New binary for SVN users (#45)

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Post by Shade »

Tried it, with revision #590, if I'm not mistaken.

This binary basically just made everything even worse for me... The menu lags horribly and has graphical errors (every menu button has a big, bright red diagonal line over it), stuff takes almost a minute to load and in-game, everything is just as black as always - however, the particles now look glitched as well (same red line over them, but transparent, just like the particles themselves), and the game runs at barely 10 FPS.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

Those so-called "graphical errors" are the proof that you are not even loading the textures into memory. (I am guessing that they are some form or red and turquoise?)

This texture will not appear unless SDL_image, (or SDL, if you turn off SDL_image) refuses to load the texture or of the texture has been released or deleted inside the program.

The timing issues may or may not be related to the high precision timer. In the log.txt, what does it say for the high precision timer frequency?
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Post by Poop Loops »

Zefz wrote:- Torches can be hard to light with braziers, you may have to stand on the brazier to get the flame to touch properly.
Still can't seem to do it. I stand on the brazier, drop the torch on top of the brazier, below it, next to it, swing it anywhere I can, etc...
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Post by bgbirdsey »

The very bottom of the torch (the area that is next to the shadow when it is on the ground) has to touch the flame in the brazier.
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Post by Hiroy »

Moving my questions here from the "Favorite Enemy" topic.
Mine just crashes before it boots. I hear some music, not nothing much after that.

Windows error report says it's offset is 08cdfe29.



Code: Select all

Starting Egoboo 2.7.3b ...
INFO: Initializing high-performance counter...
INFO: Frequency is -1501467296 hz
INFO: Initializing clock services...
INFO: Initializing filesystem services...
INFO: Game directories are:
	Game: C:\Egoboo\New Folder
	Temp: C:\DOCUME~1\Hiroy\LOCALS~1\Temp\
	Save: C:\Documents and Settings\Hiroy\My Documents\egoboo\
	Import: C:\DOCUME~1\Hiroy\LOCALS~1\Temp\import\
INFO: Initializing SDL_Image version 1.2.7... Success!
INFO: Initializing SDL version 1.2.13... Success!
INFO: Intializing SDL Video... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Timing Services... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Event Threading... Succeess!
WARN: Screen depth is not 32! This can cause the game to crash upon startup. See setup.txt
INFO: Opening SDL Video Mode... Success!
	SDL_GL_RED_SIZE     == 8
	SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE   == 24  (z-buffer depth)
INFO: Intializing SDL Joystick... Succeess!
INFO: net_initialize: Networking not enabled.
INFO: Intializing SDL Audio... Succeess!
INFO: Initializing SDL_mixer audio services version 1.2.8... Success!
INFO: Initializing module linking... Success!

Last edited by Hiroy on Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shade »

bgbirdsey wrote:Those so-called "graphical errors" are the proof that you are not even loading the textures into memory. (I am guessing that they are some form or red and turquoise?)
Yep, those lines are of a bright red colour.
bgbirdsey wrote:The timing issues may or may not be related to the high precision timer. In the log.txt, what does it say for the high precision timer frequency?
Oh, right, the log. Sorry 'bout that, here it is:

Code: Select all

Starting Egoboo 2.7.3b ...
INFO: Initializing high-performance counter...
INFO: Frequency is 3579545 hz
INFO: Initializing clock services...
INFO: Initializing filesystem services...
INFO: Game directories are:
	Game: D:\Programme\Egoboo 2.6.x (SVN)
	Temp: C:\DOKUME~1\Robert\LOKALE~1\Temp\
	Save: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Robert\Eigene Dateien\egoboo\
	Import: C:\DOKUME~1\Robert\LOKALE~1\Temp\import\
INFO: Initializing SDL_Image version 1.2.7... Success!
INFO: Initializing SDL version 1.2.13... Success!
INFO: Intializing SDL Timing Services... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Event Threading... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Video... Succeess!
INFO: Opening SDL Video Mode... Success!
INFO: Intializing SDL Joystick... Succeess!
INFO: net_initialize: Networking not enabled.
INFO: Initializing the SDL_ttf font handler... Success!
INFO: Intializing SDL Audio... Succeess!
INFO: Initializing SDL_mixer audio services version 1.2.8... Success!
INFO: Initializing module linking... Success!
INFO: Loading module "advent.mod"
DEBUG: I am missing a AI script (modules\advent.mod\objects\platform.obj\script.txt)
       Using the default AI script instead (basicdat\script.txt)
DEBUG: I am missing a AI script (modules\advent.mod\objects\shaft.obj\script.txt)
       Using the default AI script instead (basicdat\script.txt)
INFO: net_initialize: Networking not enabled.
WARN: game_update_imports() - cannot find exported file for "Plunk" ("plunk.obj") 
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Post by bgbirdsey »


try [COLOR_DEPTH] : "32" in setup.txt

You said something about sound and crashing, but I assume it actually opens a window, since it claims success in setting the video mode?


It looks like you high res timer is at the same speed as mine, so that is probably not the problem.

Can you look at stdout.txt and maybe post that?
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Post by Shade »

bgbirdsey wrote:Can you look at stdout.txt and maybe post that?
Sure. Here you are:

Code: Select all

INFO: Using Video Driver - windib
INFO: Detecting available full-screen video modes...
INFO: 	Video Mode - 1280 x 1024
INFO: 	Video Mode - 1280 x 768
INFO: 	Video Mode - 1152 x 864
INFO: 	Video Mode - 1024 x 768
INFO: 	Video Mode - 800 x 600
INFO: 	Video Mode - 640 x 480
INFO: SDL set video mode to the current parameters
INFO: SDL window parameters
INFO: 	width == 800, height == 600, depth == 32
INFO: SDL_GL_Attribtes
INFO: 	SDL_GL_RED_SIZE           == 8
INFO: 	SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE         == 8
INFO: 	SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE          == 8
INFO: 	SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE         == 8
INFO: 	SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE         == 32
INFO: 	SDL_GL_STEREO             == 0
I have no idea if that's how it's supposed to be or not.
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Post by Poop Loops »

What kind of video card are you using? My crude estimate tells me that SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL should be 1 (it's 1 for me), and that would mean you are using your video card. Since it's 0, I'd figure SDL uses software rendering instead, which is what is giving you 10FPS, since it's your processor doing everything instead of delegating graphics duties to the video card. I don't know about the "graphical errors", though. Maybe if SDL software rendering doesn't have the same capabilities as OpenGL, but I don't know. I can't seem to be able to find any image files for the menu bars in my Egoboo folder, so maybe it's just rendered in real time? That could be a reason why it's screwing up if software rendering doesn't have the power to do it.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

@ Clonkinator

hmmm.... this gives me something to chew on. These parameters show the actual configuration of OpenGL, and your windows driver. The fact that you can actually get some color onto your screen indicates that the problem is in the texture upload. I will put some more debugging info into the SVN for you and let's see how that goes. Give me a couple of days.

I am also going to put a switch in the startup.txt that will allow you to choose the milisecond-resolution timer offered by SDL. We can see if that improves your frame rate.

I can also, put in some code that checks every single OpenGL call to see what generates errors. However this complicates the sourcecode.


The SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL does not need to be set to 1. Setting this to 1, just guarantees that OpenGL will use graphics acceleration on your card. Setting it to 0 will do whatever your card provider chose for default.
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Post by Poop Loops »

bgbirdsey wrote:The very bottom of the torch (the area that is next to the shadow when it is on the ground) has to touch the flame in the brazier.
The bottom of the triangle-looking part, right? It doesn't count if I just throw it into the brazier, apparently. =/

Could you as a temp solution just remove or reduce the collision box of the brazier, so that you can walk in closer to the fire? I still can't get the thing to light, even when I'm standing right on top of the brazier.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

@ loops

you can definitely get it to light if you hit one of the flaming skulls with it. Demon fire will also light it. To actually fix this will take some doing, because I will have to calculate the *real* bounding box per frame. I've done it before for another version so I know how to do it, but the side-effects on other things may be too severe to make it a "small" patch.


@ Clonkinator

I have updates the svn with some changes that I outlined above. No capacity to use the SDL timer instead of the high-res windows timer
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Post by Poop Loops »


I don't now how much closer I can get to it... :( And sadly in that module the skulls have blue fire. Does that still work, actually?
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Post by bgbirdsey »

Not the middle of the torch, the bottom of the handle. Check out this image:


However, you must be using the latest SVN. The beta release version does not light the torch properly.
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Post by Poop Loops »

That's what I was trying at first. I could have sworn I threw it in the fire so that it made contact, but maybe I wasn't precise enough. Now, with the tweaked physics, it's easier to throw things backwards. I can get a running start, jump, face the opposite direction, and then drop the item. The result is that the item is going in the direction I was, but facing the opposite way. I'll try again tomorrow. Time for bed. I have my last final exam in my undergrad career tomorrow. :)