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Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:50 pm
by Shade
  • ToD:....... Midnight
    Weather: Hard Rain

    Heron..... HP: 27/30 . | . MP: 03/05 . | . Front
    Tal.......... HP: 13/20 . | . MP: 04/10 . | . Cover
You leave the room through the door, and end up not in a hall, but in a small room that looks like it was used as some kind of reception room; there's a completely destroyed reception desk to your left, and some equally devastated shelves behind it. In fact, this room looks significantly more damaged than the previous rooms you've been in; the door to this room was, in complete contradiction to the state of the furniture, perfectly intact, however.
This room has exits in all directions - there's a massive steel door to your right, but it's damaged and jammed - you can neither open nor destroy it. A faded red font on it reads "Keep Out" anyway.
There's also a normal iron door to your left. It's slightly damaged, but still usable. A black font on it reads "Storage Room".
The door directly in front of you seems to be an exit to this factory. You can make out through the small window in the door that it seems to be night outside, and now that you're in this room, you can also hear the hard rain crackling against the building. A ghostly howling wind is moving through the leaves of a tree in your view.

What are you going to do?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:00 am
by Ditto
Tal, Lvl 1 Half-D'warf-Elf Priest [37/100] (Cover)
Image 13/20 [Normal]
Image 4/10 [0 Blessing]
Image 0/65
Weapon: Unarmed (1-3 Atk, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 0 Wt)
Armor: Unarmored (0 Avd, 0 CEv, 0 Wt)
1-3 Atk | 80 Hit | 10 Crt
50 Avd | 10 CEv
Spoiler: Inventory and Status

-Aura Wave [Up to 3 Mana]-
(Current- 11 HP per charge, 2 charges maximum)
Tal calls upon the power of the light to heal his allies. When used, this spell releases a wave of charges of healing up to a maximum of [1+Lvl] charges. Each charge heals for [10+Lvl] HP or one negative status effect other than petrification. One mana is spent for each charge, capping at three mana. [175 AP]

-Grace of Light [1 Mana]-
Tal blesses the target with grace and swiftness, granting them an extra major action at the cost of his minor action. This spell can only be cast once a turn. [140 AP]

-Godly Blessing [1 Mana]-
Tal gathers up all the radiant energy of healing around him and prays for Thor and Elbereth's blessing in a battle. A total of all HP overhealed is counted for Tal's party through any healing effects used by them. Whenever Tal uses this skill, the total goes down to 0, and Tal creates a shield over all of his allies that absorbs an amount of damage equal to the points in the total. [185 AP]


Strength: 0
Skill: 0
Agility: 10
Luck: 10
Constitution: 5
Spirit: 10

Ability Points: 0
[spoiler="Planned Skills/Abilities"]
-Divine Dodge [1 Mana]-
In a burst of divine energy, Tal increases his agility, allowing him to move faster than normally possible. When used, Tal gains speed for a short while. This multiplies his avoid by 2 for the rest of the turn, and can be used for other effects as well. This spell can only be cast once a turn, and uses a minor action. [115 AP]
A figure stands below you, around a foot or two shorter than the average young man's height. Garbed in a regal looking robe is a man that appears to be a mix of a rather short elf and d'warf. With a finely groomed fiery orange beard and hair tied together into complex patterns by gold rings, the man's thick eyebrows and confident expression give him a somewhat regal look. Behind the thick hair, beard, and eyebrows is an angular face and long ears. A golden band is around the man's forehead. The man's eyes are completely bright gold, and he has no pupils- the light from them shines nearly an inch out from his face. While this might seem unnatural or inhuman on one man, the light is not frightening but welcoming, a sign of the vast amount of good contained within this short man. Maybe he has more power than he has control over. The man stands tall and broad for his short figure. He doesn't seem young, even by d'warf standards, but the lack of gray hairs on his head would suggest he isn't old, either.


Tal could almost feel the hope sucked out of him into the sky upon seeing the harsh conditions outside the factory... just what he needed, for there to be even more reason for people to not be around here. That didn't mean he wouldn't grasp at the thought of people being around despite the weather and condition of the factory, even if that thought was dissolving in his very hands. Tal silently walks towards the room marked as 'storage-' he did need materials, after all.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:51 pm
by Shade
  • ToD:....... Midnight
    Weather: Hard Rain

    Heron..... HP: 27/30 . | . MP: 03/05 . | . Front
    Tal.......... HP: 13/20 . | . MP: 04/10 . | . Cover
You enter the storage room. It's a small chamber that is even darker than the rest of this building; unfortunitally, someone seems to have been here before you, as it is amazingly empty. It seems that they missed a shelf in one of the corners though.

Items obtained:
- 6x Scrap Metal [3 Wt]
- 5x Crafting Supply [4 Wt]
- an Old Gun [08/20 Ammo] [7 -12 Atk | 85 Hit | 15 Crt | 25 Wt]
- 2x Medicine [ 2 Wt] (Cures poison.)
- 5x Healing Balm [ 2 Wt] (Restores 30% HP.)
- 2x Healing Potion [ 5 Wt] (Restores 60% HP.)
- 1x Herbal Tea [ 3 Wt] (Restores 50% MP.)

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:15 pm
by Cimeries
Heron, Lv1 [37] (Front)
Image 27/30
Image 03/05
Wt: 58/70
10-12 Atk | 89 Hit | 24 Crt
28 Avd | 05 CEv
Weapon: Makeshift Voulge [5 - 7 Atk | 75 Hit | 20 Crt | 20 Wt]
Armor: Composite Plating [20 Avd | 05 CEv]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
- None (0 Wt | Effect)
[list] - 6 Scrap Metals ___ (3 Wt)
- 5 Crafting Supplies (4 Wt)[/list]Skills[list]Repair [1 MP]: Repairs SKLx2 damage to self (or other metal constructs if such present themselves). This can also be used to undo 1 "rank" of damage on a weapon degraded by the Juggernaut ability.
Requires 1 Scrap Metal. Scrap metals are collected at the end of a fight from leftovers of broken enemy armor and weapons. May only be used outside of combat. 60 AP

Augment [3 MP]: Adds a small bonus of choice (1 atk, +5 Hit/avd, etc.) to a metal weapon or armor. Requires 3 Crafting Supplies to use, which Heron will salvage after battle. Heron's Composite Plating cannot be augmented.
Augmenting a piece of equipment will permanently increase its weight by 1. 125 AP[/list]
Abilities/Traits[list]Composite Plating: Heron's body is covered in and, in fact, made of armor. His plating acts as his body armor, and confers 20 Avd and 5 CEv. It also reduces his carrying capacity by 60 due to its weight. Heron can't equip normal body armor due to his size. 150 AP

Living Construct: Recovery items only affect Heron if they are of a magical nature (like potions, but not medicine, food, etc.) and only offer 50% of their standard effect when used on Heron, due to his mechanical nature. Heron does not regain consciousness until his HP is positive again (>0) when knocked out, and can go into the negative numbers as his plating simply breaks further. +45 AP

Juggernaut: Heron's massive frame and tough, jagged metal body are every swordsman's worst nightmare. Whenever Heron is hit by a melee weapon, that weapon is chipped and ruined, losing 1 Atk and 5 Hit permanently. This malus stacks up to 3 times. 175 AP[/list]Stats:
POW: 10
SKL: 8
AGI: 2
LUK: 0
CON: 10
SPI: 5

AP: 035

- If MP >=3 and supplies are adequate, before resting, use leftover MP to Augment.

Description: What you thought at first to be a knight or an armored warrior appears to be a mechanical humanoid of some kind.

Lurching over you is a monstrosity of steel and wood, the eerie blue glow emanating from its eyes pierces the darkness. The glow seems surprisingly sentient and intelligent, almost possessed.

The construct is clad in tough, jagged metal plating. On its chest, an unusual design: A shining blue eight-tipped star, bearing black eyes and nasal holes. The emblem is disturbing to look at, despite bearing fairy common symbolism.

ImageImage[spoiler="Background:"]Some years before the events of Day Zero, Heron awoke to find himself standing in some kind of basement full of alchemical, arcane and forging equipment. A tall, thin, bearded, and pale looking man in black robes stood in front of him, holding a thick open tome, in one hand, and leaning on his quarterstaff with the other. He was observing Heron.

Heron? Was that his name? He tried to remember how he could have gotten here, or who this man was, he seemed familiar somehow, but he couldn't recall anything about that. In fact, he couldn't recall anything about any topic at all. It is as if he was just born, fully aware and intelligent.

He knew this wasn't right. How could this be? He held his arms up. They felt heavy, they were made of metal. That fact seemed odd to him, even though he couldn't tell why. The pale man finally set his tome on a nearby desk and explained everything:

It seems that Heron was a golem, created to serve his maker, in this case, the robed man, who introduced himself as Marcus.
Heron served as his laborer and forging assistant. Marcus was an artificer, a creator of magically enchanted equipment, but as his former assistant recently perished, and Marcus was in no physical condition to be doing the actual metalworking aspect of his craft, he created Heron to assist him. And so Heron did. He wasn't sure why, but he had mixed feelings of compassion and hatred for Marcus. He had served Marcus for several years this way.

Following the events of Day Zero, Marcus disappeared and left Heron alone in his workshop. Not knowing what to do with himself, he returned to the laboratory where he was forged, set himself down, and let his consciousness drift away. A form of sleep, if you can call it that.

However, recently, some 50 years later, in the empty ransacked laboratory, something has awoken Heron again.
[/spoiler]Doh', forgot about this one. Sorry. :P
Hmm, can I refill ammunition on the gun using Augment?

"Seems that we are in luck."
Heron promptly takes all of the scrap metals and crafting supplies.
"The rest of this stuff will only be useful to you, I suppose. How is your aim?"

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:23 am
by Ditto
Tal, Lvl 1 Half-D'warf-Elf Priest [37/100] (Cover)
Image 13/20 [Normal]
Image 4/10 [0 Blessing]
Image 52/65
Weapon: Old Gun [08/20 Ammo] [7-12 Atk | 85 Hit | 15 Crt | 25 Wt]
Armor: Unarmored (0 Avd, 0 CEv, 0 Wt)
7-12 Atk | 95 Hit | 25 Crt
50 Avd | 10 CEv
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-2x Medicine [2 Wt] (Cures poison.)
-5x Healing Balm [2 Wt] (Restores 30% HP.)
-2x Healing Potion [5 Wt] (Restores 60% HP.)
-1x Herbal Tea [3 Wt] (Restores 50% MP.)

-Aura Wave [Up to 3 Mana]-
(Current- 11 HP per charge, 2 charges maximum)
Tal calls upon the power of the light to heal his allies. When used, this spell releases a wave of charges of healing up to a maximum of [1+Lvl] charges. Each charge heals for [10+Lvl] HP or one negative status effect other than petrification. One mana is spent for each charge, capping at three mana. [175 AP]

-Grace of Light [1 Mana]-
Tal blesses the target with grace and swiftness, granting them an extra major action at the cost of his minor action. This spell can only be cast once a turn. [140 AP]

-Godly Blessing [1 Mana]-
Tal gathers up all the radiant energy of healing around him and prays for Thor and Elbereth's blessing in a battle. A total of all HP overhealed is counted for Tal's party through any healing effects used by them. Whenever Tal uses this skill, the total goes down to 0, and Tal creates a shield over all of his allies that absorbs an amount of damage equal to the points in the total. [185 AP]


Strength: 0
Skill: 0
Agility: 10
Luck: 10
Constitution: 5
Spirit: 10

Ability Points: 0
[spoiler="Planned Skills/Abilities"]
-Divine Dodge [1 Mana]-
In a burst of divine energy, Tal increases his agility, allowing him to move faster than normally possible. When used, Tal gains speed for a short while. This multiplies his avoid by 2 for the rest of the turn, and can be used for other effects as well. This spell can only be cast once a turn, and uses a minor action. [115 AP]
A figure stands below you, around a foot or two shorter than the average young man's height. Garbed in a regal looking robe is a man that appears to be a mix of a rather short elf and d'warf. With a finely groomed fiery orange beard and hair tied together into complex patterns by gold rings, the man's thick eyebrows and confident expression give him a somewhat regal look. Behind the thick hair, beard, and eyebrows is an angular face and long ears. A golden band is around the man's forehead. The man's eyes are completely bright gold, and he has no pupils- the light from them shines nearly an inch out from his face. While this might seem unnatural or inhuman on one man, the light is not frightening but welcoming, a sign of the vast amount of good contained within this short man. Maybe he has more power than he has control over. The man stands tall and broad for his short figure. He doesn't seem young, even by d'warf standards, but the lack of gray hairs on his head would suggest he isn't old, either.


Looking at your character, Cimeries, your hit is 10 too low. Raise it up, foo!

Tal examines the supplies. A rifle... Tal took a moment to admire the craftmanship. It wasn't like he was a craftsman himself- or was he? Priests weren't usually craftsmen, were they. Still, the mechanisms within this factory and this tool fascinated him. "I don't think my aim is nearly as good as yours, but that doesn't mean I can't possibly do anything worthwhile with this, either. I think I'm better off sniping down enemies behind you until I get armor, anyway, so I think I should use this for now." Tal examined the gun, pointing it at things, trying to get a feel for its aim. Maybe he could change his power somehow... solidify it to make it fit in the gun like ammo, or shoot it midair to alter the path of bullets. Whether people had thought of these impossibilities turned to possibilities before or not, since he was in this world with apparently only him, Heron, and enemies of his, he was a pioneer in these areas for now.

Enough thinking... he was killing his mind by plunging into intricate corners of his odd mind. He wanted to see what was outside of this place. Grabbing a bag hidden behind a golden cape, Tal slings it on the ground, opens it, and starts to put the medicines, balms, potions, and tea into his bag, resealing it and putting it back where he was carrying it. He picks up the gun and holds it in his hands, ready to fire it if necessary. "Come on, let's go outside. If we get in a dire situation, I'll drink this tea... I think I've smelled herbs like these before. These should restore my magical strength." Tal observes the scrap metal and crafting supplies Heron found. "Are we ready to go, or are you going to use those for something? We don't know what's outside, and we at least think there's nothing in here, so we should finish our business while we're still in here."

Don't worry, Cime, I won't waste the gun.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:39 am
by Shade
  • ToD:....... Midnight
    Weather: Hard Rain

    Heron..... HP: 27/30 . | . MP: 03/05 . | . Front
    Tal.......... HP: 13/20 . | . MP: 04/10 . | . Cover
You leave the storage room and open the door leading out of this building, followed by taking a few cautious steps into the storm outside. It's cold.
You see broken fences to both your left and your right, about three meters away from you on both sides. In front of you, there's just the lonely tree you saw from behind the window. Behind it, you see large amounts of... ...nothing. No other buildings, not even other trees. Just grassy plains as far as you can see. Which isn't very far, due to the weather and darkness, but still. You can see nothing around here... ... except for various human corpses lying on the ground. They're partly decayed already, and it looks like somebody forcefully ripped out their eyes, leaving behind unsettling black holes in their stead. Their mouths are all wide open, too.
Your thoughts are disturbed by a loud scratching noise coming from inside the building, followed by another distorted, manic laughter.

What are you going to do?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:01 pm
by Cimeries
Heron, Lv1 [37] (Front)
Image 27/30
Image 00/05
Wt: 55/70
11-13 Atk | 99 Hit | 24 Crt
28 Avd | 05 CEv
Weapon: Makeshift Voulge [6 - 8 Atk | 75 Hit | 20 Crt | 21 Wt]
Armor: Composite Plating [20 Avd | 05 CEv]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
- None (0 Wt | Effect)
[list] - 6 Scrap Metals ___ (3 Wt)
- 4 Crafting Supplies (4 Wt)[/list]Skills[list]Repair [1 MP]: Repairs SKLx2 damage to self (or other metal constructs if such present themselves). This can also be used to undo 1 "rank" of damage on a weapon degraded by the Juggernaut ability.
Requires 1 Scrap Metal. Scrap metals are collected at the end of a fight from leftovers of broken enemy armor and weapons. May only be used outside of combat. 60 AP

Augment [3 MP]: Adds a small bonus of choice (1 atk, +5 Hit/avd, etc.) to a metal weapon or armor. Requires 3 Crafting Supplies to use, which Heron will salvage after battle. Heron's Composite Plating cannot be augmented.
Augmenting a piece of equipment will permanently increase its weight by 1. 125 AP[/list]
Abilities/Traits[list]Composite Plating: Heron's body is covered in and, in fact, made of armor. His plating acts as his body armor, and confers 20 Avd and 5 CEv. It also reduces his carrying capacity by 60 due to its weight. Heron can't equip normal body armor due to his size. 150 AP

Living Construct: Recovery items only affect Heron if they are of a magical nature (like potions, but not medicine, food, etc.) and only offer 50% of their standard effect when used on Heron, due to his mechanical nature. Heron does not regain consciousness until his HP is positive again (>0) when knocked out, and can go into the negative numbers as his plating simply breaks further. +45 AP

Juggernaut: Heron's massive frame and tough, jagged metal body are every swordsman's worst nightmare. Whenever Heron is hit by a melee weapon, that weapon is chipped and ruined, losing 1 Atk and 5 Hit permanently. This malus stacks up to 3 times. 175 AP[/list]Stats:
POW: 10
SKL: 8
AGI: 2
LUK: 0
CON: 10
SPI: 5

AP: 035

- If MP >=3 and supplies are adequate, before resting, use leftover MP to Augment.

Description: What you thought at first to be a knight or an armored warrior appears to be a mechanical humanoid of some kind.

Lurching over you is a monstrosity of steel and wood, the eerie blue glow emanating from its eyes pierces the darkness. The glow seems surprisingly sentient and intelligent, almost possessed.

The construct is clad in tough, jagged metal plating. On its chest, an unusual design: A shining blue eight-tipped star, bearing black eyes and nasal holes. The emblem is disturbing to look at, despite bearing fairy common symbolism.

ImageImage[spoiler="Background:"]Some years before the events of Day Zero, Heron awoke to find himself standing in some kind of basement full of alchemical, arcane and forging equipment. A tall, thin, bearded, and pale looking man in black robes stood in front of him, holding a thick open tome, in one hand, and leaning on his quarterstaff with the other. He was observing Heron.

Heron? Was that his name? He tried to remember how he could have gotten here, or who this man was, he seemed familiar somehow, but he couldn't recall anything about that. In fact, he couldn't recall anything about any topic at all. It is as if he was just born, fully aware and intelligent.

He knew this wasn't right. How could this be? He held his arms up. They felt heavy, they were made of metal. That fact seemed odd to him, even though he couldn't tell why. The pale man finally set his tome on a nearby desk and explained everything:

It seems that Heron was a golem, created to serve his maker, in this case, the robed man, who introduced himself as Marcus.
Heron served as his laborer and forging assistant. Marcus was an artificer, a creator of magically enchanted equipment, but as his former assistant recently perished, and Marcus was in no physical condition to be doing the actual metalworking aspect of his craft, he created Heron to assist him. And so Heron did. He wasn't sure why, but he had mixed feelings of compassion and hatred for Marcus. He had served Marcus for several years this way.

Following the events of Day Zero, Marcus disappeared and left Heron alone in his workshop. Not knowing what to do with himself, he returned to the laboratory where he was forged, set himself down, and let his consciousness drift away. A form of sleep, if you can call it that.

However, recently, some 50 years later, in the empty ransacked laboratory, something has awoken Heron again.
Heron runs over to the corpses and looks for any identifying traits that can tell them who they were.

"I hate how this looks. What would do such a thing?"
His voice softened tremendously again, this time, it almost sounded feminine.

His thoughts are disturbed by a loud scratching noise coming from inside the building, followed by another distorted, manic laughter.
"Whoever is inside, he must be responsible. I want my answers. I want even more now."
His voice gradually returned to the same harsh mechanical voice he had before, but this time it was a low, bass tone, booming with anger.

He stops for a moment while Tal responds and begins digging through the supplies he found, looking for something to sharpen the blade of his Voulge. He came across a knife blade that seemed pretty sharp, and smelted the into the top of the Voulge. Followed by some sharpening and more heating, it looked good. Like it was part of it, like it was there from the beginning.
Augmented for +1 Damage.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:38 pm
by Ditto
Tal, Lvl 1 Half-D'warf-Elf Priest [37/100] (Cover)
Image 13/20 [Normal]
Image 4/10 [0 Blessing]
Image 52/65
Weapon: Old Gun [08/20 Ammo] [7-12 Atk | 85 Hit | 15 Crt | 25 Wt]
Armor: Unarmored (0 Avd, 0 CEv, 0 Wt)
7-12 Atk | 95 Hit | 25 Crt
50 Avd | 10 CEv
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-2x Medicine [2 Wt] (Cures poison.)
-5x Healing Balm [2 Wt] (Restores 30% HP.)
-2x Healing Potion [5 Wt] (Restores 60% HP.)
-1x Herbal Tea [3 Wt] (Restores 50% MP.)

-Aura Wave [Up to 3 Mana]-
(Current- 11 HP per charge, 2 charges maximum)
Tal calls upon the power of the light to heal his allies. When used, this spell releases a wave of charges of healing up to a maximum of [1+Lvl] charges. Each charge heals for [10+Lvl] HP or one negative status effect other than petrification. One mana is spent for each charge, capping at three mana. [175 AP]

-Grace of Light [1 Mana]-
Tal blesses the target with grace and swiftness, granting them an extra major action at the cost of his minor action. This spell can only be cast once a turn. [140 AP]

-Godly Blessing [1 Mana]-
Tal gathers up all the radiant energy of healing around him and prays for Thor and Elbereth's blessing in a battle. A total of all HP overhealed is counted for Tal's party through any healing effects used by them. Whenever Tal uses this skill, the total goes down to 0, and Tal creates a shield over all of his allies that absorbs an amount of damage equal to the points in the total. [185 AP]


Strength: 0
Skill: 0
Agility: 10
Luck: 10
Constitution: 5
Spirit: 10

Ability Points: 0
[spoiler="Planned Skills/Abilities"]
-Divine Dodge [1 Mana]-
In a burst of divine energy, Tal increases his agility, allowing him to move faster than normally possible. When used, Tal gains speed for a short while. This multiplies his avoid by 2 for the rest of the turn, and can be used for other effects as well. This spell can only be cast once a turn, and uses a minor action. [115 AP]
A figure stands below you, around a foot or two shorter than the average young man's height. Garbed in a regal looking robe is a man that appears to be a mix of a rather short elf and d'warf. With a finely groomed fiery orange beard and hair tied together into complex patterns by gold rings, the man's thick eyebrows and confident expression give him a somewhat regal look. Behind the thick hair, beard, and eyebrows is an angular face and long ears. A golden band is around the man's forehead. The man's eyes are completely bright gold, and he has no pupils- the light from them shines nearly an inch out from his face. While this might seem unnatural or inhuman on one man, the light is not frightening but welcoming, a sign of the vast amount of good contained within this short man. Maybe he has more power than he has control over. The man stands tall and broad for his short figure. He doesn't seem young, even by d'warf standards, but the lack of gray hairs on his head would suggest he isn't old, either.


Seeing the mutilated corpses strewn across the grass makes Tal flinch to the point where he trips and falls back a foot or two. After a few seconds, he climbs to his feet, brushes off his robes, and breathes out. In honesty, the mutilation and destruction of the corpses didn't bother him- whatever harm had happened to these people had happened after they died. These people had not suffered through this. But the death, and the evidence of terrible means to reach it, that was what disgusted him.

Looking down- well, still up, but not stretching his neck as much as normal, Tal looks at Heron augmenting the blade, and notices the frenzy in which Heron sharpens the blade. "Heron. Don't let your anger cloud your judgment. Whoever is capable of doing this is most likely stronger than us, or at least in a better state than us now... our best option is to leave. We- or someone else, if necessary- can always come back at a later time." Tal puts his hand on the arm of Heron's metal plating- he recognized that Heron probably couldn't actually feel the hand, but it was a friendly gesture. "We should go."

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:16 pm
by Shade
  • ToD:....... Midnight
    Weather: Hard Rain

    Heron..... HP: 27/30 . | . MP: 00/05 . | . Front
    Tal.......... HP: 13/20 . | . MP: 04/10 . | . Cover
Please check your supply of crafting supplies, Cime. Using Augment requires 3, and I only gave you 5, not 7. You should only have 2 left, not 4.

You check the corpses for any identifying traits, but they're all completely unrecognizable - some are ravaged so bad that you can't even tell for certain whether they were male or female in their lifetime.

Suddenly, before you can decide upon your next move, you hear a very loud crashing noise from just inside the building. When you direct your looks to the entrance of the building, you can see that the massive jammed steel door you saw before is now lying on the ground, seperated from its hinge. This whole scene is followed by a deep, distant voice, hardly audible, yet still perfectly understandable: "Come..."

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:12 am
by Ditto
Tal, Lvl 1 Half-D'warf-Elf Priest [37/100] (Cover)
Image 13/20 [Normal]
Image 4/10 [0 Blessing]
Image 52/65
Weapon: Old Gun [08/20 Ammo] [7-12 Atk | 85 Hit | 15 Crt | 25 Wt]
Armor: Unarmored (0 Avd, 0 CEv, 0 Wt)
7-12 Atk | 95 Hit | 25 Crt
50 Avd | 10 CEv
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-2x Medicine [2 Wt] (Cures poison.)
-5x Healing Balm [2 Wt] (Restores 30% HP.)
-2x Healing Potion [5 Wt] (Restores 60% HP.)
-1x Herbal Tea [3 Wt] (Restores 50% MP.)

-Aura Wave [Up to 3 Mana]-
(Current- 11 HP per charge, 2 charges maximum)
Tal calls upon the power of the light to heal his allies. When used, this spell releases a wave of charges of healing up to a maximum of [1+Lvl] charges. Each charge heals for [10+Lvl] HP or one negative status effect other than petrification. One mana is spent for each charge, capping at three mana. [175 AP]

-Grace of Light [1 Mana]-
Tal blesses the target with grace and swiftness, granting them an extra major action at the cost of his minor action. This spell can only be cast once a turn. [140 AP]

-Godly Blessing [1 Mana]-
Tal gathers up all the radiant energy of healing around him and prays for Thor and Elbereth's blessing in a battle. A total of all HP overhealed is counted for Tal's party through any healing effects used by them. Whenever Tal uses this skill, the total goes down to 0, and Tal creates a shield over all of his allies that absorbs an amount of damage equal to the points in the total. [185 AP]


Strength: 0
Skill: 0
Agility: 10
Luck: 10
Constitution: 5
Spirit: 10

Ability Points: 0
[spoiler="Planned Skills/Abilities"]
-Divine Dodge [1 Mana]-
In a burst of divine energy, Tal increases his agility, allowing him to move faster than normally possible. When used, Tal gains speed for a short while. This multiplies his avoid by 2 for the rest of the turn, and can be used for other effects as well. This spell can only be cast once a turn, and uses a minor action. [115 AP]
A figure stands below you, around a foot or two shorter than the average young man's height. Garbed in a regal looking robe is a man that appears to be a mix of a rather short elf and d'warf. With a finely groomed fiery orange beard and hair tied together into complex patterns by gold rings, the man's thick eyebrows and confident expression give him a somewhat regal look. Behind the thick hair, beard, and eyebrows is an angular face and long ears. A golden band is around the man's forehead. The man's eyes are completely bright gold, and he has no pupils- the light from them shines nearly an inch out from his face. While this might seem unnatural or inhuman on one man, the light is not frightening but welcoming, a sign of the vast amount of good contained within this short man. Maybe he has more power than he has control over. The man stands tall and broad for his short figure. He doesn't seem young, even by d'warf standards, but the lack of gray hairs on his head would suggest he isn't old, either.


"Like hell I will, you miserable b******!" Tal's grip on Heron's plating becomes slightly more firm. "Come on, Heron... We have to go. He killed all those people, and it's likely he'll kill us too. I don't want to leave this place alone, nor do I want you to." Tal anxiously waits for Heron's response.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:32 pm
by Shade
  • ToD:....... Midnight
    Weather: Hard Rain

    Heron..... HP: 27/30 . | . MP: 00/05 . | . Front
    Tal.......... HP: 13/20 . | . MP: 04/10 . | . Cover
Suddenly, you hear a a deep male voice right behind you. As you turn around, you see an adult man, but his exact age is very difficult to judge. He is pretty tall, thin, bearded and pretty pale. He is wearing what reminds you of a lab coat - but black instead of white - and is holding a quarterstaff in his left hand.
Spoiler: Heron
This man looks strangely familiar to you. In fact, he looks like a significantly more demented version of Marcus... ...that is, if he hadn't aged during all these years.
"...if that's how it is, then I'll just come to you... ...I will."
He stares at Heron for a while.
"It's a shame. In the end, I have to do everything by myself... ...I have to. Maybe if this wretched half-breed there hadn't been with you... ...if he hadn't, the golem would've been sufficient... ...but it doesn't matter."
He directs his view at the star emblem on Heron's plating and puts on a slightly demented smile.
"...I have finally found a better solution, my dear... ...I finally did. No longer will you need to stay inside this heap of scrap metal... longer..."
He then looks directly into Tal's eyes.
"I just need one more... more. Give me your soul... Give it to me!"
He raises his staff.
Shortly afterwards, some of the corpses on the ground suddenly begin to move - they slowly raise from the soaked ground and position themselves in front of the man, apparently serving as some sort of shield. It is clear that they're not moving on their own - their movements are as lifeless as those of a puppet.
  • =====================================
    Stranger.................... HP: 23/23 . | . MP: 12/18 . | . Cover
    Walking Corpse 1..... HP: 00/00 . | . MP: 15/15 . | . Front
    Walking Corpse 2..... HP: 00/00 . | . MP: 15/15 . | . Front
    Walking Corpse 3..... HP: 00/00 . | . MP: 15/15 . | . Front
    Walking Corpse 4..... HP: 00/00 . | . MP: 15/15 . | . Front

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:01 pm
by Ditto
Tal, Lvl 1 Half-D'warf-Elf Priest [37/100] (Cover)
Image 13/20 [Normal]
Image 4/10 [0 Blessing]
Image 52/65
Weapon: Old Gun [08/20 Ammo] [7-12 Atk | 85 Hit | 15 Crt | 25 Wt]
Armor: Unarmored (0 Avd, 0 CEv, 0 Wt)
7-12 Atk | 95 Hit | 25 Crt
50 Avd | 10 CEv
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-2x Medicine [2 Wt] (Cures poison.)
-5x Healing Balm [2 Wt] (Restores 30% HP.)
-2x Healing Potion [5 Wt] (Restores 60% HP.)
-1x Herbal Tea [3 Wt] (Restores 50% MP.)

-Aura Wave [Up to 3 Mana]-
(Current- 11 HP per charge, 2 charges maximum)
Tal calls upon the power of the light to heal his allies. When used, this spell releases a wave of charges of healing up to a maximum of [1+Lvl] charges. Each charge heals for [10+Lvl] HP or one negative status effect other than petrification. One mana is spent for each charge, capping at three mana. [175 AP]

-Grace of Light [1 Mana]-
Tal blesses the target with grace and swiftness, granting them an extra major action at the cost of his minor action. This spell can only be cast once a turn. [140 AP]

-Serene Stream-
Whenever Tal chooses not to act in battle, he meditates instead to restore his strength. Any time Tal does not use his major action on a turn, he regains one mana.

Strength: 0
Skill: 0
Agility: 10
Luck: 10
Constitution: 5
Spirit: 10

Ability Points: 5
[spoiler="Planned Skills/Abilities"]
-Divine Dodge [1 Mana]-
In a burst of divine energy, Tal increases his agility, allowing him to move faster than normally possible. When used, Tal gains speed for a short while. This multiplies his avoid by 2 for the rest of the turn, and can be used for other effects as well. This spell can only be cast once a turn, and uses a minor action. [115 AP]

-Godly Blessing [1 Mana]-
Tal gathers up all the radiant energy of healing around him and prays for Thor and Elbereth's blessing in a battle. A total of all HP overhealed is counted for Tal's party through any healing effects used by them. Whenever Tal uses this skill, the total goes down to 0, and Tal creates a shield over all of his allies that absorbs an amount of damage equal to the points in the total. [185 AP]
A figure stands below you, around a foot or two shorter than the average young man's height. Garbed in a regal looking robe is a man that appears to be a mix of a rather short elf and d'warf. With a finely groomed fiery orange beard and hair tied together into complex patterns by gold rings, the man's thick eyebrows and confident expression give him a somewhat regal look. Behind the thick hair, beard, and eyebrows is an angular face and long ears. A golden band is around the man's forehead. The man's eyes are completely bright gold, and he has no pupils- the light from them shines nearly an inch out from his face. While this might seem unnatural or inhuman on one man, the light is not frightening but welcoming, a sign of the vast amount of good contained within this short man. Maybe he has more power than he has control over. The man stands tall and broad for his short figure. He doesn't seem young, even by d'warf standards, but the lack of gray hairs on his head would suggest he isn't old, either.


Tal bites his lip when Heron doesn't move. "...Damn it. I'd rather take my chances against whatever is in that building with allies than alone, I suppose."

Tal slips out the rifle as soon as he hears the man's voice, but conceals it within his robes. When the man says about Heron being inside a heap of scrap metal and calls him a 'wretched half breed', Tal feels his hand on the gun shake, and when he demands Tal's soul, he decides he's had enough. When the corpses rise from the ground, Tal climbs up Heron's plating, and, in an effort to breach the human shield the risen bodies are making, discharges a shot into the man's head from the highest point on Heron's body that is possible, in an effort to knock him out... or kill him. He hoped it wouldn't kill the man, insane or not, but if it had to happen in order to knock him unconscious, so be it. "I'd like to propose a more elegant solution that doesn't involve killing someone who apparently seems to be one of your loved ones. If you cancel whatever spell is animating those corpses, I'll heal you and we'll discuss a less violent method of removing Heron from whatever armor he or she is trapped in. If you don't, then this gun will be considerably emptier by the end of the day, and an unnecessary death will have occurred. I assure you no one here wants to die or kill anyone else."

Dropped Godly Blessing (Overhealing ain't really an issue right now) and picked up the 180 AP version of Serene Stream.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:47 pm
by Shade
  • ToD:....... Midnight
    Weather: Hard Rain

    Heron..... HP: 22/30 . | . MP: 00/05 . | . Front
    Tal.......... HP: 02/20 . | . MP: 04/10 . | . Cover
For the sake of progress, I'll just skip Cimeries, as besides attacking one of the corpses, there's not a whole lot Heron can do right now anyway.
  • Tal shoots the stranger (7-12 Atk, 60 Hit, 13 Crt): Critical Hit! 12 damage!
    (Ammo left: 7)
  • Heron attacks Walking Corpse 1 (11-13 Atk, 99 Hit, 24 Crt): Critical Hit! 22 damage!
    Heron's attack slices the corpse in half. Needless to say, it stops moving.
"You know nothing, half-breed... don't. They say that eyes are the mirror of your soul... ...they say that. If you want to claim someone's soul, you have to remove their eyes either while they're still alive, or shortly after their death. But where is your soul when you don't have eyes... ...where is it? Can you see the coherencies... ...can you see them?"
He breaks into laughter.
"Your soul is the final ingredient needed for her revival!!"
  • The stranger casts Nosferatu against Tal (3 MP | 10-14 Atk, 50 Hit, 0 Crt): Hit! 11 damage!
    ---> The stranger recovers 11 HP.
    When the stranger rises his staff, you feel a sudden pain from your heart. It feels as if something was trying to rip it out of your chest. You feel that your life force is being drained away... ...and at the same time, you can see the stranger's wounds recovering at an insane rate, until only a little scratch is left where your bullet hit him.
  • Walking Corpse 2 attacks Heron (3-6 Atk, 52 Hit, 6 Crt): Miss.
  • Walking Corpse 3 attacks Heron (3-6 Atk, 52 Hit, 6 Crt): Hit! 5 damage!
  • Walking Corpse 4 attacks Heron (3-6 Atk, 52 Hit, 6 Crt): Miss.
"The dark arts are superior to any other school of magic... They are. You are foolish to think that your puny bullets can harm me!"
  • =====================================
    Stranger.................... HP: 22/23 . | . MP: 09/18 . | . Cover
    Walking Corpse 1..... HP: 00/00 . | . MP: 00/15 . | . Front
    Walking Corpse 2..... HP: 00/00 . | . MP: 15/15 . | . Front
    Walking Corpse 3..... HP: 00/00 . | . MP: 15/15 . | . Front
    Walking Corpse 4..... HP: 00/00 . | . MP: 15/15 . | . Front

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:14 pm
by Cimeries
Heron, Lv1 [37] (Front)
Image 22/30
Image 00/05
Wt: 55/70
11-13 Atk | 99 Hit | 24 Crt
28 Avd | 05 CEv
Weapon: Makeshift Voulge [6 - 8 Atk | 75 Hit | 20 Crt | 21 Wt]
Armor: Composite Plating [20 Avd | 05 CEv]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
- None (0 Wt | Effect)
[list] - 6 Scrap Metals ___ (3 Wt)
- 4 Crafting Supplies (4 Wt)[/list]Skills[list]Repair [1 MP]: Repairs SKLx2 damage to self (or other metal constructs if such present themselves). This can also be used to undo 1 "rank" of damage on a weapon degraded by the Juggernaut ability.
Requires 1 Scrap Metal. Scrap metals are collected at the end of a fight from leftovers of broken enemy armor and weapons. May only be used outside of combat. 60 AP

Augment [3 MP]: Adds a small bonus of choice (1 atk, +5 Hit/avd, etc.) to a metal weapon or armor. Requires 3 Crafting Supplies to use, which Heron will salvage after battle. Heron's Composite Plating cannot be augmented.
Augmenting a piece of equipment will permanently increase its weight by 1. 125 AP[/list]
Abilities/Traits[list]Composite Plating: Heron's body is covered in and, in fact, made of armor. His plating acts as his body armor, and confers 20 Avd and 5 CEv. It also reduces his carrying capacity by 60 due to its weight. Heron can't equip normal body armor due to his size. 150 AP

Living Construct: Recovery items only affect Heron if they are of a magical nature (like potions, but not medicine, food, etc.) and only offer 50% of their standard effect when used on Heron, due to his mechanical nature. Heron does not regain consciousness until his HP is positive again (>0) when knocked out, and can go into the negative numbers as his plating simply breaks further. +45 AP

Juggernaut: Heron's massive frame and tough, jagged metal body are every swordsman's worst nightmare. Whenever Heron is hit by a melee weapon, that weapon is chipped and ruined, losing 1 Atk and 5 Hit permanently. This malus stacks up to 3 times. 175 AP[/list]Stats:
POW: 10
SKL: 8
AGI: 2
LUK: 0
CON: 10
SPI: 5

AP: 035

- If MP >=3 and supplies are adequate, before resting, use leftover MP to Augment.

Description: What you thought at first to be a knight or an armored warrior appears to be a mechanical humanoid of some kind.

Lurching over you is a monstrosity of steel and wood, the eerie blue glow emanating from its eyes pierces the darkness. The glow seems surprisingly sentient and intelligent, almost possessed.

The construct is clad in tough, jagged metal plating. On its chest, an unusual design: A shining blue eight-tipped star, bearing black eyes and nasal holes. The emblem is disturbing to look at, despite bearing fairy common symbolism.

ImageImage[spoiler="Background:"]Some years before the events of Day Zero, Heron awoke to find himself standing in some kind of basement full of alchemical, arcane and forging equipment. A tall, thin, bearded, and pale looking man in black robes stood in front of him, holding a thick open tome, in one hand, and leaning on his quarterstaff with the other. He was observing Heron.

Heron? Was that his name? He tried to remember how he could have gotten here, or who this man was, he seemed familiar somehow, but he couldn't recall anything about that. In fact, he couldn't recall anything about any topic at all. It is as if he was just born, fully aware and intelligent.

He knew this wasn't right. How could this be? He held his arms up. They felt heavy, they were made of metal. That fact seemed odd to him, even though he couldn't tell why. The pale man finally set his tome on a nearby desk and explained everything:

It seems that Heron was a golem, created to serve his maker, in this case, the robed man, who introduced himself as Marcus.
Heron served as his laborer and forging assistant. Marcus was an artificer, a creator of magically enchanted equipment, but as his former assistant recently perished, and Marcus was in no physical condition to be doing the actual metalworking aspect of his craft, he created Heron to assist him. And so Heron did. He wasn't sure why, but he had mixed feelings of compassion and hatred for Marcus. He had served Marcus for several years this way.

Following the events of Day Zero, Marcus disappeared and left Heron alone in his workshop. Not knowing what to do with himself, he returned to the laboratory where he was forged, set himself down, and let his consciousness drift away. A form of sleep, if you can call it that.

However, recently, some 50 years later, in the empty ransacked laboratory, something has awoken Heron again.
Heron remembered.

Shortly before the hibernation, Heron recalled coming across a tome with elaborate notes and sketches of the design of his body. Except that only now it dawned on him, at the time of that memory, his body wasn't made of metal! He had a different one. A body of flesh and blood.

He tried his best to remember. The glow in his eyes gradually dimmed as he dug deeper and deeper into his psyche. He didn't want to believe what was happening, there must be an explanation for this.

The emblem in his chest stretched out, erupting, trying to set loose. Heron felt pain for the first time since he was put in this metal shell.
After several painful seconds, the emblem gave up its attempt to rip itself out and quited down.
When he focused his vision again, he saw that Tal had climbed on him to shoot. He stood up, with Tal still mounting him, raised his voulge, and sliced one of the walking dead in half in a fit of rage.
He wasn't a golem, golems don't feel emotions, they don't feel pain. He was a person once, and Marcus did something to him. Heron's eyes glew more fiercely with every passing moment.

"I want answers."
His voice shifted to an unnerving feminine voice, sweet like the song of a bird, on the verge of tears.
"What did you do to me?! What was I?!!"

He lashed out at the same corpse that hit him. (#3)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:19 pm
by Ditto
Tal, Lvl 1 Half-D'warf-Elf Priest [37/100] (Cover)
Image 02/20 [Normal]
Image 5/10
Image 47/65
Weapon: Old Gun [08/20 Ammo] [7-12 Atk | 85 Hit | 15 Crt | 25 Wt]
Armor: Unarmored (0 Avd, 0 CEv, 0 Wt)
7-12 Atk | 95 Hit | 25 Crt
50 Avd | 10 CEv
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
-2x Medicine [2 Wt] (Cures poison.)
-5x Healing Balm [2 Wt] (Restores 30% HP.)
-2x Healing Potion [5 Wt] (Restores 60% HP.)
-1x Herbal Tea [3 Wt] (Restores 50% MP.)

-Aura Wave [Up to 3 Mana]-
(Current- 11 HP per charge, 2 charges maximum)
Tal calls upon the power of the light to heal his allies. When used, this spell releases a wave of charges of healing up to a maximum of [1+Lvl] charges. Each charge heals for [10+Lvl] HP or one negative status effect other than petrification. One mana is spent for each charge, capping at three mana. [175 AP]

-Grace of Light [1 Mana]-
Tal blesses the target with grace and swiftness, granting them an extra major action at the cost of his minor action. This spell can only be cast once a turn. [140 AP]

-Serene Stream-
Whenever Tal chooses not to act in battle, he meditates instead to restore his strength. Any time Tal does not use his major action on a turn, he regains one mana.

Strength: 0
Skill: 0
Agility: 10
Luck: 10
Constitution: 5
Spirit: 10

Ability Points: 5
[spoiler="Planned Skills/Abilities"]
-Divine Dodge [1 Mana]-
In a burst of divine energy, Tal increases his agility, allowing him to move faster than normally possible. When used, Tal gains speed for a short while. This multiplies his avoid by 2 for the rest of the turn, and can be used for other effects as well. This spell can only be cast once a turn, and uses a minor action. [115 AP]

-Godly Blessing [1 Mana]-
Tal gathers up all the radiant energy of healing around him and prays for Thor and Elbereth's blessing in a battle. A total of all HP overhealed is counted for Tal's party through any healing effects used by them. Whenever Tal uses this skill, the total goes down to 0, and Tal creates a shield over all of his allies that absorbs an amount of damage equal to the points in the total. [185 AP]
A figure stands below you, around a foot or two shorter than the average young man's height. Garbed in a regal looking robe is a man that appears to be a mix of a rather short elf and d'warf. With a finely groomed fiery orange beard and hair tied together into complex patterns by gold rings, the man's thick eyebrows and confident expression give him a somewhat regal look. Behind the thick hair, beard, and eyebrows is an angular face and long ears. A golden band is around the man's forehead. The man's eyes are completely bright gold, and he has no pupils- the light from them shines nearly an inch out from his face. While this might seem unnatural or inhuman on one man, the light is not frightening but welcoming, a sign of the vast amount of good contained within this short man. Maybe he has more power than he has control over. The man stands tall and broad for his short figure. He doesn't seem young, even by d'warf standards, but the lack of gray hairs on his head would suggest he isn't old, either.


Ugh, great. The best part of amnesia truly was remembering how much pain tended to hurt. Deciding it's as good a time as ever, Tal gulps down one of the healing potions, and his wounds seal up within a few seconds. This was terrible... how the hell was he supposed to kill someone who could just re-heal all the damage he dealt to him while simultaneously killing him?

Suddenly, as Tal drinks the potion, golden light starts to glow from his hands, streaming up towards his chest, and then towards his head, bathing his entire body in a glow of light for a second. Tal snaps, and a spark of light erupts from the noise, echoing with a perfect chord. Apparently the potion had done something to his system... power that he formerly had to search for in the corners of his mind now flowed through it openly, allowing him to reach it much more easily. That should make this battle easier.

Fancy way of explaining the dump of godly blessing and pickup of Serene Stream. (Don't complain at me, I never used it once.)

So, Heron was a she. He never would have guessed it himself... but then again, it shouldn't have been a surprise, given giant suits of iron are usually fairly androgynous. And this poor maniac was in love with her. Tal wouldn't have minded... if it weren't for the fact that it was blinding him to the obvious. "Yes, they are superior to any other form of magic. But that superiority has the steep cost of your morality, and the steeper cost of human lives. How much pain are you willing to put people through to achieve your goals? Are you willing to selfishly put someone you love through a painful death just so you can have what you want? You know that isn't what she wants. This madness has to stop... you have to find another way."