The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Cimeries »

Everyone knows and appreciates what a suit is because everyone watches "How I Met Your Mother".
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Agent of Dread »

I don't watch How I Met Your Mother but it's a great show.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by octagon »

Maxaxle wrote:I once heard a saying. "Friends who want to stay friends don't discuss religion or politics." How true that is, depends on who you befriend.
I learned that when (at a time when everything in the town where my school is was delayed by a walkout) someone I like* offhandedly suggested to abolish labour unions. I cringed, but I just tried to forget about it... :?

you know I'm shy to an unpleasant extent, so I don't refer to someone as a friend if there's the slightest chance they would disagree with this classification and be irritated or offended
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Maxaxle »


IN OTHER NEWS, I got a dental filling today, and because of the extent to which my teeth had been decayed, and where they were (very extremely close to my wisdom tooth area), I think I can officially declare my day "ruined".
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by woodmouse »

Apparently, according to people, the only reason anyone would prefer not to have a Facebook(/Formspring/other sites like that) account is because they want to be rude stalkers who lack the balls to publicly be themselves. That's like... the stupidiest thing I've ever heard. Basically, there's this girl on Formspring who constantly complains in every question asked by people who don't have accounts there, you know, asking anonymously, about how they're all somehow supposedly just a few people all making fun of her behind her back. Well, obviously, that's not true, and so I asked what's her opinion on not having an account to avoid being targeted by those same a**hole trolls as well. Well, she said that I'm a pathetic loser who doesn't have balls and that I should shut up, since "I'm not important enough to be targeted by them" or something like that. :| I... I just... don't understand.

...and that's someone who I actually somewhat knew a couple of years ago, and she was like the nicest person ever. I mean, we never met in person but chatted online and sent emails and stuff like that, you know. Anyway, clearly something changed her, but like... I'm not sure if that was her response because she didn't know it was me asking it anonymously or if she's become a total a**hole in like about two years. Well, a year, I suppose, since we both were on a same music forum still, but you know.

Obviously, she's not the only person who responded in a similar way. There was also this guy who's weird (...okay, maybe not "weird", but "not normal", since if I say "weird", you think of him as a pink kitten with a gas mask living in a cave, eating soap bubbles through the back of his head) who I chatted with on Omegle a while back. Anyway, so, he said pretty much the same thing, which kinda makes me think it's the common opinion... which is really sad and disgusting, since it's just a prime example of "insane troll logic".

Do I just have bad luck with people or is this actually as common as it seems like?
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Agent of Dread »

You get crappy rolls on your random encounter checks, I think. :P
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by octagon »

Unequip your Trollfinder Blade.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Cimeries »

Listen to the voices. They're not real, but their ideas are good.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by penguinflyer5234 »

Amazing, the high today at 44°F today! (7°C) It's not even winter yet!
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Cimeries »

280° K.
Because Kelvin is the best.

... I just realized that all of my posts in this thread must be either witty one liners, horrible puns or obscure references.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by penguinflyer5234 »

280 K, Kelvin has no °. :|
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Cimeries »

Of course it does silly, ° means "Degrees".
I suspect some chose to eschew it because Kelvin degrees measure how much heat there actually is, so one could treat it as an actual scalar unit and not just a point of reference like Celsius or the degrees of a circle.
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by penguinflyer5234 »

Seems like I'm always wrong, guess I should stop posting then :|
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by Cimeries »

It's not fair, I'm an engineering student. ;)
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Re: The totally bestest thread ever (for random stuff)

Post by woodmouse »

Why is practically every website turning into some kind of overly complicated shiny thing that looks like something in a scifi movie where it's supposed to be some kind of impossible-to-use-by-humans-thing? Every link leads to an useless page that looks shiny with all kinds of flash and java and whatnot and takes ages to load, and under all that fance there's only a link to another page, which is the page that you actually wanted to go to, but were instead linked to that useless fancy thing, and even that page is filled with fancy stuff that has no purpose at all other than to distract, and there are ads everywhere, overlapping music and whatever from each, and all of them are completely unrelated to whatever the website is about! Then there are all these links to other sites and every time one is clicked, there's some super-fancy flash and java thingy that makes the computer almost freeze, then there's a crapload of ads that you have to wait five seconds on each before you can go on, and in the end, you still don't get where you wanted but to yet another useless page that's there only to distract and "look cool"? Not to mention that there are always idiotically named pages that pretty much are the opposite of what they really are, like, "FAQ" is named "Ask questions" or something, it's like... makes no sense. And then, in all of that, the most annoying thing is that when you finally get to the page that you wanted to find, it asks you to register and claims that it's free, so you start registering, fill in everything, and then... what? It asks you to pay some monthly fee, and what?! Why the hell would you need to pay a monthly fee for a website that everything can be accessed on without even registering, apart from some little thing that you really need or want!? It's really ridiculous, especially when after that, you notice that actually the whole website is just a sort of "dummy" in a way and the only working links are the ones you clicked, everything else asks you to register for a supposedly free account which you'd have to pay 20€ a month for some shady guy who puts porn ads on their music-related site or something... I just don't get it.
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