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Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:00 pm
by penguinflyer2222
(01:26:18 PM) Woodmouse left the room (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
(01:27:20 PM) Cimeries is now known as Woodmouse
(01:27:37 PM) Woodmouse: everybody do the same
(01:27:43 PM) You are now known as Cimeries
(01:27:58 PM) Woodmouse_ [] entered the room.
(01:28:07 PM) Cimeries: 'lo
(01:28:13 PM) pf5234: aloha
(01:28:15 PM) Woodmouse_: internet problems!
(01:28:20 PM) Woodmouse: Woodmouse!
(01:28:26 PM) Cimeries: wait, who are you?
(01:28:27 PM) Woodmouse_: eeeeeeeeek
(01:28:33 PM) Cimeries: Are you a fake woody?
(01:28:37 PM) Woodmouse_: .....
(01:28:41 PM) Woodmouse_: U'm the real
(01:28:42 PM) Woodmouse_: *I'm
(01:28:44 PM) Woodmouse: I'm a real woody
(01:28:46 PM) Woodmouse: He's fake
(01:28:50 PM) Woodmouse_: -..........-
(01:28:52 PM) Woodmouse: seriously
(01:28:53 PM) Woodmouse_ left the room.
(01:28:56 PM) pf5234: :o
(01:29:09 PM) Woodmouse: I'm so ashamed
(01:29:19 PM) Woodmouse: Let's do it again.
(01:29:22 PM) Cimeries: I invited him back
(01:29:38 PM) Cimeries: Hmm, shall we invite Zefz while we're at it?
(01:29:41 PM) Cimeries: Nah,
(01:29:50 PM) Woodmouse is now known as Foxie
(01:29:54 PM) Cimeries: he's probably too busy to be bothered with all this
(01:29:54 PM) Foxie: Already did
(01:29:58 PM) Foxie: har har
(01:30:18 PM) Woodmouse [] entered the room.
(01:30:18 PM) mode (+v Woodmouse ) by ChanServ
(01:30:21 PM) Woodmouse: laaaaaaa
(01:30:21 PM) pf5234: hola
(01:30:26 PM) Cimeries: 'lo
(01:30:32 PM) mode (+o Woodmouse ) by ChanServ
(01:30:39 PM) Foxie: Sorry we scared you woodmouse ;)
(01:30:47 PM) Woodmouse: :O
(01:30:50 PM) Woodmouse: 2222
(01:30:53 PM) Woodmouse: whyyyyyyyyy?
(01:30:55 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(01:30:58 PM) Cimeries: He came after you left
(01:31:05 PM) Cimeries: We invited him.
(01:31:06 PM) Foxie: No, it's me, Zefz/
(01:31:35 PM) Cimeries: I'm going to work on my not-so secret cool module now.
(01:31:45 PM) Woodmouse: \o\
(01:32:07 PM) Woodmouse: hat hat
(01:32:08 PM) Woodmouse: *har har
(01:32:09 PM) Cimeries: And stop looking at creepy pictures of Madonna
(01:32:11 PM) Woodmouse: you can't be Zefz
(01:32:17 PM) Woodmouse: BECAUSE Zefz is here
(01:32:20 PM) Woodmouse: not here, but...
(01:32:22 PM) Woodmouse: welll
(01:32:22 PM) Foxie: Hmm?
(01:32:24 PM) Woodmouse: in irc
(01:32:26 PM) Woodmouse: xD
(01:32:29 PM) Woodmouse: freenove
(01:32:31 PM) Woodmouse: *node
(01:32:33 PM) Woodmouse: xD
(01:32:34 PM) Cimeries: Might be a fake.
(01:32:38 PM) Foxie: Someone took over my nickname...
(01:32:39 PM) Cimeries: Must be, actually.
(01:32:42 PM) Foxie: :(
(01:32:46 PM) Woodmouse: how so?
(01:33:05 PM) Foxie: I don't know, I tried logging in and I saw that someone was already using it.
(01:33:15 PM) Woodmouse: lol, really?
(01:33:16 PM) Woodmouse: :O
(01:33:19 PM) Woodmouse: ZEEEEEEEEEEEFZ
(01:33:21 PM) Woodmouse: XD
(01:33:28 PM) Woodmouse: hmmm
(01:33:32 PM) Foxie: I'm using this one untill the freenode staff figures this out.
(01:33:39 PM) Woodmouse: Zefz would never use :( I think
(01:33:41 PM) Woodmouse: :/
(01:33:44 PM) Woodmouse: but I'm not sure, lol
(01:33:45 PM) Woodmouse: XD
(01:33:47 PM) Woodmouse: I'm weird.
(01:33:52 PM) Cimeries: My module requires ModBaker.
(01:33:59 PM) Woodmouse: waitaminute
(01:34:04 PM) Cimeries: The delicious goodness of baking modules.
(01:34:10 PM) Woodmouse: Cimeries is 2222? And Foxie is Cimeries?
(01:34:32 PM) Cimeries: No no no, 2222 left.
(01:34:36 PM) Foxie: the cow jumped over the moon.
(01:35:11 PM) Foxie: And the fork [something progane] with the spoon
(01:35:15 PM) Foxie: *profan
(01:35:18 PM) Foxie: *profane
(01:35:31 PM) kettlechip [] entered the room.
(01:35:31 PM) mode (+v kettlechip ) by ChanServ
(01:35:34 PM) Cimeries: 'lo
(01:35:35 PM) pf5234: hi
(01:36:00 PM) Cimeries: It's nice to see so many people in here.
(01:36:24 PM) Cimeries: But it will distract me from my module, so I must multitask!
(01:37:03 PM) You are now known as PROCASTINATRON
(01:37:53 PM) PROCASTINATRON: I am procastinatron.
(01:38:13 PM) Foxie: The robot that does everything on the last minute!
(01:38:21 PM) Foxie: I'm your biggest fan!
(01:38:24 PM) Woodmouse: :O
(01:38:32 PM) Woodmouse: Whebebe
(01:38:33 PM) Foxie: I'd aks you for an autograph, but it can wait.
(01:38:37 PM) Woodmouse: eeeeeeeeeek, the...
(01:38:42 PM) Woodmouse: ChatZilla...
(01:38:43 PM) Woodmouse: broke.
(01:38:45 PM) PROCASTINATRON: How nice to see a fan.
(01:38:48 PM) Woodmouse is now known as Woodmouse_
(01:38:59 PM) Woodmouse_: yep
(01:39:01 PM) Woodmouse_: broken
(01:39:02 PM) Foxie: What happened?
(01:39:03 PM) Woodmouse_: brb
(01:39:03 PM) PROCASTINATRON: I didn't know I had any.
(01:39:05 PM) Woodmouse_ left the room (quit: "ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.12/2009070611]").
(01:39:23 PM) Woodmouse_ [] entered the room.
(01:39:25 PM) Woodmouse_ is now known as Woodmouse
(01:39:32 PM) mode (+v Woodmouse ) by ChanServ
(01:39:41 PM) mode (+o Woodmouse ) by ChanServ
(01:39:46 PM) Woodmouse: someone
(01:39:48 PM) Woodmouse: change name
(01:39:49 PM) PROCASTINATRON: Are you a fan too?
(01:40:03 PM) Woodmouse: so I see if it's still broken
(01:40:10 PM) pf5234 is now known as Ood_Sigma
(01:40:14 PM) Woodmouse: ok, yay,
(01:40:17 PM) Woodmouse: it works now
(01:40:26 PM) Woodmouse: now it shows the messages of name changeing
(01:40:34 PM) Foxie: Are you a fan of PROCASTINATRON as well?
(01:40:40 PM) Foxie: It's ok, take your time.
(01:40:51 PM) Woodmouse: because when Cimeries changed to PROSTIWHATEVER it... didn't show massage
(01:41:00 PM) Woodmouse: *message
(01:41:00 PM) ***PROCASTINATRON is attacked by the Ood Sigma
(01:41:04 PM) Foxie: PROCASTINATRON!
(01:41:12 PM) Foxie: I'll save you!
(01:41:15 PM) Woodmouse: OH NOWS
(01:41:18 PM) Woodmouse: THE HETHETHE
(01:41:20 PM) ***Foxie saves you
(01:41:22 PM) Woodmouse: there is a
(01:41:24 PM) Woodmouse: message
(01:41:30 PM) Woodmouse: of ZoneAlarm
(01:41:32 PM) Woodmouse: buttttttttttt
(01:41:34 PM) Woodmouse: it's broken
(01:41:45 PM) PROCASTINATRON: Thank you, fan
(01:41:47 PM) Foxie is now known as Clonkinator
(01:41:59 PM) Clonkinator: being Zefz is boring.
(01:42:47 PM) PROCASTINATRON: I wouldn't have suspected Clonks to impersonate Zefz.
(01:43:28 PM) Clonkinator: I decided to do something different today.
(01:43:58 PM) ***PROCASTINATRON goes to the refrigerator at the last minute.
(01:44:21 PM) You are now known as PurpleSquerkle
(01:44:37 PM) PurpleSquerkle: Hello.
(01:44:52 PM) Clonkinator: Aren't you at summer camp dude?
(01:45:02 PM) Woodmouse left the room (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
(01:45:20 PM) PurpleSquerkle: Some weird robot thing pulled me out of the refrigerator at the camp and gave me a laptop.
(01:45:42 PM) PurpleSquerkle: Apparently he wouldn't need it anymore
(01:46:09 PM) Clonkinator: Makes sense
(01:46:36 PM) Clonkinator: oh my...
(01:46:39 PM) PurpleSquerkle: I think kettlechip should join the party
(01:46:42 PM) Clonkinator: I must be going now
(01:46:50 PM) Clonkinator: bye byr
(01:46:51 PM) PurpleSquerkle: Oh, bye.
(01:46:53 PM) Clonkinator: *bye
(01:46:57 PM) Clonkinator: DUEEGO
(01:47:00 PM) Clonkinator left the room (quit: "*poof*").
(01:47:14 PM) PurpleSquerkle: How'd Clonks know about that?
(01:47:22 PM) Woodmouse [] entered the room.
(01:47:28 PM) mode (+v Woodmouse ) by ChanServ
(01:47:29 PM) PurpleSquerkle: Hello.
(01:47:34 PM) mode (+o Woodmouse ) by ChanServ
(01:47:43 PM) Woodmouse: :O
(01:47:45 PM) Woodmouse left the room.
(01:47:58 PM) PurpleSquerkle: ...Bye?
(01:48:01 PM) You are now known as pf2222
(01:50:05 PM) Woodmouse [] entered the room.
(01:50:05 PM) mode (+v Woodmouse ) by ChanServ
(01:50:08 PM) Woodmouse: :O
(01:50:09 PM) pf2222: NUEEDO!
(01:50:13 PM) Woodmouse: Cimeries left?
(01:50:16 PM) Ood_Sigma is now known as pf524
(01:50:17 PM) Woodmouse: NUEEDO!
(01:50:19 PM) pf524 is now known as pf5234
(01:50:23 PM) pf2222: Clonks had to leave.
(01:50:29 PM) Woodmouse: CLONKS?
(01:50:32 PM) Woodmouse: :O
(01:50:34 PM) pf2222: Oh and so did Purple.
(01:50:40 PM) Woodmouse: LOL'
(01:50:51 PM) pf2222: I think he must've needed to go to a class at camp or something.
(01:50:57 PM) Woodmouse: SO IT WAS... CIMERIES!!! :O
(01:51:01 PM) Woodmouse: l,o,l
(01:51:07 PM) pf2222: Who was Cimeries now?
(01:51:31 PM) Woodmouse: loool
(01:51:32 PM) Woodmouse: it's you?
(01:51:38 PM) mode (+o Woodmouse ) by ChanServ
(01:51:42 PM) pf2222: I'm Cimeries?
(01:51:50 PM) Woodmouse: SHADOWMASTER!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!
(01:51:52 PM) Woodmouse: lol
(01:52:08 PM) kettlechip: neverkillacranefly
(01:52:16 PM) pf2222: Can't you just do a /whois?
(01:52:30 PM) pf2222: Even though we could've changed stuff in the /whois.
(01:52:31 PM) Woodmouse: ooops
(01:52:33 PM) Woodmouse: it's you
(01:52:35 PM) kettlechip: PARTY
(01:52:38 PM) kettlechip: PARTYPARTYPARTY
(01:52:49 PM) pf2222: @kettle: why not kill craneflies?
(01:53:06 PM) pf2222: Speaking of craneflies, I don't like craneflies.
(01:53:22 PM) kettlechip: those giant moquito things
(01:53:28 PM) kettlechip: they creepy
(01:53:49 PM) kettlechip: ... 031592435/
(01:53:52 PM) kettlechip: that happened to me
(01:53:54 PM) pf2222: They aren't really mosquito-like..
(01:53:54 PM) kettlechip: i killed it
(01:53:58 PM) kettlechip: and all the aphids went everywhere
(01:54:02 PM) kettlechip: and now i dont sleep in my room
(01:55:04 PM) pf2222: Yuck.
(01:55:23 PM) kettlechip: im going to flash freeze my room in winter
(01:55:26 PM) kettlechip: turn the heating off
(01:55:30 PM) kettlechip: open windows
(01:55:51 PM) pf2222: Well, Woodmouse, what do you think?
(01:55:56 PM) Woodmouse: ?
(01:56:00 PM) Woodmouse: all are all
(01:56:02 PM) Woodmouse: xD
(01:56:16 PM) kettlechip: IM BUYING ADDERALL
(01:56:18 PM) pf2222: meaning everybody is who their nick is?
(01:56:19 PM) kettlechip: YAYYAYYAY
(01:56:22 PM) kettlechip: well not adderall
(01:56:30 PM) kettlechip: the equivalent
(01:56:34 PM) kettlechip: YAYAYAYAY
(01:56:38 PM) kettlechip: CLASS 4 DRUGS
(01:56:55 PM) pf2222: Meh, the tree ends here.
(01:57:03 PM) pf2222: The chopped tree.
(01:57:19 PM) pf2222: [the log]
(01:57:25 PM) pf2222: [meaning the chat log]
(01:57:27 PM) pf2222: [ends]
(01:57:30 PM) pf2222: [soon]
(01:57:33 PM) pf2222: lol
(01:57:52 PM) pf2222: Right, ChanServ?

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:58 am
by Maxaxle
^Why I want to be able to use the Chatbox but currently can't.

I'm available on Skype and MSN Messenger, if anyone has either. Should we make a change to something we can all use? Not a generic IM program?

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:07 am
by penguinflyer5234 <- Javascript/AJAX IRC client

We can all use IRC :)

List of IRC clients on Wikipedia: ... at_clients

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:00 am
by Maxaxle
penguinflyer5234 wrote: <- Javascript/AJAX IRC client

We can all use IRC :)

List of IRC clients on Wikipedia: ... at_clients

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:44 pm
by aleco614
Oh no, not Maxaxle spam in chat! Image

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:10 pm
by Agent of Dread
/me is nonchalant to your worries.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:01 pm
by Maxaxle
aleco614 wrote:Oh no, not Maxaxle spam in chat! Image

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:59 pm
by aleco614

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:22 am
by Maxaxle
aleco614 wrote::mrgreen:
:evil: :x :( :|

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:51 am
by Agent of Dread
Tbh, aleco, that was a bit dumb. You've gotta insult him non-directly. :P

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:57 am
by aleco614
Jeez, it was a joke.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:10 am
by Agent of Dread
See what I mean?! No one gets my sarcasm. :x

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:52 pm
by penguinflyer2222
Maxaxle wrote:I'm available on Skype and MSN Messenger, if anyone has either.
Yeah, but you don't need to tell anybody what your account is, apparently..

(Unless you're waiting for somebody to say and then post in this thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:13 pm
by woodmouse
A small chatlog about unicorns and pink ponies. :lol:
<pf2222> I must be crazy!
<pf2222> I'm thinking of modelling a unicorn for Egoboo!
<shadowmaster> what about pink ponies?
<pf2222> I guess that would be slightly easier, since they don't have horns xD
<SekoIdiootti> lol
<SekoIdiootti> "horns"?
<SekoIdiootti> Unicorn has one horn
<SekoIdiootti> lol
<pf2222> yeah, but...
<pf2222> I'm talking about more than one so it's horns
<pf2222> I think
<SekoIdiootti> oh
<SekoIdiootti> yeah
<SekoIdiootti> I didn't know that
<SekoIdiootti> *nothinge
<SekoIdiootti> *thotice
<SekoIdiootti> *nothice
<SekoIdiootti> *notice
<pf2222> well, at least Effit might like pink ponies

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:13 pm
by Agent of Dread
For some reason, my local alias thingie on Pidgin does not seem to work. It should make me AoD. >_>
Anyway, yes please, 2222.