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Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:51 pm
by Cimeries
Zefz wrote:Note that there is a difference between MESHFX_WALL and MESHFX_IMPASS. Wall prevent movement but allows particles to move through, while impassable prevents both movement and particles.
I would have found this knowledge very valuable back when I was trying to make particles fly through my iron gates... :P

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:53 pm
by xenom[GER]
Help wanted
ModBaker is looking for a title art!

Image size: 450 * 250 pixels (width * height).

How does that image get used?
I'll show the image when ModBaker is firing up (currently it loads really fast, but this could also become handy for special mesh operations which may take a while).

What could that image be?
I tought of a guy (wearing a baker hat) standing in front on a stone oven. From the oven he takes out a cookie. There could also be some grub bugs on the ground trying to get the cookie.

Would be pretty cool if someone could do that (my graphical skills in drawing are very bad :-/)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:02 pm
by bgbirdsey
How do I now set the vertex position?
Can I use fans.txt for this, or do I have to store my own wall templates for this?
Do not use egomap for this since it is notoriously bad at it. Changing the tile type can completely screw up that mesh tile.

Look at cartman, instead. It uses the fact that the uv coordinates are arranged for a vertical projection, so you can use the values of these coordinates to set the xy-coordinates the internal vertices. The heights an be gotten by using some function to interpolate the height of the 4 corners.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:19 pm
by xenom[GER]
SVN update
Added a "new mesh" function.

You can now create a new mesh (containing floors only) via the follwing GUI:

Currently the textures, objects, ... don't automatically get updated.

My future plans for the "new mesh" window:
- Do not only create the mesh, create the whole module folder (with textures, ...)
- Add a drop down box called "tileset template". The user can specify tileset templates in a special folder within the modbaker directory. All of the tileX.bmp files in the template then automatically get copied to the new module directory.

Hm, currently I don't know if I can get more features into ModBaker before Sunday :-/
I'll try to do the Windows compiling tutorial tomorrow. But I don't think I can get the wall / floor tool working that fast...

I also want to rewrite a lot of other things (like input handling, the window system, the selection, ...), because the current code seems to become one very big mess if I don't do anything against it. :-/

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:51 pm
by Zefz
I could delay the Dev Package to a later date if it helps?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:07 pm
by aleco614
If you're going to delay the dev package, could you please not also delay 2.7.4?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:24 pm
by Zefz
Why? We used to have over 8000 monthly downloads and now that's down to a mere 300 since Egoboo 2.6.8

Actually there has not been a playable release since 2.6.8, every release since then has been seriously flawed in some way. We have taken a heavy hit in popularity because of that, and we should have uploaded a new version long ago. Did you have a good reason we should wait with the release until eventually ModBaker is ready for the DevBundle?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:27 pm
by aleco614
*ahem* You misread what i said. I said, could you please not delay 2.7.4 as well.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:29 pm
by Cimeries
I believe he wrote "not delay". You're tired old man Zefz, go to sleep.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:47 pm
by aleco614
Yeah, get some sleep. Because:

-If you make another accusing mistake, I'll get angry at you.
-If I get angry at you, I'll start flaming you and yelling at you.
-If I start flaming you and yelling at you, a flamewar will start.
-If a flamewar starts, egoboo development will slow down.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:20 pm
by Zefz
Cimeries wrote:I believe he wrote "not delay". You're tired old man Zefz, go to sleep.
Hey! I'm not an old man!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:46 pm
by PurpleSquerkle
...I call myself an old man sometimes* and you're older than me.
I'd look pretty silly if I said you weren't one.

*This is because most of the people I hang around are younger than me, and, compared to them, I am one. "Cut me some slack, I'm an old man.", "Hey, show some respect for the elderly", etc.
This isn't something I do that regularly, though. If I did it with any frequency it would be disturbing.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:42 am
by HyugaNeji
So are u going to delay the new version or not?

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:03 am
by xenom[GER]
Zefz wrote:Did you have a good reason we should wait with the release until eventually ModBaker is ready for the DevBundle?
I don't mind if ModBaker will not get included in the next DevPack (but I don't want the Egoboo release getting delayed because of me / ModBaker).

Maybe it's better to include ModBaker in the DevBundle after the next one. :-)
So I got enough time to add more interesting features to it (esp. the floor / wall tool or a correct handling of the tiles (currently there are still some bugs in it)).

SVN update
Added the file COMPILING to the ModBaker root directory (small tutorial for compiling ModBaker on Windows / Linux).

Could someone please test the instructions? (I already got all required libs installed and don't want to reinstall windows to test if everything works)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:02 am
by Zefz
HyugaNeji wrote:So are u going to delay the new version or not?
No. The plan is still tomorrow. I sincerely hope we can fix the texture bug first though. And then the only serious bug is the Torch relighting bug (which is kind of a game blocker in some modules).

@Xenom[GER]: Okay. I will check out your instructions today.