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Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:41 pm
by Cimeries
Well, we still need Octagon's and Pf5's opinion.
I guess if they agree we just switch around randomly or something.

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:58 pm
by octagon
I'm okay with randomly switching.
Sorry, I'm tired from playing Xenogears, so I'll post my changes to Holg tomorrow morning.

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:49 pm
by Shade
Well, ready or not, I'll start today. Considering anyone can control anyone's character, I really don't care very much who mainly controls whom.

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:37 pm
by octagon
Holg, Lv1 [00] Ignorancer
20/20 HP
27/27 MP
0 PP
Exciting Grid [2/2] Ignore [1/1] Destroytheworld [1/1]
6-4 dmg (0) | ? Hit (-1) | 13 AC (12)
medium hat of major self-displacement (+80 AC (for the hat only, doesn't apply to its wearer))
Scintillating Brooch (3 DR against obscure elements)
Hammer of Sophistication (6-4 Dmg)
Mystic Garment beyond the Undeniable Walrus (1 AC)
Spoiler: Character sheet

Angular [5 SP]
Deals [INT+2·WIL+d6] sideways damage to a single character. If a character who has accumulated sideways damage is rotated by whatever means, the sideways damage is converted into regular non-elemental magic damage or healing, depending on in which direction they were tilted.

Tilt [3 SP] [1 PP]
Holg rotates a character by 90°, dislocating their hitbox and causing sbsequent weirdness. Causes the last attack that missed an enemy to hit / the last attack that hit an ally to miss. At the cost of a minor action, it can be extended to two beautiful spells with the even more beautiful names Tiltga (7 SP, 2 PP) and Tiltja (12 SP, 4 PP), which affect an entire party and everyone participating in this battle, respectively.

Instability [5 MP] [2 PP]
The target starts to blink between two locations, evading all single-target attacks. If they are attacked twice in the same turn (in which case one of the attacks will hit) or hit by a multi-target attack, the effect ends.

Mastodon of Pain [sustained] [7 SP/turn]
Her attacks become usable from the back row, gain an [INT+2] bonus to Hit, are split up into 3 strikes, each of which deals half damage and has a 50% chance to deflect a single ranged attack.

Ignore [1]
Holg ignores her enemies so thoroughly that the ignorance becomes mutual and the enemies' train of thought is interrupted. Prevents all enemies from targeting her during this turn or re-using the abilities they used last turn.

Exciting Grid [3 PP] [7 SP] [2]
Divides the battlefield into an inexplicably interesting and awesome grid, which deals [2+WIL/2] damage to enemies for every line of the grid they touch. Obviously, larger enemies will touch more lines and thus take more damage.
(Enemies can make an agility or intelligence save (depending on which stat is higher) to reduce the amount of lines they touch. Human-sized or smaller enemies will touch 0 to [Int÷2] lines. Enemies larger than a human will touch 2 to [INT] lines, and very large enemies (ogres, elephants, dragons) will touch 4 to [2·Int] lines.)

GeoShift [2 PP] [10 SP]
Situational abilities are a lot more fun if you can cheat the situation. Changes the effective terrain of the battlefield into another terrain of her choice.

Destroytheworld [all PP, min. 6] [1]
Holg ignores ontological inertia and goes on a rampage, attacking [2+Lvl±1] random enemies, smashing and imploding some landscape features/vegetation/furniture and dropping [INT+current PP] random explosive objects around her (2d4+WIL damage to a random enemy). Enemies have a (current PP/100)% chance to partially cease to exist, which means they will get stunned for this turn and lose half of their current HP or 20% of their max HP, whichever is higher.

Ignore Gravity [passive]
Holg is unaffected by falls, as she can simply ignore gravity and stay afloat in place as long as it's necessary.

The usable Geomancy ability depends on the terrain.

Soil Eater [Grasslands] (4 SP)
Pelts the enemy with chunks of dirt, transforms one of them into HP-restoring edible matter and tosses it to an ally. Damages all enemies for 2d[1+WIL] HP and heals the ally whose HP is the lowest by half of their missing HP.

Shrubs of Wrath [Forest] (14 SP)
Conjures some goofy-looking and infuriatingly cutesy animated shrubs that carry the user's squirming enemies out of range, preventing them from acting for 1 turn and from using close-range attacks for [INT/2] turns (rounded down). If an enemy that has a fire-elemental attack succeeds at a Willpower save, they can use it to burn the shrubs and evade the effect. Berserks enemies weak to Cute-elemental damage.

Break [Rocky] (6 SP)
Holg looks around and takes a break while absentmindedly kicking up some dust. Heals her for [15+Int]% HP, boosts party AC by 2 for the duration of the round and petrifies enemies in critical health status.

Pull of Sand [Desert] (5 SP)
Pulls the sand below an enemy away and increases their poslunction. Halves their resistance to elements and status effects and lowers their AC and DR by 1.

Sponge [Underwater/Riverbank] (6 SP)
An absurdly dry sponge appears out of nowhere to dehydrate an enemy for 2d8+WIL damage (regardless of other fluid sources in the vicinity).

Highjump [Castle] (4 SP)
Holg leaps high into the air, crashing her relatively shockproof head into the ceiling and causing rubble to rain down on all enemies (for d3+STR/2 damage). Enemies who somehow ended up between her head and the ceiling are squished for 4d8+STR damage.

Weaponized Furniture [Fancy Room] (8 SP)
Causes the interior decoration itself to become hostile, halving enemies' chances to hit or evade attacks and causing all enemies performing an action that requires moving during this turn to trip, dealing 2d4 damage.

Science [Lab/Bottomless Pit]
Scans all enemies and does something untested (executes a random move from a hidden blue magic-ish skill list of your choice.)

Laminate [Office]
Sets the target's AC to 0 but gives them +(10-Holg's INT) DR. If a fire attack is aimed that way, it will melt the foil, removing the effect and doubling the damage of the fire attack.

Ruin [Ruins]
Distributes damage among all enemies equal to the amount of money they're carrying, and destroys half of the money. (I know that as far as the players are concerned, but there's no currency in this game, but if money exists at all in this game, make an amount up on the spot.)

IsleoftheDamned [Wasteland/Netherworld]
Traps an enemy's mind in redundant and horrifying contemplations regarding a place that was turned into a horrible demon-infested hellhole. “Let's go to the Isle of the Damned! But before we go to the Isle of the Damned, I need to do something to prepare for the Isle of the Damned…” – Deals mediocre Spooky damage and disrupts enemy concentration, lowering their accuracy and spell damage and attempting to confuse them ((20+2·INT)% base chance).

Mastery of Even Numbers in the Calm of the Storm v1.3.5a: Fake Extrapolation of Horrible Planet ~ Mysterious Turmoil of St. Vortex the Eager [Fallback]
Does something ridiculously complicated and surrounds an ally with an energy field, giving them an additional major action this turn and dealing 4d3 lightning-elemental, physical damage to the next [INT] enemies that hit them.

STR ±0
DEX -1
AGI +2
FOR ±0
INT +3
WIL +4
LUK +2

Holg is a curious spellcaster travelling the world in order to train her …unique magical abilities and put them to use.
Her name was meant to be “Holy”, since in the mage village where she comes from, people believe that naming a child will automatically bestow them with the knowledge of the spell in question (it seems to work, but there's many people named Ultima, Curaga or similar who can never put their namesake spell to use, simply because they don't have enough max MP). However, her name was misspelled due to a typo, so she has to go by the unpleasant-sounding name of “Holg”. Well, she arranged with it.
No one knows about a spell named “Holg”, but it seems like it exists, and actually leaked some of its power to her. Holg has the ability to manipulate reality itself by disregarding information. Ignoring the laws of physics allows her to perform some feats that were previously considered impossible…
Holg gains a preposterousness point (PP) for every major action she takes (at least 1 per round) at the end of a turn. Critical hits and natural 20s give her another PP. While defending she reaffirms her ignorance of unpleasant information, gaining an additional PP. She cannot retain more than [Lvl] PP at the end of battle.
I wanted you to make up the damage formulas, since my last PnP experience has been a while ago, so I can't really estimate how reasonable or broken a calculation scheme is – even if this PnP is a silly joke PnP, I'd like to avoid another Powerslam.
I reworked most of the skills to hopefully make them more fun to use. The old version had a boring amount of Hit/AC modifiers.
I also alluded in the descriptions to how much damage the skills should deal

Sponge was just meant to be a standard attack spell with a really dumb element.

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:17 pm
by Shade
octagon wrote:I wanted you to make up the damage formulas, since my last PnP experience has been a while ago, so I can't really estimate how reasonable or broken a calculation scheme is – even if this PnP is a silly joke PnP, I'd like to avoid another Powerslam.
Oh, I see.
I'll give you balanced formulas, then, although some of your skills are pretty much inherently broken.
But this is a joke PnP, so that's okay.
And please leave some blank lines between your abilities - it's really difficult to read them clustered up like that. ;/
octagon wrote:Angular [? MP]
Deals sideways damage to a single character. If a character who has accumulated sideways damage is rotated by whatever means causes the sideways damage to be converted into regular non-elemental magic damage or healing, depending on in which direction they were tilted.
2 MP?
octagon wrote:Tilt [? MP] [1 PP]
Holg rotates a character by 90°, dislocating their hitbox and causing sbsequent weirdness. Causes the last attack that missed an enemy to hit / the last attack that hit an ally to miss.
3 MP?
octagon wrote:Unstability [? MP] [2 PP]
The target starts to blink between two locations, evading all single-target attacks. If they are attacked twice in the same turn or hit by a multi-target attack, the effect ends.
5 MP?
octagon wrote:Mastodon of Pain [sustained] [? MP/turn]
Her attacks become usable from the back row, gain an [Int+2] bonus to Hit, are split up into 3 strikes, each of which deals half damage, and have a 50% chance to deflect ranged attacks.
7 MP per turn?
octagon wrote:Exciting Grid [2 PP] [2]
Divides the battlefield into an inexplicably interesting and awesome grid, which deals damage to enemies for every line of the grid they touch. Obviously, larger enemies will touch more lines and thus take more damage. (enemies can make an agility or intelligence save (depending on which stat is higher) to reduce the amount of lines they touch. Human-sized or smaller enemies will touch 0 to (Int÷2) lines. Enemies larger than a human will touch 2 to Int lines, and very large enemies (ogres, elephants, dragons) will touch 4 to (2·Int) lines.)
[2 + WIL/2] damage per line?
octagon wrote:Destroytheworld [all PP]
Holg ignores ontological inertia and goes on a rampage, attacking [2+Lvl±1] random enemies, smashing some landscape features/vegetation/furniture and dropping (Int+current PP) random explosive objects around her. Enemies have a (100/current PP) chance to partially cease to exist, which means they will get stunned for this turn and lose half of their current HP or 20% of their max HP, whichever is higher.
Should have a minimum PP requirement or an additional MP cost, as otherwise you can just use Destroytheworld exclusively for the increased number of attacks.
Explosions deal 2d4+WIL damage to a random enemy?
The "100/current PP" chance should also be the other way around ("current PP/100"), as the former means the chance for anything to happen goes down for each additional PP, and goes from ERROR to 10000% to 5000% to... Well, definitely more than guaranteed.
octagon wrote:Soil Eater [Grasslands]
Pelts the enemy with chunks of dirt, transforms one of them into HP-restoring edible matter and tosses it to an ally. Damages all enemies and heals the ally whose HP is the lowest.
2d[1+WIL] damage?
octagon wrote:Shrubs of Wrath [Forest]
Conjures some goofy-looking and infuriatingly cutesy animated shrubs that carry the user's squirming enemies out of range, preventing them from acting for 1 turn and from using close-range attacks for (Int/2) turns. If an enemy that has a fire-elemental attack succeeds at a Willpower save, they can use it to burn the shrubs and evade the effect.
If Geomancy doesn't require any MP/PP to use, this leads to an infinite 100% guaranteed stun-lock against all enemies that don't have fire attacks.
octagon wrote:Break [Rocky]
Holg looks around and takes a break while absentmindedly kicking up some dust. Restores some of her HP, boosts party AC by 2 for the duration of the round and petrifies enemies in critical health status.
25% HP restored?
octagon wrote:Sponge [Underwater]
An absurdly dry sponge appears out of nowhere to dehydrate an enemy (regardless of other fluid sources in the vicinity).
2d8+WIL damage?
octagon wrote:Highjump [Castle]
Holg leaps high into the air, crashing her relatively shockproof head into the ceiling and causing rubble to rain down on all enemies. Enemies who somehow ended up between her head and the ceiling are squished for high damage.
4d8+STR damage?
octagon wrote:Weaponized Furniture [Fancy Room]
Causes the interior decoration itself to become hostile, halving enemies' chances to hit or evade attacks and causing all enemies performing an action that requires moving during this turn to trip, dealing some damage.
2d4 damage?
octagon wrote:IsleoftheDamned [Wasteland/Netherworld]
Traps an enemy's mind in redundant and horrifying contemplations regarding a place that was turned into a horrible demon-infested hellhole. “Let's go to the Isle of the Damned! But before we go to the Isle of the Damned, I need to do something to prepare for the Isle of the Damned…” – Deals Spooky damage and disrupts enemy concentration, lowering their accuracy and spell damage.
[1 + WIL/2]d6 damage, -2 Hit and -2 spell damage until the end of combat or the terrain is changed?
octagon wrote:Mastery of Even Numbers in the Calm of the Storm v1.3.5a: Fake Extrapolation of Horrible Planet ~ Mysterious Turmoil of St. Vortex the Eager [Fallback]
Does something ridiculously complicated and surrounds an ally with an energy field, giving them an additional major action this turn and dealing decent, lightning-elemental, physical damage the next [Int] enemies that hit them.
4d3 damage?

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:42 pm
by octagon
Shrublock amuses me more than it should.
I'm just going to keep my broken skills and magically IGNORE how overpowered they are… Oh wait, I don't have enough PP :(

I actually meant geomancy abilities to consume MP.
Are spells usually based on willpower like that, or did you do it in order to nerf the character? In the former case, I should redistribute my stats a bit.

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:49 pm
by Shade
octagon wrote:I actually meant geomancy abilities to consume MP.
octagon wrote:Are spells usually based on willpower like that, or did you do it in order to nerf the character? In the former case, I should redistribute my stats a bit.
Usually, INT increases the accuracy/duration of spells while WIL increases their effectiveness, so yes, WIL actually is an important stat for magic-based characters.

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:05 pm
by octagon
I edited my post to add damage formulas, assign SP costs, upgrade Tilt (feel free to increase the SP and PP cots of the upgraded versions if you find them overpowered) and decrappify Angular – it should be a little more powerful, since it requires you to spend an extra turn to activate it.
Shade wrote:the MP we all know and never really gave a damn about
A certain RPG Maker game which uses the same pun as this PnP in its title and which I like a little too much begs to differ ;)

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:48 pm
by Shade
Aye, forgot about the terrain. It's grassland, I'll edit it in.
And yes, changing your row is a minor action.

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:08 pm
by Shade
penguinflyer5234 wrote:How many non-poison knives can I throw at once?
As many as you can properly aim with. :o

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:27 pm
by Agent of Dread
mfw this pnp

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:59 pm
by Shade

EDIT: Never mind, I get it now. lol

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:33 pm
by Agent of Dread
Is my character too balanced or something? :P

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:39 pm
by Cimeries
It's very simple.

High Luck >>> Everything turns out exceptionally well.
Low Luck >>> You get eaten by snot monsters.

Re: [PnP] Last Legend II (Talk)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:41 pm
by Shade
That's a matter of your personal luck, not your character's. :P

There actually was an instance where luck made a difference in the current post, though. I'm sure you can spot it. :?