, good point. Feel free to take a rope of 10 meters length, tea.

@Ditto: 15 HP healing lights: 35 more AP (200 in total)
15 HP aura barrier: 30 more AP (180 in total)

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:20 pm
by Ditto
Arianna, Lvl 1 Human Priestess (Cover)
Image HP: 14/14
Image XP: 0/100
Image AP: 10
5 Atk | 105 Hit | 0 Crt
11 Def | 15 Res | 25 Avd | 25 CAvd
Image Weapon: Oak Staff (5 Atk, 95 Hit, 0 Crt)
Image Armor: Priestly Robe (1 Def, 4 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items (0/7):

Image Healing Light [4/4]: Arianna creates two "healing lights" that can be spread among the party members, healing [15] HP each. (Ex. If Arianna has two "healing lights," she can use 2 on one person to restore [15+15] HP, or use 1 one two people to restore [15] HP to each.) [200 AP]

Image Aura Barrier [4/4]: Arianna places a shield on the target. This shield absorbs [15] points of damage. Even if the shield runs out of "absorbtion HP" in the middle of an attack, the unit will still not take damage from the attack, although he will take damage from the next one. [180 AP]

Planned: Divine Fire [3/3]: Arianna fuses divine flames into a party member's attack, doubling the damage it deals. Can be used with normal attacks as well as spells and skills. [Would cost 210 AP]

Planned: Meditation: Arianna recovers one random skill use after each battle. [Would cost 100 AP]

STR: 0
SKL: 0
AGI: 5
LUK: 10
DEF: 10
RES: 10

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%

-Default, B****es.

A former practitioner of dark magic, Arianna once held great power. She was feared by many, who knew her for her ruthless pursuit of more and more power to have all for herself.

But one day, Arianna came across an abandoned ruin on her travels. Entering out of curiosity as to what lay inside, she quickly ran inside, soon coming across a mostly empty room. Besides the light spirit inside.

The light spirit could have killed Arianna, and made her pay for her dark mistakes. But instead, he showed her visions of the future that lay ahead if she continued to pursue the dark power- thousands of innocent people dead, and her own soul consumed by the dark arts, her body used to wreak havoc upon the world.

Arianna finally realized her mistakes. Frightened by the dark future that awaited herself and the world, Arianna thanked the spirit for the vision, and made a pact that if she ever again uttered a word of dark magic to hurt an innocent, she would be killed. Arianna burned the ancient tomes of magic that gave her her power that night, and pledged to study the healing arts to seek forgiveness for her mistakes.

A year has passed since...
You said that we start with 450 AP, right?

I think I is done for now, then.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:54 pm
by Shade
Ditto wrote:You said that we start with 450 AP, right?
However, don't you want to spend some of your remaining AP on additional HP? 10 HP isn't exactly much, after all. :o

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 8:05 pm
by Ditto
Meh. I did get aura barrier...

Even so, you have a point, I'll bump up my HP to 14. Not much, but still, it's something.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:25 pm
by penguinflyer2222
I like the story. I'll probably read the RPG..

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:35 am
by unliketea
who's our second pew-pew'r? we gots a ranger (which is an epic dps'er btw. ... but wheres our rogue or our mage?

or maybe even a barbaric ritualistic ravager!!!!!!!!111!one one....

*blink* ... so who is the other frood again?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:30 am
by Cimeries
@Tea: Image Image
@Ditto: Image Image

Edit: Oh yeah, I still want the malus-half of Finesse.
She cannot use heavy two handed melee weapons (axes, mauls, greatswords, etc.), or heavy metal armor (plate, scale, etc.) at all.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:50 am
by Seanbot
Yeah I am not very good at upkeeping PnPs.
But when a cool character presents himself that is kind of kooky, why not.

Mister, Level 1 (Front)
HP: 10/10
XP: 0
AP: 450AP
09 Atk | 114 Hit | 11 Crt
08 Def | 08 Res | 29 Avd | 18 CEv
Weapon: It is Unclear. (4 Atk, 90 Hit, 5 Crt)
Armor: Do you truly want to know? (2 Def, 2 Res, 5 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items (0/7):
- You cannot see.
- Know thy enemy: and their strengths become thine. I know what they know. [0 AP]
STR: 5
SKL: 6
AGI: 6
LUK: 6
DEF: 6
RES: 6

- You seek to know me,
- Inside and out?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:06 am
by Agent of Dread

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:03 am
by Ditto
Cimeries wrote:@Tea: Image Image
@Ditto: Image Image

Anyway, I got some cool abilities planned. Character sacrificing and awesome buffs and all that cool stuff.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:47 am
by Shade
Cimeries wrote:Edit: Oh yeah, I still want the malus-half of Finesse.
She cannot use heavy two handed melee weapons (axes, mauls, greatswords, etc.), or heavy metal armor (plate, scale, etc.) at all.
That'll give you 25 additional AP then.

@Seanbot: ...are you serious?
Also, unless I have miscounted, we already have four players (Cimeries, Ditto, tea, AoD).

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 12:52 pm
by Seanbot
I just came up with him and decided to screw with people.