[RPG] A Dark Dawn [Game Thread]

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Post by Cimeries »

Kreon, Lv2 Human Hunter (Cover)
HP: 36/36
Focus: 19/23
XP: 2496/3000
AP: --
20 Atk | 116 Hit | 10 Crt
06 Def | 03 Res | 43/62 Avd
Weapon: Long Bow 6 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt
Quiver: [38] Iron Arrows (4 Atk, 0 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Ranger Garb (2 Def, 1 Res, 15 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Inventory [7/7]:
- 3 Bandages (Recovers 4 to 12 HP)
- 3 Bottles of poison (unknown)
- Balanced Saber (7 Atk, 83 Hit, 4 Crt)
- 50 Iron Arrows (4 Atk, 0 Hit, 0 Crt)

- Repeater (2 Focus): Shoots additional arrows at the same target in the same turn. Every arrow after the first repeater arrow costs one Focus more than the previous one. Limited to 5 shots. (110 AP)
- Haste (6 Focus): Selected party member is hasted for his next 2 turns, allowing him to perform twice as many tasks as he normally could for the effect's duration. (90 AP)

- Bow Mastery: A bonus of (1 Atk, 10 Hit, 4 Crt) is bestowed when wielding a bow. (50 AP)
- Blink: Every unspent point of Focus raises Avd by 1. (100 AP)
- Adrenaline: Passively recovers 2 points of Focus if not damaged that turn. (50 AP)

STR: 9
MAG: 0
SKL: 13
AGI: 14
DEF: 3
RES: 2
VIT: 8
MEN: 4

Fir: 00 | Ert: 00 | Wnd: 00 | Thu: 00 | Wat: 00 | Ice: 00 | Lgt: 00 | Drk: 00
Kreon sells his trench knife and his short bow.
"We've wasted plenty of time here, let's go." They head back to the basements.
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Agent of Dread
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Post by Agent of Dread »

Charr, Lv2 (Reanimate Pyromancer)
Elf Human Enigmi
HP: 15/22
MP: 08/35
XP: 1900/3000
AP: 100
14 Atk | 105 Hit | 05 Crt
07 Def | 01 Res | 25 Avd
Weapon: Steel Sword (08 Atk | 85 Hit | 00 Crt)
Armour: Plates : (02 Def | 00 Res | 00 Avd)
Scarves, robes, bandannas : (01 Def | 01 Res | 05 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items [2/7]:
-Pyro Orb (+02 Atk)
-Spiked Gauntlets (04 Atk | 90 Hit | 05 Crt)
-Red Tea (Heals 15 HP)
-Blue Potion (Heals 50 MP)
-Plated Gauntlets (02 Atk | 100 Hit | 00 Crt)
-Torrent: Charr plants his hands into the ground and summons a massive wave of lava which hits Enemy Front 3 turns after summoning, and Cover 4 turns. Charr is unable to act again until the wave hits Front. 25 Atk, unmissable. (15 MP, 2 HP)
-Dual Fireball: Charr throws two fireballs, each dealing (10 Atk, unmissable) to the enemy. (5 MP)
-Gauntlet Hold: Charr can use Orbs while wielding Gauntlets, and the Atk stacks.
-Rejuvenate: If Charr wields his Pyro Orb when he uses a fire type skill, he can pay 1HP to regain half of the MP he used to cast it, rounded down.
-Weakness to Strength: If Charr is hit by an elemental attack he is weak to, he gains MP equal to the amount of damage done by the attack. 50 AP
STR: 06
MAG: 14
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
DEF: 04
RES: 00
VIT: 04
MEN: 05

Fire: +30%
Earth: +10%
Wind: +0%
Thunder: +0%
Water: -40%
Ice: -40%
Light: -40%
Dark: +20%

Charr was once a daydreaming boy, until he one day stumbled across fate's hand, in the form of a real Pyromancer. Charr, then named Jack, pleaded to the man to teach him, until the man agreed. Jack trained hard and long, but eventually disappointed his trainer with his intense skill (for it was too much). The trainer struck out at Charr, leaving him mortally wounded. Jack was picked up by an acolyte of the underworld, who revived him, albeit stronger, more determined, and one with his fiery abilities. Jack, now Charr, became a greedy pyromancer. He heard of the Dark Dawn cult through the local grapevine, and set out to take it down, for the purpose of furthering his own dark powers.


<< Agreed. Let's go back. >>
Charr studied his new sword, noting the material, shape and the like. He decided he would try to keep it clean, there was something about the way it shined; which it would not when stained with blood.

Yay for filler text. Also, are my values all correct?
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Re: [RPG] A Dark Dawn [Game Thread]

Post by Shade »

Gold: 369
------- ~ Party ~ -------------------------------------------------------
HP: 36/36 | Foc: 23/23 | Cover | Kreon, Lv2 (Cimeries)
HP: 43/43 | MP: 02/11 | Front | Ealsir, Lv2 (pf2)
HP: 15/22 | MP: 08/35 | Front | Charr, Lv2 (AoD)
HP: 15/15 | MP: 44/44 | Front | Erik, Lv2 (aleco)
HP: 36/36 | MP: 14/14 | Front | Ander, Lv1 (Sprite)
HP: 20/20 | MP: 30/30 | Cover | Yarro, Lv1 (Iron)
Spoiler: Kreon, Ealsir, Charr & Erik
@AoD: Yep, they're all fine.

Items bought:
- a Steel Sword (250 gold)

Items sold:
- a Trench Knife (40 gold)
- a Simple Bow (75 gold)

You head back into the basement. The candles' light does now have an even stronger purple tone than before, almost hurting your eyes, and you can hear the faint chanting now even at the entrance already. Whatever's going on, there isn't much time left if you want to interfere!

(Just a reminder: down the stairs is a hallway that leads to a crossing. The right path leads to a giant locked door, the left path leads to a torture chamber and to the prison, and the path straight forward is still unexplored.
Spoiler: Ander & Yarro
You eventually climb down the ladder, ending up in something that appears to be a storage chamber; or at least that's what you assume it to be, judging from all the barrels, crates and chests in it. However, the chest all appear to be locked, and all of the containers seem to be very durable - looks like you won't get to see what's inside them. However, considering the barrels smell foul when you get close to them, you don't really want to know what's inside them anyway.
To the opposite side of the ladder, there appears to be a wooden door to an adjacent room. The closer you get to the door, the better you can tell what has been causing the noise you heard - it's actually some weird, dark chant. However, you still don't understand what exactly is being chanted.
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Post by aleco614 »

Erik, Lvl 2 (Healer,Human) (Cover)
HP: 15/15
MP: 44/44
XP: 2170/3000
AP: 0
16 Atk|85 Hit|05 Crt
06 Def|12 Res|16 Avd

Weapon- Lumberjack's Axe (12 Atk, 65 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor- Blessed Robe (0 Def, 4 Res, 10 Avd)

Inventory and Status:

Items 5/7
-Blue Potions:
Potion 1- Restores 11 MP when used.
Potion 2- Restores 50 MP when used.
-Hatchet [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Spikes (2)[6 Atk, 75 Hit, 12 Crt], can only be thrown.
-Hammer [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Knife [3 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt], can be thrown.
-Iron Mace (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
-Heal Aura(12 MP): Murmurs a chant, and then uses the spell. Heals 2/3 of one allies hp.
-Barrier(5 MP): When it's used on someone(including Erik), the next 2 attacks to that person will deal 25% less damage.
-Empower(5 MP): When it's used on someone(including Erik), the next 2 attacks of that person will do 25% more damage.
~Shining Ray: Deals MAGx2 light damage. (75 AP-Need 75 AP more)
-Healers Gift: Restores all of Eriks MP when not in combat.
STR: 4
MAG: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 3
DEF: 6
RES: 8
VIT: 4
MEN: 8
Fire: 0%
Water: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Thunder: 0%
Ice: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%
Erik could tell that the chant was definitely not a good one. "We should hurry in." Erik headed down the unexplored path.
Playing brawl. Not too well, unforunately.
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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Ealsir, Lv1 (Berserker, Human) (Front)
HP: 43/43
MP: 2/11
XP: 2325/3000
AP: 235
19 Atk | 98 Hit | 4 Crt
10 Def | 7 Res | 28 Avd
Weapon: Longsword (9 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Leather Armor (3 Def, 1 Res, 10 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Items
Items (5/7):
- Harmonica
- Bottle of unknown liquid
- Knife [3 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt],
- Knife "
- Knife "
>Gold: 279
- Small healing (3 MP): Heals an ally or Ealsir 8 HP. -35 AP
- Berserk: [6/7 T] Ealsir can try to hit an enemy three times or two to three enemies. Has a seven turn wait period where it cannot be used. -130 AP
~N/A: Eats peoples brains! Cannot be used under any circumstances. Super-effective on GMs. (:mrgreen:) -9999 AP~
STR: 10
MAG: 4
SKL: 9
AGI: 9
DEF: 7
RES: 6
VIT: 5
MEN: 3

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Thunder: 0%:
Water: 0%
Ice: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%
"I was going to suggest going straight."
Ealsir follows Erik.
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Post by Sprite »

Ander, level 1, Martial Artist, Auramancer (Front)

36/36 HP
14/14 Aura
0000/1000 EXP
20 AP
Atk 13 Hit 106 | Crt 11
Def 1 | Res 1 | Avd 26
Weapon: Bandaged fists (0 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt)
Armour: Leather tunic (1 Def, 1 Res, 0 Avd)
Spoiler: Items, Stats, Skills
Items: [2/7]
- 10 Plasters (Recovers 1-2 health)
- 1 Revival Potion (Recovers all health)
>Gold: 250

- Shockwave(5 MP): Ander calls apon a force of Aura which attacks all enemys, deals ([strength/2]+lvl) damage.(Area)
- Aura Arrow(10 MP): High precission blast of Aura with high defence penertration.[-2 of enemy defence] Usable from range. Deals ([AtkX2]x[lvlx0.5]damage.(Single)

- Meditation: Regenerates Aura when not in battle.
- Aura Leech: Regenerates Aura by half of the damage obtained from magic damage.

STR: 13
MAG: 0
SKL: 13
AGI: 13
RES: 0
VIT: 4
MEN: 7
DEF: 0

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Thunder: 0%
Water: 0%
Ice: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%

Ander was always special, ever since he was born the heavans looked after him, as he had no parents only a humble orphanage. As he grew more blessings were bestowed upon him. He was happy and content. Then one a night an old man came to him in a dream, summoning him. Waking up he strayed over to the window to glance at the sky. However he spotted something, the Old Man. Standing like a statue by the gates. Ander quickly put on his day clothes and shoes. Jumping the staircases he quickly ran outside to meet the man. As Ander approached, the man smiled and asked Ander to accompany him for he was a special boy. Ander agreed and the next day he left with the man. 4 years they traveled the World. The man, who was reavealed as Legasus(The Hero), taught him well. He could use a sword, a bow and every other weapin you could think of to utmost perfection. But then the fatal day happened. When the Dark Dawn had defeated all, the heavens gave up and they were ambushed. Legasus was no match and he fell to the mace him opponant wielded. As Ander watched him fall a fire wass ignited inside him, a final blessing from the gods. Aura. Using his new found powers he struck down the attackers with his fists until they lay about him, dead. With a single galance behind him at his old master, he walked. Because although his master was dead, his voice continued to guide Ander. A single word echoed after his death...Vengeance.

[spoiler="Storage"]Stuff for later:
- Aura: Adds 10% of Atk to Atk.(Rounded)

"Do you here that, that noise we heard. It's a chant. And its familiar. Ive heard it before but my mind will not allow me access to that memory. We shouldn't go in yet, it sounds as though a great number of people are chanting and they don't sound friendly."
Big fish, little fish, cardboard box.
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Agent of Dread
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Post by Agent of Dread »

Charr, Lv2 (Reanimate Pyromancer)
Elf Human Enigmi
HP: 15/22
MP: 08/35
XP: 1900/3000
AP: 100
14 Atk | 105 Hit | 05 Crt
07 Def | 01 Res | 25 Avd
Weapon: Steel Sword (08 Atk | 85 Hit | 00 Crt)
Armour: Plates : (02 Def | 00 Res | 00 Avd)
Scarves, robes, bandannas : (01 Def | 01 Res | 05 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items [2/7]:
-Pyro Orb (+02 Atk)
-Spiked Gauntlets (04 Atk | 90 Hit | 05 Crt)
-Red Tea (Heals 15 HP)
-Blue Potion (Heals 50 MP)
-Plated Gauntlets (02 Atk | 100 Hit | 00 Crt)
-Torrent: Charr plants his hands into the ground and summons a massive wave of lava which hits Enemy Front 3 turns after summoning, and Cover 4 turns. Charr is unable to act again until the wave hits Front. 25 Atk, unmissable. (15 MP, 2 HP)
-Dual Fireball: Charr throws two fireballs, each dealing (10 Atk, unmissable) to the enemy. (5 MP)
-Gauntlet Hold: Charr can use Orbs while wielding Gauntlets, and the Atk stacks.
-Rejuvenate: If Charr wields his Pyro Orb when he uses a fire type skill, he can pay 1HP to regain half of the MP he used to cast it, rounded down.
-Weakness to Strength: If Charr is hit by an elemental attack he is weak to, he gains MP equal to the amount of damage done by the attack. 50 AP
STR: 06
MAG: 14
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
DEF: 04
RES: 00
VIT: 04
MEN: 05

Fire: +30%
Earth: +10%
Wind: +0%
Thunder: +0%
Water: -40%
Ice: -40%
Light: -40%
Dark: +20%

Charr was once a daydreaming boy, until he one day stumbled across fate's hand, in the form of a real Pyromancer. Charr, then named Jack, pleaded to the man to teach him, until the man agreed. Jack trained hard and long, but eventually disappointed his trainer with his intense skill (for it was too much). The trainer struck out at Charr, leaving him mortally wounded. Jack was picked up by an acolyte of the underworld, who revived him, albeit stronger, more determined, and one with his fiery abilities. Jack, now Charr, became a greedy pyromancer. He heard of the Dark Dawn cult through the local grapevine, and set out to take it down, for the purpose of furthering his own dark powers.


<< Yes, forward seems a good idea. I don't expect us to find the key somewhere we can't get without getting there first, and as far as we know, the way there isn't to the left. We'll find it, if not the door to the prisoners, forward-bound. >>
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Re: [RPG] A Dark Dawn [Game Thread]

Post by Shade »

Gold: 369
------- ~ Party ~ -------------------------------------------------------
HP: 36/36 | Foc: 23/23 | Cover | Kreon, Lv2 (Cimeries)
HP: 43/43 | MP: 02/11 | Front | Ealsir, Lv2 (pf2)
HP: 15/22 | MP: 08/35 | Front | Charr, Lv2 (AoD)
HP: 15/15 | MP: 44/44 | Front | Erik, Lv2 (aleco)
HP: 36/36 | MP: 14/14 | Front | Ander, Lv1 (Sprite)
HP: 20/20 | MP: 30/30 | Cover | Yarro, Lv1 (Iron)
Spoiler: Kreon, Ealsir, Charr & Erik
You head to the path you haven't taken yet, the path straight forward. The further you go, the more clearly you can hear the chant - in fact, you can hear it so well now that it feels as if the people chanting were right next to you.
After a short while, you arrive at the end of the hallway. There's a giant statue standing a very short distance away from the entrance, hiding you from the sight of anyone inside the room, but still allowing you to barge in anytime. Cautiously checking your surroundings while staying hidden behind the statue, you can make out that this is a very large, circular room with various statues like the one you're hiding behind standing near the walls. There are two other exits to the left of the entrance, two to the right and a small hallway right at the opposite site of the room - where at least a dozen of Dark Dawn members are standing and chanting. In fact, they're surrounding an altar with a girl lying on it. A girl that you recognize - it's the darkblue-haired girl that was locked into the cell before! She seems to be awake this time, but she doesn't move, probably due to being chained to the blood-stained altar, and just stares at the ceiling with an empty expression on her face. Also noteworthy is that there are large purple flames flying in a circle about a meter above the girl - they're probably being controlled by the master cultist, who appears to be a bit taller than the others and wears a dark gray robe instead of a black one. All of the cultists have their eyes closed while chanting and seem to be very focussed.
Also, you can finally understand what they're chanting. They're repeatedly saying:
"...tsegöm nekcülgeb thcaM nehcilttög renied tim rhem lamnie snu dnu nehetsrefua uD ssad fuA ...rad knehcseG enediehcseb seseid riw nehcier ,tleW eseid rebü rehcsrreH negißämthcer med ,ttoG nelknud med ,riD..."
However, whatever language this is in, it's one that you don't know.

Whoever finds out what they're saying gets a free cookie. :P
Spoiler: Ander & Yarro
Going on once you do something.
Last edited by Shade on Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lumpkin (Dedicated member)
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Post by aleco614 »

I can't figure out the chant.
Erik, Lvl 2 (Healer,Human) (Cover)
HP: 15/15
MP: 44/44
XP: 2170/3000
AP: 0
16 Atk|85 Hit|05 Crt
06 Def|12 Res|16 Avd

Weapon- Lumberjack's Axe (12 Atk, 65 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor- Blessed Robe (0 Def, 4 Res, 10 Avd)

Inventory and Status:

Items 5/7
-Blue Potions:
Potion 1- Restores 11 MP when used.
Potion 2- Restores 50 MP when used.
-Hatchet [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Spikes (2)[6 Atk, 75 Hit, 12 Crt], can only be thrown.
-Hammer [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Knife [3 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt], can be thrown.
-Iron Mace (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
-Heal Aura(12 MP): Murmurs a chant, and then uses the spell. Heals 2/3 of one allies hp.
-Barrier(5 MP): When it's used on someone(including Erik), the next 2 attacks to that person will deal 25% less damage.
-Empower(5 MP): When it's used on someone(including Erik), the next 2 attacks of that person will do 25% more damage.
~Shining Ray: Deals MAGx2 light damage. (75 AP-Need 75 AP more)
-Healers Gift: Restores all of Eriks MP when not in combat.
STR: 4
MAG: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 3
DEF: 6
RES: 8
VIT: 4
MEN: 8
Fire: 0%
Water: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Thunder: 0%
Ice: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%
Erik spoke very quietly, so that the cultists wouldn't be able to hear. "I don't think that we can survive a fight with all of them... what should we do?" Erik considered their situation.
Playing brawl. Not too well, unforunately.
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Post by penguinflyer2222 »

Ealsir, Lv1 (Berserker, Human) (Front)
HP: 43/43
MP: 2/11
XP: 2325/3000
AP: 235
19 Atk | 98 Hit | 4 Crt
10 Def | 7 Res | 28 Avd
Weapon: Longsword (9 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Leather Armor (3 Def, 1 Res, 10 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Items
Items (5/7):
- Harmonica
- Bottle of unknown liquid
- Knife [3 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt],
- Knife "
- Knife "
>Gold: 279
- Small healing (3 MP): Heals an ally or Ealsir 8 HP. -35 AP
- Berserk: [6/7 T] Ealsir can try to hit an enemy three times or two to three enemies. Has a seven turn wait period where it cannot be used. -130 AP
~N/A: Eats peoples brains! Cannot be used under any circumstances. Super-effective on GMs. (:mrgreen:) -9999 AP~
STR: 10
MAG: 4
SKL: 9
AGI: 9
DEF: 7
RES: 6
VIT: 5
MEN: 3

Fire: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Thunder: 0%:
Water: 0%
Ice: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%
"I don't know.."
Ealsir whispers back to Erik.
I think I figured out the chant.. somewhat. I can haz Google Translate por favor?
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Lumpkin (Dedicated member)
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Post by aleco614 »

Erik, Lvl 2 (Healer,Human) (Cover)
HP: 15/15
MP: 44/44
XP: 2170/3000
AP: 0
16 Atk|85 Hit|05 Crt
06 Def|12 Res|16 Avd

Weapon- Lumberjack's Axe (12 Atk, 65 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor- Blessed Robe (0 Def, 4 Res, 10 Avd)

Inventory and Status:

Items 5/7
-Blue Potions:
Potion 1- Restores 11 MP when used.
Potion 2- Restores 50 MP when used.
-Hatchet [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Spikes (2)[6 Atk, 75 Hit, 12 Crt], can only be thrown.
-Hammer [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Knife [3 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt], can be thrown.
-Iron Mace (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
-Heal Aura(12 MP): Murmurs a chant, and then uses the spell. Heals 2/3 of one allies hp.
-Barrier(5 MP): When it's used on someone(including Erik), the next 2 attacks to that person will deal 25% less damage.
-Empower(5 MP): When it's used on someone(including Erik), the next 2 attacks of that person will do 25% more damage.
~Shining Ray: Deals MAGx2 light damage. (75 AP-Need 75 AP more)
-Healers Gift: Restores all of Eriks MP when not in combat.
STR: 4
MAG: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 3
DEF: 6
RES: 8
VIT: 4
MEN: 8
Fire: 0%
Water: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Thunder: 0%
Ice: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%
"Maybe... This probably wouldn't work, but we might be able to get them to run if we kill the leader." Erik didn't wan't to get stuck in a fight against 12 cultists.
Playing brawl. Not too well, unforunately.
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Post by Cimeries »

Kreon, Lv2 Human Hunter (Cover)
HP: 36/36
Focus: 23/23
XP: 2496/3000
AP: --
20 Atk | 116 Hit | 10 Crt
06 Def | 03 Res | 43/62 Avd
Weapon: Long Bow 6 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt
Quiver: [38] Iron Arrows (4 Atk, 0 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Ranger Garb (2 Def, 1 Res, 15 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Inventory [7/7]:
- 3 Bandages (Recovers 4 to 12 HP)
- 3 Bottles of poison (unknown)
- Balanced Saber (7 Atk, 83 Hit, 4 Crt)
- 50 Iron Arrows (4 Atk, 0 Hit, 0 Crt)

- Repeater (2 Focus): Shoots additional arrows at the same target in the same turn. Every arrow after the first repeater arrow costs one Focus more than the previous one. Limited to 5 shots. (110 AP)
- Haste (6 Focus): Selected party member is hasted for his next 2 turns, allowing him to perform twice as many tasks as he normally could for the effect's duration. (90 AP)

- Bow Mastery: A bonus of (1 Atk, 10 Hit, 4 Crt) is bestowed when wielding a bow. (50 AP)
- Blink: Every unspent point of Focus raises Avd by 1. (100 AP)
- Adrenaline: Passively recovers 2 points of Focus if not damaged that turn. (50 AP)

STR: 9
MAG: 0
SKL: 13
AGI: 14
DEF: 3
RES: 2
VIT: 8
MEN: 4

Fir: 00 | Ert: 00 | Wnd: 00 | Thu: 00 | Wat: 00 | Ice: 00 | Lgt: 00 | Drk: 00
"I may have an idea, listen." Kreon whispers, "I think I could take out the gray one in a single swipe if I have time to prepare. Then we'll probably have to run. Erik and Ealsir can carry the girl with me and Charr close behind firing at the enemy from a distance. Of course, there's the problem of getting into the middle of the room and back out with the girl. My hasting spell might help with that. Also, we'd have to get rid of the chains. Charr, do you think you can melt them?"
Dubious plans I fetch out of my ass FTW!
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Lumpkin (Dedicated member)
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Post by aleco614 »

Erik, Lvl 2 (Healer,Human) (Cover)
HP: 15/15
MP: 44/44
XP: 2170/3000
AP: 0
16 Atk|85 Hit|05 Crt
06 Def|12 Res|16 Avd

Weapon- Lumberjack's Axe (12 Atk, 65 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor- Blessed Robe (0 Def, 4 Res, 10 Avd)

Inventory and Status:

Items 5/7
-Blue Potions:
Potion 1- Restores 11 MP when used.
Potion 2- Restores 50 MP when used.
-Hatchet [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Spikes (2)[6 Atk, 75 Hit, 12 Crt], can only be thrown.
-Hammer [6 Atk, 60 Hit, 0 Crt]
-Knife [3 Atk, 80 Hit, 5 Crt], can be thrown.
-Iron Mace (7 Atk, 85 Hit, 0 Crt)
-Heal Aura(12 MP): Murmurs a chant, and then uses the spell. Heals 2/3 of one allies hp.
-Barrier(5 MP): When it's used on someone(including Erik), the next 2 attacks to that person will deal 25% less damage.
-Empower(5 MP): When it's used on someone(including Erik), the next 2 attacks of that person will do 25% more damage.
~Shining Ray: Deals MAGx2 light damage. (75 AP-Need 75 AP more)
-Healers Gift: Restores all of Eriks MP when not in combat.
STR: 4
MAG: 10
SKL: 10
AGI: 3
DEF: 6
RES: 8
VIT: 4
MEN: 8
Fire: 0%
Water: 0%
Earth: 0%
Wind: 0%
Thunder: 0%
Ice: 0%
Light: 0%
Dark: 0%
Erik continued to whisper. "Kreon, you probably couldn't kill him with one arrow. If you shot a whole ton in a row, you could probably kill him, I guess, but they'd follow. I wouldn't be able to heal any of you fast enough if they all went after one of us. And one of them might be able to take over. Still, If it's the the the only plan we have, I guess we should try it. Erik looked over to Charr, waiting for his response
Playing brawl. Not too well, unforunately.
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Agent of Dread
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Post by Agent of Dread »

Charr, Lv2 (Reanimate Pyromancer)
Elf Human Enigmi
HP: 15/22
MP: 08/35
XP: 1900/3000
AP: 100
14 Atk | 105 Hit | 05 Crt
07 Def | 01 Res | 25 Avd
Weapon: Steel Sword (08 Atk | 85 Hit | 00 Crt)
Armour: Plates : (02 Def | 00 Res | 00 Avd)
Scarves, robes, bandannas : (01 Def | 01 Res | 05 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory and Status
Items [2/7]:
-Pyro Orb (+02 Atk)
-Spiked Gauntlets (04 Atk | 90 Hit | 05 Crt)
-Red Tea (Heals 15 HP)
-Blue Potion (Heals 50 MP)
-Plated Gauntlets (02 Atk | 100 Hit | 00 Crt)
-Torrent: Charr plants his hands into the ground and summons a massive wave of lava which hits Enemy Front 3 turns after summoning, and Cover 4 turns. Charr is unable to act again until the wave hits Front. 25 Atk, unmissable. (15 MP, 2 HP)
-Dual Fireball: Charr throws two fireballs, each dealing (10 Atk, unmissable) to the enemy. (5 MP)
-Gauntlet Hold: Charr can use Orbs while wielding Gauntlets, and the Atk stacks.
-Rejuvenate: If Charr wields his Pyro Orb when he uses a fire type skill, he can pay 1HP to regain half of the MP he used to cast it, rounded down.
-Weakness to Strength: If Charr is hit by an elemental attack he is weak to, he gains MP equal to the amount of damage done by the attack. 50 AP
STR: 06
MAG: 14
SKL: 10
AGI: 10
DEF: 04
RES: 00
VIT: 04
MEN: 05

Fire: +30%
Earth: +10%
Wind: +0%
Thunder: +0%
Water: -40%
Ice: -40%
Light: -40%
Dark: +20%

Charr was once a daydreaming boy, until he one day stumbled across fate's hand, in the form of a real Pyromancer. Charr, then named Jack, pleaded to the man to teach him, until the man agreed. Jack trained hard and long, but eventually disappointed his trainer with his intense skill (for it was too much). The trainer struck out at Charr, leaving him mortally wounded. Jack was picked up by an acolyte of the underworld, who revived him, albeit stronger, more determined, and one with his fiery abilities. Jack, now Charr, became a greedy pyromancer. He heard of the Dark Dawn cult through the local grapevine, and set out to take it down, for the purpose of furthering his own dark powers.


Charr considered the plan, using his personality to alleviate any stress that may have come up. << Sounds like a great idea to me. I'm all for something rashly dangerous that could get us all killed, if only because it sounds fun. It has logic, too, so if there's no serious problems, it should go smoothly. >>
Charr stopped for a moment. << I have an extra idea too. I can use a Torrent to drench those guys, but we'll have to use good timing to take out the head cultist while everyone else is hurt. It should make it a fair bit easier to get in and out. >>
- Linktree: linktr.ee/trilbs -
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Post by Cimeries »

Kreon, Lv2 Human Hunter (Cover)
HP: 36/36
Focus: 23/23
XP: 2496/3000
AP: --
20 Atk | 116 Hit | 10 Crt
06 Def | 03 Res | 43/62 Avd
Weapon: Long Bow 6 Atk, 80 Hit, 0 Crt
Quiver: [38] Iron Arrows (4 Atk, 0 Hit, 0 Crt)
Armor: Ranger Garb (2 Def, 1 Res, 15 Avd)
Spoiler: Inventory & Status
Inventory [7/7]:
- 2 Bandages (Recovers 4 to 12 HP)
- 3 Bottles of poison (unknown)
- Balanced Saber (7 Atk, 83 Hit, 4 Crt)
- 50 Iron Arrows (4 Atk, 0 Hit, 0 Crt)

- Repeater (2 Focus): Shoots additional arrows at the same target in the same turn. Every arrow after the first repeater arrow costs one Focus more than the previous one. Limited to 5 shots. (110 AP)
- Haste (6 Focus): Selected party member is hasted for his next 2 turns, allowing him to perform twice as many tasks as he normally could for the effect's duration. (90 AP)

- Bow Mastery: A bonus of (1 Atk, 10 Hit, 4 Crt) is bestowed when wielding a bow. (50 AP)
- Blink: Every unspent point of Focus raises Avd by 1. (100 AP)
- Adrenaline: Passively recovers 2 points of Focus if not damaged that turn. (50 AP)

STR: 9
MAG: 0
SKL: 13
AGI: 14
DEF: 3
RES: 2
VIT: 8
MEN: 4

Fir: 00 | Ert: 00 | Wnd: 00 | Thu: 00 | Wat: 00 | Ice: 00 | Lgt: 00 | Drk: 00
"A fine idea. If we both use our abilities at the same time for the first strike, not only will their leader surely fall, the others will be surprised and injured, providing additional cover for Erik and Ealsir. Just make sure to conserve some energy for the run so that both of us can fire at them in stride."
Kreon wonders if he should have kept his old bow to lend out on such an occasion.
"If no one has any objections then we should hurry and begin our plan. Get yourselves ready. Charr, you look like you could use some healing." Kreon offers him one of his bandages.
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