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Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:11 am
by Killer Frog
Sweet, donwloading now. This thing have working multiplayer?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:30 am
by penguinflyer5234
It does (hotseat only)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:53 pm
by Agent of Dread
Food is not broken!
Seriously, I don't see what the problem is!

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:36 pm
by aleco614
So this has multiplayer? If it does....

*click google*
*type soulfu download*
*go to the page, download*
*play immediately*

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:49 pm
by Shade
Agent of Dread wrote:Food is not broken!
Only if you keep advancing into lower levels fairly quickly. This works well with overpowered classes like the elf or healer, but with pretty much all other classes, the need for hearts forces you to go back to earlier levels every so often and farm low level monsters for hearts in order to not die (being forced to use Wunnups Cups sucks, and isn't even possible if you have the Courage badge), and the need for more food while not gaining any further food or money really messes around with that. As I said, if there was SOME way to obtain hearts in the towns at least, or another way to cure heavy wounds other than to pray or collect hearts, two issues would be solved by only one change. But I guess that will never happen.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:23 am
by PurpleSquerkle
Yeah, the food timer is annoying; it should be at least 50% longer.
And the game is generally incomplete... The useless items (doll etc.) should have been replaced with placeholders that actually had a function, even if they were more ordinary.
There are other quirks, too, such as the fact that not every class has a special ability.

Still, it's actually a fantastic game, and is a ton of fun to play in multiplayer especially.
It's too bad Aaron didn't make it easier for us to finish it.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:18 am
by Agent of Dread
Well the Elf doesn't have an ability but it makes up for it with superbuff.
Anyhow, if you want, I'll link you to a hacked version where:
-Health potions heal heavy wounds
-Health and mana regenerate
-Kittens/puppies evolve into Wuffs
-Character/game saving mod
So, yeah.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:29 am
by Shade
A high dexterity is much more important than any non-healer-skill you could possibly have (including magic), since it allows you to attack much faster, move fast and eventually even double-jump, which is required at various places - and the elf may start with up to 19 dexterity, allowing him to reach 30 DEX even at lv3 already if you spend one magical ring on DEX. Otherwise, lv4 for double-jump still is really good. Now, if the elf's other stats were rather bad in exchange, he would be balanced - but they aren't. His life is ok, his STR is awesome and his INT is good as well. He has no weaknesses, unlike most other classes, which makes him imbalanced.

And no, thanks, health regeneration would piss me off - it makes the game too easy. I only want mana regeneration and a way to obtain hearts at towns or cure heavy wounds some other way (I also don't mind the saving thing). Other than that, I just want the plain, vanilla Soulfu I know.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:23 am
by Zefz
Sounds like a simple patch as AoD mentioned would fix many of your complaints.

- Double the food timer
- Rebalance the starting stats for the Elf
- Add some mana regeneration (constant or based on a stat or level?)
- Kittens/puppies evolve into Wuffs

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:32 am
by Shade
Zefz wrote:Sounds like a simple patch as AoD mentioned would fix many of your complaints.
Yeah, the thing just is that I don't know how to patch it. =/
Zefz wrote:- Double the food timer
Zefz wrote:- Rebalance the starting stats for the Elf
Zefz wrote:- Add some mana regeneration (constant or based on a stat or level?)
Based on INT sounds fine; I think something like INT/10 per 20 seconds would work.
Zefz wrote:- Kittens/puppies evolve into Wuffs

And add some possibility to heal in towns infinitely - a shop option to buy for $50 that removes all your wounds (including the heavy ones) or something.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:10 pm
by PurpleSquerkle
Zefz wrote:Sounds like a simple patch as AoD mentioned would fix many of your complaints.

- Double the food timer
- Rebalance the starting stats for the Elf
- Add some mana regeneration (constant or based on a stat or level?)
- Kittens/puppies evolve into Wuffs
The patch AoD mentioned already exists.
However, some of these features are silly and unnecessary. It's possible to tame Wuffs already, so there's no need to make kittens and puppies evolve into them.
Rebalanced stats for the Elf would be good, mana generation would be good, and a slower food timer would definitely be good.
Health generation is dumb though, as is having health potions heal heavy wounds. I also don't think hearts should be easier to come by, or that you should be able to be healed in towns... This would decrease the usefulness of the Healer's ability.

I'd like to see character saving, too, but some thought would have to go into it to avoid making it cheap. There is a character saving mod that already exists, but I don't like it because you can save and load whenever you want, if I recall correctly. I think there was some kind of experience penalty for saving or something too, but that might have been a bug. If it wasn't, it was a good idea.
A good character saving mod, I think, would look like this:

-You can save any time you're in a village.
-You can save up to, say, ten characters.
-Each slot will save the name of the character so that you can remember which one is which.
-When you save, you lose some experience, and probably a few points from each virtue too.
-Every time you die the game saves automatically. There aren't any penalties at that point, though, other than the normal penalties for death.
-Saved characters can be loaded from the character generation screen.

The rest of the "ideal mod" would be like this:

-Rebalanced stats for the Elf and maybe some other classes that might need it.
-Food timer increased by 50-100%.
-Mana regeneration based on intelligence. It shouldn't be too fast, and it shouldn't regenerate mana that is "in use" or whatever (the white line; I'm not sure I'm remembering correctly what that's for).
-Useless items like the doll should no longer be consumable and should also be worth a good amount of cash. Either that, or they should be given some kind of function... using them gives you virtue points?

If these things were changed, it would tighten up the game a lot.
This may seem like a ridiculous recommendation, but I think it would be pretty cool if, after this release, we took a little bit of time to create this "ideal mod" (and we can keep working on Egoboo simultaneously, of course). Soulfu is pretty hard to work with, but it's not impossible, and we can use other people's work as a starting point.
If such a mod was finished we could put it on the website somewhere. :)

...Anyway, it's just an idea, and kind of an odd one. But it's worth considering.

EDIT: Oh, and one more thing. In the existing character saving mod that I've played, the play-as-monster cheat is enabled by default. In the "ideal mod" this wouldn't be the case... The cheat is pretty cool and isn't that hard to get working, so it should be left up to the user to set up.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:28 pm
by Shade
PurpleSquerkle wrote:I also don't think hearts should be easier to come by, or that you should be able to be healed in towns... This would decrease the usefulness of the Healer's ability.
Care to explain why you think so? There's only three towns after all, with several full levels between each of them. Even if there was some way to cure heavy wounds in towns, you would still have to backtrack a lot to get there, and since monsters respawn after a while, you might still get killed on your way, and most importantly - the way is long and it consumes food, which would probably discourage players from running to the towns for every little wound they get - it would just be something like a "last resort". Healers would still be extremly useful, as they cannot suffer heavy wounds themselves and can still cure others' heavy wounds anywhere - without any backtracking involved at all. It would just make the game slightly more managable in Single Player. I don't really see how that's a bad thing.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:36 pm
by woodmouse
Umm, I checked Soulfu, but I uninstalled it because it didn't have even hotseat, and the only classes avaible were soldier (or something) and wizard. :?
Is that normal? Or do the more things cost or something? :(

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:42 pm
by penguinflyer2222
It's niceware. You have to go somewhere and push the buttons on the keyboard thing with your mouse and say "I swore I did something nice." or something like that. I forgot how it works.. But then it unlocks the full version.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:51 pm
by penguinflyer5234
You had to pay $10 to unlock all the other ones in versions up to 1.4, in 1.5 it turned to "niceware".

and I'm sure it has hotseat, you just have to enable the controller in the controls menu.