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Re: Touhou

Post by Shade »

Agent of Dread wrote:I don't really get Let's Plays in general. (Apart from that metrojd one, which is even better than playing the game. xD) They seem to detract from the experience of the game itself,
That's because 99% of all LPers are completely terrible and have none of the talent required to be entertaining without detracting from the game they're playing.
I'm only watching raocow, personally.
Agent of Dread wrote:[comic strip]
lol nice
Agent of Dread wrote:EDIT: Bunny Must Die? I'm kind of deterred since it costs money, but it sounds kind of like Akuji or whatever that old metroidvania about a chibi vampire was called, lol.
It does? ...well, I got it for free, in any case.
In any case, yeah, it's a metroidvania, and I quite like it.

I know Akuji the Demon, I've also played that, but I never managed to get that SSS Rank. :/
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Re: Touhou

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Oh god, Orin is the biggest dick move ever. Except for that Spleen spellcard, that was surprisingly respectable/fun.
Not to mention Cat Walk. I don't even bother trying to catch that one.
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Re: Touhou

Post by octagon »

Yeah, DAMN CAT be damned.
For her "Zombie Fairy" spellcard, in case it isn't obvious, you need to go in circles around her. (I learned that from the much more annoying version in Double Spoiler.)

I couldn't really get into Pewdiepie's LPs, but to me it seems like they're much more about him and his reactions than about the actual games. Try HCBailly if you want to experience the story of some old RPG you can't play yourself; his commentary is very walkthrough-like (but littered with catchphrases and references), and since he seems a little …overly restrained (kinda like me, actually), most of what he says goes in predictable patterns, but I still enjoy his LPs quite a lot for some reason.
Raocow's LPs are just hilarious. He plays the kind of games where watching Let's Play videos is a much different experience than playing them yourself, but I love his combination of non-sequitur gibberish and analyzing the game at hand.
Also, Shade, you might enjoy some of Deathmic's stuff; in my opinion, he manages to do the metaphorical balancing act you were talking about very well.
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Re: Touhou

Post by Agent of Dread »

Yeah, I get that PewDiePie is about Pewd himself, but he played through Ib as if he was a 5-year old on crack.
Not to mention he has the most obnoxious fans in the world.
He seems like an okay guy when it comes down to it, though; the charity and stuff like that is pretty cool of him.

I just don't see the fun of having an entertainer base their entertainment around playing through a game. I'd rather play the game on my own terms and then watch them stand up and do their act of whatever sort in separate instances, personally.
Probably just comes down to preference by this point, though. /shrug
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Re: Touhou

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Switched lives down to three, tried once more. How's this? :D
Didn't get any of Kaguya's Last Spells this time, though, but I got my first look at Normal!Reisen's Last Spell. Pretty awesome and fun and hectic; almost caught it.
I need to start practising stage 4, I think...
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Re: Touhou

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Wow, I'm on a roll lately. I don't even know where all these 'effortless' 1ccs are coming from!
I was going fantastically until I got a major case of nerve twitchiness upon reaching Yuyuko. Screwed up Resurrection Butterfly pretty badly, but still. If I'm not mistaken, this is better than your top Marisa A score, Shade. :o

I shall commemorate with a random bestpairing picture. :D
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Re: Touhou

Post by Shade »

How frustrating...

But even though you beat my score on PCB, at least you didn't beat my remaining extra lives yet (4).
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Re: Touhou

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Hey, at least you're still going to be reigning over me in new-gen Touhous for ages to come. :P
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Re: Touhou

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Well, I got up to Utsuho, and almost without continuing as well. Orin's last spellcard (excluding Blazing Wheel lol) may possibly be her very worst, although the needle one is absolute bullshit as well. :x
Back on topic though, not bad. Nuclear Fusion is easy to mess up and the way in which you generally mess it up makes deathbombing less likely, and Mega Flare didn't give me much trouble. The nonspell after it though... I didn't bother continuing any more once I died to Fixed Sun or whatever it was, though. She is a pretty brutal boss. :(
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Re: Touhou

Post by Agent of Dread »

Agent of Dread wrote:PCB on Hard is pretty much the same difficulty, all the really troublesome spellcards got replaced with 'harder' ones that are easier to get through. :o
Okay, I'll retract this statement upon further consideration. xD"
Although there certainly are portions that have become easier. The spellcard that replaces Fazioli Dark Performance is an utter joke, and the replacement for Phantom Dinning is pretty manageable as well (although a lot more prone to messing up, definitely).
Not sure what I was thinking to say that Youmu was even close to the same difficulty, though. Her nonspell patterns are ridiculous enough on Normal.
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Re: Touhou

Post by Shade »

I actually agree that the Prismrivers for some reason are more managable on Hard and Lunatic than they are on Normal, but the rest of the game makes up for that, so you'll just lose those lives/bombs elsewhere, really.
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Re: Touhou

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Yeah. I was surprised how menacing Letty can suddenly become if you're not careful with Undulation Ray. :P
Oh well, it should keep me occupied for a while until I stop getting so frustrated by the difficulty of getting a 'perfect' run up to the end of stage 3 in MoF.
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Re: Touhou

Post by octagon »
I'll have to get used to the new art style. Not sure if I like the sprites, but the Secret of Mana-ish colours are kind of cool.
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Re: Touhou

Post by Agent of Dread »

I heard about this like ten minutes ago. :P

The new art style looks friggin' sweet.
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Re: Touhou

Post by Shade »

Satori now has her own game. And it's from Twilight Frontier, so you can rest assured it's good.


I'm in heaven.
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