New binary for SVN users (#45)

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Post by Shade »

bgbirdsey wrote:
Clonkinator wrote: With SDL_Image set to FALSE, the title image isn't shown (there's no white square either though, there simply is nothing, it's black)
This is what is going to happen, since the only title image in the game is in .png format. So, if you turn off SDL_Image, you can't load it.
Yeah, I thought so.
bgbirdsey wrote:It is the same problem with the FATAL ERROR. Only a .png for the fonts.

There should be a workaround for this, like the possibility that .bmp is the least preferred format, so that there can be default .bmp and a preferred .png or .jpg...

You could copy an old version of the fonts.bmp into your /basicdat folder to get around this temporarily.
Alright, I'll try it.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

I think I fixed this problem.

Also made some tweaks to (hopefully) remove a longstanding bug with SDL_mixer crashing the program if you disable it.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

I guess the problem is fixed?

Anyway, I'm going to make the input menu control work for all of the devices including joysticks.

Then I'm going to backport the multiple character selection and menu configuration from the trunk so that hotseat will work.
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Post by Shade »

bgbirdsey wrote:I guess the problem is fixed?
Ah, no, I'm afraid it isn't, I just forgot to post about it.

With SDL_Image disabled and font.png converted to font.bmp (I couldn't find an original version of it), I get... ...this.


It didn't crash, but you don't expect me to play like that, right? As a side note, this is supposed to be the ice palace.

Code: Select all

Starting Egoboo 2.7.0c...
INFO: Initializing high-performance counter...
INFO: Frequency is 3579545 hz
INFO: Initializing clock services...
INFO: Initializing filesystem services...
INFO: Game directories are:
	Game: D:\Programme\Egoboo 2.6.x (SVN)
	Temp: C:\DOKUME~1\Robert\LOKALE~1\Temp\
	Save: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Robert\Eigene Dateien\egoboo\
	Import: C:\DOKUME~1\Robert\LOKALE~1\Temp\import\
INFO: Initializing SDL_Image 1.2.6... Success!
INFO: net_initialize: Networking not enabled.
INFO: Initializing SDL_mixer audio services... Success!
INFO: Initializing module linking... Success!
SCRIPT ERROR: modules\palice.mod\objects\rustmaggot.obj\script.txt - SetTargetToNearestLifeForm undefined
INFO: memory_cleanUp() - Attempting to clean up loaded things in memory... Succeeded!
INFO: Exiting Egoboo 2.7.0c the good way...
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Post by bgbirdsey »

There have been 2 updates since then, but I'm pretty sure it won't fix the in-game display.

I'll have a look in my computer.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

Made another update (now at revision 399)
- made some minor mods to the way that SDL initializes. may get some more detailed debug info if there is a problem
- made more mods to the way that textures are handled so that NOW, if a you have the SDL_IMAGE flag set to "FALSE" then invalid textures will display as white. I actually checked that this is running on my machine, so any problems on another machine are probably due to the graphics settings and NOT the loading or displaying of the textures
- fixed an error in the script handling, where a "break" command was missing odd of one of the cases
- moved the IDSZ definitions to egobootypedef.h
- fixed a long-standing problem where we had defined IDSZNONE and IDSZ_NONE with 2 different values, and so they were confused. This caused some problems with the module unlock system


What Zefz actually did to get your previous version running (if it ever did) was to take all of the graphics settings down to the absolute worst when SDL_IMAGE was set to FALSE. He did not actually disable the loading of that module or the use of it to load up textures.

From the example screenshot that you posted, it seems like your card is not supporting alpha blitting properly ( which is why you are getting white around the font ). This did not happen on my machine when I tested turned off SDL_IMAGE.

To duplicate Zefz patch from before, you need to set you texture filtering to NONE.

You will still not have the bitmap for the health bars, since that is a png-based image.

Try updating to the current svn version. There is a slight chance that I accidentally committed up a version that had a bug with the mesh display.
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Post by Shade »

Okay, updated to the newest revision and set texture filtering to NONE (SDL_Image is still set to FALSE). As a result, I get this:


Code: Select all

Starting Egoboo 2.7.0c...
INFO: Initializing high-performance counter...
INFO: Frequency is 3579545 hz
INFO: Initializing clock services...
INFO: Initializing filesystem services...
INFO: Game directories are:
	Game: D:\Programme\Egoboo 2.6.x (SVN)
	Temp: C:\DOKUME~1\Robert\LOKALE~1\Temp\
	Save: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Robert\Eigene Dateien\egoboo\
	Import: C:\DOKUME~1\Robert\LOKALE~1\Temp\import\
INFO: Initializing SDL_Image 1.2.6... Success!
INFO: net_initialize: Networking not enabled.
INFO: Initializing SDL_mixer audio services... Success!
INFO: Initializing module linking... Success!
SCRIPT ERROR: modules\palice.mod\objects\rustmaggot.obj\script.txt - SetTargetToNearestLifeForm undefined
INFO: memory_cleanUp() - Attempting to clean up loaded things in memory... Succeeded!
INFO: Exiting Egoboo 2.7.0c the good way...
Still Ice Palace, still pretty much the same as before, except for the font now showing up correctly. ...sigh. I'm sorry for all the trouble I'm causing.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

that cannot possibly be the latest svn, because it does not have the following in the log
INFO: Initializing SDL_Image version 1.2.6... Success!
INFO: Initializing SDL version 1.2.13... Success!
INFO: Intializing SDL Video... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Timing Services... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Event Threading... Succeess!
INFO: Opening SDL Video Mode... Success!
SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE == 24 (z-buffer depth)
INFO: Intializing SDL Joystick... Succeess!

INFO: net_initialize: Networking not enabled.
INFO: Intializing SDL Audio... Succeess!
INFO: Initializing SDL_mixer audio services version 1.2.8... Success!
INFO: Initializing module linking... Success!
That was changed several updates ago, so I think I will not be able to do anything for you until you update.
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Post by Shade »

Why do you think I'd lie to you? Revision #399 is the newest one, right?

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Post by bgbirdsey »

You need to build the new binary from the svn files.

You should see from your TortoiseSVN (or the SVN revision number, which you can make available in your directory listing) that the executable is not being updated.

Since I have a different build environment compared to zefz, I probably have different .dll dependencies and I do not want to spend a lot of time trying out different things to make my build system conform to his format.

It is *possible* for me to upload a new .exe, but it would be better for me to send you a .zip with the executible and the version of the .dlls that I am using.
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Post by Shade »

Oh, it's about the new binary... Sorry then.
Yeah, send me a .zip with your dlls and that stuff, that's fine. ._.
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Post by bgbirdsey »

well, I will have to know where to send it. send me a pm with an email address, or let me know if I should try to post it on the web.
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Post by penguinflyer5234 »

... Revision 400 is not working for me, Egoboo exits with code 0377

Code: Select all

Starting Egoboo 2.7.0b ...
INFO: Initializing Linux file system...
INFO: Initializing clock services...
INFO: Game directories are:
        Game: /usr/share/games/egoboo/
        Temp: /home/neptunium/.egoboo/temp/
        Save: /home/neptunium/.egoboo/players/
        Import: /home/neptunium/.egoboo/import/
INFO: Initializing SDL_Image version 1.2.6... Success!
INFO: Initializing SDL version 1.2.12... Success!
INFO: Intializing SDL Video... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Timing Services... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Event Threading... Succeess!
INFO: Opening SDL Video Mode... Failure!
FATAL ERROR: Unable to set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual
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Post by bgbirdsey »

I'm going to port a system into eogboo that will determine the SDL and OpenGL device caps and make sure that the video mode is valid before trying to set the SDL video mode.

I pretty sure that the [Z_DEPTH] tag is set to be too high. That was not previously implemented. Try values of 24, 16 or 8 in that field.
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Post by penguinflyer5234 »

Mmh... Bishopia crashes Egoboo. log.txt:

Code: Select all

Starting Egoboo 2.7.0b ...                                                
INFO: Initializing Linux file system...                                   
INFO: Initializing clock services...                                      
INFO: Game directories are:                                               
        Game: /usr/share/games/egoboo/                                    
        Temp: /home/neptunium/.egoboo/temp/                               
        Save: /home/neptunium/.egoboo/players/                            
        Import: /home/neptunium/.egoboo/import/
INFO: Initializing SDL_Image version 1.2.6... Success!
INFO: Initializing SDL version 1.2.12... Success!
INFO: Intializing SDL Video... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Timing Services... Succeess!
INFO: Intializing SDL Event Threading... Succeess!
INFO: Opening SDL Video Mode... Success!
        SDL_GL_RED_SIZE     == 8
        SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE   == 8
        SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE    == 8
        SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE   == 8
        SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE   == 24  (z-buffer depth)
INFO: Intializing SDL Joystick... Succeess!
INFO: net_initialize: Networking not enabled.
INFO: Intializing SDL Audio... Succeess!
INFO: Initializing SDL_mixer audio services version 1.2.8... Success!
INFO: Initializing module linking... Success!
WARN: Cannot load file! (basicdat/plan.bmp)
SCRIPT ERROR: run_operand() - model == 42, class name == "Sheep" - Unknown variable/operand found! (x3408)

Code: Select all

#0  0x08082ac2 in let_character_think ()
#1  0x08082d4e in let_ai_think ()
#2  0x08062030 in update_game ()
#3  0x08063951 in SDL_main ()
#4  0x08083c0e in main ()