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Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:59 am
by Shade
I see, thanks.

The Exp required for the first five level ups could stand to be lowered, then. I remember it taking quite a while to get out of the "low level hole", whereas especially in the beginning you need to quickly become stronger to reasonably deal with the ever-stronger enemies.
And it doesn't make very much sense for the Exp requirements towards the next level to actually go down in the mid-level area, so...

EDIT: Alright, drastically decreased the Exp requirements for the classes I'm at least vaguely familiar with.
For instance, the adventurer's former 300/900/2700/5400/7500 is now 300/800/1500/2500/4000.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:51 am
by penguinflyer5234
level 02: 00300
level 03: 00800
level 04: 01500
level 05: 02500
level 06: 04000
level 07: 05365
level 08: 07270
level 09: 09805
level 10: 13060
level 11: 17125

and so forth

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:51 am
by Zefz
Currently the xp system is rather arcane. Each "role" or "class" has it's own XP progression.

It would be easier if all classes shared the same XP progression. Lower levels should go fairly fast as Shade mentions to give new players a sense of progression and a fighting chance.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:36 pm
by Shade
@Zefz: Easier, certainly. However, classes having different Exp requirements isn't that bad an idea in itself; it's one possible defining characteristic of each class. Zombor, for instance, has extremely low Exp requirements compared to other classes, and I kept that aspect intact. For this purpose it's actually fairly impractical that all classes have the same Exp progression past level 6.
But right now, that's not much of a concern. As long as it works, it's alright - the details can be fleshed out at a later date.

@pf5234: Aye, thanks again.
Lv6 to Lv7 still sees a decrease in requirements, but at least this is now only true for a single level (and not for all classes).

How are things on your side? Any progress at all?
Any idea what causes exports to be deleted?

EDIT: Also, speed adjustments have been made. I haven't touched the classes I don't know.

Code: Select all

 --- Previously ---

60 50 40 60 - Adventurer
60 55 50 70 - Archeologist
65 80 55 60 - Elf
50 50 40 35 - G'nome
60 50 50 40 - Healer
50 40 35 50 - Paladin
70 80 85 75 - Rogue
50 45 40 60 - Soldier
80 70 60 50 - Tourist
50 50 50 40 - Wizard

 --- Now ---

65 60 50 65 - Adventurer
70 65 60 80 - Archeologist
75 85 70 70 - Elf (also increased 2nd armor defense from 30 to 50) (includes JiveElf)
60 60 55 50 - G'nome (also increased 2nd armor ZAP shift from 1 to 2 and lowered 4th armor defense from 170 to 120)
60 55 60 50 - Healer
55 45 45 60 - Paladin (also adjusted defenses)
80 80 90 80 - Rogue (also adjusted defense shifts)
60 55 50 65 - Soldier (also increased 4th armor CRUSH shift from 1 to 2)
75 75 75 60 - Tourist
60 65 60 55 - Wizard (also increased some defense shifts)

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:10 am
by Zefz
I also never liked Egoboo damage shift system. It offers too little granularity (0%, 50%, 75% or 87.5% damage reduction). That is why I added percentages at some point (0 to 100% damage reduction).

The problem with damage shift is that there is too big difference between 0, 1 and 2 (especially the first two) and very little difference between 2 and 3. Combine this with Defence it gets really hard to figure out what the actual damage total is (defence ranges from 0 to 255 where 0 is 0% and 255 means 100% damage reduction).

It seems kind of unnecessary complicated...
2 Poke shift with 128 defence gives the following damage reduction: 50% (defence) and 75% (poke) = 62,5% damage reduction :S

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:46 pm
by bgbirdsey
@Zefz, if you look at the OLD[\b] XP progressions, the xp per level is directly linked to how how many skill points you gain per level. The different rates per class/role are basically due to this.

At one time, I implemented an automatic version of this system, but many hated it because it became too hard to make uber characters.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:16 pm
by Zefz
Uber characters is what makes the game fun I guess :P (and possible to beat... this game is very hard)

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:29 pm
by Shade
Zefz wrote:I also never liked Egoboo damage shift system. It offers too little granularity (0%, 50%, 75% or 87.5% damage reduction). That is why I added percentages at some point (0 to 100% damage reduction).
Too little? What more do you need?
Since everything has 1 shift to everything at base, a shift of 0 (full damage) should be treated as a weakness / "double" damage, and that's how it's currently handled.
A shift of 1 is regular damage (50%), a shift of 2 is resistance (75% / halved damage compared to normal), a shift of 3 is near-immunity (87.5% / quarter damage compared to normal).
Adding exact percentages and then randomly giving different percentages to stuff just makes the whole thing unnecessarily complicated. What else other than weakness, normal damage, resistance and near-immunity do you need?
Zefz wrote:The problem with damage shift is that there is too big difference between 0, 1 and 2 (especially the first two) and very little difference between 2 and 3. Combine this with Defence it gets really hard to figure out what the actual damage total is (defence ranges from 0 to 255 where 0 is 0% and 255 means 100% damage reduction).
It's 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8. What about this is hard to figure out?
If anything, Defense being out of 255 is the weird thing. It'd probably make more sense if it was out of 100 (so it'd be an actual percentage) or an absolute value (say, 100 defense = 1 full point of damage blocked).

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:18 am
by Zefz
I was just commenting that Defence seemed redundant since we already have resistance to each damage type. With too little granularity I mean I would like to have something between 1 and 2 shift. Because damage shift 2 almost removes all damage and damage shift 1 (half damage) seems to be normal.

It makes more sense if damage would increase if you have weakness in my opinion. But Egoboo has always been a bit weird, maybe that's why it's so charming ;)

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:39 am
by Shade
The difference is that defense applies to every damage type, even if that particular armor happens to be weak against it. Damage shifts only reduce damage of a particular type.

Again, I could see defense being an absolute value instead, but I don't mind the current system that much and as a result am not in a hurry to have it changed.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:02 pm
by bgbirdsey
Yes, but if tweaking characters to high levels is "part of egoboo," then all talk of level progression is meaningless.

So, if you character is set to get +1 strength perlevel and +1 wisdom perlevel and whatever (for a total of 10 points), it should be twice as hard for you to advance as someone getting only +5 advancement points per level.

Another way to do it would be to "compute" your level based on your attributes, rather than the completely invisible experience points.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:31 pm
by Shade
pf5234, how are things on your side?
I don't wanna be a pest, but I can't really do much more without your help.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:57 pm
by penguinflyer5234
Haven't been motivated :(

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:32 pm
by Shade
What can I do to motivate you? :/

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:34 pm
by Agent of Dread
Crossplay as a cheerleader and record yourself doing a dance routine?
*is slapped*