Page 11 of 19

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:09 pm
by penguinflyer2222
  • Reylos (pf2222) .._ | 09/13 | Lv 1.49 | [Cover] |
  • Tabithe (AoD) ..__ | 12/17 | Lv 1.54 | [Front] |
  • Hana (Shade) ...__ | 09/12 | Lv 1.52 | [Cover] |

    Sam | 18/21 | [Cloak, -] | [Mounted]
    Merry | 19/21 | [-, -] | [Dismounted]
    Pippin | 17/21 | [-, -]| [Mounted]

Location: Road to Salcea
Time: Late Morning
Day 1
300 gold
Alice replies angrily, first to Annor, then the others:
"I don't need you. I don't need any of you to tell me what to do."
She sheathes her sword and turns to leave.
"Tell Albert he's fired, if he's even alive."

Battle Resolved!

+57 Exp - Victory
+3 Exp. - Causing fleeing/surrender

Tabithe: +4 Exp. - 2 OverKOs
Reylos: +1 Exp. - 1 KO
Hana: +2 Exp. - Tactics

Level Up!
+1 Max HP, +2 attribute points.
+50 AP.

Alice heads down the road to Salcea.
Annor goes back to check on Albert, who is still lying on the ground.

Edit: Whoops, I'd forgotten the AP.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:56 pm
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [2H: +3 Str]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 300/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 90 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list][/s][/color]
[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Level up!
+1 Vit
+1 Wil

Tabithe frowns, staring in the direction that the thief storms off towards. The world is too big to get so hung up on such meaningless pride...
It does leave the question, though, of what the two whom Alice has seen fit to abandon will do now. Annor goes to check on Albert -- and with a moment of hindsight, Tabithe feels bad for clocking the mage so thoroughly. If he was just being strung along by Alice too, he didn't deserve it.
She doesn't really know how to express it, though, so she sheathes her sword and walks back to check on Merry. The poor guy was caught in Albert's attack as well, but whether owing to a patient or stoic nature, he waits calmly by the road. Feeling somewhat put off by the whole situation, Tabithe spaces out a bit as she idly rearranges her pack in uncharacteristic silence.

Tabithe deactivates Inner Quiet, and activates Royal Guard. Tabithe adds the Firewood [3/5] and Food Ration [3/5] to Merry's saddlebags.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:02 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Reylos, Lvl 0.88
HP: 09/13
SP: 0/2

+2 DMG| +4 HIT | +4 AC | +6 MR | +5 INIT

Main: Long Dagger [1-5 dmg]
Alt: Shortbow [2-4 dmg] (Arrows [8/50])
Armor [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [9/10]:
[5/5] Torches
[5/5] Ropes
[4/5] Healing Flasks (Heals 5 HP)
[1/5] Antivenom (Heals 10 poison damages)
[5/5] Food Ration (5 qualities)
[3/5] Firewood
[2/5] Armor Kit (+2 AC)
[1/5] Whetstone (+1 DMG)
[1/5] Iron Knife

Spells [2/2]:
Enduring Inferno: Toss Fire at an enemy (which then engulfs them).
-> A fire-based projectile attack with [DEX ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target is engulfed in flames, dealing [2d4 ± WIL] fire damage immediately
and an additional [1d3 ± WIL/3] fire damage per turn for [3 ± INT/3] turns.
Crashing Wave: Fling a wall of Water at an enemy.
-> A water-based projectile attack with [WIL ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target takes [2d6 ± WIL] water damage and has to pass a VIT check against the caster's WIL.
If they fail, they are additionally stunned for a turn.

Abilities: [335/350AP]
Silence [2/2] [Active] [40x2 AP]:
-> Strike a weak point with a dagger. Does Maximized damage and immobilizes enemy for their next turn.

Precision [Passive] [100 AP]: Know where to strike..
-> Daggers use DEX instead of STR for calculating +DMG and +Hit.

Last Shot [1/1] [Active] [60 AP]:
-> Throw a dagger at an enemy for 2x Maximized damage.
Hopefully they'll give it back afterward..

Shooting Cinders [Sustained] [40 AP]: Ignite arrows.
-> Arrows deal Fire damage but they will be burnt to ash and unrecoverable afterwards.
+20 AP per +1dmg.

Recover Fire [Passive] [15AP]:
-> Recover %50 of spent arrows after battle.
40 AP for 100%.

Fletchery [Camping] [50 AP]:
-> Craft [10 ± DEX] arrows.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
The wolf fell to Reylos's arrow.
Alice didn't seem very grateful for the help,
and sure, maybe she could have taken it on by herself...
Looks like she'd have plenty of chances in the future, as Annor was quitting her employ.

Hana gave a rather nice speech to try to convince Alice to turn her life around,
and Tabithe joined in.
Personally, Reylos didn't really care what happened to Alice.
Let her go, or tie her up and drag her to the city and have her arrested..
well, that'd be too much work. They could knock her out and leave her here, that'd be easy.
Well, maybe not.
Either way, it didn't matter.
Sure, maybe it was callous to think so, but so what?
What of a petty thief who can't even pick the right marks?

Alice leaves.
(See how far you get by yourself. Hana's right, you know.)

Reylos rides back to where her dagger lies on the ground, and dismounts.
She picks it up and walks over to where the arrow she fired at Annor landed,
returning it to her quiver as well.

She stares at her dagger, wondering about the monster dust,
before wiping it off and sheathing it.
Reylos says nothing.
Alice leaves.

Reylos rides back to where her dagger lies on the ground, and dismounts.
She picks it up and walks over to where the arrow she fired at Annor landed,
returning it to her quiver as well. Recover Fire: 1/3 = 50%

She stares at her dagger before wiping it off and sheathing it.

+1 Dex and +1 Wil.
Took the +Hit part of Precision.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:37 am
by Shade
Hana, Lv 1.52
HP: 09/12
MP: ★★
FP: ►►►►►
±0 Dmg | -2 Hit | +2 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
[ ▼ -1 PER ]
  • 1 Dryad's Curse
  • Oak Staff [1-3 Dmg, +1 AC, 2h]
  • -
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
[list][*] Special Medicine
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Healing Flask (Heals 5 HP)
[*] [ 1 / 5 ] Antivenom (Removes 10 stacks of poison damage)
[*] [ 3 / 5 ] Food Ration (Quality: 5)
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Torch
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Rope
[*] [ 4 / 5 ] Iron Knife (1-4 Dmg)
[*] -
[*] -
[*] -[/list]

[list][*]Nature's Blessing
-> Removes most types of status ailments and debuffs from the target and additionally restores [1d6 ± WIL] HP.
-> Forces all enemies to make an [AGI ± VIT] check vs the caster's [DEX ± WIL]. Any targets failing the check are immobilized for [2 ± INT/5] turns and lose their AC dodge bonus for the duration of the effect.
[*]Animate Weapon
-> The target has to be an inanimate object that can be used as a weapon.
The target object is animated, receives the ability to fly and is under control of the caster.
The object is treated as a targetable member of battle with [10 ± INT/2 ± WIL] HP, [INT] AC and [INT ± WIL] Init and has complete immunity to status ailments and debuffs, but cannot be healed.
Offensively, it deals damage equal to [its innate Dmg range ± WIL/2] and has Hit equal to [its innate Hit stat ± INT]. Animated objects cannot perform maneuvers and thus have no MR stat.
The target object remains animated until its HP drop to 0 or it is manually dismissed by the caster. In both cases, the object crumbles to dust and cannot be retrieved.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains animated, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.
[*]Enchant Weapon
-> The target has to be an object that can be used as a weapon. (It can be animated.)
The target object is enchanted with magic, bestowing a [WIL/2] bonus to Dmg and an [INT] bonus to Hit upon it. If desired, it can additionally receive an elemental affinity.
The target object remains enchanted until it is destroyed or the enchantment is manually cancelled.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains enchanted, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.[/list]

Abilities (275/350 AP spent):
[list][*]Dryad's Curse [ Active ] [ 100 AP ]
-> This ability can only be used if the effects of "Wilting Flower" are not currently suppressed by medicine.
Forces all enemies to make a WIL check against Hana's WIL+2.
If they succeed, they are stunned for a turn.
If they fail, they (as well as all of their possessions) are permanently transformed into inanimate plants, thus eliminating them from combat. The type of plant is dependent on the target's characteristics and can be anything from a flower to a tree.
However, using this ability damages Hana's VIT by 5 and causes an immediate VIT check from "Wilting Flower".
Furthermore, this ability has no effect on embodiments of the forest, as well as spirits and other entities without a corporeal form.
[*]Phantasmal Barrier [ Active ] [ 80 AP / use ] [ Not learned ]
-> Grants the target a shield capable of distorting and defying reality, inverting all harmful effects of the next hit taken (damage becomes healing, debuffs become buffs, etc.).
If an effect cannot be converted into something positive, it is instead nullified altogether.

[*]Mirror Veil [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
-> While active, as long as Hana has at least one spellpoint remaining, any projectile-based attack or spell aimed at Hana's party first has to pass a WIL vs. WIL check against Hana. If the attacker fails this check, one of Hana's spellpoints is consumed and the attack is reflected back at the attacker (and their allies, if applicable) with 50% increased potency and an additional +5 bonus to Hit.
This ability is automatically disabled if Hana runs out of spellpoints.
[*]Gift of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
-> Hana has the ability to regenerate mana at an unnatural rate while resting.
During combat, as long as Hana has no sustained abilities active, any unused minor action generates 1 Focus Point, while any unused major action generates 2. Every hour passed outside of combat also generates 1 Focus Point, or 2 while camping.
Every set of 5 Focus Points is automatically converted to a spellpoint.
Focus points will not accumulate if Hana isn't actually missing any spellpoints, and Focus Points that would go beyond Hana's spellpoint cap are lost.
[*]Pact of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 100 AP ]
-> Hana is accompanied by two familiars at all times, which take the form of sentient glowing orbs with transculent wings resembling those of a butterfly, roughly the size of a fist. They're beings of pure magic, sustained by Hana's mana - they cannot leave her vicinity for more than a few minutes at a time, and if she dies, they will disappear.
They do, however, have their own will and reasoning, and although they will try to protect Hana to the best of their abilities, she does not have direct control over them.
The white one, called Lux, will cast supportive magic to bolster the strength and defenses of Hana and her allies, choosing from a variety of buffs and other trickery.
The black one, called Nox, will cast disruptive magic to weaken Hana's foes, trying to inflict a variety of status ailments and debuffs.
Both of them will act independently from Hana - once per turn each - and share her attributes to determine the effectiveness of their spells.
Although these familiars do not require enough mana to actively drain Hana's reserves, they do take up some magical power that she can never tap into, lowering her maximum spell points by 2.
If the maximum spell point reduction from this ability were to somehow drop Hana's maximum spell points to -1 or less, her familiars will disappear and she will lose consciousness until she regains enough maximum spell points to sustain them.
[*]Wilting Flower [ Passive ] [ +75 AP ]
-> Hana suffers from an incurable disease that is slowly eating away at her life.
Its effects can be suppressed with special medicine, but will begin anew as soon as she goes for a full day without.
When not under the effects of the medicine...
- ...she receives one point of attribute damage to a random attribute whenever she takes HP damage.
- ...HP and attribute damage will not regenerate through natural means. (Potions, spells, etc. will still work as normal.)
- ...she periodically (roughly once per day) has to pass a VIT check against a DC of 10; if she fails it, her VIT is damaged by 1d4 and her max HP are affected accordingly. If this drops her VIT to -6 or less, she will additionally pass out for a few hours. If Hana fails three or more of these checks and passes out as a result, she dies.
Taking medicine will reset the number of failed checks, and resting while under the effects of the medicine will allow Hana to recover HP and attribute damage as normal.
Hana (as well as anyone else with basic knowledge of medicine and/or herbs) is capable of making this medicine herself given the right ingredients, a spellpoint and an hour of time.[/list]

-2 Strength
±0 Dexterity
+2 Agility
-3 Vitality
+5 Intellect
+5 Willpower
±0 Perception
Level Up!
+1 Intellect
+1 Willpower

Hana watched with a disappointed frown as the bandit leader just simply ran away. Being overly prideful was bad enough on its own, but of all things, why did this Alice person have so much pride in being a bandit and making unsuspecting travelers' lives miserable?
" that case I hope you're prepared for what will happen if we ever meet again."
Hana sighed. She felt like it wasn't like herself to make threats like these, but for some reason this Alice person made her lose her temper.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 12:02 pm
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [2H: +3 Str]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Tabithe reflects on the motions of her recent battles, and realises she understands early enough when her attacks will strike resoundingly that she can apply even more force to them in the right moment.
Tabithe learns Crushing Steel. [ 40 AP ]

Tabithe snaps to again when she realises she's been petting Merry for most of a minute in silence. It won't do to linger so long on something like this -- not with her companions, not to mention the King & Queen, waiting on her. Let's close the matter out, one way or another.
She turns back to Annor, who's kneeled before Albert, and attempts to clear the air.
"So, what will you do now? As far as I'm concerned, that highway sting was a victimless crime, so you don't have to worry about us trying to dob you in -- but do you two have somewhere to return to?"

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 8:03 pm
by penguinflyer2222
  • Reylos (pf2222) .._ | 09/13 | Lv 1.49 | [Cover] |
  • Tabithe (AoD) ..__ | 12/18 | Lv 1.54 | [Front] |
  • Hana (Shade) ...__ | 09/12 | Lv 1.52 | [Cover] |

    Sam | 18/21 | [Cloak, -] | [Dismounted]
    Merry | 19/21 | [3 Wood, 3 Rations] | [Dismounted]
    Pippin | 17/21 | [-, -]| [Mounted]

Location: Road to Salcea
Time: Late Morning
Day 1
300 gold
Annor turns from Albert to listen to Tabithe.
"Yes, I imagine we'll return to Salcea..
Maybe we can get some honest work this time."

He stands up.
"It's kind of you to be concerned,
it's not like we deserve it."

He turns to the mage again.
"He's stronger than he looks, Albert.
He'll be up again in no time."

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 8:15 pm
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [2H: +3 Str]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Honest work, huh? He really isn't that bad of a guy when he's not flunkie to a lost cause. He tries to reassure Tabithe about Albert, and she replies sheepishly.
"If you're sure... I did hit him pretty hard. It's not a nice feeling to have put him through the wringer when he wasn't at fault."
Tabithe looks over to the other two girls atop their steeds.
"Come to think of it, what will we do? Back to the road?"

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 8:31 pm
by Shade
Hana, Lv 1.52
HP: 09/12
MP: ★★
FP: ►►►►►
±0 Dmg | -2 Hit | +2 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
[ ▼ -1 PER ]
  • 1 Dryad's Curse
  • Oak Staff [1-3 Dmg, +1 AC, 2h]
  • -
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
[list][*] Special Medicine
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Healing Flask (Heals 5 HP)
[*] [ 1 / 5 ] Antivenom (Removes 10 stacks of poison damage)
[*] [ 3 / 5 ] Food Ration (Quality: 5)
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Torch
[*] [ 5 / 5 ] Rope
[*] [ 4 / 5 ] Iron Knife (1-4 Dmg)
[*] -
[*] -
[*] -[/list]

[list][*]Nature's Blessing
-> Removes most types of status ailments and debuffs from the target and additionally restores [1d6 ± WIL] HP.
-> Forces all enemies to make an [AGI ± VIT] check vs the caster's [DEX ± WIL]. Any targets failing the check are immobilized for [2 ± INT/5] turns and lose their AC dodge bonus for the duration of the effect.
[*]Animate Weapon
-> The target has to be an inanimate object that can be used as a weapon.
The target object is animated, receives the ability to fly and is under control of the caster.
The object is treated as a targetable member of battle with [10 ± INT/2 ± WIL] HP, [INT] AC and [INT ± WIL] Init and has complete immunity to status ailments and debuffs, but cannot be healed.
Offensively, it deals damage equal to [its innate Dmg range ± WIL/2] and has Hit equal to [its innate Hit stat ± INT]. Animated objects cannot perform maneuvers and thus have no MR stat.
The target object remains animated until its HP drop to 0 or it is manually dismissed by the caster. In both cases, the object crumbles to dust and cannot be retrieved.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains animated, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.
[*]Enchant Weapon
-> The target has to be an object that can be used as a weapon. (It can be animated.)
The target object is enchanted with magic, bestowing a [WIL/2] bonus to Dmg and an [INT] bonus to Hit upon it. If desired, it can additionally receive an elemental affinity.
The target object remains enchanted until it is destroyed or the enchantment is manually cancelled.
This is a channeling spell. As long as the target object remains enchanted, the spellpoint used for this spell cannot be recovered.[/list]

Abilities (275/350 AP spent):
[list][*]Dryad's Curse [ Active ] [ 100 AP ]
-> This ability can only be used if the effects of "Wilting Flower" are not currently suppressed by medicine.
Forces all enemies to make a WIL check against Hana's WIL+2.
If they succeed, they are stunned for a turn.
If they fail, they (as well as all of their possessions) are permanently transformed into inanimate plants, thus eliminating them from combat. The type of plant is dependent on the target's characteristics and can be anything from a flower to a tree.
However, using this ability damages Hana's VIT by 5 and causes an immediate VIT check from "Wilting Flower".
Furthermore, this ability has no effect on embodiments of the forest, as well as spirits and other entities without a corporeal form.
[*]Phantasmal Barrier [ Active ] [ 80 AP / use ] [ Not learned ]
-> Grants the target a shield capable of distorting and defying reality, inverting all harmful effects of the next hit taken (damage becomes healing, debuffs become buffs, etc.).
If an effect cannot be converted into something positive, it is instead nullified altogether.

[*]Mirror Veil [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
-> While active, as long as Hana has at least one spellpoint remaining, any projectile-based attack or spell aimed at Hana's party first has to pass a WIL vs. WIL check against Hana. If the attacker fails this check, one of Hana's spellpoints is consumed and the attack is reflected back at the attacker (and their allies, if applicable) with 50% increased potency and an additional +5 bonus to Hit.
This ability is automatically disabled if Hana runs out of spellpoints.
[*]Gift of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
-> Hana has the ability to regenerate mana at an unnatural rate while resting.
During combat, as long as Hana has no sustained abilities active, any unused minor action generates 1 Focus Point, while any unused major action generates 2. Every hour passed outside of combat also generates 1 Focus Point, or 2 while camping.
Every set of 5 Focus Points is automatically converted to a spellpoint.
Focus points will not accumulate if Hana isn't actually missing any spellpoints, and Focus Points that would go beyond Hana's spellpoint cap are lost.
[*]Pact of the Spirits [ Passive ] [ 100 AP ]
-> Hana is accompanied by two familiars at all times, which take the form of sentient glowing orbs with transculent wings resembling those of a butterfly, roughly the size of a fist. They're beings of pure magic, sustained by Hana's mana - they cannot leave her vicinity for more than a few minutes at a time, and if she dies, they will disappear.
They do, however, have their own will and reasoning, and although they will try to protect Hana to the best of their abilities, she does not have direct control over them.
The white one, called Lux, will cast supportive magic to bolster the strength and defenses of Hana and her allies, choosing from a variety of buffs and other trickery.
The black one, called Nox, will cast disruptive magic to weaken Hana's foes, trying to inflict a variety of status ailments and debuffs.
Both of them will act independently from Hana - once per turn each - and share her attributes to determine the effectiveness of their spells.
Although these familiars do not require enough mana to actively drain Hana's reserves, they do take up some magical power that she can never tap into, lowering her maximum spell points by 2.
If the maximum spell point reduction from this ability were to somehow drop Hana's maximum spell points to -1 or less, her familiars will disappear and she will lose consciousness until she regains enough maximum spell points to sustain them.
[*]Wilting Flower [ Passive ] [ +75 AP ]
-> Hana suffers from an incurable disease that is slowly eating away at her life.
Its effects can be suppressed with special medicine, but will begin anew as soon as she goes for a full day without.
When not under the effects of the medicine...
- ...she receives one point of attribute damage to a random attribute whenever she takes HP damage.
- ...HP and attribute damage will not regenerate through natural means. (Potions, spells, etc. will still work as normal.)
- ...she periodically (roughly once per day) has to pass a VIT check against a DC of 10; if she fails it, her VIT is damaged by 1d4 and her max HP are affected accordingly. If this drops her VIT to -6 or less, she will additionally pass out for a few hours. If Hana fails three or more of these checks and passes out as a result, she dies.
Taking medicine will reset the number of failed checks, and resting while under the effects of the medicine will allow Hana to recover HP and attribute damage as normal.
Hana (as well as anyone else with basic knowledge of medicine and/or herbs) is capable of making this medicine herself given the right ingredients, a spellpoint and an hour of time.[/list]

-2 Strength
±0 Dexterity
+2 Agility
-3 Vitality
+5 Intellect
+5 Willpower
±0 Perception
"...yeah, let's be on our way. If these roads aren't safe even during the day I don't particularly want to find out what they're like at night."

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:14 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Reylos, Lvl 0.88
HP: 09/13
SP: 0/2

+2 DMG| +4 HIT | +4 AC | +6 MR | +5 INIT

Main: Long Dagger [1-5 dmg]
Alt: Shortbow [2-4 dmg] (Arrows [8/50])
Armor [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [8/10]:
[4/5] Healing Flasks (Heals 5 HP)
[1/5] Antivenom (Heals 10 poison damages)
[5/5] Food Ration (5 qualities)
[5/5] Ropes
[2/5] Armor Kit (+2 AC)
[1/5] Whetstone (+1 DMG)
[1/5] Iron Knife
Empty bottle of poison

Spells [2/2]:
Enduring Inferno: Toss Fire at an enemy (which then engulfs them).
-> A fire-based projectile attack with [DEX ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target is engulfed in flames, dealing [2d4 ± WIL] fire damage immediately
and an additional [1d3 ± WIL/3] fire damage per turn for [3 ± INT/3] turns.
Crashing Wave: Fling a wall of Water at an enemy.
-> A water-based projectile attack with [WIL ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target takes [2d6 ± WIL] water damage and has to pass a VIT check against the caster's WIL.
If they fail, they are additionally stunned for a turn.

Abilities: [335/350AP]
Silence [2/2] [Active] [40x2 AP]:
-> Strike a weak point with a dagger. Does Maximized damage and immobilizes enemy for their next turn.

Precision [Passive] [100 AP]: Know where to strike..
-> Daggers use DEX instead of STR for calculating +DMG and +Hit.

Last Shot [1/1] [Active] [60 AP]:
-> Throw a dagger at an enemy for 2x Maximized damage.
Hopefully they'll give it back afterward..

Shooting Cinders [Sustained] [40 AP]: Ignite arrows.
-> Arrows deal Fire damage but they will be burnt to ash and unrecoverable afterwards.
+20 AP per +1dmg.

Recover Fire [Passive] [15AP]:
-> Recover %50 of spent arrows after battle.
40 AP for 100%.

Fletchery [Camping] [50 AP]:
-> Craft [10 ± DEX] arrows.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
Reylos removes her cloak from Sam's saddlebag
and puts it back on, with her bow on top this time.
(Not really expecting any more fights, but...)

Then she takes the firewood and torches and puts them in the saddlebag instead,
while listening to Tabithe's conversation with Annor.

Then Tabithe asks if they should continue and Hana agrees.
They hadn't ended up too badly off from that fight, so that should be fine.
Whether the two bandits would be fine wasn't their problem,
and they probably wouldn't get attacked by anything.

Reylos nods and gets back on her horse.

(Just one more thing...)
When they reach the spot where Alice dropped the empty bottle of poison,
Reylos stops and picks it up.
"Rather careless to leave this lying around..."
Plus, it might even be interesting.
If not, better to at least dispose of it properly.
Reylos removes her cloak from Sam's saddlebag
and puts it back on, with her bow on top this time.
Then she takes the firewood and torches and puts them in the saddlebag instead.

Tabithe asks if they should continue and Hana agrees.
Reylos nods and gets back on her horse.

However, when they reach the spot where Alice dropped the empty bottle of poison,
Reylos stops and picks it up.
"Rather careless to leave this lying around..."

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:25 pm
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [2H: +3 Str]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Looks like that'll be the way of it, and Hana's right -- they shouldn't waste too much time. Before she mounts Merry again, Tabithe turns to the axefighter one last time.
"Annor, right? It's Tabithe. Safe travels."
She hooks a leg into the stirrup and hoists herself onto her horse with a decisive motion, as if to shake off her worries.
"And, tell your friend I'm sorry, yeah?"
Tabithe wonders briefly if she'll see them again some day. Hopefully, under better circumstances.
With that, she directs Merry to catch up to the others, and they're off.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:23 pm
by penguinflyer2222
  • Reylos (pf2222) .._ | 09/13 | Lv 1.49 | [Cover] |
  • Tabithe (AoD) ..__ | 12/18 | Lv 1.54 | [Front] |
  • Hana (Shade) ...__ | 08/08 | Lv 1.52 | [Cover] | Unconscious

    Sam | 18/21 | [3 Wood, 5 Torches] | [Mounted]
    Merry | 19/21 | [3 Wood, 3 Rations] | [Mounted]
    Pippin | 17/21 | [-, -]| [Dismounted]

Location: Road to Salcea
Time: Afternoon
Day 1
300 gold
Travel: event threshold 250;
Phase 3/6: 292
Phase 4/6: 982
Phase 6/6: 003

You continue your journey.
The sun continues to shine on the plains,
but the air grows more humid closer to the coast.
The city comes into view...

Wilting Flower:
(3 + -3) 0 vs 7
Hana loses 4 Vitality. Hana passes out.

Suddenly Pippin stops, realizing something is wrong.
Lux casts Feather Falling.
Unable to keep her balance, Hana falls to the ground, unharmed, but unconscious.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:15 am
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [2H: +3 Str]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Little Pippin comes to a stop, and Tabithe looks behind her as she and Reylos start to pull away -- just in time to see Hana drop gently to the ground, totally still. Surely the humidity wouldn't affect someone that much, but... what else could it be? She landed fortunately, but that was still very sudden!
"Whoa there, Merry. Just a moment."
Not that Tabithe needs him still to dismount, but she half-expects Merry to just keep on trotting otherwise. Tabithe lands lightly and rushes to Hana's side.
"Out like a light... she's not stirring at all."
Tabithe wonders if this is included in everything that Hana has been deliberately vague about mentioning... either way, they can worry about all that later. She turns to Reylos, looking perplexed.
"We're not far from Salcea now, right? We should probably get her to a bed first."

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:38 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Reylos, Lvl 1.49
HP: 09/13
SP: 0/2

+2 DMG| +4 HIT | +4 AC | +6 MR | +5 INIT

Main: Long Dagger [1-5 dmg]
Alt: Shortbow [2-4 dmg] (Arrows [8/50])
Armor [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [8/10]:
[4/5] Healing Flasks (Heals 5 HP)
[1/5] Antivenom (Heals 10 poison damages)
[5/5] Food Ration (5 qualities)
[5/5] Ropes
[2/5] Armor Kit (+2 AC)
[1/5] Whetstone (+1 DMG)
[1/5] Iron Knife
Empty bottle of poison

Spells [2/2]:
Enduring Inferno: Toss Fire at an enemy (which then engulfs them).
-> A fire-based projectile attack with [DEX ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target is engulfed in flames, dealing [2d4 ± WIL] fire damage immediately
and an additional [1d3 ± WIL/3] fire damage per turn for [3 ± INT/3] turns.
Crashing Wave: Fling a wall of Water at an enemy.
-> A water-based projectile attack with [WIL ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target takes [2d6 ± WIL] water damage and has to pass a VIT check against the caster's WIL.
If they fail, they are additionally stunned for a turn.

Abilities: [335/350AP]
Silence [2/2] [Active] [40x2 AP]:
-> Strike a weak point with a dagger. Does Maximized damage and immobilizes enemy for their next turn.

Precision [Passive] [100 AP]: Know where to strike..
-> Daggers use DEX instead of STR for calculating +DMG and +Hit.

Last Shot [1/1] [Active] [60 AP]:
-> Throw a dagger at an enemy for 2x Maximized damage.
Hopefully they'll give it back afterward..

Shooting Cinders [Sustained] [40 AP]: Ignite arrows.
-> Arrows deal Fire damage but they will be burnt to ash and unrecoverable afterwards.
+20 AP per +1dmg.

Recover Fire [Passive] [15AP]:
-> Recover %50 of spent arrows after battle.
40 AP for 100%.

Fletchery [Camping] [50 AP]:
-> Craft [10 ± DEX] arrows.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
They set off again.
Reylos contemplated whether she could hit any targets
shooting her bow from a moving horse.
Probably not.
Aside from the fact it'd be a waste of arrows.

Salcea came into view.
Soon they could be asking Pyris about their quest.
Wouldn't that be fun.
(It would, actually.)

But then Hana's horse stopped.
And then she saw why.
(Hana.. fell off?
Something's not right.)

Reylos stopped her own horse and got off,
as did Tabithe.

There didn't seem to be any cause for it, but Hana'd fainted.

Tabithe suggested they take her to Salcea, since they were so close..
Reylos had to agree.
"Yes, we're almost there.
But.. how are we going to get her there?"
(We can't just tie her to her horse, after all.)
Reylos had spent the journey looking at the scenery,
but then Hana's horse stopped, and she fell off..
Reylos stopped her own horse and got off.
There didn't seem to be any cause for it, but Hana'd fainted.

Reylos looks concerned as she replies to Tabithe.
"Yes, we're almost there.
But.. how are we going to get her there?"

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:24 pm
by Agent of Dread
Tabithe, Lv 1.54


[+3 AC] [-1 AC] [▀▀ ▀▀]
| ✗ ✗

+2 Dmg | +6 Hit | +5 AC | +3 MR | +4 Init
Bastard Sword - 4-8 Dmg | Traveler's Cloak - 1 AC
    • [2H: +3 Str]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status

[list][*] - Healing Flask [ 4/5 ] [ Restores 05 HP ]
[*] - Antivenom [ 1/5 ] [ Removes 10 stacked poison damage ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Armour Kit [ 2/5 ] [ +2 AC for next fight ]
[*] - Whetstone [ 2/5 ] [ +1 Dmg for next fight ]
[*] -
[*] -
[*] - Ropes [ 5/5 ]
[*] - Torch [ 5/5 ][/list]

Abilities: [ 340/350 AP spent ]

[list][*]The Art of the Blade [ Passive ] [ 3 Stances: 240 80 AP ]
Tabithe's prowess in combat is founded on the myriad stances she employs.
-> Tabithe has a set of Sustained abilities denoted by "Stance:".
-> Tabithe may have up to one Stance ability active at once.
-> As long as Tabithe has this ability, only [ 100 / no. of Stance abilities learned ]% of the total AP cost of all Stance abilities is counted against Tabithe's total AP.[/list]

[list][list][*]Stance: Royal Guard [ Sustained ] [ 100 AP ]
When unfettered by heavy armour, Tabithe's weapon is an instrument of defense as well as offense.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing her weapon and not be wearing armour with a Dex penalty to activate Royal Guard.
-> The Str requirement for her wielded weapon is added to Tabithe's AC.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Denting Blows [ Sustained ] [ 80 AP ]
Tabithe maximises the destructive capabilities of heavy weapons to overcome any fortification.
-> Tabithe must be two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement to activate Denting Blows.
-> Her weapon attacks ignore 1 of her target's AC.
-> A missed weapon attack will increase the AC ignored by 2, while a hit will increase it by 1.
-> The AC ignored resets to 1 if Tabithe attacks a different enemy.[/list]

[list][*]Stance: Inner Quiet [ Sustained ] [ 60 AP ]
With focus, Tabithe can find the stamina to fight where others cannot.
-> Tabithe forgoes the physical advantages of other stances to focus inward.
-> Every second turn Tabithe has Inner Quiet active, she may use an ability she has 0 uses left for.
-> Each ability can only be used through Inner Quiet once per battle.[/list][/list]

[list][*]Crushing Steel [ Passive ] [ 40 AP ]
The destructive power of Tabithe's choice of arms is felt to the fullest when she truly outmatches her foes' defense.
-> If Tabithe's Hit roll total exceeds her target's AC roll total by 7 or more, the damage dealt is increased by her weapon's Str requirement. [ 40 AP ]
-> The bonus damage is applied again for each additional 3 that the target's AC roll is exceeded by. [ 50 AP ][/list]

[list][*]Broad Strokes [ Passive ] [ 80 AP ]
When appropriately armed, Tabithe is capable of engaging multiple foes.
-> If Tabithe is two-handing a weapon with a Str requirement, she may target two foes at once with a weapon attack.
-> Each target will make their own AC check, while Tabithe's Hit roll will apply to both.
-> Attacks made against multiple targets will have -2 Hit and deal -2 damage.[/list]

[list][*] Lunge [ Active - 1 use ] [ 60 AP per use ]
When Tabithe adds inertia to her strike, she finds herself within reach of even protected foes.
-> Tabithe makes a melee attack which deals 1.5x Maximised damage.
-> If it hits, and Tabithe is in the Front row, she moves to the Enemy Front row for the duration of her next turn, and returns to the Front row at its end.
-> Broad Strokes cannot be used in conjunction with Lunge.[/list]

[list][*] Groundhouse [ Active - 2 uses ] [40 AP per use]
Tabithe's martial prowess is supplanted by the Element of her homeland.
-> Tabithe makes an unarmed attack with 1-3 Dmg and +2 Hit as a minor action.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Weak, they are stunned for their next turn when hit.
-> If her target's Earth affinity is Normal, they have no minor action during their next turn when hit.
-> Other affinities have no additional effect.


[list][*]+4 Str
[*]+2 Dex
[*]+4 Agi
[*]+0 Vit
[*]-4 Int
[*]-1 Wil
[*]+2 Per[/list][/list]
Reylos seems to be on board with getting Hana to Salcea, but she's unsure about how they're going to do it. Though her brow is still creased with worry, Tabithe smiles at her brusque companion.
"That much is easy -- I'll carry her, of course."
Tabithe sits up Hana's inanimate form, and relieves her of her pack. She thinks for a moment, then lies Hana gently back down before standing up and unbuckling the belts around her waist: one for her trousers and one that fastens her sword, then lifting Hana's and her own packs and approaching Pippin.
"There's a good boy. Here, I'll trade you mine for Hana."
Then, she says to Reylos:
"Can you take his reins and lead him behind us?"
Tabithe uses the belts to fasten the packs directly to Pippin's saddle, patting them to check they're secure. Then she returns to Hana's side, starting to lift the girl by her back, before she realises something -- her sword is still lying on the ground...
She props Hana up on her knee temporarily, then grabs her sword with her free hand and lays it length-ways along Hana -- from the girl's delicate shoulders to her lap -- and folds her arms over it, before finally hoisting Hana and her blade by hooking her other arm under Hana's knees.
Taking a moment to steady herself, she approaches Merry with her quarry, sweating cold yet grinning in spite of everything.
"What do you think, Merry? Or are you going to make me hoof it?"
Perhaps jokes like these are Tabithe's own way of coping with uncertainty...

If Merry is unable or unwilling to manage getting Hana up and carrying her, Reylos can take his reins as well, and Tabithe will take Hana on foot.

Re: Elemental PnP - Game Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 9:01 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Reylos, Lvl 1.49
HP: 09/13
SP: 0/2

+2 DMG| +4 HIT | +4 AC | +6 MR | +5 INIT

Main: Long Dagger [1-5 dmg]
Alt: Shortbow [2-4 dmg] (Arrows [8/50])
Armor [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [8/10]:
[4/5] Healing Flasks (Heals 5 HP)
[1/5] Antivenom (Heals 10 poison damages)
[5/5] Food Ration (5 qualities)
[5/5] Ropes
[2/5] Armor Kit (+2 AC)
[1/5] Whetstone (+1 DMG)
[1/5] Iron Knife
Empty bottle of poison

Spells [2/2]:
Enduring Inferno: Toss Fire at an enemy (which then engulfs them).
-> A fire-based projectile attack with [DEX ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target is engulfed in flames, dealing [2d4 ± WIL] fire damage immediately
and an additional [1d3 ± WIL/3] fire damage per turn for [3 ± INT/3] turns.
Crashing Wave: Fling a wall of Water at an enemy.
-> A water-based projectile attack with [WIL ± INT] Hit.
Upon a hit, the target takes [2d6 ± WIL] water damage and has to pass a VIT check against the caster's WIL.
If they fail, they are additionally stunned for a turn.

Abilities: [335/350AP]
Silence [2/2] [Active] [40x2 AP]:
-> Strike a weak point with a dagger. Does Maximized damage and immobilizes enemy for their next turn.

Precision [Passive] [100 AP]: Know where to strike..
-> Daggers use DEX instead of STR for calculating +DMG and +Hit.

Last Shot [1/1] [Active] [60 AP]:
-> Throw a dagger at an enemy for 2x Maximized damage.
Hopefully they'll give it back afterward..

Shooting Cinders [Sustained] [40 AP]: Ignite arrows.
-> Arrows deal Fire damage but they will be burnt to ash and unrecoverable afterwards.
+20 AP per +1dmg.

Recover Fire [Passive] [15AP]:
-> Recover %50 of spent arrows after battle.
40 AP for 100%.

Fletchery [Camping] [50 AP]:
-> Craft [10 ± DEX] arrows.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
(I see.)
Reylos watches as Tabithe proceeds with her plan,
wondering how she'll carry her sword when she sets it down,
but agreeing to lead the horse.
"Of course."
Evidently Tabithe realized her problem as well,
because she gives her sword to Hana to hold,
which is a bit strange to see.

Since everything seems to be well in hand,
as Tabithe heads toward Merry,
Reylos approaches Hana's steed.
"Pippin, is it? Come on, then."
Reylos watches as Tabithe proceeds with her plan,
agreeing to lead the horse.
"Of course."

As Tabithe heads toward Merry,
Reylos approaches Hana's steed.
"Pippin, is it? Come on, then."