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Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:05 am
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [Req: +3 Str, 2H]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Reylos' response, being more or less the same thing Hana said to Tabithe, and that Tabithe herself fretted over with Reylos -- causes Tabithe to give a wry laugh. They're all three of them too selfless for their own goods, aren't they?

Then, Hana takes pause to ask about Reylos too! Tabithe just can't stop her cheeks from tugging at her lips, and she makes a bewildered sigh through the heartfelt grin.
"We're all fine, just fine. And if someone isn't, we're all chomping at the bit to be there for them! Whoever's idea was it to give the three of us such big hearts?"
Eventually she shakes her head, a little sheepish when she realises that her musing turned to a bit of an outburst, and fixes her gaze on Hana.
"Anyway... Reylos is right. It sounds like your situation goes a bit above and beyond all that--"
Tabithe recalls Hana's distinctive uncertainty about some of her past -- and realises that she might not have the whole story for them.
"What can you tell us?"

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:01 am
by penguinflyer2222
Reylos, Lvl 1.49
HP: 13/13
SP: 2/2

+2 DMG| +4 HIT | +4 AC | +6 MR | +5 INIT

Main: Long Dagger [1-5 dmg]
Alt: Shortbow [2-4 dmg] (Arrows [18/50])
Armor [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [8/10]:
[4/5] Healing Flasks (Heals 5 HP)
[1/5] Antivenom (Heals 10 poison damages)
[5/5] Food Ration (5 qualities)
[5/5] Ropes
[2/5] Armor Kit (+2 AC)
[1/5] Whetstone (+1 DMG)
[1/5] Iron Knife
Empty bottle of poison

Spells [2/2]:
Enduring Inferno: Toss Fire at an enemy (which then engulfs them).
-> A fire-based projectile attack with [DEX ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target is engulfed in flames, dealing [2d4 ± WIL] fire damage immediately
and an additional [1d3 ± WIL/3] fire damage per turn for [3 ± INT/3] turns.
Crashing Wave: Fling a wall of Water at an enemy.
-> A water-based projectile attack with [WIL ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target takes [2d6 ± WIL] water damage and has to pass a VIT check against the caster's WIL.
If they fail, they are additionally stunned for a turn.

Abilities: [335/350AP]
Silence [2/2] [Active] [40x2 AP]:
-> Strike a weak point with a dagger. Does Maximized damage and immobilizes enemy for their next turn.

Precision [Passive] [100 AP]: Know where to strike..
-> Daggers use DEX instead of STR for calculating +DMG and +Hit.

Last Shot [1/1] [Active] [60 AP]:
-> Throw a dagger at an enemy for 2x Maximized damage.
Hopefully they'll give it back afterward..

Shooting Cinders [Sustained] [40 AP]: Ignite arrows.
-> Arrows deal Fire damage but they will be burnt to ash and unrecoverable afterwards.
+20 AP per +1dmg.

Recover Fire [Passive] [15AP]:
-> Recover %50 of spent arrows after battle.
40 AP for 100%.

Fletchery [Camping] [50 AP]:
-> Craft [10 ± DEX] arrows.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
At Tabithe's outburst, Reylos actually laughs.
(She's right... we can't just all go around pretending we're fine when we're clearly not.
Maybe I should tell them.. about this.
Even though it's not important for them to know, I should still explain...
If Hana does, then I will.)
At Tabithe's outburst, Reylos actually laughs.
It's a short laugh, and her face soon becomes serious, maybe even determined.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:53 pm
by Shade
Hana, Lv 1.52
HP: 08/12 08
MP: ★★★
FP: ►►►►►
±0 Dmg | -2 Hit | +2 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
[ ▼ -1 PER | ▼ -4 VIT ]
  • 1 Dryad's Curse
  • Oak Staff [1-3 Dmg, +1 AC, 2h]
  • -
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
[list][*] -
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Healing Flask (Heals 5 HP)
[*] [ 1 / 5 ] Antivenom (Removes 10 stacks of poison damage)
[*] [ 3 / 5 ] Food Ration (Quality: 5)
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Torch
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Rope
[*] [ 4 / 5 ] Iron Knife (1-4 Dmg)
[*] -
[*] -
[*] -[/list]

[list][*]Nature's Blessing
-> Removes most types of status ailments and debuffs from the target and additionally restores [1d6 ± WIL] HP.
-> Forces all enemies to make an [AGI ± VIT] check vs the caster's [DEX ± WIL]. Any targets failing the check are immobilized for [2 ± INT/5] turns and lose their AC dodge bonus for the duration of the effect.
[*]Animate Weapon
-> The target has to be an inanimate object that can be used as a weapon.
The target object is animated, receives the ability to fly and is under control of the caster.
The object is treated as a targetable member of battle with [10 ± INT/2 ± WIL] HP, [INT] AC and [INT ± WIL] Init and has complete immunity to status ailments and debuffs, but cannot be healed.
Offensively, it deals damage equal to [its innate Dmg range ± WIL/2] and has Hit equal to [its innate Hit stat ± INT]. Animated objects cannot perform maneuvers and thus have no MR stat.
The target object remains animated until its HP drop to 0 or it is manually dismissed by the caster. In both cases, the object crumbles to dust and cannot be retrieved.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains animated, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.
[*]Enchant Weapon
-> The target has to be an object that can be used as a weapon. (It can be animated.)
The target object is enchanted with magic, bestowing a [WIL/2] bonus to Dmg and an [INT] bonus to Hit upon it. If desired, it can additionally receive an elemental affinity.
The target object remains enchanted until it is destroyed or the enchantment is manually cancelled.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains enchanted, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.[/list]

Abilities (275/350 AP spent):
[list][*]Dryad's Curse [ Active ] [ 100 AP ]
-> This ability can only be used if the effects of "Wilting Flower" are not currently suppressed by medicine.
Forces all enemies to make a WIL check against Hana's WIL+2.
If they succeed, they are stunned for a turn.
If they fail, they (as well as all of their possessions) are permanently transformed into inanimate plants, thus eliminating them from combat. The type of plant is dependent on the target's characteristics and can be anything from a flower to a tree.
However, using this ability damages Hana's VIT by 5 and causes an immediate VIT check from "Wilting Flower".
Furthermore, this ability has no effect on embodiments of the forest, as well as spirits and other entities without a corporeal form.
[*]Phantasmal Barrier [ Active ] [ 80 AP / use ] [ Not learned ]
-> Grants the target a shield capable of distorting and defying reality, inverting all harmful effects of the next hit taken (damage becomes healing, debuffs become buffs, etc.).
If an effect cannot be converted into something positive, it is instead nullified altogether.

[*]Mirror Veil [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
-> While active, as long as Hana has at least one spellpoint remaining, any projectile-based attack or spell aimed at Hana's party first has to pass a WIL vs. WIL check against Hana. If the attacker fails this check, one of Hana's spellpoints is consumed and the attack is reflected back at the attacker (and their allies, if applicable) with 50% increased potency and an additional +5 bonus to Hit.
This ability is automatically disabled if Hana runs out of spellpoints.
[*]Gift of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
-> Hana has the ability to regenerate mana at an unnatural rate while resting.
During combat, as long as Hana has no sustained abilities active, any unused minor action generates 1 Focus Point, while any unused major action generates 2. Every hour passed outside of combat also generates 1 Focus Point, or 2 while camping.
Every set of 5 Focus Points is automatically converted to a spellpoint.
Focus points will not accumulate if Hana isn't actually missing any spellpoints, and Focus Points that would go beyond Hana's spellpoint cap are lost.
[*]Pact of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 100 AP ]
-> Hana is accompanied by two familiars at all times, which take the form of sentient glowing orbs with transculent wings resembling those of a butterfly, roughly the size of a fist. They're beings of pure magic, sustained by Hana's mana - they cannot leave her vicinity for more than a few minutes at a time, and if she dies, they will disappear.
They do, however, have their own will and reasoning, and although they will try to protect Hana to the best of their abilities, she does not have direct control over them.
The white one, called Lux, will cast supportive magic to bolster the strength and defenses of Hana and her allies, choosing from a variety of buffs and other trickery.
The black one, called Nox, will cast disruptive magic to weaken Hana's foes, trying to inflict a variety of status ailments and debuffs.
Both of them will act independently from Hana - once per turn each - and share her attributes to determine the effectiveness of their spells.
Although these familiars do not require enough mana to actively drain Hana's reserves, they do take up some magical power that she can never tap into, lowering her maximum spell points by 2.
If the maximum spell point reduction from this ability were to somehow drop Hana's maximum spell points to -1 or less, her familiars will disappear and she will lose consciousness until she regains enough maximum spell points to sustain them.
[*]Wilting Flower [ Passive ] [ +75 AP ]
-> Hana suffers from an incurable disease that is slowly eating away at her life.
Its effects can be suppressed with special medicine, but will begin anew as soon as she goes for a full day without.
When not under the effects of the medicine...
- ...she receives one point of attribute damage to a random attribute whenever she takes HP damage.
- ...HP and attribute damage will not regenerate through natural means. (Potions, spells, etc. will still work as normal.)
- ...she periodically (roughly once per day) has to pass a VIT check against a DC of 10; if she fails it, her VIT is damaged by 1d4 and her max HP are affected accordingly. If this drops her VIT to -6 or less, she will additionally pass out for a few hours. If Hana fails three or more of these checks and passes out as a result, she dies.
Taking medicine will reset the number of failed checks, and resting while under the effects of the medicine will allow Hana to recover HP and attribute damage as normal.
Hana (as well as anyone else with basic knowledge of medicine and/or herbs) is capable of making this medicine herself given the right ingredients, a spellpoint and an hour of time.[/list]

-2 Strength
±0 Dexterity
+2 Agility
-3 Vitality
+5 Intellect
+5 Willpower
±0 Perception
Hana tilted her head a little and gave an embarassed smile. She wasn't entirely convinced that Reylos was 'fine', but Tabithe was right - if all of them were unwilling to share their worries with each other they were never going to get anywhere, so someone had to start.
"Right... I probably should have told you about this sooner, but I didn't want to sour the mood..."
Her smile faded.
"The thing is, I'm ill, and I've been for as long as I can remember. It's a cruel kind of illness - one that just silently eats away at me. I'm not in pain or anything, but if I neglect to take my medicine for more than a day, I eventually get dizzy or pass out."
...or worse.
With a heavy sigh, she finally took her medicine. If only it wasn't so bitter...
"I've actually had this medicine on me this whole time, but I got distracted with this saving the world thing the king shoved onto us, haha...
...however, this was the last one I had, so I'll need to procure more tomorrow. I'd like to try my luck at the apothecary, but they likely don't carry the specific blend I need, so I'll probably have to go look for the ingredients and make it myself."

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:43 am
by penguinflyer2222
Reylos, Lvl 1.49
HP: 13/13
SP: 2/2

+2 DMG| +4 HIT | +4 AC | +6 MR | +5 INIT

Main: Long Dagger [1-5 dmg]
Alt: Shortbow [2-4 dmg] (Arrows [18/50])
Armor [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [8/10]:
[4/5] Healing Flasks (Heals 5 HP)
[1/5] Antivenom (Heals 10 poison damages)
[5/5] Food Ration (5 qualities)
[5/5] Ropes
[2/5] Armor Kit (+2 AC)
[1/5] Whetstone (+1 DMG)
[1/5] Iron Knife
Empty bottle of poison

Spells [2/2]:
Enduring Inferno: Toss Fire at an enemy (which then engulfs them).
-> A fire-based projectile attack with [DEX ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target is engulfed in flames, dealing [2d4 ± WIL] fire damage immediately
and an additional [1d3 ± WIL/3] fire damage per turn for [3 ± INT/3] turns.
Crashing Wave: Fling a wall of Water at an enemy.
-> A water-based projectile attack with [WIL ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target takes [2d6 ± WIL] water damage and has to pass a VIT check against the caster's WIL.
If they fail, they are additionally stunned for a turn.

Abilities: [335/350AP]
Silence [2/2] [Active] [40x2 AP]:
-> Strike a weak point with a dagger. Does Maximized damage and immobilizes enemy for their next turn.

Precision [Passive] [100 AP]: Know where to strike..
-> Daggers use DEX instead of STR for calculating +DMG and +Hit.

Last Shot [1/1] [Active] [60 AP]:
-> Throw a dagger at an enemy for 2x Maximized damage.
Hopefully they'll give it back afterward..

Shooting Cinders [Sustained] [40 AP]: Ignite arrows.
-> Arrows deal Fire damage but they will be burnt to ash and unrecoverable afterwards.
+20 AP per +1dmg.

Recover Fire [Passive] [15AP]:
-> Recover %50 of spent arrows after battle.
40 AP for 100%.

Fletchery [Camping] [50 AP]:
-> Craft [10 ± DEX] arrows.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
Reylos stares at the wall as Hana speaks, her face a carefully impassive mask.
(So it's true.. a sort of chronic illness.
But its effects seem manageable...
...So why do I get the feeling there's still something she's neglecting to tell us?)

She closes her eyes.
(Not that I can say any better...)

Hana takes the medicine, and informs them that she'll need more --
it was her last one.

(The apothecary should be pretty well-stocked.
This is a trading city, after all.
And we're not exactly low on funds...

I just wonder... if it's treatable, surely it should be curable..
Through some means.)
Reylos listens silently, staring at the wall, her face an impassive mask.
When Hana pauses to take the medicine, she closes her eyes.

Advancing the conversation, that's me
(Waiting for Tabithe's response)

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:29 am
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [Req: +3 Str, 2H]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Hana lays out the circumstances that she's grappled with right up to and through their journey to Salcea today. Tabithe is impressed by how clinically she deals with it for her age... but then again, she thinks, when it affects you every day like that, it's probably a necessity. She feels a pang of shame for her part in the excitement and bustling that lead Hana to lose track of taking her medicine -- though by the look she makes while drinking it, it seems she'd rather avoid it regardless, were it so simple. All that aside, though, the part that truly amazes Tabithe...
"You really are a fighter, you know? It takes a lot to face down a situation like that and say 'you're not getting me that easily -- even if I have to make the medicine myself'!"
Realising that she might still feel in more good cheer than the situation calls for, she eases off, rubbing her nose as she sits down on the end of the bed, Reylos having claimed the only chair.
"At least, I would assume... But hey, for as long as we're all on this grand quest, you've got two equally capable pairs of hands to help make as much of your medicine as it takes. Doesn't she, Reylos?"
It's only as she says this that Tabithe looks over and sees the contemplative look on Reylos' face. She seems to be pre-empting something of her own, so Tabithe quiets down and lets her speak.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:45 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Reylos, Lvl 1.49
HP: 13/13
SP: 2/2

+2 DMG| +4 HIT | +4 AC | +6 MR | +5 INIT

Main: Long Dagger [1-5 dmg]
Alt: Shortbow [2-4 dmg] (Arrows [18/50])
Armor [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [8/10]:
[4/5] Healing Flasks (Heals 5 HP)
[1/5] Antivenom (Heals 10 poison damages)
[5/5] Food Ration (5 qualities)
[5/5] Ropes
[2/5] Armor Kit (+2 AC)
[1/5] Whetstone (+1 DMG)
[1/5] Iron Knife
Empty bottle of poison

Spells [2/2]:
Enduring Inferno: Toss Fire at an enemy (which then engulfs them).
-> A fire-based projectile attack with [DEX ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target is engulfed in flames, dealing [2d4 ± WIL] fire damage immediately
and an additional [1d3 ± WIL/3] fire damage per turn for [3 ± INT/3] turns.
Crashing Wave: Fling a wall of Water at an enemy.
-> A water-based projectile attack with [WIL ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target takes [2d6 ± WIL] water damage and has to pass a VIT check against the caster's WIL.
If they fail, they are additionally stunned for a turn.

Abilities: [335/350AP]
Silence [2/2] [Active] [40x2 AP]:
-> Strike a weak point with a dagger. Does Maximized damage and immobilizes enemy for their next turn.

Precision [Passive] [100 AP]: Know where to strike..
-> Daggers use DEX instead of STR for calculating +DMG and +Hit.

Last Shot [1/1] [Active] [60 AP]:
-> Throw a dagger at an enemy for 2x Maximized damage.
Hopefully they'll give it back afterward..

Shooting Cinders [Sustained] [40 AP]: Ignite arrows.
-> Arrows deal Fire damage but they will be burnt to ash and unrecoverable afterwards.
+20 AP per +1dmg.

Recover Fire [Passive] [15AP]:
-> Recover %50 of spent arrows after battle.
40 AP for 100%.

Fletchery [Camping] [50 AP]:
-> Craft [10 ± DEX] arrows.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
We'll go to the apothecary tomorrow."

Reylos opens her eyes, realizing she took Tabithe's chair.
(I guess it's my turn...)

She addresses both of them.
"I suppose I should explain about earlier...
Hana, when I saw you lying there,
I remembered something I'd rather not have."

She pauses, gathering her courage.
"..I had a brother. He was sickly, as well.
When he was ill, I often stood next to his bedside,
unable to help...
And one time, he did not get well again.
It was years ago, but suddenly I was there again...
so I ran."

She pauses again, finished.
"And that's... that's why."
(So please... just forget about it.
I'm perfectly all right... now, at least.)
We'll go to the apothecary tomorrow."

After a moment, Reylos opens her eyes and addresses both of them.
"I suppose I should explain about earlier...
Hana, when I saw you lying there,
I remembered something I'd rather not have."

She pauses.
"..I had a brother. He was sickly, as well.
When he was ill, I often stood next to his bedside,
unable to help...
And one time, he did not get well again.
It was years ago, but suddenly I was there again...
so I ran."

She pauses again.
"And that's... that's why."

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:41 pm
by Shade
Hana, Lv 1.52
HP: 08/12 08
MP: ★★★
FP: ►►►►►
±0 Dmg | -2 Hit | +2 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
[ ▼ -1 PER | ▼ -4 VIT ]
  • 1 Dryad's Curse
  • Oak Staff [1-3 Dmg, +1 AC, 2h]
  • -
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
[list][*] -
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Healing Flask (Heals 5 HP)
[*] [ 1 / 5 ] Antivenom (Removes 10 stacks of poison damage)
[*] [ 3 / 5 ] Food Ration (Quality: 5)
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Torch
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Rope
[*] [ 4 / 5 ] Iron Knife (1-4 Dmg)
[*] -
[*] -
[*] -[/list]

[list][*]Nature's Blessing
-> Removes most types of status ailments and debuffs from the target and additionally restores [1d6 ± WIL] HP.
-> Forces all enemies to make an [AGI ± VIT] check vs the caster's [DEX ± WIL]. Any targets failing the check are immobilized for [2 ± INT/5] turns and lose their AC dodge bonus for the duration of the effect.
[*]Animate Weapon
-> The target has to be an inanimate object that can be used as a weapon.
The target object is animated, receives the ability to fly and is under control of the caster.
The object is treated as a targetable member of battle with [10 ± INT/2 ± WIL] HP, [INT] AC and [INT ± WIL] Init and has complete immunity to status ailments and debuffs, but cannot be healed.
Offensively, it deals damage equal to [its innate Dmg range ± WIL/2] and has Hit equal to [its innate Hit stat ± INT]. Animated objects cannot perform maneuvers and thus have no MR stat.
The target object remains animated until its HP drop to 0 or it is manually dismissed by the caster. In both cases, the object crumbles to dust and cannot be retrieved.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains animated, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.
[*]Enchant Weapon
-> The target has to be an object that can be used as a weapon. (It can be animated.)
The target object is enchanted with magic, bestowing a [WIL/2] bonus to Dmg and an [INT] bonus to Hit upon it. If desired, it can additionally receive an elemental affinity.
The target object remains enchanted until it is destroyed or the enchantment is manually cancelled.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains enchanted, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.[/list]

Abilities (275/350 AP spent):
[list][*]Dryad's Curse [ Active ] [ 100 AP ]
-> This ability can only be used if the effects of "Wilting Flower" are not currently suppressed by medicine.
Forces all enemies to make a WIL check against Hana's WIL+2.
If they succeed, they are stunned for a turn.
If they fail, they (as well as all of their possessions) are permanently transformed into inanimate plants, thus eliminating them from combat. The type of plant is dependent on the target's characteristics and can be anything from a flower to a tree.
However, using this ability damages Hana's VIT by 5 and causes an immediate VIT check from "Wilting Flower".
Furthermore, this ability has no effect on embodiments of the forest, as well as spirits and other entities without a corporeal form.
[*]Phantasmal Barrier [ Active ] [ 80 AP / use ] [ Not learned ]
-> Grants the target a shield capable of distorting and defying reality, inverting all harmful effects of the next hit taken (damage becomes healing, debuffs become buffs, etc.).
If an effect cannot be converted into something positive, it is instead nullified altogether.

[*]Mirror Veil [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
-> While active, as long as Hana has at least one spellpoint remaining, any projectile-based attack or spell aimed at Hana's party first has to pass a WIL vs. WIL check against Hana. If the attacker fails this check, one of Hana's spellpoints is consumed and the attack is reflected back at the attacker (and their allies, if applicable) with 50% increased potency and an additional +5 bonus to Hit.
This ability is automatically disabled if Hana runs out of spellpoints.
[*]Gift of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
-> Hana has the ability to regenerate mana at an unnatural rate while resting.
During combat, as long as Hana has no sustained abilities active, any unused minor action generates 1 Focus Point, while any unused major action generates 2. Every hour passed outside of combat also generates 1 Focus Point, or 2 while camping.
Every set of 5 Focus Points is automatically converted to a spellpoint.
Focus points will not accumulate if Hana isn't actually missing any spellpoints, and Focus Points that would go beyond Hana's spellpoint cap are lost.
[*]Pact of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 100 AP ]
-> Hana is accompanied by two familiars at all times, which take the form of sentient glowing orbs with transculent wings resembling those of a butterfly, roughly the size of a fist. They're beings of pure magic, sustained by Hana's mana - they cannot leave her vicinity for more than a few minutes at a time, and if she dies, they will disappear.
They do, however, have their own will and reasoning, and although they will try to protect Hana to the best of their abilities, she does not have direct control over them.
The white one, called Lux, will cast supportive magic to bolster the strength and defenses of Hana and her allies, choosing from a variety of buffs and other trickery.
The black one, called Nox, will cast disruptive magic to weaken Hana's foes, trying to inflict a variety of status ailments and debuffs.
Both of them will act independently from Hana - once per turn each - and share her attributes to determine the effectiveness of their spells.
Although these familiars do not require enough mana to actively drain Hana's reserves, they do take up some magical power that she can never tap into, lowering her maximum spell points by 2.
If the maximum spell point reduction from this ability were to somehow drop Hana's maximum spell points to -1 or less, her familiars will disappear and she will lose consciousness until she regains enough maximum spell points to sustain them.
[*]Wilting Flower [ Passive ] [ +75 AP ]
-> Hana suffers from an incurable disease that is slowly eating away at her life.
Its effects can be suppressed with special medicine, but will begin anew as soon as she goes for a full day without.
When not under the effects of the medicine...
- ...she receives one point of attribute damage to a random attribute whenever she takes HP damage.
- ...HP and attribute damage will not regenerate through natural means. (Potions, spells, etc. will still work as normal.)
- ...she periodically (roughly once per day) has to pass a VIT check against a DC of 10; if she fails it, her VIT is damaged by 1d4 and her max HP are affected accordingly. If this drops her VIT to -6 or less, she will additionally pass out for a few hours. If Hana fails three or more of these checks and passes out as a result, she dies.
Taking medicine will reset the number of failed checks, and resting while under the effects of the medicine will allow Hana to recover HP and attribute damage as normal.
Hana (as well as anyone else with basic knowledge of medicine and/or herbs) is capable of making this medicine herself given the right ingredients, a spellpoint and an hour of time.[/list]

-2 Strength
±0 Dexterity
+2 Agility
-3 Vitality
+5 Intellect
+5 Willpower
±0 Perception
Tabithe's words of encouragement brought a sincere smile upon Hana's lips. A few sweet words to counteract the bitterness of her medicine every now and then made it so much easier to keep going...
"Thank you, that means a lot to me."

And, indeed, it appeared that her finally explaining her circumstances had encouraged Reylos to finally open up a little as well!
...however, upon hearing the mercenary's explanation, Hana felt a sudden twinge in her heart.
"So I reminded you of...?"
...she'd have to be more careful in the future. Not just for her own sake, but to avoid bringing back painful memories... or in the worst case even add more.
"...I'm sorry. I'll be more careful from now on."

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:01 pm
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [Req: +3 Str, 2H]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.
-> Tabithe may learn a total of [ 3 + her level / 2 ] Stances.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Steel Vigil [ Sustained ] [ 90 AP ]
Tabithe's sheer presence on the battlefield allows her to provide cover to her allies.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon to activate Steel Vigil, and loses her minor action while it is active.
-> Tabithe guards a party member, forcing any enemies who make an attack against the guarded member to pass a Dex check against Tabithe's Str.
-> If the enemy fails the check, the attack targets Tabithe instead.
-> If an attack hits the guarded party member, Tabithe makes a counter melee attack, if in range, with -2 Hit and dealing -2 damage.
-> Tabithe must be in the same row as or an adjacent row to the guarded party member for Steel Vigil to take effect.[/list][/s][/color][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Tabithe listens to Reylos recounting some of her own memories with an apparent difficulty, and it gives rise to some challenging feelings of her own.
Naturally, she's first of all glad to see Reylos open up to them a bit, and appreciates the effort it took, but it also drives home the notion she touched on while assuring Hana.
"Of course, it wouldn't be right to say I want to have a story like either of yours, but..."
Tabithe looks around with a crooked -- almost guilty -- grin.
"It makes me feel a bit out of place for not. When you line the three of us up, all I've ever done is take the easy road -- and because I had the choice, at that."
"I'm here because I want to be, no more and no less. You two have... well, to make it overly simple, something to prove, huh?"

She realises that she's only voicing the thoughts that come to her -- and that, while there's probably a conclusion to all of it, she hasn't figured that part out yet, so she trails off.
Not wanting to be the one to sour the moment, though, she folds her legs and claps her hands to her knees with an exaggerated gesture, her face eager once more.
"Never mind all that, though -- I'm starving! We should go and see what the Salcean night has to offer!"

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:14 am
by penguinflyer2222
Reylos, Lvl 1.49
HP: 13/13
SP: 2/2

+2 DMG| +4 HIT | +4 AC | +6 MR | +5 INIT

Main: Long Dagger [1-5 dmg]
Alt: Shortbow [2-4 dmg] (Arrows [18/50])
Armor [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [8/10]:
[4/5] Healing Flasks (Heals 5 HP)
[1/5] Antivenom (Heals 10 poison damages)
[5/5] Food Ration (5 qualities)
[5/5] Ropes
[2/5] Armor Kit (+2 AC)
[1/5] Whetstone (+1 DMG)
[1/5] Iron Knife
Empty bottle of poison

Spells [2/2]:
Enduring Inferno: Toss Fire at an enemy (which then engulfs them).
-> A fire-based projectile attack with [DEX ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target is engulfed in flames, dealing [2d4 ± WIL] fire damage immediately
and an additional [1d3 ± WIL/3] fire damage per turn for [3 ± INT/3] turns.
Crashing Wave: Fling a wall of Water at an enemy.
-> A water-based projectile attack with [WIL ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target takes [2d6 ± WIL] water damage and has to pass a VIT check against the caster's WIL.
If they fail, they are additionally stunned for a turn.

Abilities: [335/350AP]
Silence [2/2] [Active] [40x2 AP]:
-> Strike a weak point with a dagger. Does Maximized damage and immobilizes enemy for their next turn.

Precision [Passive] [100 AP]: Know where to strike..
-> Daggers use DEX instead of STR for calculating +DMG and +Hit.

Last Shot [1/1] [Active] [60 AP]:
-> Throw a dagger at an enemy for 2x Maximized damage.
Hopefully they'll give it back afterward..

Shooting Cinders [Sustained] [40 AP]: Ignite arrows.
-> Arrows deal Fire damage but they will be burnt to ash and unrecoverable afterwards.
+20 AP per +1dmg.

Recover Fire [Passive] [15AP]:
-> Recover %50 of spent arrows after battle.
40 AP for 100%.

Fletchery [Camping] [50 AP]:
-> Craft [10 ± DEX] arrows.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
(Be more careful?)
That was part of why she'd been reluctant to say anything-
she didn't want them to worry about her.
"It's not your fault, so don't apologize.
Just take care of yourself however you see fit."

Tabithe comments on what a carefree story her life has been,
compared to Reylos's and Hana's.
(Hah.. you don't know half my story.
I may have something to prove, but I'm definitely here because I want to be.
And that won't change.)

Then Tabithe announces her intention to go eat. Again.
Reylos can't remember if any of them have eaten today, so it's probably a good idea.
(Hana seems well enough, now. And it'll be better than staying here, having such cheerful discussions.)

Tabithe'd asked what Salcea had to offer-
"D'you want to bet it involves fish?" Reylos asks rhetorically.
Reylos says sternly to Hana-
"It's not your fault, so don't apologize.
Just take care of yourself however you see fit."

Tabithe comments on what a carefree story her life has been,
compared to Reylos's and Hana's, and Reylos starts to smile.

Then Tabithe announces her intention to go eat. Again.
She'd asked what Salcea had to offer-
"D'you want to bet it involves fish?" Reylos asks rhetorically.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:44 am
by Shade
Hana, Lv 1.52
HP: 08/12 08
MP: ★★★
FP: ►►►►►
±0 Dmg | -2 Hit | +2 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
[ ▼ -1 PER | ▼ -4 VIT ]
  • 1 Dryad's Curse
  • Oak Staff [1-3 Dmg, +1 AC, 2h]
  • -
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
[list][*] -
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Healing Flask (Heals 5 HP)
[*] [ 1 / 5 ] Antivenom (Removes 10 stacks of poison damage)
[*] [ 3 / 5 ] Food Ration (Quality: 5)
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Torch
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Rope
[*] [ 4 / 5 ] Iron Knife (1-4 Dmg)
[*] -
[*] -
[*] -[/list]

[list][*]Nature's Blessing
-> Removes most types of status ailments and debuffs from the target and additionally restores [1d6 ± WIL] HP.
-> Forces all enemies to make an [AGI ± VIT] check vs the caster's [DEX ± WIL]. Any targets failing the check are immobilized for [2 ± INT/5] turns and lose their AC dodge bonus for the duration of the effect.
[*]Animate Weapon
-> The target has to be an inanimate object that can be used as a weapon.
The target object is animated, receives the ability to fly and is under control of the caster.
The object is treated as a targetable member of battle with [10 ± INT/2 ± WIL] HP, [INT] AC and [INT ± WIL] Init and has complete immunity to status ailments and debuffs, but cannot be healed.
Offensively, it deals damage equal to [its innate Dmg range ± WIL/2] and has Hit equal to [its innate Hit stat ± INT]. Animated objects cannot perform maneuvers and thus have no MR stat.
The target object remains animated until its HP drop to 0 or it is manually dismissed by the caster. In both cases, the object crumbles to dust and cannot be retrieved.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains animated, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.
[*]Enchant Weapon
-> The target has to be an object that can be used as a weapon. (It can be animated.)
The target object is enchanted with magic, bestowing a [WIL/2] bonus to Dmg and an [INT] bonus to Hit upon it. If desired, it can additionally receive an elemental affinity.
The target object remains enchanted until it is destroyed or the enchantment is manually cancelled.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains enchanted, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.[/list]

Abilities (275/350 AP spent):
[list][*]Dryad's Curse [ Active ] [ 100 AP ]
-> This ability can only be used if the effects of "Wilting Flower" are not currently suppressed by medicine.
Forces all enemies to make a WIL check against Hana's WIL+2.
If they succeed, they are stunned for a turn.
If they fail, they (as well as all of their possessions) are permanently transformed into inanimate plants, thus eliminating them from combat. The type of plant is dependent on the target's characteristics and can be anything from a flower to a tree.
However, using this ability damages Hana's VIT by 5 and causes an immediate VIT check from "Wilting Flower".
Furthermore, this ability has no effect on embodiments of the forest, as well as spirits and other entities without a corporeal form.
[*]Phantasmal Barrier [ Active ] [ 80 AP / use ] [ Not learned ]
-> Grants the target a shield capable of distorting and defying reality, inverting all harmful effects of the next hit taken (damage becomes healing, debuffs become buffs, etc.).
If an effect cannot be converted into something positive, it is instead nullified altogether.

[*]Mirror Veil [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
-> While active, as long as Hana has at least one spellpoint remaining, any projectile-based attack or spell aimed at Hana's party first has to pass a WIL vs. WIL check against Hana. If the attacker fails this check, one of Hana's spellpoints is consumed and the attack is reflected back at the attacker (and their allies, if applicable) with 50% increased potency and an additional +5 bonus to Hit.
This ability is automatically disabled if Hana runs out of spellpoints.
[*]Gift of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
-> Hana has the ability to regenerate mana at an unnatural rate while resting.
During combat, as long as Hana has no sustained abilities active, any unused minor action generates 1 Focus Point, while any unused major action generates 2. Every hour passed outside of combat also generates 1 Focus Point, or 2 while camping.
Every set of 5 Focus Points is automatically converted to a spellpoint.
Focus points will not accumulate if Hana isn't actually missing any spellpoints, and Focus Points that would go beyond Hana's spellpoint cap are lost.
[*]Pact of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 100 AP ]
-> Hana is accompanied by two familiars at all times, which take the form of sentient glowing orbs with transculent wings resembling those of a butterfly, roughly the size of a fist. They're beings of pure magic, sustained by Hana's mana - they cannot leave her vicinity for more than a few minutes at a time, and if she dies, they will disappear.
They do, however, have their own will and reasoning, and although they will try to protect Hana to the best of their abilities, she does not have direct control over them.
The white one, called Lux, will cast supportive magic to bolster the strength and defenses of Hana and her allies, choosing from a variety of buffs and other trickery.
The black one, called Nox, will cast disruptive magic to weaken Hana's foes, trying to inflict a variety of status ailments and debuffs.
Both of them will act independently from Hana - once per turn each - and share her attributes to determine the effectiveness of their spells.
Although these familiars do not require enough mana to actively drain Hana's reserves, they do take up some magical power that she can never tap into, lowering her maximum spell points by 2.
If the maximum spell point reduction from this ability were to somehow drop Hana's maximum spell points to -1 or less, her familiars will disappear and she will lose consciousness until she regains enough maximum spell points to sustain them.
[*]Wilting Flower [ Passive ] [ +75 AP ]
-> Hana suffers from an incurable disease that is slowly eating away at her life.
Its effects can be suppressed with special medicine, but will begin anew as soon as she goes for a full day without.
When not under the effects of the medicine...
- ...she receives one point of attribute damage to a random attribute whenever she takes HP damage.
- ...HP and attribute damage will not regenerate through natural means. (Potions, spells, etc. will still work as normal.)
- ...she periodically (roughly once per day) has to pass a VIT check against a DC of 10; if she fails it, her VIT is damaged by 1d4 and her max HP are affected accordingly. If this drops her VIT to -6 or less, she will additionally pass out for a few hours. If Hana fails three or more of these checks and passes out as a result, she dies.
Taking medicine will reset the number of failed checks, and resting while under the effects of the medicine will allow Hana to recover HP and attribute damage as normal.
Hana (as well as anyone else with basic knowledge of medicine and/or herbs) is capable of making this medicine herself given the right ingredients, a spellpoint and an hour of time.[/list]

-2 Strength
±0 Dexterity
+2 Agility
-3 Vitality
+5 Intellect
+5 Willpower
±0 Perception
Was that... guilt Tabithe was displaying? What did she have to feel guilty for?
"You should enjoy your freedom, not feel guilty for it. After all, who can say if it'll last?"
Realizing what she had just implied, Hana quickly shook her head. For all of her talk about not wanting to bring down the mood she certainly managed to trip pretty much every mine imaginable today...
"...sorry, at this point I'm just blurting out things without thinking."
Forcing herself to smile, she added:
"Now that you mention it... yeah, some food would be nice. I'm all for grabbing a bite."

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:13 am
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [Req: +3 Str, 2H]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.
-> Tabithe may learn a total of [ 3 + her level / 2 ] Stances.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Steel Vigil [ Sustained ] [ 90 AP ]
Tabithe's sheer presence on the battlefield allows her to provide cover to her allies.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon to activate Steel Vigil, and loses her minor action while it is active.
-> Tabithe guards a party member, forcing any enemies who make an attack against the guarded member to pass a Dex check against Tabithe's Str.
-> If the enemy fails the check, the attack targets Tabithe instead.
-> If an attack hits the guarded party member, Tabithe makes a counter melee attack, if in range, with -2 Hit and dealing -2 damage.
-> Tabithe must be in the same row as or an adjacent row to the guarded party member for Steel Vigil to take effect.[/list][/s][/color][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Tabithe beams at Reylos' sarcasm. She's starting to understand!
"Grilled squid if I'm lucky! You can't find any such thing in Wrend."
Acquiescing with Hana's intention of not bogging the group down, Tabithe doesn't respond to her doubts about the future, but the thought sticks in her mind. She certainly wouldn't fault Hana for assuming it a wise caution to see things as such -- and, she realises, she could fairly guess that the differences in their circumstances are the first reason that her own disposition never gives her cause to fear some unforeseen downturn, so perhaps it's not right to dispute Hana either way. Tabithe's thoughts clears when she remembers what else the girl said, though -- she needn't apologise for it. And hell, there's probably no better way to pay your dues to the less fortunate than questing for the kingdom!
Tabithe hops to her feet with as much energy as ever -- perhaps food really is the unconditional invigorant.
"That settles it. Let's go!"

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:49 pm
by penguinflyer2222
  • Reylos (pf2222) .._ | 13/13 | Lv 1.49 | [Cover] |
  • Tabithe (AoD) ..__ | 18/18 | Lv 1.54 | [Front] |
  • Hana (Shade) ...__ | 08/08 | Lv 1.52 | [Cover] |

    Sam | 21/21 | [3 Wood, 5 Torches] | [Stabled]
    Merry | 21/21 | [3 Wood, 3 Rations] | [Stabled]
    Pippin | 21/21 | [-, -]| [Stabled]

Location: The Briny Bracken, Salcea
Time: Evening
Day 1
270 gold
The group heads back to the inn's main room, and inquires about food from the innkeeper.
The menu indeed consists mainly of seafood, fish and otherwise. Cephalopods, for instance.
It's fairly crowded this evening.
You notice a familiar-looking fighter and mage talking at a table,
as well as a lone black-robed figure in a far corner,
and nearby, a red-haired woman who seems to have taken an interest in the party.
You also notice that the room's decoration seems to contain a large number of ferns.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:58 pm
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [Req: +3 Str, 2H]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.
-> Tabithe may learn a total of [ 3 + her level / 2 ] Stances.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Steel Vigil [ Sustained ] [ 90 AP ]
Tabithe's sheer presence on the battlefield allows her to provide cover to her allies.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon to activate Steel Vigil, and loses her minor action while it is active.
-> Tabithe guards a party member, forcing any enemies who make an attack against the guarded member to pass a Dex check against Tabithe's Str.
-> If the enemy fails the check, the attack targets Tabithe instead.
-> If an attack hits the guarded party member, Tabithe makes a counter melee attack, if in range, with -2 Hit and dealing -2 damage.
-> Tabithe must be in the same row as or an adjacent row to the guarded party member for Steel Vigil to take effect.[/list][/s][/color][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
The tavern part of the Bracken has become properly packed since Tabithe and the others have been asleep -- seems that it really is the main watering hole in town. The smell of salt spray is only matched by the aroma of cooked seafood, and Tabithe inhales deeply, as if to remember the scene by her nose as well as eyes. The only question left is where to squeeze in and sit down...
Surveying the room, Tabithe spots the gleam of an axe she has more than one memory of batting aside -- and the fellow carrying it, with his companion. Annor and Albert. Looks like they made pretty good time on foot... Tabithe's first instinct is to go and apologise to Albert, and see how the two have gotten on, but she reasons that some things are probably better left alone, at least for the time being. No matter how good her intentions are, it probably all comes to bothering them in the end, and they've been through enough.
Coming out of this rumination, Tabithe sees a lady with remarkably fiery hair making no secret of looking her, and her companions, over. Tabithe can't think of why a stranger would be so interested -- there were a few curious folks after the dinner party in Dezas, but she wouldn't assume word to have reached Salcea this quickly...
Regardless of the reason, the best way to find out would be the direct approach -- and a crowded inn would make for a very daring place to pull off something dubious, so Tabithe judges it safe, and approaches with a spirited voice and arms lifted in greeting.
"Evening! Are you here for the squid and oysters like myself?"

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:55 pm
by penguinflyer2222
  • Reylos (pf2222) .._ | 13/13 | Lv 1.49 | [Cover] |
  • Tabithe (AoD) ..__ | 18/18 | Lv 1.54 | [Front] |
  • Hana (Shade) ...__ | 08/08 | Lv 1.52 | [Cover] |

    Sam | 21/21 | [3 Wood, 5 Torches] | [Stabled]
    Merry | 21/21 | [3 Wood, 3 Rations] | [Stabled]
    Pippin | 21/21 | [-, -]| [Stabled]

Location: The Briny Bracken, Salcea
Time: Evening
Day 1
270 gold
The red-haired woman responds cheerfully.
"Squid and oysters, huh? Fine choices, both, but no, they're not why I'm here.
Food is but one thing to acquire at a tavern- I'm here for information.
I heard a rumor- perhaps you could confirm it.
They say that the king of Dezas chose three heroes to go on a quest, last night.
Perhaps you or your two companions know something about it?"

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 12:09 am
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [Req: +3 Str, 2H]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.
-> Tabithe may learn a total of [ 3 + her level / 2 ] Stances.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Steel Vigil [ Sustained ] [ 90 AP ]
Tabithe's sheer presence on the battlefield allows her to provide cover to her allies.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon to activate Steel Vigil, and loses her minor action while it is active.
-> Tabithe guards a party member, forcing any enemies who make an attack against the guarded member to pass a Dex check against Tabithe's Str.
-> If the enemy fails the check, the attack targets Tabithe instead.
-> If an attack hits the guarded party member, Tabithe makes a counter melee attack, if in range, with -2 Hit and dealing -2 damage.
-> Tabithe must be in the same row as or an adjacent row to the guarded party member for Steel Vigil to take effect.[/list][/s][/color][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Three heroes, huh? Clearly word travels quicker than Tabithe has been giving it credit for. Not usually one to sweat the details, though, she goes to answer truthfully -- that it is the three of them -- but halts herself for just a moment. She's quite confident, now, that that she's not walking into some bar fight, but the fact of the matter is that dealing in information means avoiding an altercation isn't necessarily going to be the end of their troubles. All that said, though, Tabithe is not a great liar, let alone a smooth talker... and isn't sure she should entrust just anyone with this information.
"Is that right?"
Lingering on her thoughts for perhaps a moment too long, Tabithe turns to Reylos, and then Hana, her face perhaps a more genuine plea for direction than could be expected to come from her usually assured self -- and her feigned incredulity probably not the most convincing.
"Do we know something about that?"
It had to be while I was hungry, too...