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Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:11 pm
by aleco614
Not just like torrent... no charge time whatsoever. Overpowered, I'd say.

I enjoy mini-APing.

"Mini-APing" comes from the word "Mini-Modding", btw.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:06 pm
by Shade
aleco614 wrote:Not just like torrent... no charge time whatsoever. Overpowered, I'd say.
What are you talking about? Pyro Wave? Overpowered? You did notice that the MP cost is extremely high, right? Using it once against four enemies takes 24 MP. And 28 damage won´t kill them.
If 28 damage for 6 MP against an enemy sounds overpowered to you, look at that berserker dude. He can do 20+ damage per hit for no MP cost whatsoever.
The high damage just comes from my high MAG stat, and we all had the same amount of points to spend on our stats, so it can´t actually be overpowered. If it turns out to work well on my character, it simply was clever distribution.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:57 am
by ShellShocker
Clonkinator doesn't really seem to have overpowered stats. I mean, compare with the others and it seems perfectly fine to me. It is also powerful because he decided to put such a high MAG with doesn't keep other stats that high. Plus, it's just a Forum PnP, it isn't as serious as the other PnPs so there's no real need to fuss. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:14 pm
by aleco614
Clonkinator wrote:
aleco614 wrote:Not just like torrent... no charge time whatsoever. Overpowered, I'd say.
What are you talking about? Pyro Wave? Overpowered? You did notice that the MP cost is extremely high, right? Using it once against four enemies takes 24 MP. And 28 damage won´t kill them.
If 28 damage for 6 MP against an enemy sounds overpowered to you, look at that berserker dude. He can do 20+ damage per hit for no MP cost whatsoever.
The high damage just comes from my high MAG stat, and we all had the same amount of points to spend on our stats, so it can´t actually be overpowered. If it turns out to work well on my character, it simply was clever distribution.
Yes, but the power of the skill comes from the fact that it has nearly unlimited power in large scale battles once you get more MP and a few mana potions, being able to do 28 or more damage to around every unit. Regardless of cost, it's still pretty much an "instant do tons of damage" skill in danger.

It doesnt matter, anyway. AoD doesnt give a crap about what i say here.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:30 pm
by Shade
aleco614 wrote:
Clonkinator wrote:
aleco614 wrote:Not just like torrent... no charge time whatsoever. Overpowered, I'd say.
What are you talking about? Pyro Wave? Overpowered? You did notice that the MP cost is extremely high, right? Using it once against four enemies takes 24 MP. And 28 damage won´t kill them.
If 28 damage for 6 MP against an enemy sounds overpowered to you, look at that berserker dude. He can do 20+ damage per hit for no MP cost whatsoever.
The high damage just comes from my high MAG stat, and we all had the same amount of points to spend on our stats, so it can´t actually be overpowered. If it turns out to work well on my character, it simply was clever distribution.
Yes, but the power of the skill comes from the fact that it has nearly unlimited power in large scale battles once you get more MP and a few mana potions, being able to do 28 or more damage to around every unit. Regardless of cost, it's still pretty much an "instant do tons of damage" skill in danger.

It doesnt matter, anyway. AoD doesnt give a crap about what i say here.
Later when I have more MP, the enemies will also have more HP. I will then likely need three or more hits on them to kill, and I can target multiple enemies, but not the same enemy multiple times in the same turn.
As far as I know, skills are supposed to be useful, right? It simply is a target-all spell that costs less MP the fewer enemies there are.
Also, I don´t get the comparison to Torrent. Torrent was horribly weak because of the charge time, but also took much fewer AP to learn. Pyro Wave and Torrent are two completely different skills, so would you please quit whining about my skill actually having the potential to be remotely useful?

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:08 pm
by Shade
Alright, so when will I be able to join? I want to fry some snow troll behinds! :?

Clonkinator, Lv1 Wizard Of The Pen (Cover)
HP: 17/17
MP: 33/33
XP: 0000
AP: 40
08 Atk | 102 Hit | 18 Crt
05 Def | 08 Res | 30 Avd
Weapon: Master Frying Pen (7 Atk, 90 Hit, 15 Crt, ignores range)
Armor: Wizard's Cloak (1 Def, 2 Res, 20 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Gold: 0
Items (2/7):
- x03 Jinxed Mana Potion (Restores all MP, but halves remaining HP)
- x02 Jinxed Life Potion (Restores all HP, but halves remaining MP)
- Pyro Touch (3 MP / Turn): Can only be used from melee range. Clonks runs up to the target, grabs it and fries it with strong fire magic focussed into his hands. Deals [MAG x 1.2] fire damage per turn and prevents both Clonks and the target from doing anything for as long as the attack lasts. Clonks himself, however, can abort the attack anytime he wishes to and then still do something else in that turn.
- Pyro Wave (6 MP / Target): Clonks creates a wave of incredible heat, capable of melting even solid rock. Can target any amount of targets Clonks wishes to target as long as his MP suffice and deals [MAG x 2] fire damage to them.
- Dark Power: Whenever Clonks scores a critical hit with any of his attacks, skills or spells, his MP are restored by a third of the total damage dealt to all targets.
STR: 1
MAG: 14
SKL: 6
AGI: 5
DEF: 4
RES: 6
VIT: 5
MEN: 9

Fire: 50%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Water: -100%

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:39 pm
by Agent of Dread
Right now! :)
EDIT: No, I could be a while, unless pf5234 miraculously goes unAFK and deletes/changes his post and Ben edits his like they want to. I have school in like 10 minutes.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:23 am
by Agent of Dread
@Clonk: Oh, no, leave 'em there. :P

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:15 am
by Shade
Whatever you say, master. :?
*drops the shards where he got them*

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:37 pm
by Shade
Some stuff:
I just thought of a better, more suitable name for the Safety Net ability I was planning to get at some point:

- Savestates: An attack cannot send Clonks to below 1 HP unless he already is at 1 HP. Damn right, he's a cheater and you can't do anything about it! (100 AP)

Also, how much AP for the following (I know I won't be able to get them just yet, I simply want to know how much AP I need to save for them):

- Flux (7 MP / Target): Clonks causes the laws of nature to collapse for a brief moment, causing his targets to get dizzy and disoriented. Stuns all targets for 3 of their own turns (if the attack hits), making them unable to do anything.

- Sacrifice (0 MP): Completely restores all of Clonks' HP and MP, but permanently lowers his max. HP by 1. Cannot be used if Clonks' max. HP is 1.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:34 pm
by Agent of Dread
Yeah, add that improvement if you want.

I'd say Flux is... 100 AP? The cost is a bit highish.

I wouldn't allow sacrifice - no permanent harm can come to oneself through skills.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:22 pm
by Shade
Agent of Dread wrote:I'd say Flux is... 100 AP? The cost is a bit highish.
Sounds good; will take it once I reach level 3.
Agent of Dread wrote:I wouldn't allow sacrifice - no permanent harm can come to oneself through skills.
Meh, too bad. And I thought I had finally come up with a devilishly clever skill. :/

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:15 pm
by Cimeries
Agent of Dread wrote:no permanent harm can come to oneself through skills.
Nothing is currently preventing me from killing myself with a rain of magical swords.

Last time I checked, death is a pretty permanent harm.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:37 am
by Agent of Dread
...Fine, no stat-based harm. Not permanent.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:13 am
by Cimeries
How about if he lost 25% of his max HP and MP for a certain duration?