The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by woodmouse »

Seth wrote:Are you talking about (relatively) obscure words in English or Finnish? Or are you referring more to protologisms or neologisms?
In English, mostly neologisms that don't come across as neologisms, and words that have rarely (if ever) been used anywhere despite technically being actual words that have already existed. Most of that type of stuff is obviously derived from Greek and/or Latin, etc.

For example:
-panaesthesia (sensing everything combined, kinda like synaesthesia, but with everything; it's a pretty strictly defined and "common" word, but well)
-transvectionism (the belief that unassisted flight is superior to other forms of locomotion; I know, totally useless, but it's funny... like, "yo guys look at me I'm flying lol you suck cus you can't do it lol")
-copraemia (another well-defined word, meaning poop in the blood)
-encephalysis (melting of the brain)

I can't think of any more right now without hurting my brain or just listing more actual words that just happen to be weird, but you know what kinds of words I mean. :P
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Seth »

This & this are good sources of highly obscure terms. Occasionally I may use some, but it’s not an accepted practice since they’re very rare. But how else will they abandon rarity if they’re never used?
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by woodmouse »

Seth wrote:Occasionally I may use some, but it’s not an accepted practice since they’re very rare. But how else will they abandon rarity if they’re never used?
But if they became widely used, the satisfaction that hyperhipsterism gives would be lost. ;)
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Seth »

When is it not acceptable to use them?
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by woodmouse »

Seth wrote:When is it not acceptable to use them?
No idea, but I think it's almost always funny to be intentionally confusing. :lol:
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by octagon »

Today I noticed that the Xubuntu I installed on my new 64-bit laptop a week ago is a 32-bit version. :bang:
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by penguinflyer5234 »

Man the Windows API isn't fun when you aren't used to it :|

For example, creating and getting the contents of a memory-backed context:
Spoiler: OS X with Core Graphics
[code]CGColorSpaceRef colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(pixelBuffer, width, height, width * 4, colorspace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
// do whatever with context
// pixels are written to pixelBuffer whenever a draw is done
CGContextRelease(context); // release the context, we're done
Spoiler: Linux with Cairo
[code]cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height);
pixelBuffer = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface);
// draw whatever
// pixelBuffer contains the newly drawn pixels
cairo_surface_destroy(surface); // release[/code]
Spoiler: Windows with Direct2D and Windows Imaging Component
[code]// define some variables we'll need
ID2D1Factory *d2dFactory; IWICImagingFactory *wicFactory;
ID2D1RenderTarget *renderTarget; IWICBitmap *bitmap;
// Create Direct2D factory!
D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED, &d2dFactory);
// Create Windows Imaging Component factory!
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWICImagingFactory, (LPVOID*)&wicFactory);
wicFactory->CreateBitmap(width, height, GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPRGBA, WICBitmapCacheOnLoad, &bitmap);
d2dFactory->CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget(bitmap, D2D1::RenderTargetProperties(), &renderTarget);
// do whatever with renderTarget
// copy pixels to your side
bitmap->CopyPixels(NULL, width * 4, width * height * 4, pixelBuffer);
// release everything, we're done
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Seth »

So, I’ve had this idea for a story for a while, and since I finished my original fiction, I might commence this one relatively soon. Here’s my current plan:

Essentially, it’s about an unhappy chemical engineer who causes an accident in his workplace, causing him to wake up in a bizarre, alien world. He soon helps a trapped canine who wants to help him conquer the depression that he’s had since puberty. Soon, he befriends an anthropomorphic feline. They enjoy each other’s company at first, but eventually his mate rejects him because of his persistent attitude. When his canine coach discovers that she’s in peril, he stops his friend from committing suicide to tell him that she needs his help more than ever. At first he’s reluctant to rescue her, but the canine continues to powerfully motivate and encourage him, persuading him to continue living and rescue his lover. The ending will be positive.

Although it’s a story about overcoming depression, I don’t want to focus on his depression excessively since the story might be received as childish angst by the readers. I want some happiness in the story.

What do you lot think of my concept? Good? Bad? Indifferent?
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Maxaxle »

I think you're trying to come up with excuses to incorporate furries into what is otherwise a standard sci-fi story. Not that that's a bad thing, I'm just saying that the furry aspects of the charactes seem shoehorned in.
Spoiler: My unwanted suggestions:
Since the main character is a chemical engineer rather than a physicist or something (which could involve portals/wormholes/etc.), maybe he was working on a project to "dissassemble" a living creature into a jellied, powdered, or easily-transported substance that could then be "reassembled" by a machine into its original form, memories and all; becoming frustrated at work, he substitutes himself for the test creature (maybe a primate of similar size to a human), hoping that the machine will fail and kill him, but unwittingly has himself sent to an alien world (known to his superiors and people in the spacecraft division but not him), where the machine successfully reassembles him and revives him on-site.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Seth »

The world is chaotic, with no obvious explications. But I can understand if the feline seems ‘forced’ when it would have been easily possible to insert a more abstract creature in.

I don’t mind suggestions, but I do not prefer your idea (yet?). I’m hesitant to have him do something extreme like that so early. I was thinking that the chemicals he would use would contain hallucinogenic elements, causing him to enter a long‐term coma, or perhaps even be awake but with a distorted perception of his world. I don’t plan for him to exit his hallucinations any time soon.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by woodmouse »

Sounds cool, Seth! I disagree with Maxle pretty strongly, because cute fluffy animals are cute and fluffy. Anthropomorphising them might take away from that for some people depending on how it was done, though. If it was just an ordinary cat and an ordinary dog, at least I feel like that'd make more sense and might be more motivational, assuming that's a part of the story's value; almost anyone can find themselves a pet cat or a dog, which really can help a lot when it comes to overcoming depression. I mean, my pet cat Jamppa was really one of the few things that gave me any kind of happiness at all when I was depressed, just being all cuddly, jumping all over the place and meowing in my face when I woke up. He couldn't talk or anything, obviously, but in their own way, pets do talk to their owners (I don't really like that word, but meh) by various unique forms of interaction like the way their tail moves around, what type of sounds they make, etc. :)

But I totally understand the appeal in making the animals talk in the story. Talking animals are cool, and can even add a feeling of significant symbolism where none exists, if done well. Besides, most readers would probably interpret them as some representation of the protagonist's inner feelings, so it wouldn't matter what they actually were, and thus it'd make perfect sense for them to be "normal" animals that just talk. I've considered writing a short story about talking crows solving a murder just for the sake of the puns, but haven't gotten around to it.

I probably misunderstood one thing in your description, though; do you mean that the dog and the cat would be lovers? Or the man and the cat? Because... well, honestly, that's a whole another level of creepy. I'd assume that most readers would already have trouble relating to the guy by the time you bring up his depression, but when it'd become an issue that he has a thing for cats... well... let's just say that interspecies romances have their time and place, which I personally feel like is in comedy and horror, when it's used to deprave a character or two to the next level. Well, with the occasional exception of humanoid aliens and such that don't fall into the uncanny valley, as those can sometimes be done in a serious context without coming across as disturbing and/or hilarious.

No offence if you're part of the furry fandom, sexually or not; I don't have anything against that (why would anyone?), but I do have lots of things against people who do things to non-human animals.

I'm not saying you should change that (assuming I understood correctly), but I mean, most readers would probably not take the story very seriously after that, if they even kept reading. I don't know about myself, I'd probably keep reading and be all like "what the f**k is this s**t, the man's saving the cat's life to DO WHAT!?". You could obviously prove me wrong and pull it off perfectly, though, haha. :P

Anyway, since you said you don't mind suggestions:

If it's all a waking hallucination, you could easily milk in lots of depth and symbolism by interplaying with his hallucinosis and the world as it is, maybe brief lucid periods with thematic triggers that then lead back into the warped state of things. Depending on how in depth you're planning to go with it and what kind of an atmosphere you'd want, there could even be a cycle of emotional states that'd be reflected into his world in various seemingly physical ways.

But like, he couldn't really be just depressed if his hallucinations lasted for weeks, months, or whatever, unless his supply of the chemicals was somehow magically replenished. :P He'd have to be also psychotic, for example; but that's kinda reasonable and wouldn't detract from his depression being at the centre if that's your plan, since those chemicals could've caused/triggered that to begin with.

If he was in a coma, I suppose that'd give you a lot more creative freedom and whatnot as it wouldn't have to stick to the laws of physics or, well, make any sense at all, but that might take away the "this is a story about a man overcoming depression"-thing and turn it into a "this is a story about a man with some messed up thoughts"-thing.

As for the "chaotic, with no obvious explications"-part, I myself consider that a bit pointless. I mean, if it's literally chaos without any psychological basis, then the protagonist would have to be pretty damn blown out of his mind and it could well end up being "surreal, but not surrealist" if that makes sense. Of course, I'm not saying that that's a bad thing, just that it wouldn't make much sense for it to come out that way if it was all in the protagonist's head because he came in contact with some hallucinogenic stuff, as far as I know.

Then again, I've never used any psychedelic drugs, so I could be wrong. Maybe the hallucinations can have all types of external sources, but from what I've understood, they're generally a lot like dreams in that they're based on your subconsciousness and real world stimuli that are processed differently in the brain, etc. or something like that... although I did just read about a plant (angel's trumpet) that apparently can cause hallucinations that are entirely unrelated to anything, so it's probably possible for some chemicals to cause that same reaction.

PS: I've been writing as well, a kinda surreal horror thing about an elderly gardener. Hopefully, I can finish it soon.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Maxaxle »

Personally, I was thinking that it would make the most sense if the main character was indeed on drugs or something, but then that might be too depressing. Maybe he takes an Aesop with him back into reality when he's out of his coma/done hallucinating/etc?
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by woodmouse »

Maxaxle wrote:Maybe he takes an Aesop with him back into reality when he's out of his coma/done hallucinating/etc?
I'm pretty sure everyone would, unless they were intentionally tripping balls and/or they didn't get any help for their psychosis/other problems... and I kinda assumed Seth meant that when he said "I want some happiness in the story"? :o
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Maxaxle »

...Yeah, but this is Seth we're talking about, and I didn't know what to expect.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by octagon »

Today was the first time someone (other than big-mouthed middle school bullies) threatened to kill me.

A few hours ago, I decided to take a little walk to see the last bit of the sunset, and went down a random field path near my student dorms.
After a little while, I came across a guy yelling drunkenly and domineeringly next to some wooded section and pacing as if he wanted to check if no one was nearby, and faintly heard a somewhat reluctant- and distressed-sounding woman’s voice possibly replying to him from the woods. He disappeared into her direction when he saw me approach. The woman’s voice stopped soon after. While I didn’t hear any screams, fight noises or markedly angry yelling, I was still possibly a hundred meters away from where he had disappeared.

I would have gone after him immediately if not for my phone lamp fortunately not giving off enough light, which made me nervously proceed on the normal path until I met two cyclists, whom I asked to help me investigate what was going on.

One of them went ahead with a flashlight, and we were suddenly facing facing the suspicious guy next to a some ragged tents, and he told the cylist that he was going to kill him, that he had to go away or die in this forest. I just wanted to run at this point, but the my ally seemed to try getting the assumed felon to explain himself and didn’t turn back until about somewhere between ten and thirty seconds later even though I urged him to. A sensation of “holy shit what kind of seemingly unrealistic situation are you even in” and heart-crushing panic kicked in at that point (and unrelatedly, I noticed that the cyclist retreated without turning his back on the drunk even though he hadn’t moved and we had still been possibly ten meters away from him)…

the man just stared after us from where he had paced when we left his ‘domain’, and we called the police.

I hope we didn’t make significant mistakes, and I irrationally hope his assumed victim is alive and well.

and the police called back saying they would send someone to question me later this evening, but no one came here. I also hope they’re taking this seriously.

this sounds like a written down mundane nightmare and i wish it fucking was one
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