PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

  • Nemeia (AoD) .._ | 20/20 | Lv 1.82 | [Front] |
  • Rey (pf2222) ...... | 13/13 | Lv 1.57 | [Front] |
  • Brellinth (octy) .. | 11/11 | Lv 1.54 | [Cover] |
The torches on the walls flicker as three people walk past,
illuminating the stone but providing no warmth.
The dull corridors all look the same, but with no idea of where they are going,
it does not deter the group from moving forward.
From up ahead comes a sound like rushing wind,
then beneath it, heavy footsteps.

The sources of the noise soon reveal themselves-
three guards, and in front of them, the shape of a large hound-
but it is composed of swirling mist, a canine maelstrom.
The man with the crossbow has already leveled it in the prisoners' direction.
"Halt! Identify yourselves."
The women ready sword and staff as the hound rumbles menacingly.
Enemy Party
  • Storm Hound | 13/13 | [Front] |
    Swordsman | 14/16 | [Front] |
    Crossbowman | 15/15 | [Cover] |
    Mage | 14/14 | [Cover] |
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Rey, Lvl 1.57 Ninja Mercenary
HP: 13/13
SP: 2/2

+2 DMG | +8 Hit | 4 AC | 6 MR | 5 INIT

Long Dagger [1-5 Dmg]
Dark Cloak [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [6/10]:
-Shortbow [2-4 Dmg] (Arrows [8/50])
-Healing Flask [1/5] (Heals 5 HP)
-Rope [1/5]
-Scimitar [1-6 Dmg]
-Staff (2H) [1-3 Dmg]
-Smooth stone

Spells: [2/2]
Surrounding Shadow
-> An ethereal aura surrounds a target, dealing (Wil+1d3) dmg for (1+Int/2) turns.
Hitrate: (Wil+Int)

Cast into Light
-> Attempts to remove or lessen status effects on a target.

Abilities: [340/350AP]
Dagger Proficiency [Passive] [100 AP]
-> Uses DEX in place of STR for +DMG and Hit calculations when using a dagger.

Last Shot [Active 0/1] [60 AP]
-> Flings a dagger at a target for 2xMaxDmg.

Furious Shot [Sustained] [50 AP]
-> If missed with a bow, automatically attempts a follow-up shot with any unused minor action.
However, AC weakened by DEX/2 while active.

Behind the Scenes [Passive] [10 AP]
-> +2 to stealth checks.

Unexpected Opponent [Reactive 1/1] [120 AP]
-> If initiating combat from stealth, attack gains +Agi Hit.
If attack hits, all enemies must pass an Init check or lose their turn.
Regardless of attack's success, all enemies lose half the Per component of their Init for this turn.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
Rey walked on moodily, putting one foot in front of the other without thought until Nemeia spoke, threatening Brellinth.
(A bit violent, isn't it? I'm not sure that's called for.)
As Nemeia wished not to know what had happened, Rey was tempted to describe her performance to her,
just to see her reaction, but only for a moment.
Instead her mind wandered back to Nemeia's last comment to April, the one about regrets.
It bothered her, but she couldn't see why it should.
She then recalled Brellinth's comment about not being a burden, and it bothered her too.
Finally she decided she was bothered by feeling bothered, and shook her head to clear it.
(If I could pretend not to have any feelings...)
Eventually the corridor they walked was no longer empty.
Sounds up ahead resolved themselves into more guards- more enemies.
And some kind of elemental monster, which was a bit interesting.
A guard asked them to 'identify themselves'-
yeah right. Rey was pretty sure both sides already had each other figured out.
They were enemies, and they were going to fight.
Neither side would be interested in backing down, talking it out.
And neither was Rey. All she wanted to do was fight, and take out some of her frustration.
Her weapons would do the talking- her dagger specifically.
It was her more skilled weapon, and she wanted to be on the front line,
not.. hiding in the back, like some coward.
Rey walked on with a deep frown, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings,
but she raised her eyebrows at Nemeia's threat to Brellinth.
Some time later she shook her head as if to clear it, but it did not seem to have much effect.

When company showed itself, Rey drew her dagger with what might have been a grimace or a grin.
"Come on, then." she said under her breath, pointing her dagger, right hand clenching into a fist.

Rey attacks the Storm Hound.
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by Agent of Dread »

Nemeia, Lv 1.82 Paladin [ Front ]
██████████ | ▀▀ ▀▀
+2 DMG | +6 HIT | +1 AC | +2 MR | +1 INIT
Bastard Sword [ 4-8 Dmg ] | Breastplate [ 3 AC ]
Spoiler: Character Sheet
Inventory [ 02/10 ]

[list][*] Healing Flasks [ 2/5 ]
[*] Rope [ 2/5 ]
[*] -[/list]

Abilities [ 0345/0350 AP ]

[*]Blazing Soul [ Passive ] [ 50 AP ]
Nemeia cannot gain Spellpoints or learn spells. Instead, her Active abilities cost Soul, which is gained through battle and dissipates at the end of each encounter.
Successful melee attacks grant 1 Soul. The first time Nemeia uses a healing item each encounter, she gains 1 Soul. Maximum Soul is equal to WIL.
[*]Searing Blade [ Active - 1 Soul ] [ 75 AP ]
A minor action that can only be used the turn after Nemeia hits an enemy with a melee attack. The lingering radiance of Nemeia's strike ignites, dealing [2xWIL]+DMG damage to the same enemy she hit.
[*]Lay on Hands [ Active - N Soul ] [ 100 AP ]
A major action that can be used on allies in the same row as Nemeia. Restores Nx[5+WIL] HP.
[*]Brilliant Aegis [ Active - 2 Soul ] [ 100 AP ]
A minor action. Grants Nemeia 1 Spell Shield.
[*]Embercleave [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
Nemeia's weapon attacks use both her major & minor action, but grant 1 additional Soul on hit.
[*]Passage of Arms[ Sustained ] [ 50 AP ]
The first time Nemeia takes damage each turn, she gains 1 Soul. Nemeia cannot use Lay on Hands while Passage of Arms is active, and cannot deactivate and reactivate Passage of Arms in the same turn.
[*]Incandescence [ Active - 1 use ] [ 125 AP ]
A minor action. Nemeia's Soul burns furiously, granting her 2xSoul AC and INIT for WIL turns. Gaining Soul while at the limit will instead perform Searing Blade, at no Soul cost, as a free action for the duration of the effect.

[*]Triage at Dawn [ Passive ] [ 70 AP ]
At the end of combat, if Nemeia has 1 or more Soul, she may use Lay on Hands for N=1 on any party member as a free action.


STR: +4
DEX: +2
AGI: +0
VIT: +1
INT: -5
WIL: +2
PER: +3
Try as she might, Nemeia can't make head or tail of where it is they're going -- but she's starting to realise that they'll find trouble soon enough regardless, as they have once more.
They don't have the drop on this new set of guards, but Veles isn't here to fret over that. To Nemeia, it's all insufferable formality anyway -- just like the guards standing on ceremony by opening the 'come quietly' act.
Thankfully, Rey seems to be of the same mind about its needlessness, and even Nemeia's choice of target. With no frame of reference for its capabilities, and a sense that it won't stand much beating, the sorcerous hound accompanying the guards is first up.
Unsheathing her sword and stepping forward to declare the battle line, Nemeia lays to rest the chit-chat, before drawing a sweeping strike.
"Aye, save your breath. You'll need it."

Nemeia activates Passage of Arms. Nemeia attacks Storm Hound.
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by octagon »

Brellinth, Lv 1.54 Debaucher [ Cover ]
❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦ | ⚝⚝⚝⚝⚝
0 dmg | -6 hit | 5 ac | 5 mr | 8 init
[Victims ☒☐ Shivering ☐ Loose Ends ☐ Flesh ☐ Poison Heart ☐]
Unarmed | Bewitched Dress [2 AC] [Once hit, +1 AC for the rest of the battle]
Spoiler: Spells and abilities
[list][*]Healing flask, sampled (4? HP)
[*]Cricket wine x2[/list]

Brellinth has learned to weaponize intrusive thoughts, sensory overload, illusions and the like.
Several of his abilities inflict Dazzled status.
Dazzled lasts two turns by default, and manifests as a penalty of [WIL] to Hit, and [WIL/2] to WIL and initiative.
[As of level 1: -5 Hit, -2 WIL, -2 init][/list]

[*] Pain Breaks The Rhythm
Brellinth unleashes a wave of nightmare on up to [INT] combatants, inflicting 5 + [2xWIL] damage to each enemy struck. They each regain [3 + WIL] HP at the end of the next turn, or when they would be downed.
If they succeed on rolling WIL vs WIL, they instead heal for all of the original spell damage.
[As of level 1: 5 targets, 15 initial damage, 8 damage reversed]

[*] Lotus Eater's Haven
Shields an ally from reality for a turn, granting them +[WIL] as DR and + [WIL/2] to saves against magic.
Dazzled attackers have to pass a WIL check DC 05 + [INT], or they will attack the wrong target, preferring ones with higher HP.
Targets of redirected attacks share the defensive bonus.
[As of level 1: +5 DR, +2 to resist saves, DC 10 to targeting]

[*] Entwine
Connects two combatants with a tether of thorny vines. For the turn, whenever the first target takes damage, the second target is strangled and impaled by the vines for equal damage. This threat is evident before any damage is propagated.

[*] Are You Shivering?
Dazzles an enemy. If there's already a dazzled combatant on the battlefield, dazzles two targets instead. Save: WIL vs INT
[*]Usurper's Mask
Major+minor action. Brellinth assumes or sheds a disguise from his Repertoire. This spell can be cast for free while resting.[/list]

Action abilities
[list][*] Victims of the Dance [2/2] [80 AP]
Minor action. Brellinth lays a mental ambush. The next time he is about to be attacked, anyone attacking him for the rest of the turn suffers 2 turns of Dazzled, and Brellinth loses his minor action for the turn.

[*] Susurrus [1/1] [50 AP]
Major action. Randomizes the target's action.
If the target is Dazzled, the debuff is consumed, and Brellinth can make them take any action he has witnessed.
If Brellinth has dirt on the target via Dull Flame of Desire, he may choose unseen abilities of the target, and the target will be Dazzled again next turn.

[*] Pull the Loose Ends [1/1] [60 AP]
Major + minor action. After an allied action fails a check by no more than two points, replicates the consequences that skill would have had if successful.

[*] Poison Heart [1/1] [20 AP]
Minor action. Brellinth invokes a thorn stiletto [10-14 damage, point blank, cannot miss, breaks on hit].
Brellinth only regains use of this last resort weapon when he gains an odd level.
[*] Borrowed Lives [50 AP]
After an encounter, if Brellinth has gained information via Dull Flame of Desire, he may add the subject to his Repertoire of INT/2 disguises.
While disguised, he shares the clothing style and can assume the mannerisms of his target.[/list]
[*] Arbitrary Flesh [1/1] (reactive) [25 AP]
The first time Brellinth takes damage in each battle, he heals for 5 HP.

[*] Dull Flame of Desire [passive] [50 AP]
When Brellinth Dazzles an enemy, if they fail a WIL check DC 10+[INT], he gains a vague idea of something that drives them: An objective, conviction or secret.
[As of level 1: DC 15]
[*] Emotional Contagion [passive] [70 AP]
If a combatant is under Dazzled status, when Brellinth successfully uses Pull the Loose Ends, Dazzle-empowered Susurrus, or defeats an enemy with Pain Breaks the Rhythm, a random enemy is Dazzled or a Dazzled enemy has their status extended by a turn.[/list]

[*] Fear Cold Steel [passive] [+30 AP]
Brellinth loses 2 HP per turn when handling objects made of silver or iron.
[*] Play Fair [passive] [+65 AP]
Brellinth has only ever learned to fight for sport. When attacking with non-conjured weapons, he can only deal 1 damage/hit.[/list]
[list][*] Lotus Bloom [1/1] [35 AP]
Empowers Lotus Eater's Haven, extending it by a turn and granting the buff to all allied combatants. Major action.
[*] Savour the Moment [2/2] [camping] [30? AP]
When Brellinth triumphs in battle or learns something new about the world, he gains advantage on his next roll. [Roll twice, and use the better result.]
[*] Whimsical Star [passive] [140 AP]
When a Dazzled enemy misses Brellinth with any action, a glimmer of fantastical light causes a sharp migraine, dealing 1d8+[WIL] damage and causing them to be Dazzled for an extra turn.[/color][/list]

>395/445 AP

STR -5
DEX -1
AGI +5
VIT -3
INT +5
WIL +5
PER +1
Spoiler: Description
Race: Fae
Hair: Shoulder-long and braided
Eyes: Look again. You misremembered.
Height: 176 cm
Build: Well-kept layabout
Before you stands a waifish, bony man. He moves with studied elegance, but his poise is broken by excitability, and though he's got a knack for pageantry, he lacks what humans consider to be good manners. Honestly, you don't feel prepared to talk to a fancy deer that seems to think it's better than you.

When he's got a say in it, he might clothe himself in the traditional checkered tunics and laced dresses of his people, loose-flowing robes, or the parade uniform of a long disbanded military, as it suits his fancy.
Someone has gifted him a pendant of precious chromium, worn to be mistaken for silver to get a rise out of people, because it's beautiful, plus there might be sentimental value.

Once a seer-apprentice of the fae, Brellinth now roams the mortal world, living for himself.
He used to live a life of discipline and ambition, honing his senses and learning the political subtleties of the faerie society.
Soon after his mind opened itself up to psychic knowledge, he was dispatched to spy on a celebration at the queen's court. He returned with copious blackmail material, but the experience sowed the seeds of dissent in him.
He was flooded by a kaleidoscope-pattern of vicarious emotion, and ached to have all that pleasure for himself. He could not let go of these memories, or the yearning, and his desire consumed him.

So he delegated away his responsibilities, gently insinuated the possibility of his choice so no one would be too shocked, and squirmed into freedom.

As he was born into the caste of seer-knights, fae society would not let him live the irresponsible life he desired, so he crossed the threshold to mingle with the mortal-beings.

His mentors let him go on his way - indifferent or amused or beholden to his manipulation - as it was not unheard of for fae to break their horns in the mortal world and then come back to their responsibilities.
"We are water - not to be contained in this web."
Brellinth bares his teeth at these new-arrival guards in an intense obnoxious grin.
Entwine @ Storm Hound <Input>, Mage <Output>
Last edited by octagon on Tue Jan 12, 2021 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

  • Nemeia (AoD) .._ | 18/20 | Lv 1.82 | [Front] |
  • Rey (pf2222) ...... | 10/13 | Lv 1.57 | [Front] |
  • Brellinth (octy) .. | 11/11 | Lv 1.54 | [Cover] |
Turn order:
Brellinth (8), Rey (5), Storm Hound, Swordsman, Mage (3), Crossbowman (2), Nemeia (1)

Brellinth casts Entwine on Storm Hound, Mage.
Mage will take damage equal to that inflicted on Storm Hound.

A thorny vine manages to fix itself around the hound's unsolid form,
and at the same time around the mage.
"Eek! This is your idea of a web?
I didn't know nasty spiders like you had thorns,"
the mage shrieks shrilly.
"You heard her, save your breath." The swordswoman laughs, sizing Nemeia up.

Rey attacks Storm Hound

8 + 8 = 16 vs. 1 + 0 = 1
Hit, 6 damage.
Entwine: Mage also takes 6 damage.
Rey's blade passes through the buffeting winds and causes the hound to recoil;
and this causes the mage to recoil as well.
"This is all your fault, Marcie," the mage replies to the swordswoman accusingly.

Storm Hound uses Gathering Storm.
The hound's form condenses, becoming more defined.

Mage uses Concentrate.

The mage seems more focused.

Swordsman attacks Nemeia
2 + 4+1 = 7 vs. 1 + 4 = 5
Hit, 2 damage.
"How about you and me duel?"
The swordsman swings her short sword at Nemeia, but it catches her armor and fails to do much damage.

Crossbowman attacks Rey
10 + 4+1 = 15 vs. 6 + 5 = 11
Hit, 3 damage.
"Drawing your weapons is as good an identification as any.
So quick to fight, it's no wonder any of you got arrested."

The crossbowman fires accurately, decorating Rey's vest with one of his bolts.

Nemeia attacks Storm Hound
7 + 6 = 13 vs. 3 + 0 = 3
Hit, 9 damage.
Entwine: Mage also takes 9 damage.
Storm Hound dissipates.
Mage is knocked unconscious.
Nemeia's sword slices through the hound, disrupting it and causing it to fade away as
Brellinth's vine brings down the mage as well.
"You'll pay for that," the crossbowman says, looking where the Storm Hound once was.
The swordswoman, Marcie, watches her strangled comrade fall uneasily.
Enemy Party
  • Storm Hound | -2/13 | [Front] | Dissipated
    Swordsman | 14/16 | [Front] |
    Crossbowman | 15/15 | [Cover] |
    Mage | -1/14 | [Cover] | Unconscious
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Rey, Lvl 1.57 Ninja Mercenary
HP: 10/13
SP: 2/2

+0 DMG | +2 Hit | 4-2 AC | 6 MR | 5 INIT

Shortbow [2-4 Dmg] (Arrows [7/50])
Dark Cloak [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [6/10]:
-Long Dagger [1-5 Dmg]
-Healing Flask [1/5] (Heals 5 HP)
-Rope [1/5]
-Scimitar [1-6 Dmg]
-Staff (2H) [1-3 Dmg]
-Smooth stone

Spells: [2/2]
Surrounding Shadow
-> An ethereal aura surrounds a target, dealing (Wil+1d3) dmg for (1+Int/2) turns.
Hitrate: (Wil+Int)

Cast into Light
-> Attempts to remove or lessen status effects on a target.

Abilities: [340/350AP]
Dagger Proficiency [Passive] [100 AP]
-> Uses DEX in place of STR for +DMG and Hit calculations when using a dagger.

Last Shot [Active 0/1] [60 AP]
-> Flings a dagger at a target for 2xMaxDmg.

Furious Shot [Sustained] [50 AP]
-> If missed with a bow, automatically attempts a follow-up shot with any unused minor action.
However, AC weakened by DEX/2 while active.

Behind the Scenes [Passive] [10 AP]
-> +2 to stealth checks.

Unexpected Opponent [Reactive 1/1] [120 AP]
-> If initiating combat from stealth, attack gains +Agi Hit.
If attack hits, all enemies must pass an Init check or lose their turn.
Regardless of attack's success, all enemies lose half the Per component of their Init for this turn.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
The battle begins, with Brellinth making a typical dramatic statement to accompany
his admittedly dramatic skills.
('We are water'? What's that supposed to mean?)
Rey reached unthinkingly to her collar for something that wasn't there,
feeling more like a dewdrop clinging to a spider's web
than a raindrop passing through it.
But she couldn't let it bother her for long, finding her target.
Two down, two to go, thanks to their combined efforts.
(Weak. Are you even trying?) "Hmph."
Rey snaps the shaft of the crossbow bolt
that injured her, thinking for a few seconds.
(Maybe you're right. Maybe I did do something to deserve this.)
She hardly remembered being arrested; maybe they'd had a good reason to.
(Either way I've been thrown in here, I might as well act like I belong.)
Leaving Nemeia to deal with her fellow sword-wielder,
Rey decided to aim for the crossbowman and return his favor.
Pulling her bow out, letting her anger get the best of her,
she nocked an arrow.
Rey raises her fist to her collar in an odd gesture as if adjusting it,
watching Brellinth's vine wrap around the mage's neck
before striking her target.
Afterward two foes fall.
Rey snaps the shaft of the crossbow bolt that injured her
and pulls out her bow, sheathing her dagger as she does so.

Rey activates Furious Shot and shoots at Crossbowman.
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by Agent of Dread »

Nemeia, Lv 1.82 Paladin [ Front ]
█████████ | ▀▀ ▀▀
+2 DMG | +6 HIT | +1 AC | +2 MR | +1 INIT
Bastard Sword [ 4-8 Dmg ] | Breastplate [ 3 AC ]
Spoiler: Character Sheet
Inventory [ 02/10 ]

[list][*] Healing Flasks [ 2/5 ]
[*] Rope [ 2/5 ]
[*] -[/list]

Abilities [ 0345/0350 AP ]

[*]Blazing Soul [ Passive ] [ 50 AP ]
Nemeia cannot gain Spellpoints or learn spells. Instead, her Active abilities cost Soul, which is gained through battle and dissipates at the end of each encounter.
Successful melee attacks grant 1 Soul. The first time Nemeia uses a healing item each encounter, she gains 1 Soul. Maximum Soul is equal to WIL.
[*]Searing Blade [ Active - 1 Soul ] [ 75 AP ]
A minor action that can only be used the turn after Nemeia hits an enemy with a melee attack. The lingering radiance of Nemeia's strike ignites, dealing [2xWIL]+DMG damage to the same enemy she hit.
[*]Lay on Hands [ Active - N Soul ] [ 100 AP ]
A major action that can be used on allies in the same row as Nemeia. Restores Nx[5+WIL] HP.
[*]Brilliant Aegis [ Active - 2 Soul ] [ 100 AP ]
A minor action. Grants Nemeia 1 Spell Shield.
[*]Embercleave [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
Nemeia's weapon attacks use both her major & minor action, but grant 1 additional Soul on hit.
[*]Passage of Arms[ Sustained ] [ 50 AP ]
The first time Nemeia takes damage each turn, she gains 1 Soul. Nemeia cannot use Lay on Hands while Passage of Arms is active, and cannot deactivate and reactivate Passage of Arms in the same turn.
[*]Incandescence [ Active - 1 use ] [ 125 AP ]
A minor action. Nemeia's Soul burns furiously, granting her 2xSoul AC and INIT for WIL turns. Gaining Soul while at the limit will instead perform Searing Blade, at no Soul cost, as a free action for the duration of the effect.

[*]Triage at Dawn [ Passive ] [ 70 AP ]
At the end of combat, if Nemeia has 1 or more Soul, she may use Lay on Hands for N=1 on any party member as a free action.


STR: +4
DEX: +2
AGI: +0
VIT: +1
INT: -5
WIL: +2
PER: +3
Like she thought, the conjured beast fell swiftly -- and thanks to Brellinth's intervention, so did the guardsmage. Nemeia gives a grunt of grim satisfaction, finally starting to feel that she's no longer at the mercy of her captors. Now, she turns her attention to the swordswoman, and her invitation to duel, with a fire in her soul & an axe, or rather a sword, to grind.

Nemeia attacks Swordsman.
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by octagon »

Brellinth, Lv 1.54 Debaucher [ Cover ]
❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦ | ⚝⚝⚝⚝⚝
0 dmg | -6 hit | 5 ac | 5 mr | 8 init
[Victims ☒☐ Shivering ☐ Loose Ends ☐ Flesh ☐ Poison Heart ☐]
Unarmed | Bewitched Dress [2 AC] [Once hit, +1 AC for the rest of the battle]
Spoiler: Spells and abilities
[list][*]Healing flask, sampled (4? HP)
[*]Cricket wine x2[/list]

Brellinth has learned to weaponize intrusive thoughts, sensory overload, illusions and the like.
Several of his abilities inflict Dazzled status.
Dazzled lasts two turns by default, and manifests as a penalty of [WIL] to Hit, and [WIL/2] to WIL and initiative.
[As of level 1: -5 Hit, -2 WIL, -2 init][/list]

[*] Pain Breaks The Rhythm
Brellinth unleashes a wave of nightmare on up to [INT] combatants, inflicting 5 + [2xWIL] damage to each enemy struck. They each regain [3 + WIL] HP at the end of the next turn, or when they would be downed.
If they succeed on rolling WIL vs WIL, they instead heal for all of the original spell damage.
[As of level 1: 5 targets, 15 initial damage, 8 damage reversed]

[*] Lotus Eater's Haven
Shields an ally from reality for a turn, granting them +[WIL] as DR and + [WIL/2] to saves against magic.
Dazzled attackers have to pass a WIL check DC 05 + [INT], or they will attack the wrong target, preferring ones with higher HP.
Targets of redirected attacks share the defensive bonus.
[As of level 1: +5 DR, +2 to resist saves, DC 10 to targeting]

[*] Entwine
Connects two combatants with a tether of thorny vines. For the turn, whenever the first target takes damage, the second target is strangled and impaled by the vines for equal damage. This threat is evident before any damage is propagated.

[*] Are You Shivering?
Dazzles an enemy. If there's already a dazzled combatant on the battlefield, dazzles two targets instead. Save: WIL vs INT
[*]Usurper's Mask
Major+minor action. Brellinth assumes or sheds a disguise from his Repertoire. This spell can be cast for free while resting.[/list]

Action abilities
[list][*] Victims of the Dance [2/2] [80 AP]
Minor action. Brellinth lays a mental ambush. The next time he is about to be attacked, anyone attacking him for the rest of the turn suffers 2 turns of Dazzled, and Brellinth loses his minor action for the turn.

[*] Susurrus [1/1] [50 AP]
Major action. Randomizes the target's action.
If the target is Dazzled, the debuff is consumed, and Brellinth can make them take any action he has witnessed.
If Brellinth has dirt on the target via Dull Flame of Desire, he may choose unseen abilities of the target, and the target will be Dazzled again next turn.

[*] Pull the Loose Ends [1/1] [60 AP]
Major + minor action. After an allied action fails a check by no more than two points, replicates the consequences that skill would have had if successful.

[*] Poison Heart [1/1] [20 AP]
Minor action. Brellinth invokes a thorn stiletto [10-14 damage, point blank, cannot miss, breaks on hit].
Brellinth only regains use of this last resort weapon when he gains an odd level.
[*] Borrowed Lives [50 AP]
After an encounter, if Brellinth has gained information via Dull Flame of Desire, he may add the subject to his Repertoire of INT/2 disguises.
While disguised, he shares the clothing style and can assume the mannerisms of his target.[/list]
[*] Arbitrary Flesh [1/1] (reactive) [25 AP]
The first time Brellinth takes damage in each battle, he heals for 5 HP.

[*] Dull Flame of Desire [passive] [50 AP]
When Brellinth Dazzles an enemy, if they fail a WIL check DC 10+[INT], he gains a vague idea of something that drives them: An objective, conviction or secret.
[As of level 1: DC 15]
[*] Emotional Contagion [passive] [70 AP]
If a combatant is under Dazzled status, when Brellinth successfully uses Pull the Loose Ends, Dazzle-empowered Susurrus, or defeats an enemy with Pain Breaks the Rhythm, a random enemy is Dazzled or a Dazzled enemy has their status extended by a turn.[/list]

[*] Fear Cold Steel [passive] [+30 AP]
Brellinth loses 2 HP per turn when handling objects made of silver or iron.
[*] Play Fair [passive] [+65 AP]
Brellinth has only ever learned to fight for sport. When attacking with non-conjured weapons, he can only deal 1 damage/hit.[/list]
[list][*] Lotus Bloom [1/1] [35 AP]
Empowers Lotus Eater's Haven, extending it by a turn and granting the buff to all allied combatants. Major action.
[*] Savour the Moment [2/2] [camping] [30? AP]
When Brellinth triumphs in battle or learns something new about the world, he gains advantage on his next roll. [Roll twice, and use the better result.]
[*] Whimsical Star [passive] [140 AP]
When a Dazzled enemy misses Brellinth with any action, a glimmer of fantastical light causes a sharp migraine, dealing 1d8+[WIL] damage and causing them to be Dazzled for an extra turn.[/color][/list]

>395/445 AP

STR -5
DEX -1
AGI +5
VIT -3
INT +5
WIL +5
PER +1
Spoiler: Description
Race: Fae
Hair: Shoulder-long and braided
Eyes: Look again. You misremembered.
Height: 176 cm
Build: Well-kept layabout
Before you stands a waifish, bony man. He moves with studied elegance, but his poise is broken by excitability, and though he's got a knack for pageantry, he lacks what humans consider to be good manners. Honestly, you don't feel prepared to talk to a fancy deer that seems to think it's better than you.

When he's got a say in it, he might clothe himself in the traditional checkered tunics and laced dresses of his people, loose-flowing robes, or the parade uniform of a long disbanded military, as it suits his fancy.
Someone has gifted him a pendant of precious chromium, worn to be mistaken for silver to get a rise out of people, because it's beautiful, plus there might be sentimental value.

Once a seer-apprentice of the fae, Brellinth now roams the mortal world, living for himself.
He used to live a life of discipline and ambition, honing his senses and learning the political subtleties of the faerie society.
Soon after his mind opened itself up to psychic knowledge, he was dispatched to spy on a celebration at the queen's court. He returned with copious blackmail material, but the experience sowed the seeds of dissent in him.
He was flooded by a kaleidoscope-pattern of vicarious emotion, and ached to have all that pleasure for himself. He could not let go of these memories, or the yearning, and his desire consumed him.

So he delegated away his responsibilities, gently insinuated the possibility of his choice so no one would be too shocked, and squirmed into freedom.

As he was born into the caste of seer-knights, fae society would not let him live the irresponsible life he desired, so he crossed the threshold to mingle with the mortal-beings.

His mentors let him go on his way - indifferent or amused or beholden to his manipulation - as it was not unheard of for fae to break their horns in the mortal world and then come back to their responsibilities.
"Don't you see, henchman? We had to pay it forward. Now get out of the way, in one way or another."
Brellinth rears up threateningly, like some kind of horrible mantis person.
Victims of the Dance; Lotus Eater's Haven @ Nemeia
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

  • Nemeia (AoD) .._ | 18/20 | Lv 1.82 | [Front] |
  • Rey (pf2222) ...... | 8/13 | Lv 1.57 | [Front] |
  • Brellinth (octy) .. | 11/11 | Lv 1.54 | [Cover] | VotD
"We'll see," the crossbowman replies to Brellinth's demand.
Turn order:
Brellinth (8), Rey (5), Swordsman (3), Crossbowman (2), Nemeia (1)

Brellinth uses Victims of the Dance;
casts Lotus Eater's Haven on Nemeia.

Nemeia gets +5 DR, +2 magic save (1 turn).

Rey shoots Crossbowman.
9 + 2 = 11 vs. 10 + 2 = 12
Furious Shot:
4 + 2 = 6 vs. 3 + 4-2 = 5
Hit, 4 damage.
Rey fires at the crossbowman and just misses-
seeing this she swiftly draws another arrow and this time he isn't so lucky.

Swordsman uses Feint Attack on Nemeia
Swordsman's Maneuver Rating vs Nemeia's Perception:
4 + 3 = 7 vs. 7 + 3 = 10
1 + 4-2 = 3 vs. 6 + 4 = 10
The swordsman draws her blade to one side
and then attacks from the other;
but Nemeia isn't fooled and Marcie misjudged her strike.

"Richard." The crossbowman grunts in reply.
"Heal Brenda. Please."

Crossbowman uses Healing Flask on Mage;
attacks Rey.

Mage restored to 4 HP.
7 + 4+1 = 12 vs. 1 + 2 = 3
Hit, 2 damage.
Richard kneels next to the fallen mage and produces a healing flask,
administering her its contents and tossing it aside.
Then he hefts his crossbow and aims it at Rey, who
makes little attempt to avoid his attack.

"Thanks for that." The mage stands up.
"I've got my eye on you," she cackles, pointing at Brellinth.

Nemeia attacks Swordsman.
9 + 6 = 15 vs. 5 + 4+1 = 10
Hit, 6 damage.
Nemeia lands a clean hit, but her opponent's chainmail blocks some of the damage.
"Not bad."
Enemy Party
  • Storm Hound | -2/13 | [Front] | Dissipated
    Swordsman | 8/16 | [Front] |
    Crossbowman | 11/15 | [Cover] |
    Mage | 4/14 | [Cover] |
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by Agent of Dread »

Nemeia, Lv 1.82 Paladin [ Front ]
█████████ | ▀▀ ▀▀
+2 DMG | +6 HIT | +1 AC | +2 MR | +1 INIT
Bastard Sword [ 4-8 Dmg ] | Breastplate [ 3 AC ]
Spoiler: Character Sheet
Inventory [ 02/10 ]

[list][*] Healing Flasks [ 2/5 ]
[*] Rope [ 2/5 ]
[*] -[/list]

Abilities [ 0345/0350 AP ]

[*]Blazing Soul [ Passive ] [ 50 AP ]
Nemeia cannot gain Spellpoints or learn spells. Instead, her Active abilities cost Soul, which is gained through battle and dissipates at the end of each encounter.
Successful melee attacks grant 1 Soul. The first time Nemeia uses a healing item each encounter, she gains 1 Soul. Maximum Soul is equal to WIL.
[*]Searing Blade [ Active - 1 Soul ] [ 75 AP ]
A minor action that can only be used the turn after Nemeia hits an enemy with a melee attack. The lingering radiance of Nemeia's strike ignites, dealing [2xWIL]+DMG damage to the same enemy she hit.
[*]Lay on Hands [ Active - N Soul ] [ 100 AP ]
A major action that can be used on allies in the same row as Nemeia. Restores Nx[5+WIL] HP.
[*]Brilliant Aegis [ Active - 2 Soul ] [ 100 AP ]
A minor action. Grants Nemeia 1 Spell Shield.
[*]Embercleave [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
Nemeia's weapon attacks use both her major & minor action, but grant 1 additional Soul on hit.
[*]Passage of Arms[ Sustained ] [ 50 AP ]
The first time Nemeia takes damage each turn, she gains 1 Soul. Nemeia cannot use Lay on Hands while Passage of Arms is active, and cannot deactivate and reactivate Passage of Arms in the same turn.
[*]Incandescence [ Active - 1 use ] [ 125 AP ]
A minor action. Nemeia's Soul burns furiously, granting her 2xSoul AC and INIT for WIL turns. Gaining Soul while at the limit will instead perform Searing Blade, at no Soul cost, as a free action for the duration of the effect.

[*]Triage at Dawn [ Passive ] [ 70 AP ]
At the end of combat, if Nemeia has 1 or more Soul, she may use Lay on Hands for N=1 on any party member as a free action.


STR: +4
DEX: +2
AGI: +0
VIT: +1
INT: -5
WIL: +2
PER: +3
Nemeia's opponent seems to have an appreciation for the exchange of blows itself. A grin sneaks across her own face as she finds herself enjoying their little bout, too, but it's stymied by the feeling of that there's no joy in beating down an equal -- another person. Even if they've thrown their lot in with Purewell.
All the same, this Marcie's taste for combat ought to extend to knowing that sometimes one must simply take their lumps. Nemeia presses the attack.
"That's not all."
As though an artist is committing the battle to canvas, a locus of brilliant light erupts from the space where Nemeia struck her foe, carving the wound deeper with a radiant heat -- and even as it does, Nemeia advances, leaning into another slash.

Nemeia uses Searing Blade. Nemeia attacks Swordsman.
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Rey, Lvl 1.57 Ninja Mercenary
HP: 8/13
SP: 1/2

+0 DMG | +2 Hit | 4-2 AC | 6 MR | 5 INIT

Shortbow [2-4 Dmg] (Arrows [6/50])
Dark Cloak [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [6/10]:
-Long Dagger [1-5 Dmg]
-Healing Flask [1/5] (Heals 5 HP)
-Rope [1/5]
-Scimitar [1-6 Dmg]
-Staff (2H) [1-3 Dmg]
-Smooth stone

Spells: [2/2]
Surrounding Shadow
-> An ethereal aura surrounds a target, dealing (Wil+1d3) dmg for (1+Int/2) turns.
Hitrate: (Wil+Int)

Cast into Light
-> Attempts to remove or lessen status effects on a target.

Abilities: [340/350AP]
Dagger Proficiency [Passive] [100 AP]
-> Uses DEX in place of STR for +DMG and Hit calculations when using a dagger.

Last Shot [Active 0/1] [60 AP]
-> Flings a dagger at a target for 2xMaxDmg.

Furious Shot [Sustained] [50 AP]
-> If missed with a bow, automatically attempts a follow-up shot with any unused minor action.
However, AC weakened by DEX/2 while active.

Behind the Scenes [Passive] [10 AP]
-> +2 to stealth checks.

Unexpected Opponent [Reactive 1/1] [120 AP]
-> If initiating combat from stealth, attack gains +Agi Hit.
If attack hits, all enemies must pass an Init check or lose their turn.
Regardless of attack's success, all enemies lose half the Per component of their Init for this turn.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
Rey ignores the second member of her new crossbow bolt collection,
focusing on her target instead of herself.
But she hesitates in drawing another arrow-
the mage has gotten back up, and it would be easier to deal with her again first.
Still aiming her bow at the crossbowman, Rey focuses on the mage
and draws the fingers of her free hand together as she attempts to
smother her in shadows.
Rey ignores the second projectile that hits her, holding her bow steady.
But her focus turns to the revived mage.
Rey draws the finger her of free hand together,
attempting to draw shadows around her opponent.

Rey casts Surrounding Shadow on Mage.
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

  • Nemeia (AoD) .._ | 9/20 | Lv 1.82 | [Front] |
  • Rey (pf2222) ...... | -4/13 | Lv 1.57 | [Front] | Unconscious
Turn order:
Rey (5), Swordsman, Mage (3), Crossbowman (2), Nemeia (1)

Rey casts Surrounding Shadow on Mage:
6 + 3 = 9 vs. 4 + 3 = 7
Hit, 3 damage.
Remaining duration: 1 turn.
A dark aura falls around the mage, and does not dissipate.

"No, that's not all."
Swordsman uses Feint Attack on Nemeia:
MR vs AC:
6 + 3 = 9 vs. 8 + 3 = 11
8 + 5 = 13 vs. 7 + 4 = 11
Hit, 6 damage.
Nemeia gains 1 Soul.
Again the swordswoman tries to misdirect Nemeia's attention, and again it fails to work,
but it's not enough to stop her landing a hit with nearly her full force.

"You call that magic?
This is how you cast a spell."

Mage casts Magic Missile on Rey:
10 + 6 = 16 vs. 3 + 3 = 6
Critical hit, 6*2 = 12 damage.
Rey falls unconscious.

Though she's barely standing, the mage regards the effects of Rey's attack with disdain.
She sends a bolt of bright force straight at Rey and it sends her to the ground, unmoving.

"Hahahah. There's only one left," the mage smirks.
"So it would seem," the crossbowman replies.

Crossbowman attacks Nemeia:
8 + 5 = 13 vs. 3 + 4 = 7
Hit, 3 damage.
The crossbowman changes targets, finding a spot unprotected by Nemeia's armor.

Nemeia uses Searing Blade and attacks Swordsman:
Searing Blade: 6 damage.
7 + 6 = 13 vs. 3 + 5 = 8
Hit, 10 damage.
Swordsman falls unconscious.

The swordswoman, all of her attention focused on Nemeia, is surprised as her wound erupts
in pain, and as Nemeia brings all her force to bear down on her she crumples to the floor.

Enemy Front Row is dissolved; Crossbowman and Mage are moved to Front.

You stand alone against two enemies, your companion having been brought down.
There probably wasn't anyone else here, in this battle.
You can't seem to recall anyone, anyway.
Enemy Party
  • Storm Hound | -2/13 | [Front] | Dissipated
    Swordsman | -8/16 | [Front] |Unconscious
    Crossbowman | 11/15 | [Front] |
    Mage | 1/14 | [Front] |Surrounding Shadow: 1 turn
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by Agent of Dread »

Nemeia, Lv 1.82 Paladin [ Front ]
██████████ | ▀▀ ▀▀
+2 DMG | +6 HIT | +1 AC | +2 MR | +1 INIT
Bastard Sword [ 4-8 Dmg ] | Breastplate [ 3 AC ]
Spoiler: Character Sheet
Inventory [ 02/10 ]

[list][*] Healing Flasks [ 1/5 ]
[*] Rope [ 2/5 ]
[*] -[/list]

Abilities [ 0345/0350 AP ]

[*]Blazing Soul [ Passive ] [ 50 AP ]
Nemeia cannot gain Spellpoints or learn spells. Instead, her Active abilities cost Soul, which is gained through battle and dissipates at the end of each encounter.
Successful melee attacks grant 1 Soul. The first time Nemeia uses a healing item each encounter, she gains 1 Soul. Maximum Soul is equal to WIL.
[*]Searing Blade [ Active - 1 Soul ] [ 75 AP ]
A minor action that can only be used the turn after Nemeia hits an enemy with a melee attack. The lingering radiance of Nemeia's strike ignites, dealing [2xWIL]+DMG damage to the same enemy she hit.
[*]Lay on Hands [ Active - N Soul ] [ 100 AP ]
A major action that can be used on allies in the same row as Nemeia. Restores Nx[5+WIL] HP.
[*]Brilliant Aegis [ Active - 2 Soul ] [ 100 AP ]
A minor action. Grants Nemeia 1 Spell Shield.
[*]Embercleave [ Sustained ] [ 70 AP ]
Nemeia's weapon attacks use both her major & minor action, but grant 1 additional Soul on hit.
[*]Passage of Arms[ Sustained ] [ 50 AP ]
The first time Nemeia takes damage each turn, she gains 1 Soul. Nemeia cannot use Lay on Hands while Passage of Arms is active, and cannot deactivate and reactivate Passage of Arms in the same turn.
[*]Incandescence [ Active - 1 use ] [ 125 AP ]
A minor action. Nemeia's Soul burns furiously, granting her 2xSoul AC and INIT for WIL turns. Gaining Soul while at the limit will instead perform Searing Blade, at no Soul cost, as a free action for the duration of the effect.

[*]Triage at Dawn [ Passive ] [ 70 AP ]
At the end of combat, if Nemeia has 1 or more Soul, she may use Lay on Hands for N=1 on any party member as a free action.


STR: +4
DEX: +2
AGI: +0
VIT: +1
INT: -5
WIL: +2
PER: +3
Nemeia is able to best the swordswoman, knocking her to the ground with a decisive blow -- albeit a blow that cost her some injuries of her own, having drawn the ire of the guard with the crossbow as well. The burning of her new wounds forcing her pause, Nemeia reassesses the scene of the battle. The enemy mage is on her last legs, but she seems to have held out long enough to bring Rey to her knees, if only just. Nemeia judges that the guards won't get to do much more damage, but she has more to do than face down these obstacles -- she has a comrade to bring with her.
Kneeling beside Rey's collapsed form, Nemeia takes a hand off of the grip of her sword and reaches out to the girl, the sizzling energy of the spell that brought her down subsiding around them.
With the connection made, the gleaming sparks of Nemeia's valiant spirit waste no time crossing to Rey, sealing the open wounds with a surge of new vigour.
Turning her attention to herself, Nemeia fishes out one of the flasks she procured from the earlier storeroom before downing its contents in two quick gulps.
Wiping her mouth and hefting her blade, she addresses her teammate.
"Come on, let's finish this."
So that we can find the others... others?

Nemeia deactivates Passage of Arms. Nemeia uses Lay on Hands (2) on Rey. Nemeia uses a Healing Flask.
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

  • Nemeia (AoD) .._ | 14/20 | Lv 1.82 | [Front] |
  • Rey (pf2222) ...... | 10/13 | Lv 1.57 | [Front] |
Turn order:
(Rey (5)), Mage (3), Crossbowman (2), Nemeia (1)

The mage watches Nemeia bring down her comrade. "Quite sparkly."
Surrounding Shadow hits Mage for 4 damage.
Mage falls unconscious.

The lingering effects of Rey's spell bring down the mage and fade away.

The remaining guard stands alone, unsettled by the outcome of the sword duel.
"One of us will fall here."
Crossbowman reloads and attacks Nemeia.
6 + 4-4 = 6 vs. 4 + 4 = 8
The crossbowman's aim is unsteady, and Nemeia avoids his shot.

Nemeia uses Lay on Hands (2) on Rey
and uses a Healing Flask on herself.

Rey recovers 14 HP and regains consciousness.
Nemeia recovers 5 HP.

Enemy Party
  • Storm Hound | -2/13 | [Front] | Dissipated
    Swordsman | -8/16 | [Front] |Unconscious
    Crossbowman | 11/15 | [Front] |
    Mage | -3/14 | [Front] |Unconscious
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Re: PnP - The Dungeon of Despair - Game Thread

Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Rey, Lvl 1.57 Ninja Mercenary
HP: 10/13
SP: 1/2

+2 DMG | +8 Hit | 4-2 AC | 6 MR | 5 INIT

Long Dagger [1-5 Dmg][/size])
Dark Cloak [1 AC]
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Items [6/10]:
-Shortbow [2-4 Dmg] (Arrows [6/50]
-Healing Flask [1/5] (Heals 5 HP)
-Rope [1/5]
-Scimitar [1-6 Dmg]
-Staff (2H) [1-3 Dmg]
-Smooth stone

Spells: [2/2]

Surrounding Shadow
-> An ethereal aura surrounds a target, dealing (Wil+1d3) dmg for (1+Int/2) turns.
Hitrate: (Wil+Int)

Cast into Light
-> Attempts to remove or lessen status effects on a target.

Abilities: [340/350AP]
Dagger Proficiency [Passive] [100 AP]
-> Uses DEX in place of STR for +DMG and Hit calculations when using a dagger.

Last Shot [Active 0/1] [60 AP]
-> Flings a dagger at a target for 2xMaxDmg.

Furious Shot [Sustained] [50 AP]
-> If missed with a bow, automatically attempts a follow-up shot with any unused minor action.
However, AC weakened by DEX/2 while active.

Behind the Scenes [Passive] [10 AP]
-> +2 to stealth checks.

Unexpected Opponent [Reactive 1/1] [120 AP]
-> If initiating combat from stealth, attack gains +Agi Hit.
If attack hits, all enemies must pass an Init check or lose their turn.
Regardless of attack's success, all enemies lose half the Per component of their Init for this turn.

-2 Str
+4 Dex
+2 Agi
-2 Vit
+2 Int
+1 Wil
+2 Per
Spoiler: Thoughts
Rey's spell hit its mark. It would finish her soon enough...
Rey turned her attention away from the mage and back to the crossbowman,
noting as Nemeia took a blow beside her.
But the mage hadn't turned away. Rey felt the force of the spell and blacked out...

The next thing Rey felt was warmth and a lack of pain. She felt a lot better, actually...
She opened her eyes to see someone kneeling beside her. A blonde woman with a sword.
Something tugged at her memory, but she pushed it aside.
She could tell the battle wasn't over yet, so she picked her bow up from the ground and stood.
'Come on, let's finish this.'
Rey nodded, more to herself than Nemeia.
(I'll keep fighting as long as I have to.)
The crossbow bolts Rey had not yet removed reminded her of their opponent.
He was the only one still standing, she noted.
(Not for long.)
Rey drew her dagger. Between the two of them, he didn't stand a chance.
She threw it.
Rey opened her eyes, taking in Nemeia kneeling beside her.
Then she stood, retrieving her bow from where it had fallen.
As Nemeia addressed her she nodded, looking toward their opponent.
Rey drew her dagger and flung it toward the guard grimly.

Rey uses Last Shot on Crossbowman.
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