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Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:48 am
by Shade
penguinflyer5234 wrote:birdsey turned that off, citing potential abusement by spambots. (they've just now learned of avatars :?)
Bleh. Where should I upload the files to, then? Preferably something that I don't need to make an account for.
penguinflyer5234 wrote:and IfHoldingRangedWeapon was like that since 2.6.8 anyway
Well, I guess.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:54 am
by penguinflyer5234
Try now. I've set it up so that individual users can upload (default is no)

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:06 am
by Shade
Alright, here you go.
Place in Elf Starter's objects.
(76.44 KiB) Downloaded 267 times
Place in Elf Starter's objects. Make sure it's properly replaced, I actually deleted a file (enchant.txt).
(203.11 KiB) Downloaded 255 times
Had to split it into two because I'm not allowed to upload more than 256kb at once.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:35 am
by penguinflyer5234
Egoboo, includes fix for lower-cased data.txt strings. Released because it fixes a major bug. (the stacking one)

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:49 am
by Cimeries
I finished the healer start today. Some bugs I discovered:

Frights are impossible to hit with weapons or healing touch.
By the time I reached the boss room, all the skeletons and the lich were dead. The lich probably died by brazier.
If you hit an idol, it will show the message "Immune". That's very confusing, I didn't realize you had to hit them multiple times and thought there was a problem with damage resistances at first.

Some other things I wanted to address:
I think our menu looks way too cluttered and crude. I don't want to diss on the artwork, but I think nearly all of it doesn't look good enough to be used as menu material, with only a few exceptions. I preferred it when we had those iconic screenshots (Rogue sleeping, adventurer with torch, etc.).
The module selection screen kind of bothers me too, and the font is awful. :P
I was wondering, would you guys mind if I tired my hand at designing a simple, elegant menu in the same visual style? I can't code but I can make it in HTML5 via Construct (so anyone can test it in their browsers), and PF5 could recreate it in the game, if he agrees.

Oh yeah, and I've given up on my solo project already, as expected, I think the sheer scope of it was way too big for me.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:41 am
by bitnapper
Just to remind you. I'm still here an interested in the development of Egoboo. Particular a possible 'special kind' as discribed in this thread: Use Models and Maps of Egoboo, but make a simplified version of a rogue-like with 3rd-Person-view with a simpler inventory and spell-handling but in real-time (think 'Eye of the Beholder I/II in real-time).

I stopped developement of the Editor because I found there's not much interest of the community for one. Maybe because of the problems with the engine to play the game.

There would be big work to overhaul the whole thing. The current game code is very cluttered IMHO. Thats why I'm reluctant to help with bugfixing. If there is enough interest by the community I'm ready to to some work over the christmas holidays.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:03 am
by Cimeries
bitnapper wrote: I stopped developement of the Editor because I found there's not much interest of the community for one.
That's a real catch-22 right there, because the reason I lost interest in development is precisely because I didn't have a decent mapping tool that I can use...
I don't know about the others, but I know that Zefz and myself were thrilled for it, and Zefz made most of the new maps in this incarnation of Egoboo - I don't know how he had the patience for it...
I had a bunch of prototypes that I never finished but they always had new content that was eventually added into the game in some other form.

At any rate, it seems that Shade and PF5 are pretty serious about it (to the point that they've already made some progress) and even I'm inclined to make some more contributions even though I "officially resigned" over a year ago. I think this project might be slowly getting back up on its feet.

If you played it a little and helped find bugs and give feedback, that would be an easy way to help.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:30 am
by penguinflyer5234
Cimeries wrote:I think our menu looks way too cluttered and crude. I don't want to diss on the artwork, but I think nearly all of it doesn't look good enough to be used as menu material, with only a few exceptions. I preferred it when we had those iconic screenshots (Rogue sleeping, adventurer with torch, etc.).
The module selection screen kind of bothers me too, and the font is awful. :P
I was wondering, would you guys mind if I tired my hand at designing a simple, elegant menu in the same visual style? I can't code but I can make it in HTML5 via Construct (so anyone can test it in their browsers), and PF5 could recreate it in the game, if he agrees.
We should wait until after fixing bugs before adding new features. (though a new font wouldn't take that long)

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:43 pm
by Cimeries
True, but I can't really fix bugs in the meantime, I figured I could get started so it's ready by the time we're able to add new features.

Adventurer Start:
The Gelfeet is immobile
The Grub Mum seems to be buried in the dirt (glitched into the floor) in the boss room and does not move.
The end text says "With Mim's final blow"... in my instance Mim was dead. Maybe we should change the text to be less specific?

Rogue Start:
The cobols use the generic red-and-yellow shields now, what happened to the ones with the tree and eagle emblems?
K'nife drops his knives along with his key when recruited, instead of wielding them.
The ball-smashing door moves further into the room after destroying my iron ball (possibly due to physics). The passage itself remained properly aligned.
I noticed that crossbow bolts that I fire seem to originate from the proper point on the crossbow (but they're frustratingly inaccurate), while bolts fired by cobols still appear from the air beside them.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:24 pm
by woodmouse
Cimeries wrote:
bitnapper wrote: I stopped developement of the Editor because I found there's not much interest of the community for one.
That's a real catch-22 right there, because the reason I lost interest in development is precisely because I didn't have a decent mapping tool that I can use...
Not that it'd matter what I think, but I think the biggest flaw of EgoMap is the necessity to click every single impassable and water and whatnot one by one... but of course, it's not the only problem with it. :?

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:34 pm
by Shade
I agree with a menu revamp, but it's very low priority right now, I'd say.
Cimeries wrote:If you hit an idol, it will show the message "Immune". That's very confusing, I didn't realize you had to hit them multiple times and thought there was a problem with damage resistances at first.
The problem is the same as with Zombor's grave - your attack has to deal at least 2 full points of CRUSH damage to break them, probably meant to make it harder to smash them with just your fists. However, particularly at Lv1, with the measly CRUSH weapons you have at that point, dealing two points of damage can be difficult (healer) or borderline impossible (elf), which is the reason I made the grave "weak" to CRUSH damage. Idols should probably get the same treatment.
Cimeries wrote:The end text says "With Mim's final blow"... in my instance Mim was dead. Maybe we should change the text to be less specific?
The text is technically still correct if Mim dealt the final blow and then just died afterwards, before quitting the module. Not an issue, I think.

All new reports have been noted. My hands are a bit better now, but it'll be a few more days until I can properly continue this.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:12 pm
by Cimeries
What if a trog killed her before one even got to the boss room, as in my case?
Oh, I just now realized that the mouse and the armor were missing from the module, too...

Does anyone at all disagree with me designing a new menu? I realize that we're not going to implement it now, like I said, I just want to do the design in the meantime - actual implementation can wait for as long as needed, so it's not like it's going to pull resources from other areas of development.
I figure I'll start a new thread once I have something to show and we can discuss how it should look like, fonts, etc.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:30 pm
by penguinflyer5234
Cimeries wrote:The Gelfeet is immobile
It was working in Windows for me, but not in OS X :|
Cimeries wrote:The end text says "With Mim's final blow"... in my instance Mim was dead. Maybe we should change the text to be less specific?
Currently the script doesn't check who killed the grub mum. it goes through and sees if Mim was alive, then Brom, and then says "With %t's final blow". Should probably add SetTargetToWhoeverKilled (if that's actually a function)

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:12 pm
by Shade
@Cime: Oh. Yeah, that warrants fixing, then.

As for the menu design: sure, go ahead.
penguinflyer5234 wrote:
Cimeries wrote:The Gelfeet is immobile
It was working in Windows for me, but not in OS X :|
I'm also using Windows and the Gelfeet too was immobile for me last I checked. It can be pushed away by attacks, but it essentially "walks" in place otherwise.
penguinflyer5234 wrote:Currently the script doesn't check who killed the grub mum. it goes through and sees if Mim was alive, then Brom, and then says "With %t's final blow". Should probably add SetTargetToWhoeverKilled (if that's actually a function)
There's something like that used to determine messages for friendly fire and self-kills, so it should be doable. I'll give it a look.

Re: Generic Egoboo revival thread

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:32 pm
by Zefz
bitnapper wrote:Just to remind you. I'm still here an interested in the development of Egoboo. Particular a possible 'special kind' as discribed in this thread: Use Models and Maps of Egoboo, but make a simplified version of a rogue-like with 3rd-Person-view with a simpler inventory and spell-handling but in real-time (think 'Eye of the Beholder I/II in real-time).

I stopped developement of the Editor because I found there's not much interest of the community for one. Maybe because of the problems with the engine to play the game.

There would be big work to overhaul the whole thing. The current game code is very cluttered IMHO. Thats why I'm reluctant to help with bugfixing. If there is enough interest by the community I'm ready to to some work over the christmas holidays.
I agree. At this point some major rewrites of the game engine would be preferable. Maybe even rewrite it in C++ re-using as much of the old code as possible in the beginning. Most of the bugs were caused by the bad structure of the code. Fixing one thing always caused regression and broke 2 other things.